松永 順夫
水産増殖 (ISSN:03714217)
vol.22, no.1, pp.20-26, 1974-06-25 (Released:2010-03-09)

1) 海水中の大腸菌群最確数 (これをMPNと呼ぶ) は経時的にも, また場所 (去岸距離別, 地理的, 水深別) によるわずかな違いによっても著しい差が生じた。2) MPNの経時的な変化は潮位と気象の経時的変化の影響と見られた。3) MPNは風波やCODと相関し, 風波で海底土が舞い上るにつれてCODとMPNの値が高くなった。4) MPNは風波の静かな時には潮位と負の相関をし, 干潮時に多く, 満潮時には少なかった。5) 海水中のMPNは沖合に行くにつれて減少し, 沖合1km以遠にはほとんどないが, 海底土中には3km以遠でも認められた。6) 河川水中のMPNは上流に少なく, 下流に多い傾向がある。しかし, 河口付近 (200m以内) の海水中や河口からの距離が遠ざかるにつれての傾斜的な減少傾向が見られなかった。7) 海水中に流入した大腸菌群の消長については急激な減少傾向が見られ, 3時間以内にほぼ全滅することが確認された。ただし, 1%ペプトン加海水や有機性汚濁物質を含む海水中では大腸菌群はむしろ増殖した。8) 海へ流入した大腸菌群のごく一部は海水中でも生存し, 特に有機性汚物の多い海底土中には多数の存在が認められた。しかし, 海水や海底土中に有機性汚濁物質がない場合には全く大腸菌群の存在が見られなかった。9) 上記のことから, 海水中のMPNを指標にした海水の汚染度調査および水質判定は充分可能である。ただし, 海水中の大腸菌群のMPNは陸水から海への大腸菌群の流入量を直接表わしていない。10) 本検査結果は, 海水中の大腸菌群の生存とする資料としての価値が高い。繁殖をどの程度許容する海洋環境であるかを判定
横井 勝彦 竹内 真人 小野塚 知二 倉松 中 高田 馨里 松永 友有 福士 純 永岑 三千輝 田嶋 信雄 鈴木 淳 西牟田 祐二 奈倉 文二 須藤 功 西川 純子 山下 雄司 千田 武志

吉信 淳 松永 隆佑

松永 寛明
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.25, pp.86-102, 2000

This study analyzes the relationship between the abolition of punishment in public space and social changes in Japan. Penal system in Edo period functioned to maintain the status order and then punishing people in public was indispensable to restore broken status order because symbolic event of violence to the offender's body revived social consciousness of the large social distance between offender and victim. Modernization and collapse of status order in Meiji period forced feudal penal system changed. Punishment vanished from public place because of Ritsu-ryou system introduced. The system was soft on criminals but it is not very important. Behavior and consciousness of intellectuals and statesmen who aspire to rationalize penal system represented a more important factor that they reflected changing social order; punishment in public space had been invested with a "punishment" meaning for rigid status order existing and it became a cruel behavior when status order collapsed. As a consequence, the feudal relics had been abolished in twelve years.
平瀨 敏志 竹尾 直子 中村 政志 佐藤 奈由 松永 佳世子 谷口 裕章 太田 國隆
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.69, no.1, pp.48-52, 2020 (Released:2020-02-12)

松永 俊朗
vol.87, no.2, pp.146, 2016 (Released:2016-10-20)
松永 佳世子
日本香粧品学会誌 (ISSN:18802532)
vol.39, no.2, pp.103-108, 2015-06-30 (Released:2016-07-22)

Recently we have experienced two outbreaks of health hazard from cosmetics that were voluntary recalled. One is an outbreak of immediate wheat allergy due to epicutaneous sensitization to a hydrolyzed wheat protein, contained in a facial soap. A total of 2,111 patients have been registered. Most of the patients are females, and half of them had anaphylaxis after eating wheat. The other is an outbreak of Rhododenol-induced leukoderma, and more than 19,000 patients were reported. Rhododenol is a quasi-drug ingredient for lightening cosmetics, and is a phenol compound. The Patch Test Material Research Committee of the Japanese Society for Dermaoallergology and Contact Dermatitis was set up in 2007, and has been performing two nation-wide studies. One of them is an epidemiological study on allergic contact dermatitis, which was done first as the paper-based case-registration questionnaire study started in 2010. Cosmetics were the most responsible products of allergic contact dermatitis, 67% of all, and the common causative items were hair dyes, skin lotions, and shampoos. The cases from the facial soap containing the hydrolyzed wheat protein and cosmetics for lightening skin including Rhododenol were reported in our study. We have made ‘Skin Safety Case Information Network of Cosmetics and Other Products: SSCI-Net.' The aim of this network is to get real-time information of skin health hazards from cosmetics and decrease the risk and hazard as soon as possible by the industry–academic–government information network.
松永 幹生 後藤 春彦 吉江 俊
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.760, pp.1411-1421, 2019-06

<p> Edward Relph, a Canadian geographer said that there are psychological connections named "sense of place" between people and place, and they are important in terms of making good places. In Japan, It is said that the urban developments without consideration of psychological connections have destroyed places and their social memory. The purpose of this research is to analyze the character and inheritance of "sense of place", by observing habitual use of places inherited in university students in Takadanobaba. There were three investigations and followings were obtained:</p><p> </p><p><b>1) The whole picture of places where university students usually use</b></p><p> It became clear that the places where university students usually use can be divided into fifty four groups based on the industry classification. University facilities, Izakaya, Ramen shop etc. were the most popular places. And it became clear that the places where university students usually use can be roughly divided into nine groups through analysis of purpose for using place. There are the places for intellectual activities, cultural activities, sports, shopping, drinking parties, eating, gathering, killing time and rest. Moreover, it became clear that university students were relating nine places with each other to be network.</p><p> </p><p><b>2) The target youth's formation process of Local-oriented mind</b></p><p> 162 habitual uses of places are gained through the survey. They can be roughly classified into two actions. One is action done by using necessary items already prepared in the places, and the other is actions done by bringing necessary items from other places by themselves. The latter is done in the outdoor space, and it became clear that it is done outside of university more than inside of university. It is confirmed that most places where habitual use of places are done were located around each campus and Takadanobaba Station. And it became clear that many habitual uses of places are done in three types of places; places for leisure activity, places as node, and places for moving.</p><p> </p><p><b>3) Actors for inheritance of "sense of place"</b></p><p> 134 habitual uses of places are inherited beyond school grade. Groups or people keeping on planning events and the groups with multi-generation members are main actors for inheritance of the habitual use of places, thus they are considered to be one of the actors for inheritance of "sense of place". And it became clear that two environments were important for the inheritance of "sense of place"; appropriate urban space for purpose and the experience of seeing behavior of others.</p>
松永 泰行
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2012, no.167, pp.167_42-56, 2012-01-30 (Released:2013-09-21)

Why has Iran been refusing to comply with the binding U.N. Security Council resolutions and to halt its uranium enrichment program? Why has the apparent cost that it incurs by defying the international community not deterred Iran from furthering its nuclear program? Why has postrevolutionary Iran been opposing the U.S.-led peace processes between Israel and the Palestinians and made it a rule to counter any U.S. influence in the region?In this article, I posit that postrevolutionary Iran's principled opposition to the U.S. is not just rhetoric or an ideologically-driven self-image, but that it may well be considered its self-constructed strategic cultural proclivity. While mindful not to fall into the trap of essentialist or cultural determinist arguments, I find the concept of strategic culture as a context useful. Following scholars such as Stuart Poore, I posit that decision makers perceive and interpret their strategic environment culturally, while what may be considered their constituted strategic culture give meaning to material factors.As a first step toward identifying postrevolutionary Iran's strategic culture, I examine the views of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the paramount leader of the Islamic revolutionary movement and the first head of the postrevolutionary Islamist state, as regards contemporary international relations and the roles of the superpowers therein. Convinced that part of the mission of the Islamic revelation was about providing salvation against oppression and fighting injustice, Khomeini went on to construct postrevolutionary Iran's dominant strategic discourse anchored in the perceived obligation to avoid and counter earthly hegemony or domination. Khomeini preached that Iran must resist the “satanic” moves of the both superpowers and find only sanctuary under the banner of Islam. While finding it logical and necessary to build and maintain good neighborly and mutually respectful relations among states, Khomeini ruled out submitting to any international hegemon.Iran in its post-Khomeini period continued to maintain its counterhegemonic stance. Ayatollah Khamenei, the successor to Khomeini as the head of the Islamic state of Iran, cultivated its counter-hegemonic strategic culture in part to secure his own authority and build his power base. The strategic alliance constructed between Khamenei and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has proved to perpetuate post-Khomeini-era Iran's anti-American strategic culture.In conclusion, I argue that Iran may be best regarded as a counterhegemon, not an aspiring hegemon and that the kind of power that postrevolutionary Iran has found necessary to possess is not the power for hegemony and domination, but the power to resist and persevere. This proclivity helps explain why Iran has continued its nuclear program despite the cost it incurs by defying the U.N. Security Council resolutions. It also helps explain why it has maintained its principled anti-U.S. stance for the last three decades. It does not, however, seem logical to conclude that Iran's apparent pursuit of the deterrent capabilities through its nuclear or other programs is directly influenced by its counter-hegemonic strategic culture. The argument, nonetheless, supports a view that Iran's strategic posture is almost exclusively defensive and that its apparent pursuit of the means of deterrence should not necessarily be considered posing a threat to the region or the international community.
松永 猛裕・藤原 修三
安全工学 (ISSN:05704480)
vol.40, no.6, pp.401-405, 2001-12-15 (Released:2017-02-28)
松永 智子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.81, pp.143-161, 2012-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This study aims to clarify the characteristics of the readers' column in the Japan Times during World War II. Founded in 1897 with the support of the government, businessmen, and researchers, the newspaper was expected to produce Japanese propaganda after the Manchurian Incident in 1931. Previous studies have tried to examine Japanese propaganda through the analysis of the editorials in the newspaper. However, very little has been written about the readers' column, which was laid out beside the editorial and was supposed to be a forum for free speech. This article focuses on the Asama Maru Incident (January 21^<st>, 1940) - a scandal that provoked an anti-British campaign in the Japanese-language press and eventually propelled Japan into World War II - to reveal how the readers' column in the Japan Times was a forum for open international discussion. From when the incident occurred (January 21) to when some of the captured Germans were released in Yokohama (March 2) , 13 out of a total of 66 letters published in the readers' corner were about the Asama Maru Incident. An analysis of the writers, who were from England, Japan, and Germany (in addition to a few anonymous writers) , reveals that eight were pro-Britain and five were anti-Britain. In comparison, the Japanese-language press was completely anti-Britain and the two other English papers were completely on the side of Britain and the U.S. during the same period. I conclude that this column functioned as an 'asylum for foreign people's free speech' in order to make the Japanese propaganda in the rest of the paper more effective and palatable. I also point out that the messages in the column, the editorial and the translations from the Japanese press functioned in a mutually complementary manner to each other with regard to the propaganda in the Japan Times. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for understanding public diplomacy in English-language media.
根本 裕太 倉岡 正高 野中 久美子 田中 元基 村山 幸子 松永 博子 安永 正史 小林 江里香 村山 洋史 渡辺 修一郎 稲葉 陽二 藤原 佳典
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.65, no.12, pp.719-729, 2018-12-15 (Released:2018-12-27)

目的 本研究では,若年層(25-49歳)と高年層(65-84歳)における世代内/世代間交流ならびにそれらの組み合わせと精神的健康との関連について検討することを目的とした。方法 2016年に地域住民を対象とした質問紙調査を実施した。有効回答を得た若年層3,334人(回収率24.6%)および高年層3,116人(回収率46.0%)を本研究の解析対象者とした。精神的健康については,WHO-5を用いて,合計点数が13点未満もしくはいずれかの設問に対し1点以下の回答をした者を「不良な健康状態」と判定した。世代内/世代間交流については,親族や仕事関係の人を除いた者との交流頻度を調査した。若年層においては「20-40代」,高年層においては「70代以上」との交流を「世代内交流」,若年層における「70代以上」,高年層における「20-40代」との交流を「世代間交流」とした。また,これらの組み合わせとして両世代との交流がある者は「両世代交流あり」,両世代とも交流がない者を「交流なし」とした。統計解析においては,精神的健康を目的変数,世代内/世代間交流を説明変数,性別,年齢,最終学歴,婚姻状態,同居者,主観的経済状況,地域活動への参加,就労,健康度自己評価,手段的日常生活動作能力を調整変数としたロジスティック回帰分析を行った。結果 若年層3,334人のうち,精神的健康が良好な者が61.5%,「世代内交流あり」は51.3%,「世代間交流あり」は21.9%,「両世代交流あり」が16.5%,「交流なし」が42.7%であった。一方,高年層3,116人のうち,精神的健康が良好な者は65.8%,「世代内交流あり」は67.9%,「世代間交流あり」は34.3%,「両世代交流あり」は29.9%,「交流なし」は21.1%であった。ロジスティック回帰分析の結果,いずれの世代においても「世代内交流あり」,「世代間交流あり」は交流していない者と比較して精神的健康状態が良好であった。世代内/世代間交流の組み合わせと精神的健康との関連では,両世代において,「世代内交流のみ」と比較して「交流なし」は精神的健康が有意に劣り,「両世代交流あり」は良好であることが示された。結論 若年層と高年層において世代内交流ならびに世代間交流が良好な精神的健康と関連し,両世代と交流している者はさらに精神的健康が良好であることが示唆された。
古川 福実 船坂 陽子 師井 洋一 山本 有紀 米井 希 松永 佳世子 秋田 浩孝 上田 説子 薄木 晶子 菊地 克子 幸野 健 田中 俊宏 林 伸和
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.118, no.3, pp.347-356, 2008

Chemical peeling is one of dermatological treatments for certain cutaneous diseases or conditions or aesthetic improvement, which consists of the application of one or more chemical agents to the skin. Chemical peeling has been very popular in medical fields as well as aesthetic fields. Since scientific background and adequate approach is not completely understood or established, medical and social problems have been reported. This prompted us to establish and distribute standard guideline of care for chemical peeling. Previous guidelines such as 2001 version and 2004 version included the minimums for the indications, the chemicals used, their applications, associated precautions, and postpeeling care and findings. The principles were as follows :1) chemical peeling should be performed under the control and the responsibility of the physician. 2) the physician should have knowledge of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and understand the mechanism of wound-healing. 3) the physician should be board-certified in an appropriate specialty such as dermatology. 4) the ultimate judgment regarding the appropriateness of any specific chemical peeling procedure must be made by the physician in light of all standard therapeutic ways, which are presented by each individual patient. Keeping these concepts, this new version of guidelines includes more scientific and detailed approaches from the evidence-based medicine.
林 慶 西村 亮平 山木 明 金 輝律 松永 悟 佐々木 伸雄 竹内 啓
日本獣医学雑誌 (ISSN:09167250)
vol.56, no.5, pp.p951-956, 1994-10

イヌにおいてメデトミジン20μg/kgとミダゾラム0.3mg/kg(Me-Mi), あるいはメデトミジン20μ/kgとブトルファノール0.1mg/kg(Me-B)を組み合わせて投与し, 得られた鎮静効果を, メデトミジン20, 40および80μg/kg(Me20, Me40, Me80)を単独投与した場合の効果と比較検討した. その結果, Me-MiおよびMe-Bでは非常に迅速に強力な鎮静効果が得られ, 約40分間の最大効果発現時には, いずれのイヌも完全に横臥し, 周囲環境, 音刺激に反応せず, 中程度の反射抑制と鎮痛作用が得られ, さらにMe-Miでは自発運動も全く消失し, 優れた筋弛緩作用も得られた. これに対しMe40, Me80では, その鎮静効果はMe-Mi, Me-Bに比べて弱くまた個体間のばらつきもやや大きかった. Me20ではその効果はさらに弱かった. イヌにおいてメデトミジンをミダゾラムあるいはブトルファノールと併用すると, 両者が相乗的に作用することにより低用量のメデトミジンを用いても, 強力な安定した鎮静効果が得られるものと考えられ, とくにメデトミジン-ミダゾラムの組み合わせでは非常に優れた鎮静状態が得られ, イヌの鎮静法として幅広く応用可能で有用であると考えられた.
松永 和人 一ノ瀬 正和
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.101, no.8, pp.2219-2225, 2012 (Released:2013-08-10)
