村山 直子
学習院大学人文科学論集 (ISSN:09190791)
no.9, pp.103-121, 2000-09-30

According tQ a myth, the Central Land of the Reed Plains was mainly conquered by Futsunushi alld Takemikazuchi. Both of them are generally considered to be worshipped by the Nakatomi clan. But in my opinion, Futsunushi originally had a close relation to the Mononobe clan, charged with military and religious affairs. It appears that the Nakatomi clan linked itself to Futsunushi in place of the Mononobe clan after the downfall of the latter. Takemikazuchi is enshrined in Kashima shrine in Ibaragi Prefecture, and Futsunushi is enshrined in Katori shrine in Chiba Prefecture. In the area around Katori shrine, there are many sites of bead making in the middle of the Kofun period, and in those sites quite many imitation beads made of stone were excavated that represent the power of the Yamato regime, whereas in the area around Kashima shrine no site like these has been found. So it is likely thatKatori shrine was an important strategic point when the Yamato regime extended its power to the eastern land. On the other hand, the Mononobe clan played an important part in Yamato army. These facts show that there is a close relation between Futsunushi and the Mononobe clan. Besides, Futsunushi led the conquest of the Central Land of the Reed Plains in the myth of the Nihonshoki, whereas Takemikazuchi plays there a subordinative part. It appears that at first this myth narrated exclusively Futsunushi’s deed, and Takemikazuchi’s role was added to it later. Izumo region which is the scene of this myth has a close relation to the Mononobe clan, and Futsunushi was worshipped in Izumo from ancient times. There is a shrine named Kanbara near the place where a site of bead making in the middle of the Kofun period was discovered, and Iwatsutsuwo and iwatsutsume who are Futsunushi’s parents are enshrined there. Thus Katori shrine and Kanbara shrine which are dedicated to Futsunushi and his parents are located in the area where the sites of bead making which verify the controle of the Mononobe clan exist. As a result of these analyses I conclude that there is an intimate connection between Futsunushi and the Mononobe clan.
鈴木 基雄 登内 道彦 村山 貢司 光本 浩太郎
エアロゾル研究 (ISSN:09122834)
vol.20, no.4, pp.281-289, 2005 (Released:2007-01-12)

Durham method has been adopted widely in Japan as the measurement method for counting the number of pollens. However, it is a tedious method for researchers because they have to count the exact number of pollens on plates using a microscope. Therefore the number of pollens has been reported only once a day from most of the observatories. In order to obtain the hourly number of pollens for further researches, automatic pollen counters have been developed.We evaluated the performance of the pollen counter KP-1000 (Kowa Co. Ltd.), which had been developed by the project of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In order to evaluate the capability for counting Cedar and Cypress pollen particles, we compared the number of pollens measured by KP-1000 with the number of pollens obtained by Durham method and the number of pollens caught on the outlet filter of KP-1000. Furthermore we compared the number of pollens measured by KP-1000 with the number of pollens counted by another pollen counter KH-3000 (Yamato Mfg. Co. Ltd.). The result of the comparison showed that KP-1000 could distinguish Cedar and Cypress pollens accurately.We found the high concentration of pollens in early mornings through the hourly observation of Cedar and Cypress pollens during the spring of 2005. By using the Backward Trajectory Method, we found that the high concentration phenomena of pollens were brought by the long distance transportation of pollens from Shizuoka area via Izu Peninsula and Kanagawa to Tokyo.
村山 祐司
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.34, no.1, pp.21-34, 1982-02-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

This paper is concerned solely with graph theoretical modelling of potential accessibility measurement. Attempts will be made to establish a useful model to evaluate the potential accessibility in terms of residents' daily activity, and then to examine its usefulness with specific application to a hypothetical small island.Before proceeding further, a few definitions are in order. Potential accessibility is defined here for a vantage residence as access to all facilities (churches, banks, supermarkets etc.) in the region as a group. Therefore a residence with higher potential accessibility possesses a relatively higher advantage than the other residences as regards their daily activity. A trip is defined as a residence-to-residence circuit. A trip linkage is the spatial connection created when a resident moves from one facility to another or between his residence and facilities. Functional connectivity, which is a nonspatial concept, shows the frequency of opportunities to make trips. For example, the functional connectivity between residences and banks is higher than the functional connectivity between residences and hospitals, simply because the former trips are, on the average, more frequent than are the latter. A single stop trip is one in which the only trip linkages observed are between the residence and a single facility, whereas on a multistop trip, trip linkages are created between several facilities as well as between the residence and facilities (Figure 1).In order to build a reliable model, it is necessary to consider the following two important daily trip characteristics. First, a substantial portion of intraurban trips occurs on multistop journeys. According to Wheeler, trips involving more than one stop before returning home comprise a quarter to a third of all urban travel. Second, a trip linkage is a function of both distance (road and time distance) and functional connectivity. The shorter the distance, and the higher the functional connectivity, the stronger the trip linkage will be.The model is as follows:T=O·D+s1O·H·D+s2O·H2·D+……+sn-1O·Hn-1·D=n∑k=1sk-1O·Hk-1·D, where: T is the integral potential accessibility matrix (m×m), O is the accessibility matrix from residences to facilities (m×n), H is the accessibility matrix from facilities to facilities (n×n), D is the accessibility matrix from facilities to residences (n×m), s is the parameter, m is the number of residences, andn is the number of facilities.O·D shows the potential accessibility matrix in terms of single stop trips, O·H·D in terms of 2 stop trips and O·Hn-1·D in terms of n stop trips. Since daily trips are a mixture of single stop and multistop trips, we get the integral potential accessibility matrix by summing up the weighted potential accessibility matrices of single and p (p=2, 3, ……n) stop trips. The main diagonals of the matrix T indicate the integral potential accessibility of each residence.This model is then applied to a hypothetical small island with 19 facilities and 20 residences (Figure 5). Among these 19 facilities, there are two groceries and two supermarkets. In this analysis, the functional connectivity matrix is derived from a data set collected in 1949 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, by the Traffic Audit Bureau.
田口 敦子 村山 洋史 竹田 香織 伊藤 海 藤内 修二
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.66, no.11, pp.712-722, 2019-11-15 (Released:2019-11-26)

目的 地域保健に関わる住民組織には食生活改善推進員,健康づくり推進員,母子保健推進員,愛育班等がある。これらの住民組織は,行政によって育成・支援され,住民の身近な存在として,住民への健康情報の提供や意識啓発を行っている。その活動効果が報告されている一方で,成り手の減少等の課題がある。そこで,本研究では,全国調査により地域保健に関わる4つの住民組織の特徴と課題を明らかにすることを目的とした。これにより,住民組織の養成・支援の方策を立てるのに有益な資料となり得ることを目指す。方法 対象は,全国の市町村1,873か所であった。全国の市町村のうち政令指定都市は行政区ごとを対象とし,特別区は除外した。市町村自治体の健康増進担当者を対象に,メールまたは郵送にて調査を実施した。調査期間は2017年2月~3月末であった。食生活改善推進員,健康づくり推進員等,母子保健推進員等,愛育班について,それぞれ住民組織の設置の有無,組織の設立年,会員数,最も多くを占める年代,メンバーの主な選出方法,等について尋ねた。組織の現在の課題は12項目を6件法(1=全くそう思わない~6=非常にそう思う)で尋ねた。活発に活動しているメンバーの割合を0~10割の範囲で尋ねた。結果 全国の市町村808件の回答を得た(有効回答数805件,有効回答率43.0%)。設置の有無は,食生活改善推進員が最も多く全対象市町村の84.7%であり,続いて健康づくり推進員等(64.3%),母子保健推進員等(26.4%),愛育班(10.1%)であった。組織の課題について「非常にそう思う」,「そう思う」,「まあそう思う」の回答を合計した割合は,「新しいメンバーがなかなかみつからない」,「活動の対象者が固定化している」等で4組織共に50%以上であった。また,4つの組織に共通して「活動を楽しめていないメンバーが多い」,「仕事や介護等の理由により活動への関わり方に制約があるメンバーが多い」,「活動の目的がメンバー全体で共有されていない」の課題は,組織の中で活発に活動しているメンバーの割合と,中程度または弱い負の相関がみられた。結論 4つの住民組織の特徴には違いもみられたが,組織の課題は全国的に共通するものが多いことが明らかになった。
井上 文 保坂 嘉成 村山 陵子 田邊 秀憲 大江 真琴 内田 美保 小見山 智恵子 真田 弘美
看護理工学会誌 (ISSN:21884323)
vol.4, no.1, pp.67-72, 2017-01-25 (Released:2018-02-28)

松元 健二 松元 まどか 村山 航 出馬 圭世
基礎心理学研究 (ISSN:02877651)
vol.29, no.2, pp.164-170, 2011-03-31 (Released:2017-04-15)

The prefrontal cortices play important roles in cognitive control of behavior. The medial prefrontal cortex guides actions on the basis of the representation of action-outcome contingency, because many neurons represent action-outcome contingency when represented information is examined in a visually cued go/no-go task with asymmetrical rewards with reversals. Also, the medial prefrontal cortex evaluates the correctness of actions on the basis of classifying the outcome of actions, because both success- and failure-responsive neurons were observed in an action-learning task. On the other hand, the lateral prefrontal cortex regulates the relationship between actions and rewards by comparing the values of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, because the lateral prefrontal cortex shows the activity corresponding to the undermining effect of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation in a task that could be voluntarily engaged in. Both the medial and lateral prefrontal cortices may interact to link between goal-directed behaviors and intrinsic motivation through the cortico-basal ganglia loops.
山崎 貴子 伊藤 直子 大島 一郎 岩森 大 堀田 康雄 村山 篤子
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.41, no.3, pp.176-183, 2008-06-20

王尾 和寿 村山 祐司 温井 達也 相澤 道代
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
vol.2014, 2014

近年、通学途中の児童と自動車の接触事故、震災や竜巻被害の発生などを契機として、通学路における児童の安全確保は喫緊の課題となっている。本研究では通学路の不安箇所を把握し改善につなげるため、地域に居住し地域を熟知している保護者の視点で不安箇所を抽出し、その属性を用いて空間的特性を明らかにした。データ取得については、地域の危険箇所や不安箇所に関するデータ収集を行うため、2012年10月および2013年12月に、茨城県つくば市内のN小学校区において、児童と保護者による通学路点検を実施した。集団登校に保護者が同行し、通学路の不安箇所を、交通、犯罪、災害の視点でチェックし、GISデータベースを作成した。次にカーネル密度推定により、不安箇所の分布特性を把握し、属性情報と共に分析を行った。 結果として2012年では108枚の不安箇所マップを回収し、393地点の不安箇所(交通不安244、犯罪不安86、災害不安63)を取得した。また2013年では111枚で382地点(交通不安226、犯罪不安101、災害不安55)の不安箇所を取得し、両年次共、交通不安の箇所数が最も多かった。2013年データに対してカーネル密度推定を適用した結果、交通不安、犯罪不安、災害不安、それぞれに不安地点密度の高い場所が異なっていた。交通不安は箇所数が最も多く、学校区全体に分布しているが、特に交通量の多い幹線道路を横断する地点で、密度の高まりが見られた。犯罪不安については、民家や人気が無い農道での不安感が高かった。災害不安については、周辺に民家が無く、災害発生時に避難する場所も無い地域での密度が高く、2012年調査と比較して不安感の高まりが見られた。また、道幅が狭く家屋が密集する地域での不安感も高く、塀や壁が崩れる恐れを指摘する声が多かった。さらに、児童の性別と保護者の不安感の関係を探るため、交通、犯罪、災害、それぞれの不安箇所について、男児のみが通学、女児のみが通学、男女が通学、の3タイプの割合を計算した結果、犯罪不安では女児のみが通学している保護者の割合が高く、災害不安では男児のみが通学している保護者の割合が高い傾向がみられた。
村山 雅美 Masayoshi MURAYAMA
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.27, pp.2153-2175, 1966-12

(1) The basic plan of the 7th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition was the reopening of the Syowa Station, the establishment of a permanent station and preparations for inland survey. The routine observations of the wintering team were to engage in the study of aurora, airglow, geomagnetism, ionosphere, natural earthquake observation and tidology at the station while high level scientific researches were to be made on auroral intensity, auroral spectrum, auroral radio noise emission, geomagnetic pulsation, ionospheric absorption, biology and thermal process in the upper atmosphere. Emphasis in the researches of the 7th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition was to be placed on the study of upper atmospheric physics and biology in line with the International Quiet Sun Year (I Q S Y) and the International Biological Program (I B P), respectively The basic policy for inland survey was to be based on magnetic meridian which passes through the Syowa Station, and on geosciences, also glaciology and magnetism to be conducted between appropriate points on the magnetic meridian and the South Pole, were to be taken up as important subjects. Preparatory operations were to be made by the 7th wintering team with the target set on a South Pole traverse trip by the 10th expedition While testing the large sized snow car specially developed for such traverse, the wintering team was to conduct inland terrestrial magnetism and meteorological observations and also construct fuel depots for the team to accomplish the traverse. On the other hand, aboard the icebreaker FUJI, observations were conducted on upper stmosphere physics, oceanography, geochemistry and biology. (2) The icebreaker FUJI, which left Tokyo on November 20, 1965, entered the sea of ice floes off the Soviet Station Mirny on December 19 after touching at Fremantle, Australia. After proceeding westward, the FUJI arrived at the edge of close pack ice at a point 65°S, 45°E Compared with the conventional course via Gape Town, the time required to navigate the distance between Tokyo and the sea near Syowa Station was reduced by approximately two weeks Furthermore, because the condition of the ice in Lutzow-Holm Bay is greatly influenced by the ice condition in the area between Enderby Land and the Prince Olav Coast, the FUJI during her voyage was able to carry out effective survey on the condition of the ice in this area. The Prince Olav Coast, west of Enderby Land, is well known for its numerous icebergs which were found in a long row about 30 miles off that coast along a line of the top margin of the continental shelf It was also presumed that an open sea existed along the Prince Olav Coast northwest of the row of icebergs The open sea was spotted by a Sikorsky 61A helicopter which is capable of long distance reconnaissance flight The FUJI entered this open sea and, after cruising in a southwesterly direction, arrived at the edge of fast ice some 40 milts NNE off the Syowa Station on East Ongul Island However, this was one wintei fast ice which had been formed since April of the preceding year Because this ice was considered too soft to hold a large sized snow car and also because it would take the FUJI a long time to break through, it was decided ro carry out an transportation (3) The buildings, antenna and vehicles at the Syowa Station which had been closed since February 1962, seemed in good condition outwardly, but the summer of the preceding year, which had changed the many wintered fast ice of Lutzow-Holm Bay into new fast ice, also had played havoc with the base and the buildings which were caught in frozen waters In particular the powei hut and mess hut weie damaged When closing the base in 1962, I had left two 20 KVA diesel electric generators which I believe would take only about 48 hours to restore the operational condition, but the fact was that it took nearly a week to clean the ice off the generators, dry and reassemble them The 12,000 horse power FUJI, unlike its predecessor the SOYA, was able to advance up to five miles from the Prince Olav Coast by developing only about 25% of her full power However, the reason why the FUJI was able to approach so close to the coast was partly attributable to the favorable ice condition Air transportation of provisions and equipments began from the end of December and was completed at the beginning of Februay under a polar high atmospheric piessuie and under the same weather condition as at the Syowa Station During this period, the operational rate of the two helicopters reached a high 50% out of days feasible to fly Various huts to accoinodate the equipments were constiucted, including the power hut assembled from metal pannels which housed two 45 KVA diesel electric geneiatois, a pie-heating hut housing a circulation flush toilet and a pre-hcatmg tank, radio and tiansmittei huts The buildings weie connected by passageway made of corrugated iron pipe with a diameter of two meters Thus, the Syowa Station was completely revitalized About 80 kilohters diesel oil is consumed in one year at the base for the diesel electric geneiators, excluding the fuel in diums to be used for inland survey tups This time the transportation of diesel oil for geneiators was earned in bulk from the FUJI to the base, i e , in two 1-kilohter tanks installed in the helicopter and delivered to six newlv constructed 10-kiloliter rubber pillow tanks and one 20-kilohter aluminum tank A rhombic antenna was constiucted on an island off East Ongul Island, with directional beams toward Tokyo and the mother station, Mawson. The establishment of telegraph and telephone services with Tokyo using a 1 KW transmitter was completed on January 27. On the other side, the FUJI started her voyage southward by breaking through the blue ice on the western side of Ongul Island. The ship advanced further in the Ongul Straits and finally succeeded in berthing at East Ongul Island More than 400 tons of cargo had been air-lifted from the FUJI to the base, but the FUJI berthed near the base in search of ice strong enough to hold the snow car to be sent ashore. The snow car was the KD 60, which was developed specially for traverse trip between the base and the South Pole It has the following specifications and capacities, resistant to cold up to 60 degrees below zero centigrade, operatable up to a height of 4,000 meters above sea level, durable 6,000 kilometers trip, equipped with seismic sounding instrument, gravity meter, 50 W SSB transmitter, gyrocompass and straight steering navigation system It is also equipped with berthes and a kitchen for a crew of four and is capable of pulling a load of seven to nine tons at speed range of 10km per hour to 15 km on even snow Facilities and instruments for observations in upper atmosphere physics such as multicolor photometer, all-sky camera, spectrograph, aurora radar, riometer, continuous measurement of VLF emission, magnetic recorder and hiss recorder were completed To increase the meteorograph system, the automatic Rawin system was successfully installed, inaddition to a hydrogen gas generator and a tide gauge. On February 1, I nominated eighteen members of the wintering team led by Dr. A. MUTO. (4) The FUJI sailed eastward along the Prince Olav Coast, reached some 25 miles northwest of Molodezhnaya Station (67°50'S, 45°50'E), and berthed here where the Soviet relief ship OB lied already alongside. The fast ice on the Prince Olav Coast, 10 to 20 miles wide during the past month and the northern line of the ice floes at about 40 to 50 miles from the coast, had turned to an area of loose ice with an ice concentration of 3 to 5 The FUJI stopped some 15 miles north-northwest off the Molodezhnaya on the edge of fast ice and paid a visit to the station by helicopters on the night of February 3. We were welcomed by Dr. N. N OUCHINNIKOV, the leader of Molodezhnaya, who personally guided us throughout the station, our nearest neighbor. Next day, we visited OB, which was moored to the continental ice, and were welcomed by Captain KUPRI and Dr. MAKSUTOV, the leader of the 11th Soviet Antarctic Expedition. In return, Captain KUPRI, Dr. MAKSUTOV and Dr OUCHINNIKOV paid a visit to the FUJI where a mutual-welcome party was held by the members of the Japanese and Soviet Antarctic expeditions The FUJI started her westward cruise on February 6 and arrived at a point 45 miles north of the Syowa Station A helicopter was flown to Syowa to bring back five summer personnel who had been left there, and we baid farewell to the eighteen members of the wintering team The FUJI continued her survey cruise from Princess Ragnhild Coast through ice floes some 20/60 miles wide from the ice front in a west-southwest direction On February 9, the FUJI pushed southward through the loose ice floe filled with an ice concentration of 2 to 3 and discovered oil drums on the shelf ice indicating the place where the MAGA DAN, a relief ship chartered by the Belgian-Dutch Antarctic Expedition, had berthed seveial days before We cast anchor at Glacier Bay and on the night of Februaiy 10, we were visited by Mr AUTENBOER, leader of the Belgian-Dutch Antarctic Expedition, and his men from Roi Baudoum Station The following night, four Japanese members, including myself, paid a visit to Roi Baudoum with Mr AUTENBOER on his snocat, and were given the opportunity of touring the station The Belgo-Netherland party gave us very cordial reception and hospitality during our stay at Roi Baudouin Early in the morning of February 12, the FUJI continued her westwaid voyage along the Princess Astrid Coast and on the night of the 13th, she took northward ciuise for home via Cape Town
村山 隆之
アプライド・セラピューティクス (ISSN:18844278)
vol.11, pp.13-28, 2019 (Released:2019-02-09)

長時間作用性吸入抗コリン薬(LAMA) が喘息に適応拡大されたが、臨床現場でエビデンス 総体を理解することは難しかった。そこで、Sobieraj らが2018 年に発表した喘息患者における LAMAと吸入ステロイド薬との併用に関する系統的レビューを、AMSTAR2 で吟味した。吟味 の結果、研究の除外理由の説明と統計的統合に欠点があり、異質性についての十分な説明等 でも欠点を認めた。統計的統合の欠点は、クロスオーバー試験のデータ抽出および異なる効果量やQOL スケールの統合等であった。LAMAと長時間作用性β2 刺激薬(LABA)との比較について、これらの欠点をKewらのコクラン系統的レビューで使われた統合方法や標準化平均差を利用して対処することで、より多くの研究結果を統合できた。新たな統合結果に基づき、異質性の検討も含めて the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation に準拠したSummary of Findings を作成し、エビデンス総体を把握した。その結果は、Sobieraj らのレビュー結果と比べて、より精確で現場での臨床決定に利用しやすいエビデンス総体の要約となったが、QOL のアウトカムを除いてレビューの結論に大きな相違はなかった。また、喘息治療で蓄積されてきたLABA のエビデンスと組み合わせたネットワーク・メタ解析を試行し、その有用性を確認した。
赤井 佑三子 茂木 香保里 定成 秀貴 武本 眞清 松原 京子 大黒 徹 土田 裕三 桜井 大輔 村山 次哉
日代替誌 (ISSN:13487922)
vol.14, no.2, pp.83-91, 2017

我々はこれまでに,イネ科植物クマザサの含有成分の一つであるtricinが,ヒトサイトメガロウイルス (human cytomegalovirus: HCMV) に対して抗ウイルス効果を示すことを明らかにして来た.本研究では,既存の抗炎症薬でありCCR2アンタゴニストであるgermanium化合物を用いて,tricinとの抗HCMV作用を比較検討することでその作用機序を明確にすることを目的とした.その結果,HCMV感染により増加したCCL2とCCR2の遺伝子発現とタンパク質発現およびHCMV増殖は,germanium化合物処理により濃度依存的に抑制された.またtricin処理では,germanium化合物に比較してより強い抑制効果が観察され,約1/100の濃度で有意に抑制されることが明らかになった.これらの結果から,既存の抗炎症薬・germanium化合物より強力なCCL2発現抑制作用や抗HCMV作用をもつtricinは,これまでの抗HCMV薬には見られない新たな作用機序を持つ抗炎症性HCMV治療薬の候補となる可能性が示唆された.
山本 智一 竹中 真希子 稲垣 成哲 山口 悦司 大島 純 大島 律子 村山 功 中山 迅
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
日本科学教育学会年会論文集 27 (ISSN:21863628)
pp.163-164, 2003-07-20 (Released:2018-05-16)

筆者らは, CSCLシステムのKnowledge Forumを小学校へ導入し, 遺伝子組み換え食品問題をテーマとした授業のデザイン実験を実施してきている。本研究では, 遺伝子組み換え食品に関する内容理解と社会的な論争性を踏まえた上での意思決定という教育目標の達成と, KFを利用した他者の知識へのアクセスという観点から, 子どもたちの知識構築活動の分析を行った。その結果, 多くの他者の知識にアクセスすることは子どもたちの内容理解や意思決定に寄与していた可能性が示唆された。
村山 伸子 米山 けい子
日本健康教育学会誌 (ISSN:13402560)
vol.25, no.1, pp.21-38, 2017 (Released:2017-02-28)

目的:「フードバンクこども支援プロジェクト」の目的は,子どもがいる生活困窮世帯に対して夏休みに集中した食料支援を行うことにより,夏休み期間の欠食の防止や食費,光熱水費の増加による家計への負担を軽減することである.また,食料支援をとおして,生活困窮者の生活上のニーズを把握することである.事業/活動内容:このプロジェクトは,2015年8月にフードバンク山梨が食のセーフティネット事業として実施した.自治体や学校からの紹介を含め食料支援を希望した127世帯に,米や菓子等を約 11 kg箱詰めにして,毎週1回計5回配送した.プロジェクトの評価は,新しく支援をすることになった104世帯を対象に,質問票を配布した.事業/活動評価:61世帯から回答を得た.プロジェクト前後で,子どもの摂取頻度が増加した項目は,3食食べる,ご飯,めん,肉や魚(生鮮・加工品),卵,野菜,牛乳・乳製品で,減少したのは外食であった.食費は,米・パン・めんの支出が有意に減少した.生活上のニーズとして,食事・栄養,経済,健康・医療等があげられ,就学援助金(給食費・医療費)等の公的支援の認知度が低いことも課題として把握された.今後の課題:夏休み期間の食料支援は,子どもの食事や家計に有益であること,NPOが学校や行政と連携することにより,必要な人に支援がつながることが示唆され,活動のスケールアップが課題である.
ウデイン S. M. モスレム 村山 盛一 石嶺 行男 続 栄治 原田 二郎
日本作物學會紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.64, no.4, pp.747-753, 1995-12-01

木酢液・木炭混合物(サンネカE)が夏植サトウキビの乾物生産および根の生育に及ぼす影響を明らかにするために, サトウキビ品種NCo310を供試し, サンネッカE施用量を0(対照区), 200, 400および800kg/10aの4水準設定して5反復で実験を実施した. その結果, サンネッカE施肥により茎重, 茎長, 茎径, 糖含量等のサトウキビの収量構成要素が増大した. サンネッカE施用区におけるCGR, NARおよびLAIは対照区より高い値を示し, CGRとNARおよびLAIの相関は有意であった. 原料茎収量, 葉糖収量および全乾物重もサンネッカE区が対照区よりそれぞれ13-24%, 19-31%および14-20%増加した. また, 原料茎収量, 蔗糖収量および全乾物重の最高値は400kg/10aサンネッカE区で得られた. サンネッカE区の根系の分布は水平方向, 垂直方向とも各分布域における根重密度はサンネッカE区が高かった.
高坂 佳宏 村山 弘之 中山 文彦 河内 順
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.71, no.3, pp.777-780, 2010 (Released:2010-09-25)
1 3

症例は69歳,女性.頭痛,発熱を主訴に当院受診.項部硬直を認める以外異常な神経所見はなかったが,髄液検査にて高度の細胞数上昇を認め,髄膜炎の診断にて内科に入院し,抗菌薬治療を行った.入院時の髄液培養は陰性だったが,血液培養にてStreptococcus bovisが検出されたため,軽快退院後,消化管腫瘍精査を行ったところ,S状結腸に2型の癌を認めたため外科へ再入院し,S状結腸切除術,D3郭清を施行.病理結果は中分化腺癌,ss,ly1,v1,n1,Stage IIIaであった.本邦では,Streptococcus bovisと大腸癌との関連性の認識がまだまだ低いと考えられるため,文献的知見を加えて報告する.