三木 有咲 波多江 崇 猪野 彩 井上 知美 上野 隼平 笠谷 君代 近藤 亜美 坂口 知子 佐々木 信子 田内 義彦 竹下 治範 辻 華子 中川 素子 野口 栄 長谷川 由佳 水田 恵美 矢羽野 早代 山根 雅子 濵口 常男
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.1, pp.24-33, 2015

We implemented a questionnaire survey targeting mothers who are in child care and had participated in consultations regarding drugs and diseases. We examined the future roles of community pharmacists by exploring the mothers' concerns and, anxieties about child cares and their backgrounds, and their expectations for profession of community pharmacist. Mothers have listed anxiety and concerns of child care about "dermatitis such as rash and atopic eczema"; "food allergies"; "infectious diseases such as measles, chicken pox, and mumps"; and "side effects of vaccination". In addition, most of them indicated their own concerns and anxiety about "solutions to children's illnesses." Despite their anxieties and concerns, however, approximately 60% of the mothers have never consulted with community pharmacists. Among them, approximately a half of them indicated the following three reasons why they have never consulted with pharmacists: "I have nothing to talk about,", "I do not know what I should talk about,", and "I was not sure if it was alright to talk about my concerns.". From these results, we concluded that community pharmacists in the future should improve their communication skills and inform their availability to consult about medicine and disease to local residents.
辻 重継 中西 宏佳 津山 翔 片柳 和義 湊 宏 八尾 隆史 八尾 建史 土山 寿志
pp.1121-1130, 2019-07-25

要旨●目的:表在性非乳頭部十二指腸上皮性腫瘍(SNADET)に関しては,内視鏡診断のみならず,病理組織学的診断についても明確な診断基準がない.今回は,低異型度高分化型上皮性腫瘍の細胞形質発現に基づく新たな病理組織学的診断アルゴリズムをgold standardとしてNBI併用拡大内視鏡(M-NBI)の診断能について検討した.方法:2008年10月〜2017年11月までに,生検未施行でM-NBIが実施され,内視鏡的切除が施行された34病変を対象とし,VSCSを用いたM-NBI診断能を後方視的に検討した.病理診断は低異型度高分化型上皮性腫瘍の細胞形質発現に基づく診断アルゴリズムに基づき,revised Vienna classificationでCategory 3(C3),Category 4(C4)に分類した.成績:C3 12病変vs C4 22病変であり,C4に対するM-NBIの診断能は,感度95.5%,特異度58.3%,正診率82.4%であった.しかし,M-NBIにてC3を癌と診断した限界病変が存在し,特に有茎性のC3 2病変においてはいずれもM-NBIにて癌と誤診した.有茎性病変を除いたM-NBIの診断能は,感度95.5%,特異度70.0%,正診率87.5%であった.結論:VSCSを用いたM-NBIは,SNADETの質的診断におけるoptical biopsyとして有用である可能性がある.しかし,内視鏡診断と病理組織学的診断の乖離例が存在し,今後より多数の症例を集積したうえでのさらなる検討が必要である.
藤田 淳子 福井 小紀子 池崎 澄江 辻村 真由子
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.67, no.11, pp.819-827, 2020-11-15 (Released:2020-12-23)

目的 在宅チームケアにおいて重要な役割を担う介護関連職の認識する医療職との連携困難感を測定する尺度を開発することである。方法 緩和ケアの多職種研修会に関連した研究結果から介護関連職からみた医療職との連携困難感に関する内容を抽出し,専門家パネルにて10項目の設問からなる尺度原案を作成した。1都市の在宅ケアに従事する介護関連職を対象に,自記式質問紙調査を実施し,尺度の信頼性・妥当性について検討した。結果 220人を分析対象とした探索的および確証的因子分析の結果,2因子構造6項目を採択した。因子は,「尊重されない感覚」「コミュニケーションの壁」と命名した。Cronbach α係数は,尺度全体で0.80,各因子は,0.77-0.81であり内的整合性が確認された。基準関連妥当性について,他の2尺度との相関係数を算出したところ,尺度全体でr=−0.36~−0.42の負の相関が有意に認められた。下位尺度は,第Ⅰ因子と他の2尺度とはr=−0.17~−0.27,第Ⅱ因子と他の2尺度とは,r=−0.41~−0.42の負の相関が有意に認められた。結論 開発した尺度は,在宅の介護関連職の連携困難感を測定する尺度として一定の信頼性・妥当性を有すると考えられた。
辻 大地
東洋学報 : 東洋文庫和文紀要 (ISSN:03869067)
vol.98, no.4, pp.454-430, 2017-03

While it is commonly known that sexual and love relations between men in pre-modern society, including that of the 'Abbāsid Period, were widespread, most of the historical research to date has regarded such relations as synonymous with modern concepts of "homosexuality." In addition, historians tend to be of the opinion that what may be called the "essentialist" concept of "Islamic homosexuality" has been embraced consistently regardless of time or place, when trying to understand male-male sexual relationships of various places and different periods. In recent years more and more research is being done that reexamines these conventional views. In particular, the research on the Ottoman Period has begun to relocate male-male sexual relationships within the context of sexuality as a whole. Unfortunately, the 'Abbāsid period has yet to be so reconsidered, mainly due to a paucity of historical sources regarding sexuality during that time. Given such circumstances, the present article is an attempt to show one facet of sexuality at the time, through a consideration of male-male sexual relationships in the 'Abbāsid period. For this purpose, the author conducts an analysis of the discourse presented in the al-Jāḥiẓ's Kitāb Mufākhara al-Jawārī wa al-Ghilmān (The Book of the Boasting Match between Girls and Boys) which is almost the only historical material written dealing explicitly with the subject of sexuality. The analysis shows that there was a distinction between "adult males" and "non adult-males," including not only females but boys, adolescents and so on, with respect to sexual relationships. Moreover, this distinction seems to correspond to a distinction between active and passive roles in sexual intercourse. The author concludes that sexual relationships at the time were based not on modern binary sexual categories of male and female, but rather on a different category fluctuating between "adult males" and "non adult-males."
青山 肇 草柳 賀一 四辻 美奈子 北山 功 山口 友伸 児玉 勉
公益社団法人 日本化学会
日本化学会誌(化学と工業化学) (ISSN:03694577)
vol.1986, no.12, pp.1765-1770, 1986-12-10 (Released:2011-05-30)


2 0 0 0 OA 自叙伝の試み

和辻哲郎 著
vol.19-23, 1958
辻 竜平 長谷川 孝治 相澤 真一 小泉 元宏 川本 彩花

遠藤 薫 吹角 隆之 足立 準 小嶋 益子 青木 敏之 吉田 政弘 森田 和矢 成 隆光 辻野 守典
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.46, no.10, pp.1013-1024, 1997

1. 3〜12歳のアトピー性皮膚炎患者30名を無作為に2群に分け, 1年間にわたって患者の部屋及び寝具を掃除することによって, ダニ数が減少し, 患者の症状と検査値の改善に寄与するかを, 二重盲検試験で検討した。2. 前後のダニ数は, モニター群とコントロール群の両群とも, 患者の部屋の床で有意に低下していた。終了時, モニター群の寝具でより大きいダニ数の低下の傾向が認められ, 特に掛け布団において有意なダニ数の差異が認められた。3. 終了時, 症状スコアはモニター群で有意に改善していたが, コントロール群ではそうではなかった。両群間で症状スコアの変動率を分析すると, モニター群においてより軽快傾向が見られたものの有意差は認められなかった。4. 血清IgE値は掃除前後で両群とも有意差はなかった。Dermatophagoides farinae (Df), D. pteronyssinus (Dp) に対するRAST値は, 有意差はなかったが, モニター群でより大きい低下がみられた。5. ダニ数の低下は, 臨床症状の改善とダニRAST値の低下に寄与する可能性が示唆された。
辻 陽
近畿大學法學 (ISSN:09164537)
vol.54, no.2, pp.128-72, 2006-09-30

[目次] はじめに, 一.分析方法と分析対象 1.分析方法 2.分析対象, 二.分析 1.通時的分析(大阪府議会, 1971年4月~1995年4月) 2.共時的分析(滋賀県議会, 京都府議会, 大阪府議会, 兵庫県議会, 奈良県議会, 和歌山県議会, 1995年4月~1999年4月), おわりに, 付表本文データは, CiNiiから複写したものである。
鵜飼 渉 辻野 華子 杉村 政樹 木川 昌康 田山 真矢 石井 貴男 古瀬 研吾 廣瀬 奨真 橋本 恵理 澤田 いずみ 山本 武志 白鳥 正典 河西 千秋 相馬 仁
no.9, pp.35-43, 2018-03

精神科教室セミナーを終えた懇親会で,演者としてお招きした大学教授のA 先生から,突然,"先生も扁桃体クラブの会員なのですね(笑)。"と,言われ驚いたことがある。若くて優秀なその先生に,大変やさしい笑顔で話しかけられ,固く握手までしてもらったと記憶している。"扁桃体クラブ"という"人の集まり"が存在するのかどうか私は知らない。しかし,それがもし"会員制"であったなら,私はぜひ会員の皆様との集いに参加してみたいと思う。私たちはこれまで,精神疾患における,対人コミュニケーション能力をはじめ,種々の社会的な認知機能障害の脳病態の解明を目指す研究を進めてきたが,その観点からは,"扁桃体クラブ"という言葉にはとても魅力的な響きがある。ここでは,近年,家庭,学校,職場で起きている,いわゆる"コミュ障"(コミュニケーション障害の略語とされている)問題を越えていくためにも,本題の"ディープコミュニケーション"の脳機能に関連する知見を集めてみた。
中辻 享
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.56, no.5, pp.449-469, 2004
3 4

Though subsistence-oriented slash-and-burn rice production is still the major land use in the hilly areas of Northern Laos, it is now increasingly problematic, especially in areas adjacent to main roads. Due principally to increased population pressure, the period of fallow has declined and labor requirements for weeding have dramatically increased. In addition, the Lao government considers shifting cultivation to be a major cause of deforestation and has recently initiated a series of policies to restrict it. The main policy now being implemented is the 'land allocation program' which aims to stabilize shifting cultivation and to promote permanent agriculture by allocating a limited area of agricultural land to each household.On the other hand, market-oriented agricultural activities of shifting cultivators, such as cash crop cultivation, collection of forest products, animal husbandry and teak plantation forestry, are now becoming increasingly important since the Lao government adopted a policy to revitalize the market from 1986. As a result, a cash income has become very important in rural and urban areas. Among these activities, cash crop cultivation is now widely adopted in some areas of Northern Laos, influencing local land use and livelihood. This is due in part to the policy of the Lao government; the government is now promoting intensive agriculture with cash crops as an alternative to slash-and-burn rice production.The present study aims to reveal the influence of the introduction of cash crop cultivation on land use in the hilly areas of Laos, with a focus on Number 10 Village, which is located 25km to the south of Luang Prabang, the largest town in Northern Laos. The main ethnic group is the Khmu. In this village, the upland fields planted with both upland rice and cash crops (Job's tears and paper mulberry) were mapped by means of GPS to describe today's land use. Interviews were also conducted with every household to investigate the household economy and land use history of each field.The conclusions are as follows.In Number 10 Village, the land allocation program was conducted in 1996 and afterwards intensive cultivation of cash crops was promoted by the local government and international organizations as an alternative to slash-and-burn rice production. Due in part to this policy, many households have started cultivating Job's tears and paper mulberry, but it has never been an alternative to slash-and-burn rice production. Job's tears is a cereal crop which is exported to Thailand and Taiwan, and is then processed into beer, sweets and health foods. Although cultivation is usually highly profitable, households cannot rely permanently on it due to large price fluctuations. Paper mulberry is a tree crop, the inner bark of which is exported mainly to Thailand and is processed into paper. It has a rather stable price and is easy to cultivate, but is rarely cultivated intensively because of its low profitability.On the other hand, upland rice cultivation is still the most important land use practice in the village, engaging 88% of households at the scale of 1.13 ha per household. Most households continue production without observing the rules established by the land allocation program. Today, they practice it under the rotation of shorter fallow and an increased cultivation period, which has caused a very significant increase in the labor requirements for weed control. If the rotation is intensified by limiting agricultural land, it cannot be continued. Therefore, many households still continue on land where cultivation is prohibited according to the rules established by the program.Most households combine subsistence-oriented rice production and market-oriented cash crop cultivation. This combination has important merit for them in that they can mitigate the risks associated with cash crop failure or a fall in the market price due to this subsistence production.