高澤亮平 坂本一憲 鷲崎弘宜 深澤良彰
vol.2015, no.1, pp.307-309, 2015-03-17

坂本 修一 鈴木 陽一 天野 成昭 小澤 賢司 近藤 公久 曽根 敏夫
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.54, no.12, pp.842-849, 1998-12-01

単語了解度試験用の単語リストの構築にあたって, 日常会話の聴き取りも含めた音声聴取能力をより正確に評価することを目指すには, 単語の難易度を統制することが望ましい。また, 補聴器適合の評価などの臨床応用を考えたときには, 限定された単語数で, 音韻バランスがよく取れた単語リストを作成することが実用上重要である。本論文では, 難易度の指標として親密度を用いてこれを統制し, また語頭の音韻バランスだけではなく, 語中の音韻バランスも考慮した単語了解度試験用単語リストの作成手法を提案する。また, 実際にこの方法を用いて, 親密度を4段階にパラメータ化して統制した単語リストの構築を行った。この単語リストは, 1枚50単語からなり, 各親密度段階について各20枚, 計80枚のリストから構成されている。更に, リストの妥当性を確認するための聴取実験を行った結果, 単語了解度が親密度を変えることによって系統的に変化することが示された。
坂本 真樹
ドイツ文学 (ISSN:03872831)
no.115, pp.95-109, 2004-03-15
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Die vorliegende Untersuchung hat ihren Ausgangspunkt in der Feststellung, dass Rezeptionsprozesse von Dichtung auf einer Reihe von kognitiven Kompetenzen basieren, die auch fur andere sprachliche Vollzuge von Bedeutung sind. Zu den Grundannahmen dieser Untersuchung gehort, dass das metaphorische Sprechen eine Erscheinungsform der kognitiven Kompetenzen darstellt. Die Entwicklung der Metapherntheorie beginnt mit dem aristotelischen Theorem, und die dort beschriebene Tendenz von Isolierung und Absonderung der Metapher von der "normalen" Sprache findet bis heute Beachtung. Daneben gibt es auch eine Reihe von Forschungen, die in der Metapher eine konstitutive Form sprachlichen Ausdrucks sehen. Eine dieser Forschungsrichtungen ist die kognitiv-linguistische Analyse der Metapher von Lakoff/Johnson (1980). Lakoff/Johnson bemerken, dass die Sprache im Mechanismus der Metapher begrundet sei, wie die "konstitutive Metapher," die "orientierende Metapher" und die "ontologische Metapher". In dieser Arbeit soil anlehnend an die Untersuchung englischer Gedichte von Lakoff/Turner (1989) eine Analyse metaphorischer Ausdrucke in deutschen Gedichten vorgenommen werden. Gegenstand der Arbeit sind Gedichte von Georg Trakl. In vielen literaturwissenschaftlichen Forschungen wurde festgestellt, dass in Trakls Gedichten Kunstfertigkeit und Anhaufung metaphorischer Ausdrucke, die sich auf "Tod", "Verfall" oder "Angst" beziehen, auffallig sind. In dieser Arbeit soil nachgezeichnet werden, dass solchen Metaphern allgemeine, nicht dichtungspezifische Kompetenzen zugrunde liegen, die beim Verfassen und beim Verstehen von Metaphern der Gedichte in Kraft treten. Kapitel 3 beschaftigt sich mit einem reprasentativen Werk von Trakl, mit dem Gedicht "Verfall". "Verfall" grundet z.B. auf der konstitutiven Metapher "Leben als Reise" und der orientierenden Metapher "Heiliges oben, Tod unten", die auch fur die Alltagssprache von groBter Bedeutung sind. In "Verfall" findet sich auch eine Art von ontologischer Metapher, die Metapher Personifikation, die man auch in der Alltagssprache finden kann. In anderen Gedichten Trakls werden verschiedene Metaphern betrachtet, die auch der Alltagssprache zugrunde liegen. Bin anderes zentrales Anliegen dieser Arbeit gilt der Klarung der Frage, warum man Trakls Dichtung kreativ, ungewohnlich und manchmal unverstandlich findet. Zur Klarung dieser Frage soil in Hinsicht der kognitiven Fahigkeiten die Sprache in Trakls Gedichten mit der Alltagssprache verglichen werden. In Kapitel 4 soil gezeigt werden, dass metaphorische Ausdrucke als kreativ und ungewohnlich erscheinen, wenn sie vom kognitivregelgeleiteten Mechanismus abweichen, welcher der Alltagssprache zugrunde liegt. Die Metapher Personifikation z.B. ist zwar ein ubliches sprachliches Verfahren, aber die Personifikation von Farben, die Trakl gepragt hat, widerspricht dem ublichen sprachlichen Verfahren. Diese Abweichung ist ein Beispiel fur die Besonderheit von Trakls Gedichten. Der Gebrauch der Farbworter in Trakls Gedichten ist auffallig und charakteristisch. In dieser Untersuchung sollen der metaphorische Gebrauch der Farbworter im Zusammenhang mit der synasthetischen Metapher uberlegt und auffallige Abweichungen vom kognitivregelgeleiteten Mechanismus betrachtet werden. Gegen die kognitive Regel der synasthetischen Metapher, die in der Alltagssprache erscheint, werden in Trakls Gedichten verschiedene Farben verwendet, um das Horen und andere korperlichen oder psychologischen Erfahrungen zu erfassen. Auch diese synasthetische Abweichung lasst Irakis Gedichte ungewohnlich und manchmal unverstandlich erscheinen.
安井 真也 富樫 茂子 下村 泰裕 坂本 晋介 宮地 直道 遠藤 邦彦
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.43, no.2, pp.43-59, 1998-04-30

A large amount of pyroclastic materials (ca. 1.7 km^3) was erupted during the 1707 eruption of Fuji Volcano. Variety of lithic fragments has been recognized in the pyroclastic fall deposits, namely, accessory and accidental lava fragments, gabbros, and granitoids. A great variety of petrologic features is observed in gabbroic fragments consisting of olivine gabbro norite, gabbro norite, troctolite and anorthosite. The gabbros are divided into O, P and F groups on the basis of modal ratios of olivine, plagioclase and Fe-Ti oxide. O group mainly consists of plagioclase and olivine with minor amounts of pyroxenes and Fe-Ti oxide. O group is considered to have been adcumulated in the lower part of magma chamber because of their high depletion in incompatible elements, their well-sorted grain size and sedimentary structure. P group is composed of plagioclase, pyroxenes and minor amounts of olivine and Fe-Ti oxide. F group is similar to P group, but is enriched in Fe-Ti oxide. P and F groups are orthocumulates and may be solidified in the upper part and margin of magma chamber or dike because of their porphyritic texture. Such a variety of gabbros may correspond to the difference in location of the single gabbroic body beneath Fuji Volcano. The estimated source magma of the gabbros is similar to the basalt of Fuji Volcano in chemical and mineralogical compositions indicating that they are cognate origin. Chemical compositions of olivine and pyroxenes become magnesian and those of plagioclase become calcic with the decreasing of bulk-rock FeO^*/MgO ratio. It suggests that they are the products of continuous fractional crystallization. The magma of the 1707 eruption could have come up from under the gabbroic body, which was the solidified basaltic magma chamber, and have caught and brought the rocks from the gabbroic body up to the surface as cognate xenoliths during the eruption.
坂本 英夫
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.33, no.5, pp.405-424, 1981-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

In Japan onion production ranks fourth among the cultivated vegetable areas, and onions rank sixth in per capita consumption of vegetables as measured in kilograms. The onion occupies the first place among vegetables which are transported from the rural districts to the urban consumers. The author has been studying the geography of truck farming, above all its locational approach, so he began to investigate the onion producing regions in Hokkaido.As the onion likes a cool season, it is usually grown during the winter and spring seasons on Japanese farms. Hokkaido farmers, however, cultivate the onion during the cool summer and harvest in the autumn. There are two main producing areas in Hokkaido: one is Ishikari Plain and the other is the Kitami district. Kitami especially has developed recently in a remarkable way so that Hokkaido as a whole has the highest onion yield in Japan.In the Kitami district the temperature and the length of day which have an important bearing on onion bulb formation are highly favorable. The alluvial floodplain in Kitami Basin furnishes a fertile soil of sandy loam ideal for onion cultivation. An important social factor which has contributed to the increased production of onions in the Kitami district is that Kitami City has an abundant labor supply (especially women) cheaper than in the rival Ishikari Plain. In spite of these fundamental conditions, the development of onion cultivation in Kitami was delayed by insect damage and a poor marketing route. Yearly damage from the onion maggot hindered production after World War II until the life ecology of the worm was discovered and methods of extermination were determined in the 1960's. The Kitami district is a long way from the urban consumer market. Moreover, there was for a long time no marketing organization. When in 1965 the agricultural cooperatives began to manage onion sales, the Kitami farmers finally found an eager market for their crop.Two reasons have stimulated onion cultivation. First a change in eating habits in the 1960's caused a demand for onions and raised the price. Second when in 1970 rice production was restricted by the government, the Kitami farmers chose to plant onions as a substitute crop.As the onions stored until the supply is scarce are generally sold at a higher price than the freshly harvested crop, the agricultural cooperatives in the Kitami district have constructed many large onion storehouses since 1972. Kitami farmers who got good profits from onion production increased their onion fields in the following years.It is the usual practice in Japan that onions are transplanted to the field after seedling culture. Though the farmers in Hokkaido use machines to transplant the onions, much hand labor is required. As machine and labor costs are higher in Hokkaido than in other parts of Japan the producers try to increase gross income by increased acreage. The average onion fleld in Hokkaido is 2.7ha in area, while in the rest of Japan the average area is only 0.5ha. The farmer engaged in small scale production outside of Hokkaido makes a small investment and utilizes family labor and thus he makes his profits. In Hokkaido, including Kitami, the higher price of autumn harvested onions overcomes the higher costs of machinery and labor.In conclusion it seems that the new expansion of the Kitami onion fields is an example of intensive agriculture in a remote region caused increased demand.
坂本 俊介 須藤 崇志 丸山 広 中村 太一
研究報告デジタルドキュメント(DD) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2009, no.17, pp.1-6, 2009-07-23

技術文章力を高めるには,個別に添削指導を受けることが有効であるが,時間的な制約により実現が難しい.この問題に対処するため,書き手自身が短時間で何度も文章の客観的な見直しを繰り返し行い,さらに指摘の重要性や修正例を提示する校正支援手法により,学生の文章作成能力の向上に寄与できることを示した.また,学生の実験レポート2,285編から,140,214件の誤りを指摘した結果,学生に多い誤りは句読点および体言止めで79.4%を占めた.同時に,技術文章作成のノウハウを課題やレポートを通じて習得させることの重要性を改めて確認できた.There has been discussion about improving technical writing skills. Individual tutoring which a mentor provides a trainee to correct a technical writing might be the most effective way to enhance the skills. However it is difficult to repeat the tutoring many times because of time consuming job. We propose a method that an author oneself can emend a manuscript repeatedly. The method is based on a recommendation system which implements Japanese grammar and technical writing grammar with a morphological analysis. This paper describes the experimental results obtained from 2,285 reports written by students. The proposing method detected 140,214 technical writing errors in their reports. 79.4% of 140,214 errors are a punctuation mark and the indication of the termination with a substantive and speak that it is effective to teach these errors.
野村 照久 坂本 文和
日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.83, no.7, pp.1138-1141, 1992-07-20
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4 0 0 0 OA 伊太利亜史

坂本健一 著
三枝 博光 舟木 泰智 操上 広志 坂本 義昭 時澤 孝之
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.12, no.1, pp.1-12, 2013 (Released:2013-02-15)

Since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident caused by the Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake on March 11, 2011, decontamination work has been conducted in the surrounding environment within the Fukushima prefecture. Removed contaminants including soil, grass and trees are to be stored safely at temporary storage facilities for up to three years, after which they will be transferred to a planned interim storage facility. The decontamination pilot project was carried out in both the restricted and planned evacuation areas in order to assess decontamination methods and demonstrate measures for radiation protection of workers. Fourteen temporary storage facilities of different technical specifications were designed and constructed under various topographic conditions and land use. In order to support the design, construction and monitoring of temporary storage facilities for removed contaminants during the full-scale decontamination within the prefecture of Fukushima, technical know-how obtained during the decontamination pilot project has been identified and summarized in this paper.
坂本 信介 崔 梗ろく 原田 賢一
vol.46, pp.71-72, 1993-03-01

近年、論理合成の技術が実用的になるにつれ、ハードウェア記述言語は、ハードウェア設計の全工程に探く関わる設計ツールの中心的な存在として認められるようになってきた。また様々な設計ツールが開発されるにともなって、ハードウェア記述言語の標準化が行なわれている。VHDL(VHSIC Hardware Description Language)はIEEEの標準ハードウェア記述言語で、シミュレータへの入力記述や仕様記述のために開発された言語である。SFL(Structured Function Language)は同期回路を記述の対象とした論理合成指向の言語であり、PARTHENONシステムのもとでシミュレーションと論理合成ができる。本研究はVHDLの記述を入力とする論理合成を可能にするために、VHDLの抽象構文木を走査することによるSFLへの変換を設計し試作したものである。そのためのVHDLサブセットを提案し、変換処理を考察する。
坂本 澄彦 堀内 淳一 大川 智彦 横路 謙次郎 細川 真澄男 小林 博

秋永 一枝 上野 和昭 坂本 清恵 田中 ゆかり 松永 修一

高部 啓子 松本 朋子 坂本 英里香 高橋 佐智子 佐藤 由紀子
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
vol.45, pp.1-6, 2008-04

Although many ready-made "Yukatas (a kind of Japanese costume Nagagi)" have appeared on the market, there are no official size-system for Yukata". So we surveyed the clothing size and measurements of ready-made "Yukatas" on the market and then studied the validity of their size and measurements through young women's body measurements, and then tried to propose the better size-system for Japanese costume "Nagagi". Materials were market-research data carried out in June to August, 2006, and the body measurements and the cross section data of hips from the 3-D measurements proceeded for 91 female students from 2004 to 2006. We found that the number of clothing size on the market was very small, the clothes were made too long, and the relation among the body measurements was not considered. We also found that the necessity for expanding sizes to width through the scatter diagram of stature and hip girth, and one and half of hip girth was a good indicator for deciding the width of Nagagi. Then we proposed the size-system for Nagagi on the basis of the above results.