勝海 一郎 山崎 孝子 都築 民幸 北村 和夫 石井 隆資 前田 宗宏 小倉 陽子 好士 連太郎 阿川 透久 宮里 尚幸 大島 克郎 大村 朋己 丸山 博吉 木津喜 美香 小山 征哉 遠藤 春江
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯科保存学会
日本歯科保存学雑誌 (ISSN:03872343)
vol.49, no.6, pp.846-853, 2006

On 6 types of Ni-Ti spreader (Roeko NiTi # 15; Roeko NiTi # 25; Roeko NiTi # 35; Roeko NiTi D11T; Brasseler Naviflex NT D11T; Brasseler Naviflex NT 4SP), dimensions were measured under digital microscope, and a load application test was performed in the axial direction of the spreader. The results were as follows: 1. In Roeko NiTi # 15, D<sub>3</sub> was 0.38 mm, D<sub>16</sub> was 0.61 mm, taper was 0.018, and tip angle was 28.9°. Similarly, the above values were 0.32 mm, 0.68 mm, 0.027, and 28.0° respectively in Roeko NiTi # 25. The values were 0.50 mm, 0.70 mm, 0.016, and 32.5° respectively in Roeko NiTi # 35, and the values were 0.37 mm, 0.88 mm, 0.039, and 10.6° respectively in Roeko NiTi D11T. The values were 0.27 mm, 0.77 mm, 0.038, and 29.9° respectively in Brasseler Naviflex NT D11T, and 0.30 mm, 1.06 mm, 0.059, and 35.9° respectively in Brasseler Naviflex NT 4SP. 2. When a load was applied in the axial direction of the spreader, the load was 0.56 kgf in case the portion of 16 mm in length from the tip in Roeko NiTi # 15 was bent at a stroke. When the portion of 5 mm in length from the tip was fixed and the portion of 11 mm in length from the tip was bent at a stroke, the load was 4.32 kgf. The above values were 1.13 kgf and 7.52 kgf respectively in Roeko NiTi # 25, 1.24 kgf and 8.58 kgf in Roeko NiTi # 35, 0.82 kgf and 10.28 kgf in Roeko NiTi D11T, 0.63 kgf and 7.27 kgf in Brasseler Naviflex NT D11t, and 1.02 kgf and 17.61 kgf in Brasseler Naviflex NT 4SP. 3. The Ni-Ti spreader has super-elasticity and is flexible. Thus, it is difficult to apply pressure on it in the axial direction, during lateral condensation. However, this study revealed that sudden bending may be avoided if at least the tip portion of 5 mm in length from the tip is inserted into the root canal.
大成 博文 前田 邦男 松尾 克美 山原 康嗣 渡辺 勝利 石川 並木
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
水工学論文集 (ISSN:09167374)
vol.46, pp.1163-1168, 2002-02-10 (Released:2010-06-04)
2 7

New techniques for oyster cultivation at Hiroshima bay are investigated using sea water micro-bubbles.The present results indicate some new aspects that the device of sea water micro-bubble generated about 51/min air discharge. under the water depth of 10-15m. By generating micro-bubbles, the salinity of sea water in the surface layer increased about 13% and the water temperature decreased about 2°C in the oyster farm in summer. Finally, the oysters which had been named “Waka” about thirty years ago were restored to the original state by using sea water micro-bubble technique.“Waka oyster” grew up rapidly for about a half year and had a rich constituent of glycogen.

1 0 0 0 OA 真宗学苑談叢

前田慧雲 著
vol.初編, 1891
井上 俊 竹内 康浩 竹内 寿和子 山田 信也 鈴木 秀吉 松下 敏夫 宮垣 仁実 前田 勝義 松本 忠雄
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.12, no.3, pp.73-84, 1970-03-20 (Released:2008-04-14)
1 2

In 1967 there occurred many polyneuropathy cases in household vinyl sandal manufacturers at F-disrict in Mie prefecture. In this district among 3, 210 people (788 families) most of them engaged in vinyl sandal manufacture (as of Oct, 1967). Ninety three patients suffering from polyneuropathy were found by our survey. Out of these 93 patients those suffering from sensory polyneuropathy were 53, from sensorimotor polyneuropathy 32 and from sensorimotor polyneuropathy with muscle atrophy 8 (cf. Tab. 1). The work conditions and the factors contributing to the intoxication's were investigated, and the method of prevention was suggested. The results are as follows. (1) The patients occurred in 1961 at first and the number of them increased rapidly from 1965 and showed a peak in 1967 (cf. Tab. 2). This increase was in parallel with the amount of adhesives containing "n-Hexane" used in this district (cf. Tab. 3, 4). Outbreak of many patients in winter and spring may due to poor ventilation in winter. (2) The causative substance was considered to be "n-Hexane". But "n-Hexane" on sale contains 2-methylpentane, 3-methylpentane, n-hexane, and methylcyclopentane, and the quantity of n-hexane in "n-Hexane" is about 60% (cf. Fig. 6). (3) The work conditions of the vinyl sandal manufacturers among whom many cases of "n-Hexane" intoxication occurred were as follows. 1) The work was primitive household manufacture and living rooms were used as the working place (cf. Fig. 1, 3). 2) As adhesives containing a large quantity of highly volatile "n-Hexane" were used in narrow rooms, the concentration of "n-Hexane" vapor became high and reached about 500-2500 ppm in the work room. The vapor concentrations were especially high in winter because of closed windows. (cf. Fig. 7, 8, 9). 3) Since the workers (subcontractors) were paid by the number of manufacturedgoods, their working period was unrestrictedly long and some worked for 14 hours per day (cf. Fig. 10). 4) The work intensity was high and some starched 3, 000 times per day. It seems that the more the times of starching, the heavier the degree of symptoms (cf. Fig. 11). 5) As the adhesives were used with hand brushes, the vapor concentrations were high at the site near the noses of the workers, so that they inhaled the organic solvent vapor at high concentrations. 6) As the organic solvents vapor ignite easily, the work rooms were not heated and they were working at quite low temperatures in winter (cf. Tab. 5). 7) The workers were not instructed as to the toxicity and the handling method of the organic solvents. 8) Usual health supervision was not performed at all. (4) The chief cause of the occurrence of intoxications was that a large amount of the organic solvents was used under very poor work conditions as above mentioned combined with neglected supervision. Moreover, that which gave impetus to the occurrence of the intoxication was that the easily drying adhesives containing a large quantity of "n-Hexane" were used in order to increase the number of the manufactured goods, because the pay per one of the goods was not increased for these several years in spite of the recent inflation. (5) As the urgent measure for the prevention, though instruction on the toxicity and the handling method of the organic solvents, improvement of the ventilation and the working methods, guidance by the health center and so on were made, these are only certain aspects of measures for the prevention. The danger of the intoxication may not be perfectly removed without the fundamental reform in the work conditions.
味藤 未冴来 川岸 卓司 水谷 孝一 善甫 啓一 若槻 尚斗 竹前 喜洋 西藤 岳彦

前田 真治 岡崎 健
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.19, no.4, pp.231-236, 1982-07-18

従来, 慢性関節リウマチ(RA)患者のsystemic index(Lansburyの方法)のgrip strengthを測定する際に成人用水銀血圧計の圧迫帯(cuff)のゴム袋を正確に2回折りたたんだ大きさ8.5×14.0cmのカフを用いて, あらかじめ20mmHgになるように脹らませたものを力一杯握りしめ左右の手で3回試み, その最高値平均をもって握力記載値としていたが, 日常外来診察時のような場合は, やや小さめの6.5×14.0cmのカフのような日本人の小さな手に合った大きさを用い, 測定間隔を30秒以上あけ, リウマチによる変化を認める手について左右を2回ずつ測定し, その左右各々の最高値, あるいは全体の最高値を測定値とするのが良いと思われた.
飛田 良 園田 悠馬 谷口 匡史 前川 昭次 越田 繁樹
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.45, no.2, pp.97-105, 2018 (Released:2018-04-20)

【目的】NICU におけるリハビリテーションスタッフによる介入(以下,リハ介入)の現状と課題について調査する。【方法】近畿圏内の周産期母子医療センター62 施設・各2 診療科(新生児科・リハ科)に対しアンケート調査を行った。【結果】全体回答率55.6% で,リハ実施率は新生児科74.4%,リハ科86.7% であった。多種多様な疾患を対象とし,介入内容はポジショニングが各々最多を占めた。非実施の理由として,新生児科は,対象患者がいない,自施設の役割ではない等の問題を挙げた一方で,リハ科は,専門性が高く人員・技術不足などの問題を挙げた。リハ介入の必要性がないと回答したのは新生児科で多かった(60% vs 25%)。【結論】NICU のリハ介入率は高く,近年の障害の重度化および多様化に対し相応の介入で対応していた。しかし,非実施施設では介入の必要性がない理由として,専門性が高い領域と認識されており,人材等の課題が明らかとなった。
冨田 雅之 前田 重孝 木村 高弘 池本 庸 大石 幸彦
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.48, no.4, pp.247-249, 2002-04

69歳男.血塗れで倒れているところを発見され,陰茎が切断され,左上肢も受傷していた.創部の応急処置を行い,患者の不穏が強いため,ハロペリドールを投与し,陰茎は低温保存した.左上肢は橈側浅指屈筋腱が断裂し,下腹部が著明に膨満,超音波で膀胱内に著明な尿貯留を認めた.尿閉に対し緊急に膀胱瘻を増設後,創部を処置した.自傷の可能性もあり,陰茎再吻合は困難と判断し,家族とも相談の上,断端形成術を施行した.創部の経過は良好で尿道の留置カテーテルは術後16日目に抜去した.自己陰茎切断症は極めて稀な疾患で,自験例を含め24例のみであるSelf-mutilation of the penis is extremely rare. A 69-year-old man was admitted after having amputated his own penis completely from its root. He had no history of psychiatric illness, but his physical condition on admission was abnormal. We performed urethrocutaneostomy, rather than replantation of the penis, because of the danger that he would reinjure himself. The patient was treated by a psychiatrist under a diagnosis of alcoholic dementia. To our knowledge, this is the 24th case of self-mutilation of the penis reported in the Japanese literature.
前田 典彦 Giseok Jeong 市川 裕介 岡田 謙一 松下 温
vol.1994, no.12, pp.57-64, 1994-01-27

我々は、相手が口にした言葉だけでなく、その時の様子や雰囲気などからも相手の本心を感じとることができる。今回こうした点に着目して、TV会議の実験環境MAJICを試作した。そのデザインコンセプトは、 )等身大の相手画像との自然一致 )複数地点からの映像を一枚の湾曲スクリーンに投影 )デスクトップの作業空間 であり、より自然で人間的なTV会議空間の構築を目標としている。本システムは3地点間を同時に結び、あたかも3人で机を囲んでいるような感覚を提供する。今回の報告ではシステムの実装方法と、その特徴について説明を行なう。MAJIC is an experimental environment for teleconferencing. The design concepts are: 1) supporting eye-contact with a projected image to obtain a life-sized presence. 2) projecting images on a curved large screen. 3) providing shared workspace on a table. In this paper, we describe features of our system and techniques for implementation.
堂前 友貴 関 洋平
情報処理学会論文誌データベース(TOD) (ISSN:18827799)
vol.7, no.3, pp.1-13, 2014-09-26

藤巻 峻 新保 彰大 松井 大 時 暁聴 神前 裕
The Japanese Psychonomic Society
基礎心理学研究 (ISSN:02877651)
vol.34, no.1, pp.78-90, 2015

In the previous article (Kosaki, Shi, Matsui, Shimbo, & Fujimaki, 2015) we reviewed studies regarding how animals represent temporal information in classical conditioning. In this article, we first review various issues pertaining to interval timing in operant conditioning, with the main goal of providing a concise summary of procedural and theoretical developments in interval timing research. In the remainder of the article, we will review recent empirical findings and theories about the neural substrates underlying timing mechanisms both in classical and operant conditioning, and discuss how the hippocampus and striatum might contribute to different aspects of temporal information processing during conditioning. We then argue that the potentially different timing mechanisms implemented by the hippocampus and the striatum, as evidenced by the recent discovery of time cells in the hippocampus and consistent findings regarding involvement of the striatum in interval timing, might each be considered to constitute a part of functionally dissociable multiple memory systems that have been described elsewhere in the literature, particularly in the context of spatial learning and the organisation of voluntary behaviour.
前田 満和
