3 0 0 0 OA 君が代 合唱

小山 善之 熊取 敏之 澁谷 敏三 新谷 和夫 福田 龍三 今村 幸雄 佐野 一郎 鴫谷 亮一 古屋 曉一 河野 實 日野 佳弘 渡邊 孝 武正 勇造 中村 なをゑ 小澤 義光 林 康之 平島 信子 早船 喬一 濱口 榮祐 木村 信良 神田 清 岡本 十二郎 濱田 政彦 大橋 成一 橋本 敬祐 小酒 井望 石井 暢 天木 一太 深澤 義明 貴船 トミ子 松村 義寛 中野 巖 種田 強一郎 林 義次 村田 貢
Japanese Society of National Medical Services
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.9, no.1, pp.5-45, 1955

This paper is an intermediate report of the clinical observations and various investigations made upon the 16 patients of the radiation sickness caused by BIKINI ashes on. 1st March 1934. The patients were admitted to the First Tokyo National Hospital on March 28th, and this report shall be for the period of the 5 months from March 28th to the end of August, 1964. Later, a thorough and complete report will be given, in which some amendments may be added to the present paper.<br>INTRODUCTION: At 3.50 a. m. on 1st March 1954, the 5th Lucky Dragon, a fishing boat, with a crew of twenty three on board, was located at about 100 miles east of BIKINI. The boat was under grey-white ash-fall for more than 5 hours. The crew was exposed to the ash-fall for 1.5 to 5 hours. The evening of that day they suffered from headache, anorexia, conjunctivitis and later nausea, vomiting, exhaustion and diarrehea, Several days later they suffered from itching, pain, rash, and erosion on the exposed skin areas. One week later two of the crew had hemorrhage of gingiva and some of the crew suffered from depilation. On March 19th, the boat returned to its base at Yaizu. On March 16th, the crew was admitted to the Kyoritsu Yaizu Hospital and on March 28th, 16 patients out of 23 were transfered to our hospital (the First Tokyo National Hospital).<br>On March 26th, Prof. Kimura's laboratory of Tokyo University made the analysis of the ashes taken from the 5th Lucky Dragon and found the following radioactive substances: Sr-89, Sr-90, Y-90, Y-91, Zr-96, Nb-95m, Nb-95, Ru-103, Ru-106, Te-129m, Te-129, Te-132, I-131, I-132, Ba-140, La-140, Ce-141, Ce-144, Pr-143, Pr-194, Nd-147, Pm-147, S-35, Ca-45, U-237, and Pu-239. The remaining radiation of the boat was investigated by Dr. Kakei et al. of March 17th and found it to be around 100mr/hr. Upon this data the total radiation was estimated at a count of 270 to 440γ. on the crew. In addition to the external exposure of such radiation, internal exposure, such as respiration of contaminated air, drinking of contaminated water and taking of contaminated food, shall be taken into consideration in the present cases. Radioactivity was found in the bile and urine taken from the patients.<br>GENERAL REMARKS: The 16 cases were strong young men but their body weight began to decrease from the middle of May and high or slight fever, anorexia, feeling of exhaustion, diarrhea and headache continued.<br>Skin and Hair: Irregular depilation, depigmentation, pigmentation with rain and itching, and erosion was observed. Some cases had folliculitis with pustules in April, while others recovered from erosions and at the end of May, regeneration of hair began. In July, hair condition was almost normal.<br>Blood and Bone-marrow: At the middle of April, the lowest peripheral leucocyte count was less than 2, 000. Two cases who had lower leucocyte count recovered earlier, i. e., their leucocytes increased to around 5, 000 at the middle of May. Meanu hile, the other cases had from 3, 033 to 4.000 count during the entire period. The former cases had also moderate anemia while the latter had only slight anemia. Blood platelet count of the former cases was less than 20, 000 and the recovery was slower than that of the leucocyte count. Reticulocyte count kept pace with that of leucocyte. In the former cases, myelocyte and other immature blood cells appeared temporarily in the circulated blood and eosinophile cells increased. The count of bone-marrow cells decreased remarkably (8, 000), i. e. panmyelophthisis, which later recovered slowly. In the latter cases, peripheral leucocyte findings and myelogram had almost no changes from the beginning of our observation and count of bone marrow cells was remarkably different by the sites of bone-marrow puncture. Vacuole and toxic granula appeared in the neutrophile cells in the circulated blood and vacuoles also appeared in lymphocyte and monocyte.
古口 真澄
Hokkaido Sociological Association
現代社会学研究 (ISSN:09151214)
vol.25, pp.1-20, 2012

孫の養育責任を担う祖父母の事例を通し,「家」制度の持続・変容面がどのように表れているかについて,先駆的に考察を試みた。家族の段階的推移として家族縮小期,家族再構築期,家族再縮小期を設定しているが,分析の中核は,祖父母が主に孫の養育にかかわる家族再構築期である。<br> 家族縮小期では,(1)子世代(長男)の結婚年齢が早いと,親世代(祖父母)の方に,夫婦家族規範意識が強くみられていた。<br> 家族再構築期には,(2)明治民法の「家」制度的要素が,親権問題では払拭されている。(3)「直系家族」的であるという「縦」の系譜・「父子継承ライン」は,祖父母の中に現在でも根強く維持されている。その内実を精査すると,祖父(父)―息子―孫息子という継承ラインではなく,祖母(母)―息子,祖母―孫息子というように,祖母が認知する「子の可愛さ」と「継承意識」が二重になり直系家族の「連続性」が強化されていた。(4)「家」制度の持続面と変容面から,孫息子と孫娘の養育責任を担う父方祖母には,父系血統の存続へのこだわりが表出しやすいと捉えることができる。<br> 家族再縮小期では,(5)「1960年代生まれには,結婚時の核家族化,中途同居の傾向がみられ,なおかつ同居にもっとも強く働いているのは,夫の続柄(長男)と持家の相続という伝統的な要因である」ということが確認された。本稿からは,長男の転職による近居が,祖父母の「継承意識」を強めていたと考えられる。
福元 健太郎 古田 紘也
東洋文化研究 (ISSN:13449850)
no.14, pp.243-265, 2012-03-31

We study to what extent the amount of newspaper reports on China and North and South Korea affect how much Japanese like or dislike these countries. Some news is good news, while others are bad news. Thus, we are not sure whether more reports on a country make people either like or dislike the country under consideration (expected value constant hypothesis). On the other hand, since more reports provide more information, more people change their minds in either direction(variance increase hypothesis)。 We analyze monthly data from 1960 to 2010 and find that these hypotheses are supported. In addition, it turned out that, as trade with a country increases, more peoPle tend to dislike the country in the long run.
伊藤 毅志 古郡廷治
情報処理学会研究報告ゲーム情報学(GI) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.1999, no.53, pp.1-5, 1999-06-24

従来、人間の問題解決において、問題を解くために、色々な図を描いたり道具を使ったりするような、様々な別の表現を持っていることが問題解決に有効に働くことは指摘されてきた。本稿では、思考支援を促すために、将棋の駒の効きを視覚的に示す新しい表現を提案する。我々は、この新しい表現をコンピュータ上で実現し、4つのレベル(初心者、初級者、中級者、上級者)の将棋プレーヤーにこのシステムを使わせて、思考過程に与える影響について調査した。その結果、初級者が最もこのシステムを積極的に利用しようとする過程が見られ、システムに対する評価も高かった。It is known that the problem solver who has various kinds of representations of the problem like diagrams gains the advantage to solve it. In this article, we propose a new visual representation on SHOGI that shows on colors the move of pieces of a position. We realized this system on computer to examine how four levels of players (beginners, novice, middle-grade and expert )use it and how they are influenced by using it. As the result, novice players took a most positive attitude about this system and they prized it most highly.
古田 徹也
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2012, no.63, pp.265-279_L15, 2012 (Released:2012-10-16)

Discussions of “joint action” or “collective action” that have developed out of English-language works on action theory might be said to have arisen from the intuition that action alone and action in a group are distinctly different things. But is it really necessary to conceptually distinguish joint action from the action performed by individuals? If it is necessary, how should we characterize joint action? This paper seeks an answer to these fundamental questions. In Section 1, I first argue that it is possible to define joint action as distinct from individual action. I then propose a definition of joint action in terms of the interdependency of action by multiple agents. In Section 2, noting that most existing theories of joint action describe it as an entanglement of each individual' s propositional attitude (intention, belief, etc.), I argue that we need to understand joint action not at the level of propositional attitude but, rather, at the level of action. In Section 3, I critically consider the idea that it is necessary to specifically characterize a group as an agent distinct from the individuals performing a joint action. Finally, in Section 4 I show that the scope of an action, as well as the scope of agents of joint actions, can be determined not a priori but only within the context of the particular event, and that the concept of joint action should be examined in association with ethical concepts such as “negligence”, “fault”, and “responsibility”.
島田 徳子 古川 嘉子 麦谷 真理子
日本語国際センター紀要 (ISSN:09172939)
vol.13, pp.1-18, 2003-03-15

国際交流基金日本語国際センターでは、海外の日本語教育支援事業の一環として、2001年4月より海外の日本語教材制作を支援するためのウェブサイト「みんなの教材サイト」の構築に着手し、2002年5月に第一次開発を終了し運用を開始した。本サイトの趣旨および目的は、(1)世界のいかなる地域の日本語教師でも活用できること、(2)著作権許諾の手続きを必要とせず、自由に活用できる日本語教育用素材を提供すること、(3)利用者が素材・情報を受容するだけでなく発信もできる双方向性を確保すること、(4)教材に関する日本語教師間の相互交流を促進させ、教師の専門性発達に寄与すること、の四つにまとめることができる。本サイトのデザインおよび開発においては、コンピュータによる協調学習支援(Computer Supported Collaborative Learning:CSCL)研究の知見を理論的枠組みとし、教材制作を通しての教師の専門性発達を支援するために、教師教育における内省アプローチの考え方を取り入れた。開発段階においては、利用者にとって使いやすいウェブデザインをどのように実現するか(ウェブユーザビリティ)を重視した。まず、「みんなの教材サイト」の開発背景とそれに基づく機能概要について述べ、次に、第一次開発の実際とそこで行われた「状況に埋め込まれた評価」の試みを報告する。さらに、サイトの継続性を保つことを旨とした運用の実際と運用に関する評価について述べる。それらの結果をふまえ第二次開発では、(1)コンテンツの拡充、(2)利用者検索の充実、(3)利用者同士の双方向的やりとり機能の追加を行っている。最後に、今後の課題として、非母語話者利用者への支援のありかた、そして海外の日本語センターとの連携、さらに内外の教師支援サイトとの連携を考えていく必要がある。
宗藤 伸治 刑部 有紀 山外 啓太 岩永 純平 三浦 秀士 古君 修
一般社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会
粉体および粉末冶金 (ISSN:05328799)
vol.64, no.8, pp.471-474, 2017-08-15 (Released:2017-08-31)

Poly-crystalline Ba8AuxSi46−x clathrate with p-n junction was synthesized for electric power generation from heat under no temperature difference. The n-type Ba8Au4.5Si41.5 and the p-type Ba8Au5.5Si40.5 powder were stacked in the graphite die and sintered by a Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) method at 1073 K for 5 min with pressure of 50 MPa. The Au composition of Ba8Au4.5Si41.5 and Ba8Au5.5Si40.5 side in the sintered sample were Ba7.8Au4.2Si41.8 and Ba7.8Au5.2Si40.8, respectively. It was found that the Au composition was gradually changed near the interface with thickness of around 500 micrometers. Electric power generation test under no temperature difference was performed by using the sample cut to contain the interface of two layers. The electric power increased by only heating and the maximum voltage can be observed around 2 mV at 773 K. These results suggested that electron excitation occurred near the n/p interface and generated electrons and holes diffuse to n-type and p-type semiconductor side, respectively.
武田 征士 濱 利行 徐 祥瀚 岸本 章宏 中野 大樹 古郷 誠 本江 巧 藤枝 久美子
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第35回全国大会(2021)
pp.4F4GS10o04, 2021 (Released:2021-06-14)

南 武志 河野 摩耶 古川 登 高橋 和也 武内 章記 今津 節生
地球化学 (ISSN:03864073)
vol.47, no.4, pp.237-243, 2013-12-31 (Released:2017-02-24)

Vermilion was collected from powerful people's mounds of places of Japan Sea coast depending on the period from the decline of the Yayoi to Kofun and was measured sulfur isotope ratio (δ34S value), and compared the value obtained from cinnabar ores of three Japanese mines, Niu, Yamato-suigin, and Sui, and two Chinese mines, Wanshan and Xunyang, which were selected from old records. The vermilion of the late Yayoi period, the 1st to 2nd century A.D., was from China, and the vermilion of the early Kofun period, from the late 3rd century A.D., was from Japan. During the late Yayoi and early Kofun periods, the 3rd century A.D., the vermilion showed the middle of the shift of Japanese cinnabar. It is concluded that the measurement of sulfur isotope of vermilion is an effective method for the determination of original sources of vermilion.