村山 拓
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13498312)
vol.3, pp.55-68, 2007-03-31

This paper aims at the historical analysis on the situation of the education in Yaeyama area in Okinawa under the governance of the military administration by the United States. Especially, this research takes notice of the cultural campaign by the Yaeyama Education Society (Yaeyama-Kyoiku-Kai) and the inauguration of the first "Petalozzi Festival" by the teachers in this district. Pestalozzi Festival commemorate Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi(1746-1827), a Swiss educational theoretician and practitioner. He never came into Japan, and Okinawa, but many educators in Japan commemorate him and success his thought. In Yaeyama area this festival started in 1949, and it has been continuing for more than 50 years without the interruption. The case of this festival is never seen in another area in Japan. After the battle in Okinawa was finished in 1945, the military government started the adopted the policies in Okinawa in the different way of the one in mainland Japan. In Yaeyama, the original "Yaeyama Education Act" was in force, and the school organization was 8-4 system by 1949. Yaeyama Education Society established in 1948, and the first festival is in 1949. This research attempt to make the situation of the society and of the first festival be clear.
新美 陽子 井上(村山) 美穂 村山 裕一 伊藤 愼一 岩崎 利郎
The journal of veterinary medical science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.61, no.12, pp.1281-1286, s・iii-s・iv, 1999-12

ヒトの性格(新奇性探求)に関連するとされるD4ドーパミン受容体遺伝子の多型領域を,イヌ2品種(ゴールデンレトリーバー19頭, 柴15頭)において調べた.ヒト用プライマーセットを用いて,ゲノムDNAのPCR増幅を行い,塩基配列を決定したところ,反復領域の前後の配列はヒトおよびラットと高い相同性を示した.ヒトの多型領域には48塩基を単位とした反復配列が認められるが,イヌの多型領域には39塩基,12塩基からなる単位が存在していた.これら単位の数と配列順序の違いから,4種類の対立遺伝子が識別された.ゴールデンレトリーバーではA,Bの2種類が観察され,A対立遺伝子が最も高頻度であり,柴ではB,C,Dの3種類の対立遺伝子が観察され,D対立遺伝子の頻度が最も高かった.本研究により,イヌD4ドーパミン受容体遺伝子に多型が存在すること,対立遺伝子頻度が品種間で異なることが,初めて明らかになった.ゴールデンレトリーバーと柴の性格は,服従性,攻撃性などにおいて大いに異なるとの報告がある.D4ドーパミン受容体遺伝子のような性格関連遺伝子の解析は,イヌの特性や適性を知る一助となるかもしれない.
村山 正治 山田 裕章 峰松 修 冷川 昭子 亀石 圭志
健康科学 (ISSN:03877175)
vol.6, pp.45-57, 1984-03-30

Murayama et al. selected 60 items as Self-Actualization Evaluating Scale. It has ten sub categories ; acceptance of present-self, achievement orientedness, way of positive life, self assertion, genuiness, integration of bipolarity, separatness, obsessiveness, self-directedness, acceptance of weakness. Each category consists of 5〜8 items. Next shows comparison between 10 subscales of POI and 10 categories of "Self Actualization Evaluating Scale". The profile of categories for individual row scores were caluculated by personal computer. The Self-Actualization-Scale(SEAS) inventry and a formatting program were presented.
山際 大雅 村山 敏夫 栗原 裕佳 西田 唯人
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会予稿集 第73回(2023) (ISSN:24367257)
pp.473, 2023 (Released:2023-12-01)

西園 昌久 高橋 流里子 対馬 節子 松永 智子 福屋 靖子 土屋 滋 大貫 稔 高橋 美智 浅野 ふみぢ 小松崎 房枝 鈴木 小津江 平山 清武 中田 福市 鈴木 信 壁島 あや子 名嘉 幸一 鵜飼 照喜 福永 康継 浪川 昭子 高田 みつ子 岩渕 勉 森脇 浩一 加藤 謙二 早川 邦弘 森岡 信行 津田 司 平野 寛 渡辺 洋一郎 伴 信太郎 木戸 友幸 木下 清二 山田 寛保 福原 俊一 北井 暁子 小泉 俊三 今中 孝信 柏原 貞夫 渡辺 晃 俣野 一郎 村上 穆 柴崎 信吾 加畑 治 西崎 統 大宮 彬男 岩崎 徹也 奥宮 暁子 鈴木 妙 貝森 則子 大橋 ミツ 川井 浩 石川 友衛 加世田 正和 宮澤 多恵子 古賀 知行 西川 眞八 桜井 勇 三宅 史郎 北野 周作 竹洞 勝 北郷 朝衛 橋本 信也 斉藤 宣彦 石田 清 畑尾 正彦 平川 顕名 山本 浩司 庄村 東洋 島田 恒治 前川 喜平 久保 浩一 鈴木 勝 今中 雄一 木内 貴弘 朝倉 由加利 荻原 典和 若松 弘之 石崎 達郎 後藤 敏 田中 智之 小林 泰一郎 宮下 政子 飯田 年保 奥山 尚 中川 米造 永田 勝太郎 池見 酉次郎 村山 良介 河野 友信 G. S. Wagner 伊藤 幸郎 中村 多恵子 内田 玲子 永留 てる子 石原 敏子 河原 照子 石原 満子 平山 正実 中野 康平 鴨下 重彦 大道 久 中村 晃 倉光 秀麿 織畑 秀夫 鈴木 忠 馬渕 原吾 木村 恒人 大地 哲郎 宮崎 保 松嶋 喬 桜田 恵右 西尾 利一 森 忠三 宮森 正 奥野 正孝 江尻 崇 前沢 政次 大川 藤夫 関口 忠司 吉新 通康 岡田 正資 池田 博 釜野 安昭 高畠 由隆 高山 千史 吉村 望 小田 利通 川崎 孝一 堀 原一 山根 至二 小森 亮 小林 建一 田中 直樹 国府田 守雄 高橋 宣胖 島田 甚五郎 丸地 信弘 松田 正己 永井 友二郎 向平 淳 中嶌 義麿 鎮西 忠信 岡田 究 赤澤 淳平 大西 勝也 後藤 淳郎 下浦 範輔 上田 武 川西 正広 山室 隆夫 岡部 保 鳥居 有人 日向野 晃一 田宮 幸一 菅野 二郎 黒川 一郎 恩村 雄太 青木 高志 宮田 亮 高野 純一 藤井 正三 武内 恵輔 南須原 浩一 佐々木 亨 浜向 賢司 本田 麺康 中川 昌一 小松 作蔵 東 匡伸 小野寺 壮吉 土谷 茂樹 岡 国臣 那須 郁夫 有田 清三郎 斎藤 泰一 清水 強 真島 英信 村岡 亮 梅田 典嗣 下条 ゑみ 松枝 啓 林 茂樹 森 一博 星野 恵津夫 正田 良介 黒沢 進 大和 滋 丸山 稔之 織田 敏次 千先 康二 田中 勧 瓜生田 曜造 尾形 利郎 細田 四郎 上田 智 尾島 昭次 大鐘 稔彦 小倉 脩 林 博史 島 澄夫 小池 晃 笹岡 俊邦 磯村 孝二 岩崎 栄 鈴木 荘一 吉崎 正義 平田 耕造
医学教育 (ISSN:03869644)
vol.15, no.3, pp.145-173, 1984-06-25 (Released:2011-08-11)
村山 康雄
日本実用英語学会論叢 (ISSN:1883230X)
vol.2004, no.11, pp.57-68, 2004-09-15 (Released:2010-03-12)

Many English-Japanese dictionaries and English-usage dictionaries in Japan classify ‘probably’, ‘likely’, ‘possibly’, ‘perhaps’ and ‘maybe’ into the same group, all of which indicate the possibility of occurrence of something. Some of them further show their respective percentages.In this paper I will show that these words are divided into two groups according to whether they express the speaker's certainty or not. ‘Probably’, ‘likely’ and ‘possibly’ indicate that the speaker is certain that something will happen, while ‘perhaps’ and ‘maybe’ indicate that he is not certain. Some syntactic features such as the following will support this analysis: the former group words can be modified by ‘very’ and ‘quite’, and take comparative and superlative forms, and the latter group words can modify a number with the meaning ‘about’.
望月 ちひろ 宍戸 哲也 石田 玉青 春田 正毅 村山 徹
公益社団法人 石油学会
石油学会 年会・秋季大会講演要旨集 第49回石油・石油化学討論会(山形大会)
pp.208, 2019 (Released:2019-12-31)

バイオマスから得られる重要な基幹化合物である5-ヒドロキシメチルフルフラールを選択酸化することで得られる2,5-ジフォルミルフランは、医薬品, 機能性ポリマー合成の重要な前駆体である。本研究では、アルコール酸化反応の光触媒として知られるNb2O5に様々な金属ナノ粒子を担持しHMF選択酸化反応を検討した。この結果、Nb2O5のみに比べAuナノ粒子を担持することで活性・選択性の向上が確認されたので報告する。
高杉 潤 樋口 大介 杉山 聡 吉田 拓 松澤 大輔 沼田 憲治 村山 尊司 中澤 健 清水 栄司
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.38, no.2, pp.124-125, 2011-04-20 (Released:2018-08-25)

触刺激される体肢の鏡像の観察によって誘発される体性感覚(referred sensation:RS)の有無や程度には個人差があることが知られている。しかしなぜ個人差が生じるのか調べた研究はなく,個人因子は明らかになっていない。本研究は,RS誘発には個人の持つ共感能力の高さが要因にあると仮説を立て,Empathizing Quotient(EQ)を用いてRSとの関係を明らかにすることを目的とした。23名の健常者を対象にRS誘発課題とEQ課題を実施した結果,EQおよびEQの細項目のひとつ,emotional reactivity(ER)の得点とRSの程度との間に正の相関が見られた。視覚―体性感覚の共感覚とERとの間に相関が見られるとするBanissyらの報告と今回の結果が合致することからも,RS誘発の個人因子のひとつとして,個々の共感能力の高さが関与していることが示唆された。
村山 大知 坂井 上之 米山 正己 能勢 毅一 畠山 英久 渡邉 一寿 越智 茂博
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.77, no.6, pp.572-580, 2021 (Released:2021-06-20)

Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) using ultra-short TE (uTE) is known to be used for the evaluation of cerebral aneurysm after treatment such as clipping and coiling. However, conventional uTE sequences are not appropriate as an additional imaging sequence for 3D time-of-flight (TOF)-MRA because it is not possible to shorten scan time and acquire selective-volume imaging. To solve the problem, we focused on the combination of uTE sampling and 3D radial scan sequences. In this study, we examined the optimal imaging parameters of the proposed uTE-MRA. A simulated blood flow phantom with stents (Enterprise) and titanium clips (YASARGIL) was used for optimizing the TR, flip angle (FA), and radial percentage. The signal intensity in the simulated vessel was measured in each imaging condition, and the ratio of the presence or absence of a stent was evaluated as a relative in-stent signal (RIS). In addition, the diameter of the signal loss of the simulated artery was measured for each imaging condition, and signal loss length (SLL) of a clip was calculated from the average value. The RIS improved with increasing the FA and shortening the TR, but it did not change by changing the radial percentage. The SLL became smaller at the coil as the FA increased, but there was no significant difference between the intersection and the blade. There was also no significant difference between TR and radial percentage. The effective imaging conditions for uTE-MRA to improve the vascular description of the evaluation after treatment of cerebral aneurysms with metallic devices were those with large FA and short TR.
尾山 裕介 村山 敏夫 太田 玉紀
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.68, no.3, pp.215-221, 2019-06-01 (Released:2019-05-18)

In this study, we investigated the relationship of an osteoarthritis of the knee (OA) and a knee pain of single-leg on the bilateral difference of ground reaction force in stepping. The subjects were 29 middle-aged women (mean age 63.7±6.7 years). We categorized them into groups based on the following conditions: osteoarthritis of the knee (OA groups; n = 9), knee pain (KP groups; n = 7), and no pain (NP groups; n = 13). We measured the ground reaction force in a vertical direction when stepping on a platform. The evaluation variables were as follows: peak of ground reaction force at the early stance phase (F1), middle phase (F2), and late phase (F3). We calculated the bilateral difference of ground reaction force of the left and right leg and the affected side and the unaffected side ratio. The result of two way ANOVA, there was a significant difference between the leg in F1 and F3 and the group at F2. The result of comparison between the OA groups and the KP groups, there was no significant difference in the unaffected side and the affected side ratio, those in the OA groups tended to have a load on the unaffected side, while those in the KP groups had a load on the affected side. Therefore, it was suggested that there was the relationship of the OA and a knee pain of single-leg on the bilateral difference of ground reaction force in stepping.
村山 輝志
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.19, no.1, pp.17-25, 1986-07-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

There have been many discussions about whether Budo is considered to be a sport or not. Ancient Budo was a part of traditional Japanese culture, but it has developed into a competitive sport. Budo has made contributions to many aspects of our society: for example, to the arts, to the education, and so on.The Satsuma feudal clan's emphasis on education promoted it to build the first Budo gymnasium, including the Inuomono stadium and the Zoshi gym, despite of the clan's great debt.The courses of the sword was most emphasized; horseriding and archery were taught every day and the handle of a long sword and a spear were done every other day.The Satsuma teachers of Budo were the first persons who with feudal masters went to Edo to study Budo. Other feudal clans came to Satsuma to teach errantry of knights.The Budo school had its foundations before the modern times and since then, it has spread throughout Japan.
矢作 徹 山田 直也 村山 裕紀 加藤 睦人 渡部 善幸 伊藤 浩志 峯田 貴
一般社団法人 表面技術協会
表面技術 (ISSN:09151869)
vol.72, no.3, pp.170-175, 2021-03-01 (Released:2021-03-09)

This paper describes characterization of thermal imprinting of resins using a fabricated micro-multi-fin structured micro-electro-mechanical system(MEMS)mold to incorporate a structural color expression function.Through the MEMS fabrication process, micro-mold structures with 0.2-μm pitch inclined micro-multi-fin structures on the sidewalls of microscale ridges(structures resembling a morpho butterfly)were fabricated on Si substrates. Shape transfer properties related to thermal imprinting of cycloolefin polymer(COP)and polymethyl methacrylate(PMMA)were examined using the fabricated MEMS mold with an inclined multi-fin structure. Thermal imprinting was conducted under various temperature conditions related to the measured glass transition points of resins obtained via dynamic mechanical analysis. The multi-fin shape(a 4-μm pitch ridge structure with a 0.2-μm pitch inclined multi-fin structure)was transferred to the COP and PMMA. The molding resin fin widths increased along with increasing molding temperature. Also, adhesion between the mold and the resin improved, which made release of the resin from the mold difficult. Finally, the imprinted PMMA exhibited a light blue reflection(380-500 nm).
松田 明子 景山 一郎 栗谷川 幸代 原口 哲之理 金子 哲也 小林 祐範 村山 哲也
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
交通・物流部門大会講演論文集 2019.28 (ISSN:24243175)
pp.2202, 2019 (Released:2020-05-25)

In this research, we investigate an adaptability of drivers to a personal mobility vehicle (PMV) using lean mechanism. In order to evaluate PMV with a lean mechanism considering driver's feeling, the purpose is to establish an evaluation method in human-car system. Experiments were conducted with multiple vehicle characteristics using a driving simulator. In this report, we analyzed for the steering angle focused on the input of the driver. First, it was confirmed that the steering angle really obtained with DS depends on the steering characteristics. Next, we confirmed that the tendency of the trajectory was different from the difference in equivalent preview time. Finally, the frequency characteristics of the adjustable steering were examined. As a result, there was a difference in reproducibility. And this difference may be a method of expressing driver characteristics.
村山 七郎
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.16, no.2, pp.137-143, 1951 (Released:2018-03-27)

The Yaphetic theory of N. Marr and his followers had been propagated during last twenty years as the genuine Marxist theory of language. In June 1950, Stalin published his famous article, "On Marxism in Linguistics, " and gave Marr's theory a decisive blow. Being no linguist, he had to rely on critics of Marr, principally Prof. Chikobava at Tiflis University. Although his criticism created a sensation in the USSR, we can find little other than propositions usually found in text-books of comparative linguistics. In recent years the Yaphetic theory has met the strong opposition of the Moscow linguists headed by Academician Vinogradov. This opposition was based on traditional, i. e. comparative-historical linguistics. After Stalin's criticism, the Institute of Language and Thought, the citadel of Yaphetic theory, was dissolved, and in July 1950, a new Institute of Linguistics was established. Vinogradov, who had been accused by Marrists of being "reactionary, " was elected director. A review of the work of this new Institute in the last months indicates clearly that the currently-prevalent trend in Soviet linguistics is based on the comparative-historical method. The present day Soviet linguists emphasize historicism.
間野 達雄 遠藤 由理佳 中山 貴博 村山 繁雄 今福 一郎
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.102, no.2, pp.440-443, 2013 (Released:2014-02-10)

帯状疱疹ウイルス(varicella-zoster virus:VZV)脳炎は,神経節に潜伏感染したVZVの再活性化による脳炎である.症例は81歳,男性.嘔気,不明言動で発症し,急激に進行する意識レベル低下・脳幹機能障害を呈した.頭部MRIでは大脳底部,脳幹,小脳に広汎な炎症所見を認めた.アシクロビル1,500mg/dayを2週間投与したものの神経障害の改善なく死亡,広範な脳炎と壊死に加え,Alzheimer病の合併が確認された.
坂井 隆敏 人見 ともみ 菅谷 京子 甲斐 茂美 村山 三徳 米谷 民雄
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.48, no.5, pp.144-147, 2007-10-25 (Released:2008-02-05)
16 15

液体クロマトグラフィー/質量分析法(LC/MS)による,豚および牛組織中のβ-作動薬ラクトパミンの簡便かつ再現性の高い分析法を開発した.筋肉および肝臓の場合は,酢酸エチルによりラクトパミンを抽出し,得られた酢酸エチル層を減圧乾固後,残留物をアセトニトリル/n-ヘキサン分配により精製した.脂肪の場合は,アセトニトリル/n-ヘキサンにより分配抽出および精製を行った.精製後に得られたアセトニトリル層を減圧乾固し,残留物をメタノールに再溶解後LC/MS測定に供した.LCにおける分離は,分析カラムとしてWakosil-II 3C18HGカラム(150×3 mm i.d.),移動相として0.05%トリフルオロ酢酸-アセトニトリル(80 : 20)を用い,流速0.4 mL/minの条件で行った.MSにおける検出は選択イオン検出(SIR)モードにて行い,エレクトロスプレーイオン化法(ESI)により生じたラクトパミンの擬分子イオン(m/z 302)を検出した.本法による筋肉(0.01 μg/g添加),脂肪(0.01 μg/g添加)および肝臓(0.04 μg/g添加) からのラクトパミンの平均回収率(n=3)は,豚サンプルにおいてそれぞれ99.7%, 99.5%および100.8%,牛サンプルにおいてそれぞれ108.3%, 97.0%および109.4%であった.相対標準偏差は0.1∼9.5%の範囲であった.また,定量下限値は0.001 μg/g (1 ng/g)であった.
青木 祥宏 黒岩 良祐 藤井 英俊 村山 元 泰山 正則
一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.103, no.7, pp.422-428, 2017 (Released:2017-06-30)
17 11

Linear Friction Welding (LFW) is a solid-state joining process, in which a joint is obtained through the relative motion of two components under a high contact load. The most important factor of this conventional method is to obtain a fresh surface at the interface by expelling the weld interface as flash. In this study, medium carbon steel was welded by LFW at a low frequency, low amplitude and high applied pressure. As a result of the temperature measurements and microstructure observations, the maximum temperature of the weld plane was confirmed to be below the A1 transformation temperature, and martensitic transformation was prohibited at the weld interface. The key concept of this method are applying a large strain deformation to the interfaces to recrystallize at a lower temperature which is different from the conventional LFW.
富田 真佐子 小高 稔 佐久間 光史 細田 裕 村山 隆志 山口 百子 水野 正一 吉田 英世 森沢 拓 山中 寿
一般社団法人 日本痛風・核酸代謝学会
プリン・ピリミジン代謝 (ISSN:09162836)
vol.20, no.2, pp.91-98, 1996 (Released:2012-11-27)

We examined the relation of serum uric acid to mortality among 49,412 male employees aged 25 to 60 years old. Baseline data were collected during the health examinations performed between 1975 and 1982. Vital status was followed until 1985. Compared with men showing a uric acid level of 5.0-6.4 mg/dl, those with a level of 8.5 mg/dl and over had a 1.74-fold higher rate of mortality from all causes (p<0.05). Compared with men showing a uric acid level of 5.0-6.4 mg/dl, those with a level of 8.5 mg/dl and over had a 2.6-fold higher rate of mortality from cerebrovascular disease (p<0.01),1.7-fold higher rate of mortality from ischemic heart disease,3.1-fold higher rate of mortality from other heart disease (p<0.001),3.5-fold higher rate from liver disease (p<0.01), and a 7.0-fold higher rate from renal failure (p<0.01), respectively. Strong associations were obsereved between serum uric acid level and mortality from all causes, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, liver disease, and renal failure. Associations was also observed between serum uric acid level and body mass index, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, liver function, serum total protein, serum total cholesterol, previous history of gout and circulatory diseases (p<0.001). Further investigation into the possible role of uric acid in the development of various disease is needed.