中屋 宗雄 森田 一郎 奥野 秀次 武田 広誠 堀内 正敏
The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc.
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.105, no.1, pp.22-28, 2002-01-20 (Released:2010-10-22)
1 2

目的: ライフル射撃音による急性音響性難聴の聴力像と治療効果に対する臨床的検討を行った.対象と方法: ライフル射撃音による急性音響性難聴と診断され入院加療を行った53例, 74耳とした. 治療方法別 (ステロイド大量漸減療法群23耳とステロイド大量漸減療法+PGE1群51耳) と受傷から治療開始までの期間別 (受傷から治療開始まで7日以内の群42耳と8日以降の群32耳) に対する治療効果と聴力改善 (dB) についてretrospectiveに検討した. また, 各周波数別に治療前後の聴力改善 (dB) を比較検討した.結果: 全症例の治癒率19%, 回復率66%であった. ステロイド大量漸減療法群では治癒率17%, 回復率78%, ステロイド大量漸減療法+PGE1群では治癒率24%, 回復率63%であり, 両者の群で治療効果に有意差を認めなかった. 受傷から7日以内に治療を開始した群では治癒率21%, 回復率78%, 受傷から8日目以降に治療を開始した群では治癒率16%, 回復率50%であり, 受傷から7日以内に治療を開始した群の方が有意に治療効果は高かった. 入院時の聴力像はさまざまな型を示したが, 2kHz以上の周波数において聴力障害を認める高音障害群が50耳と多く, 中でも高音急墜型が20耳と最も多かった. また, 治療前後における各周波数別の聴力改善 (dB) において, 500Hz, 1kHzの聴力改善 (dB) は8kHzの聴力改善 (dB) よりも有意に大きかった.結論: 今回の検討で, 受傷後早期に治療を行った症例の治療効果が高かったことが示された. また, 高音部より中音部での聴力障害は回復しやすいと考えられた.
小林 宏行 武田 博明 渡辺 秀裕 太田見 宏 酒寄 享 齋藤 玲 中山 一朗 富沢 麿須美 佐藤 清 平賀 洋明 大道 光秀 武部 和夫 村上 誠一 増田 光男 今村 憲市 中畑 久 斉藤 三代子 遅野井 健 田村 昌士 小西 一樹 小原 一雄 千葉 太郎 青山 洋二 斯波 明子 渡辺 彰 新妻 一直 滝沢 茂夫 中井 祐之 本田 芳宏 勝 正孝 大石 明 中村 守男 金子 光太郎 坂内 通宏 青崎 登 島田 馨 後藤 元 後藤 美江子 佐野 靖之 宮本 康文 荒井 康男 菊池 典雄 酒井 紀 柴 孝也 吉田 正樹 堀 誠治 嶋田 甚五郎 斎藤 篤 中田 紘一郎 中谷 龍王 坪井 永保 成井 浩司 中森 祥隆 稲川 裕子 清水 喜八郎 戸塚 恭一 柴田 雄介 菊池 賢 長谷川 裕美 森 健 磯沼 弘 高橋 まゆみ 江部 司 稲垣 正義 国井 乙彦 宮司 厚子 大谷津 功 斧 康雄 宮下 琢 西谷 肇 徳村 保昌 杉山 肇 山口 守道 青木 ますみ 芳賀 敏昭 宮下 英夫 池田 康夫 木崎 昌弘 内田 博 森 茂久 小林 芳夫 工藤 宏一郎 堀内 正 庄司 俊輔 可部 順三郎 宍戸 春美 永井 英明 佐藤 紘二 倉島 篤行 三宅 修司 川上 健司 林 孝二 松本 文夫 今井 健郎 桜井 磐 吉川 晃司 高橋 孝行 森田 雅之 小田切 繁樹 鈴木 周雄 高橋 宏 高橋 健一 大久保 隆男 池田 大忠 金子 保 荒川 正昭 和田 光一 瀬賀 弘行 吉川 博子 塚田 弘樹 川島 崇 岩田 文英 青木 信樹 関根 理 鈴木 康稔 宇野 勝次 八木 元広 武田 元 泉 三郎 佐藤 篤彦 千田 金吾 須田 隆文 田村 亨治 吉富 淳 八木 健 武内 俊彦 山田 保夫 中村 敦 山本 俊信 山本 和英 花木 英和 山本 俊幸 松浦 徹 山腰 雅弘 鈴木 幹三 下方 薫 一山 智 斎藤 英彦 酒井 秀造 野村 史郎 千田 一嘉 岩原 毅 南 博信 山本 雅史 斉藤 博 矢守 貞昭 柴垣 友久 西脇 敬祐 中西 和夫 成田 亘啓 三笠 桂一 澤木 政好 古西 満 前田 光一 浜田 薫 武内 章治 坂本 正洋 辻本 正之 国松 幹和 久世 文幸 川合 満 三木 文雄 生野 善康 村田 哲人 坂元 一夫 蛭間 正人 大谷 眞一郎 原 泰志 中山 浩二 田中 聡彦 花谷 彰久 矢野 三郎 中川 勝 副島 林造 沖本 二郎 守屋 修 二木 芳人 松島 敏春 木村 丹 小橋 吉博 安達 倫文 田辺 潤 田野 吉彦 原 宏起 山木戸 道郎 長谷川 健司 小倉 剛 朝田 完二 並川 修 西岡 真輔 吾妻 雅彦 前田 美規重 白神 実 仁保 喜之 澤江 義郎 岡田 薫 高木 宏治 下野 信行 三角 博康 江口 克彦 大泉 耕太郎 徳永 尚登 市川 洋一郎 矢野 敬文 原 耕平 河野 茂 古賀 宏延 賀来 満夫 朝野 和典 伊藤 直美 渡辺 講一 松本 慶蔵 隆杉 正和 田口 幹雄 大石 和徳 高橋 淳 渡辺 浩 大森 明美 渡辺 貴和雄 永武 毅 田中 宏史 山内 壮一郎 那須 勝 後藤 陽一郎 山崎 透 永井 寛之 生田 真澄 時松 一成 一宮 朋来 平井 一弘 河野 宏 田代 隆良 志摩 清 岳中 耐夫 斎藤 厚 普久原 造 伊良部 勇栄 稲留 潤 草野 展周 古堅 興子 仲宗根 勇 平良 真幸
Japanese Society of Chemotherapy
日本化学療法学会雜誌 = Japanese journal of chemotherapy (ISSN:13407007)
vol.43, pp.333-351, 1995-07-31

新規キノロン系経口合成抗菌薬grepafloxacin (GPFX) の内科領域感染症に対する臨床的有用性を全国62施設の共同研究により検討した。対象疾患は呼吸器感染症を中心とし, 投与方法は原則として1回100~300mgを1日1~2回投与することとした。<BR>総投与症例525例のうち509例を臨床効果判定の解析対象とした。全症例に対する有効率は443/509 (87.0%) であり, そのうち呼吸器感染症432/496 (87.1%), 尿路感染症11/13 (84.6%) であった。呼吸器感染症における有効率を疾患別にみると, 咽喉頭炎・咽頭炎19/22 (86.4%), 扁桃炎17/18 (94.4%), 急性気管支炎53/58 (91.4%), 肺炎104/119 (87.4%), マイコプラズマ肺炎17/19 (89.5%), 異型肺炎5/5, 慢性気管支炎117/133 (88.0%), 気管支拡張症48/63 (76.2%), びまん性汎細気管支炎17/19 (89.5%) および慢性呼吸器疾患の二次感染35/40 (87.5%) であった。<BR>呼吸器感染症における細菌学的効果は233例で判定され, その消失率は単独菌感染では154/197 (78.2%), 複数菌感染では22/36 (61.1%) であった。また, 単独菌感染における消失率はグラム陽性菌48/53 (90.6%), グラム陰性菌105/142 (73.9%) であり, グラム陽性菌に対する細菌学的効果の方が優れていた。呼吸器感染症の起炎菌のうちMICが測定された115株におけるGPFXのMIC<SUB>80</SUB>は0.39μg/mlで, 一方対照薬 (97株) としたnornoxacin (NFLX), onoxacin (OFLX), enoxacin (ENX) およびcipronoxacin (CPFX) はそれぞれ6.25, 1.56, 6.25および0.78μg/mlであった。<BR>副作用は519例中26例 (5.0%, 発現件数38件) にみられ, その症状の内訳は, 消化器系18件, 精神神経系13件, 過敏症3件, その他4件であった。<BR>臨床検査値異常は, 490例中49例 (10.0%, 発現件数61件) にみられ, その主たる項目は, 好酸球の増多とトランスアミナーゼの上昇であった。いずれの症状, 変動とも重篤なものはなかった。<BR>臨床効果と副作用, 臨床検査値異常の安全性を総合的に勘案した有用性については, 呼吸器感染症での有用率422/497 (84.9%), 尿路感染症で10/13 (76.9%) であり, 全体では432/510 (84.7%) であった。<BR>以上の成績より, GPFXは呼吸器感染症を中心とする内科領域感染症に対して有用な薬剤であると考えられた。
堀内 正昭 HORIUCHI Masaaki
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.873, pp.32-42, 2013-07-01

During the First Sino-Japanese War in 1894 it became necessary to construct a Provisional Makeshift Imperial Diet Building in Hiroshima. The building was completed that year in only 20 days, with the Diet assembling there the day after it was finished. It was demolished in 1898. The person in charge of the design and construction was Yorinaka Tsumaki(1859-1916). In this paper the author focuses on the method adopted in constructing the roof truss of its assembly hall, which had the largest roof, and analyzes various extant materials such as Tsumaki's transcribed lecture on how it was built, its plans, and diagrams from historical documents. Based on this research, the author has attempted to restore the truss. The roof truss of the building was not simply based on the standard roof truss technique though the techniques of queen post truss and German roof frame were applied. The time this building was built was a transition period when Japanese carpenters were not familiar with western roof truss technique, and Tsumaki needed to employ methods with which local carpenters would be comfortable. The author concludes that this roof truss is an interesting instance of the gradual diffusion of Western building techniques into Japan.
堀内 正昭
學苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.887, pp.1-26, 2014-09-01

Abstract The construction of this two-storied house ultimately owned by Mr. Matsui started around September, 1937 and was completed around February the following year. It had a Western-style room of mortar finish on the side of the entrance door, and the outer wall of the house was clapboarded with traditional bead battens. Such semi-Western houses were common in Setagaya Ward which had developed as a suburban residential area in early Showa period. Interviews with the owner of the house and research into this residence revealed that only the kitchen had been extended over 2 times. The kitchen initially occupied a wooden floor of 1 tsubo(3.3m2). The first extension of the kitchen had been done when the Matsui family moved in, and the new owner extended it to the north side. The arrangement of an 8-mat Japanese-style room on the first floor with Zashikikazari(a set of decorative features such as alcove, staggered wall shelves, built-in desk), the other 8-mat room with an alcove on the second floor, and a drawing room equipped fully with Western-style finishes on the first floor shows that in planning the house the ability to entertain visitors was important. Also the fact that there is no through pillar on the four corners of the second floor supports the conclusion that priority was given to creating a room suitable for entertaining. When the house was built, this area was called "navy village" since many families of naval personnel owned residences there. In most cases the houses were Western-style, one-storied, with exterior walls finished with sidings. Among such low rows of houses, the two-storied Matsui house must have been conspicuous. In the neighborhood of the Matsui residence, we can still see hedges, low stone walls, and other features that contribute to sociability. Certainly the Matsui residence played a great role in preserving the rich green living environment of the neighborhood. The house was demolished in 2014.
堀内 正昭
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.897, pp.2-24, 2015-07

The two-storied Hirai House was built in around 1930 by an upper-middle class person, Mr Risuke Wakameda, and it is now owned by Mr Susumu Hirai. It has a Western-style room of mortar finish on the side of the entrance door, and the outer wall of the house is clapboard with traditional bead battens. Such semi-Western houses were common in Setagaya Ward, which had developed as a suburban residential area in the early Showa period. This house has two double-loaded corridors on the first floor. Therefore, the main rooms offer residents greater privacy and independence in the main rooms than contemporary houses. The major feature of this house is that there is plenty of storage space which accounted for about 20 percent of the floor space. This seems to have reflected the first owner, author and a book collector Wakameda's, preferences. Through pillars, pipe pillars between through pillars, and the other pillars on the first floor were different in size, and the three types of pillars were built in the right positions. After the war, remodeling of a flat roof on the Western-style reception room to a sloped roof and of the kitchen and bathroom fixtures such as the kitchen sink were done, but all the other parts of the house remain unchanged. In many pre-war houses, furniture installed when the house was built does not survive. But in this house there is still a valuable upholstered lounge suite in the reception room. Together with some old lighting fixtures still existing in the other parts of the house, they reveal the taste of the resident of the house around 1930.The two-storied Hirai House was built in around 1930 by an upper-middle class person, Mr Risuke Wakameda, and it is now owned by Mr Susumu Hirai. It has a Western-style room of mortar finish on the side of the entrance door, and the outer wall of the house is clapboard with traditional bead battens. Such semi-Western houses were common in Setagaya Ward, which had developed as a suburban residential area in the early Showa period. This house has two double-loaded corridors on the first floor. Therefore, the main rooms offer residents greater privacy and independence in the main rooms than contemporary houses. The major feature of this house is that there is plenty of storage space which accounted for about 20 percent of the floor space. This seems to have reflected the first owner, author and a book collector Wakameda's, preferences. Through pillars, pipe pillars between through pillars, and the other pillars on the first floor were different in size, and the three types of pillars were built in the right positions. After the war, remodeling of a flat roof on the Western-style reception room to a sloped roof and of the kitchen and bathroom fixtures such as the kitchen sink were done, but all the other parts of the house remain unchanged. In many pre-war houses, furniture installed when the house was built does not survive. But in this house there is still a valuable upholstered lounge suite in the reception room. Together with some old lighting fixtures still existing in the other parts of the house, they reveal the taste of the resident of the house around 1930.
堀内 正子 相良 篤信 吉田 梨紗 小林 百代 竹ノ谷 文子 琉子 友男 小林 哲郎 仲間 若菜 黄 仁官 里 史明 湯本 哲郎
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.47, no.12, pp.659-666, 2021-12-10 (Released:2022-12-10)

The number of people taking nutritional supplements has increased rapidly due to heightened health consciousness; however, cases of doping through supplement intake have also increased. Therefore, pharmacists need to share not only instructions related to medication, but also anti-doping (AD) directions for supplements with athletes. However, reports on the use of supplements in athletes are limited, and the actual situation is unknown. Then, we conducted a questionnaire survey on 1,249 physical education university students regarding the use of supplements and their awareness on doping. We also examined the steps that need to be taken by pharmacists to facilitate AD.We found that 60% of the respondents had taken supplements, 50% of whom (i.e., 30% of the total respondents) continued to do so. Furthermore, 40% took multiple supplements and were at risk of ‘inadvertent doping.’ Most of the respondents took supplements for improving muscle strength, fatigue recovery, and malnutrition. Furthermore, friends and seniors were often the triggers for supplement intake, suggesting that leaders and teams were also involved. Since many respondents purchased supplements at drug stores, it is important for pharmacists to educate athletes and their leaders about AD. Further, supplements, like pharmaceuticals, are constantly advancing and therefore pharmacists need to expand their knowledge and strive to expand their role.
堀内 正樹
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.65, no.1, pp.25-41, 2000 (Released:2018-05-29)

クリフォード・ギアツの著書に有名な 『Islam Observed』がある。視覚を通してイスラームを理解するということだろうか。しかし本稿では、見たり見られたりするイスラームではなく、聞いたり話したり呼びかけたりするイスラームがあって、その方が現実感があると考える。モロッコにおいてイスラームが提供する音には,コーランの詠唱に始まり,祈りの呼びかけ,預言者賛歌,神学のテクストの詠唱,神秘主義教団の祈祷句,憑依儀礼の音楽など様々なものがある 。一方 「音楽」の諸ジャンル,たとえば古典音楽,民俗歌舞,商業音楽などにも宗教的な要素が深く浸透している 。宗教音はこうした個々の音のジャンルを乗り超えて柔軟に結び合わされ,全体として人々に感覚としてのイスラームを提供しているように思う 。その感覚の統合化に機能する音の特徴として,本稿では「脱分節性」という概念を提起する 。この特徴は意味の分節化を抑制する機能を持ち,結果として特定の意味ジャンルを越え出て,それらを相互に結び付けることを可能にする。従来のイスラーム社会の分類方法の主流を占めてきた「正統イスラーム」対「スーフイズム」, あるいは「学究的イスラーム」対「土着信仰」といった視覚的な分類枠もこうした音文化分析によって組み替えることが出来るのではないか,という可能性を示してみたい 。
茂木 正樹 藤澤 睦夫 山下 史朗 堀内 正嗣 片木 良典
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
vol.33, no.6, pp.583-589, 2011 (Released:2011-11-25)

64歳女性.6年前に右小脳梗塞を発症後外来通院中であった.朝起床できず発語が認められないため来院.神経学的所見では下肢優位の右片麻痺と失語を認め,MRAにて左前大脳動脈(A2)の閉塞を認めた.入院後,ワルファリンによる抗凝固療法施行にても左後大脳動脈(P2),および左中大脳動脈(M1)の脳梗塞を再発した.CA19-9が12000 U/ml以上と著増を示し,腹部CTにて膵尾部に内部壊死を伴い多発性の肝転移を伴う径4 cmを超える腫瘍が認められ,再発性脳梗塞は進行性膵癌に伴ったTrousseau症候群と診断し,第34病日より抗凝固療法を低分子ヘパリンに変更した.膵癌はStage IVbで進行度が著しく,他院消化器内科と相談のうえ緩和治療を施行.入院2カ月後に永眠された.今回膵癌に伴い脳梗塞を繰り返したTrousseau症候群の1例を経験したので報告する.
堀内 正昭
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.604, pp.191-196, 2006

The purpose of this paper is to clarify all the processes of plans from the first design (European style), the second one (semi-European style) of the Diet Building until the building was finished as a temporary construction, the plan of which was discovered in 2004 in Chiba. The first plan of the Diet Building was designed by Paul Kohler, who worked at the architectural firm Ende & Bockmann in Berlin; the provisional Diet Building was completed by Adolf Stegmuller at the same firm and Shigenori Yoshii. Though the scale of the provisional Diet Building was reduced sharply and the construction was changed to wood from brick, with regard to the room arrangement both of the plans were very similar; accordingly, the idea of the first plan designed by Kohler, who had to retire because of his illness before completion, still existed.
堀内 正昭

武田 広誠 中屋 宗雄 甲斐 智朗 堀内 正敏
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.95, no.2, pp.181-184, 2002-02-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

To investigate the correlation between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and obesity, 71 OSAS patients whose sites of obstruction were diagnosed based on sleep nasendoscopy findings were studied. The patients were subdivided into three groups by body mass index (BMI) as follows: Group A, 24 patients with BMI less than 25 (kg/m2); Group B, 19patients with BMI between 25 and 28; and Group C, 28 patients with BMI more than 28. Variables examined include the apnea index (AI), 4% O2 desaturation index (DI), nadir SpO2, and cephalometric data (SNA, SNB, PNS-U, MP-H, PAS). AT and cephalometric data were not correlated with BMI, but DI and nadir SpO2 were mutually correlated with BMI. These data suggest that OSAS may be worsened by obesity. Of the 71 patients, 45 were treated with surgery based on sleep nasendoscopy findings, and 33 patients, AI, DI, and nadir SpO2 were evaluated after surgery. There was a 77.4% and 72.7% improvement in the AT and DI respectively, but neither were correlated with BMI. The response rates were slightly better than previous reports. We believe that careful patient selection using sleep nasendoscopy data as well as avoiding surgery for extremely obese patients when possible may contribute to good results of surgical treatments.
堀内 正浩 佐藤 雅幸
専修大学スポーツ研究所紀要 (ISSN:21895260)
vol.45, pp.27-31, 2022-03-31

上肢ジストニア(書痙,奏楽手痙)に対するボツリヌス毒素療法(Botulinum toxin therapy : BTX)・MAB療法(muscle afferent block)について検討した.2021年9月時点で,針筋電図を用い上肢ジストニア(書痙,奏楽手痙)の患者に対してBTX療法やMAB療法を継続している患者18名(男性9名,女性9名,平均年齢53.3歳,平均投与回数18.9回)について検討した.疾患は,書痙が7例,奏楽手痙が3例,上肢ジストニア(範囲が広いもの)が8例であった.症状を分類すると①母指が屈曲するもの ②手首が掌屈するもの ③手首が背屈するもの ④範囲が広いもの ⑤母指以外の指に限局するもの5種類であった.全例においてBTX療法やMAB療法の有効性が認められ治療が継続されており,有害事象も認められなかった.上肢ジストニア(書痙,奏楽手痙)にはBTX療法やMAB療法は有用であるが,注射部位の選択には注意を要する.
堀内 正彦 永田 陽子
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.46, no.2, pp.130-138, 2020-11-30 (Released:2021-02-28)

The purpose of this study was to show the cognitive structure that influences problem solving for difficult mathematical tasks for university students. Before and after reading an explanation about psychostatistics, we asked for answers to questions about psychostatistics and we then analyzed the responses. The results showed that although the learning task was reading an explanation, fragmented knowledge was activated and linked to each other. Furthermore, cognitive structures that affect task resolution include logical relationships and single knowledge, and both influence the accuracy of problem solving, but logical relationships have a particularly large effect.
水野 信男 西尾 哲夫 堀内 正樹 粟倉 宏子 川床 睦夫

堀内 正昭 Masaaki Horiuchi
学苑 = Gakuen (ISSN:13480103)
no.947, pp.1-34, 2019-09-01

The Kamei residence has survived for nearly 90 years. This paper investigates the architectural history of the residence through research and interviews with the present owner, analyzes and characterizes the house using relevant literature and previous knowledge gleaned from previous studies.◦The two-storied house was built as his villa in 1930 by Mitsumasa Kamei (1882-1946) who had been governor of Okinawa Prefecture (1924-1926). The floor space is 192.6 square meters.◦Both the main building and an attached porte-cochere have gable-and-hip roofs. The eaves of the roofs are warped upward and contribute to the majestic appearance of the building’s exterior. ◦This house has a western-style room beside the main entrance, a double-loaded corridor, a private entrance, 2 restrooms and a parlor and a living room at the center of the house, and a wide solarium in front of these 2 rooms. This was a common plan for middle-class housing in the early Showa Period. ◦However, the style of drawn doors in the main entrance and the tatami-floored hall in this house seems rather obsolete. This suggests that the openness of the entrance and traditional courtesy of meeting the visitors sitting on tatami in the entrance hall were preferred by the residents.◦Many inspection windows for crime prevention remain in this house, some of which provide a view of blind spots outside. Locks with keys were also installed indoors to prevent intruders.◦The south side of the building has many horizontal sliding doors and windows. The rooms open onto a solarium and a terrace beyond. This perspective brings the rooms and the garden together.◦This house was bombed during the air raids, but there was little damage. After the war, it was requisitioned by the occupation army. Later, another family rented part of the villa and lived together with the Kamei family. Two restrooms and 2 stair cases made this possible. There have been only minor renovations, and the house is well-preserved.