金子 元久 矢野 眞和 小林 雅之 藤村 正司 小方 直幸 山本 清 濱中 淳子 阿曽沼 明裕 矢野 眞和 小林 雅之 濱中 淳子 小方 直幸 濱中 義隆 大多和 直樹 阿曽沼 明裕 両角 亜希子 佐藤 香 島 一則 橋本 鉱市 苑 復傑 藤墳 智一 藤原 正司 伊藤 彰浩 米澤 彰純 浦田 広朗 加藤 毅 吉川 裕美子 中村 高康 山本 清

赤林 英夫 妹尾 渉 敷島 千鶴 星野 崇宏 野崎 華世 湯川 志保 中村 亮介 直井 道生 佐野 晋平 山下 絢 田村 輝之 繁桝 算男 小林 雅之 大垣 昌夫 稲葉 昭英 竹ノ下 弘久 藤澤 啓子

小林 雅之
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.36, pp.51-62,en214, 1981-09-12 (Released:2011-03-18)

In 1970s a lot of critical works on the Human rCapital Theory which has been a theoretical framework of the economics of education have been raised in the U.S.A. Among them, the Segmented Labor Market Theory, especially the Internal Labor Market Theory and the Screening Device Hypothesis seem to be very suggestive from a view point of the sociology of education. This paper aims at reviewing these new views and acquiring implications about school education systems.The Internal Labor Market Theory insists as follows: There are barriers to entry in the internal labor markets. Employment of workers is restricted to entry jobs and they are promoted internally. They acquire their vocational skills not by school education but by On the Job Training (OJT). By acquiring these skills they are promoted to the higher rank jobs. If these skills are enterprise-specific, employers must bear the training costs. To minimize the hiring and training costs, employers prefer to promote workers internally rather than hire them from outside the enterprises. The more skills are enterprise-specific, the more the labor markets are internalized.The Screening Device Hypothesis insists as follows: Education does not contribute to raising productivity, but serves as a means to sorting people for jobs. Employers do not have enough information about work performances of workers. So they use education as an indirect proxy measure of workers' abilities.In the internal markets, the more skills are enterprise-specific and training needs long time, the more employers use education as a Screening Device and become indifferent to vocational skills acquired by school education and skills are acquired by OJT. Thus in the internal labor market school education is used as a Screening Device and the transmission function of vocational skills by school systems is weakened. Moreover, some economists declare that school education develops personalities which are correspondent to hierarchical work relations in enterprises.Japanese labor markets characterized by a life-time employment system seems to be well explained by the Internal Labor Market Theory. In the internal labor markets the utilities of vocational knowledge and skills acquired by school education are denied. Some empirical research evidences support this conclusion.
大林 雅之
vol.17, pp.111-126, 2021-03-31

In this paper I will clarify the relationship between the meaning of “Solitude” as a way of life, and the meaning of “Little Deaths” which were discussed by Kazuko Watanabe, a Catholic sister. Watanabe defined “Solitude” as the original way of human existence, and as a positive concept. She showed that “Little Deaths” were experienced when living with a consciousness of death, and when living honestly. Furthermore, living honestly means facing oneself and living honestly in “Solitude,” which is seen as the original way of life for human beings. In other words, she seemed to say that the original way of human existence is to accumulate experiences of “Little Deaths” through “Solitude” and honesty.
喜多村 和之 大膳 司 小林 雅之

丸山 文裕 両角 亜希子 福留 東土 小林 雅之 秦 由美子 藤村 正司 大場 淳

小林 雅之

小林 雅之
高等教育研究 (ISSN:24342343)
vol.15, pp.115-134, 2012-05-30 (Released:2019-05-13)

大林 雅之
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.10, pp.71-79, 1992-10-23 (Released:2018-02-01)

The study of genes, with the development of molecular biology, raises ethical issues in the basic and applied life sciences, including biotechnology and biomedical sciences. The ethical issues are connected with recombinant DNA experiments, the Human Genome Project, experiments on organisms with recombinant DNA in the field, gene diagnosis, gene therapy, etc. In this papar, I am particularly concerned with the structure of ethical problems in gene therapy and I consider it in terms of the biological meanings of genes. Ethical problems in the study of genes at the molecular level have occurred today because we can manipulate genes directly. However, when we know the biological meanings of genes, it is not easy for us to manipulate genes from the ethical point of view. The gene has three meanings: (1) It is the product of evolution, (2) It is what creates the identity of each human being, (3) It is the source of the continuity of the human species. Therefore, gene manipulation is connected with individual problems, the relations among generations, the problems between human beings and the ecosystem, and the whole world of organisms. When we consider the ethical problems in human gene therapy in terms of the three meanings of genes, we can see new problems concernings gene therapy as follows: Can we avoid the problems which appear among generations even if we can practice gene therapy not with somatic cells but with germline cells, given meanings (1) and (3) ? Moreover, will gene therapy exacerbate problems connected with the evaluation of genetic information for each person in terms of eugenics, given meaning (2) ?
大林 雅之
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.8, pp.65-78, 1990-07-31 (Released:2018-02-01)

From the late 1960s, arguments concerning ethical problems in clinical applications and experiments of life sciences and biomedical sciences began in the United States. They caused the birth of a new discipline, bioethics. This situation influenced American medical education and showed various difficulties in the traditional ways of training physicians in professional ethics. American medical schools had to make new educational programs, that is, medical humanities, whereby students would have special courses in human values. The purpose of this paper is to consider historically the connection between the bioethics movement and the development of humanistic medical education in the United States and to make clear the influence of bioethical ideas in medical humanities. The author concludes that the medical humanities program is based on the ideas of bioethics. One of these is that a patient's autonomy has to be respected in medicine. Another is that we must participate in interdisciplinary discussions in order to make correct decisions in ethical problems of life sciences and medicine. The necessity of humanistic medical education in Japanese medical schools is also discussed.
大林 雅之
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.32, no.2, pp.15-23, 1999-11-10 (Released:2009-05-29)

小林 雅之
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.101-125, 2007-05-31 (Released:2018-07-01)
4 2

In Japan, like in most countries, the equality of educational opportunities is a crucial issue both in academics and in governmental policy. However, the policy of equality of educational opportunities in Japanese higher education has been weakening. The first aim of this paper is to investigate the background of the policy and to clarify the reasons for its loss of importance. With this aim, the author gives an overview of policy and research works on the equality of higher education opportunities in Japan, in comparison with those overseas.The aim of higher educational policy and planning in post world-war II Japan was to rectify disparities in higher education opportunities between regions and social classes by increasing the supply of institutions providing higher education. However, the policy turned drastically from enlargement to suppression in 1975. The establishment of new universities and departments in the metropolitan area were strictly restricted by the Ministry of Education. This policy aimed to reduce regional inequalities in higher educational opportunities, and was largely successful in doing so. However, the policy concentrated on the regional inequalities, leading to a loss of concern on inequalities among social classes, with the exception of student financial aid programs.Secondly, the results of the Student Life Survey by the Ministry of Education (from 2004 by the Japan Student Service Organization) are often used to demonstrate the equality of higher educational opportunities in Japan. On the contrary, however, some researchers argue that the inequality of higher educational opportunity has been increasing or at least not decreasing, using other survey data. This paper examines the equality of higher educational opportunities using new survey data from 2005. The data show large inequalities in university education opportunities, particularly in private universities. In particular, the participation rate is very low among low-income, low-achievement, female high school graduates. This shows that there are still problems of inequality.Thirdly, this survey shows the existence of debt aversion among parents in the lowest income class and in families with mothers having the lowest education levels. It seems likely that debt aversion leads to serious problems because of the inadequacy of student aid programs, coupled with high tuition fees in Japan. The student financial aid programs of The Japan Student Service Organization, the largest public student program in Japan, gives loans, but not grants, to undergraduates. Some parents and students from lower income tiers may decide not to apply to university to avoid a debt burden. This result implies the need for grants to maintain the accessibility of higher education in the future.
小林 雅之
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.36, pp.51-62,en214, 1981

In 1970s a lot of critical works on the Human rCapital Theory which has been a theoretical framework of the economics of education have been raised in the U.S.A. Among them, the Segmented Labor Market Theory, especially the Internal Labor Market Theory and the Screening Device Hypothesis seem to be very suggestive from a view point of the sociology of education. This paper aims at reviewing these new views and acquiring implications about school education systems.<BR>The Internal Labor Market Theory insists as follows: There are barriers to entry in the internal labor markets. Employment of workers is restricted to entry jobs and they are promoted internally. They acquire their vocational skills not by school education but by On the Job Training (OJT). By acquiring these skills they are promoted to the higher rank jobs. If these skills are enterprise-specific, employers must bear the training costs. To minimize the hiring and training costs, employers prefer to promote workers internally rather than hire them from outside the enterprises. The more skills are enterprise-specific, the more the labor markets are internalized.<BR>The Screening Device Hypothesis insists as follows: Education does not contribute to raising productivity, but serves as a means to sorting people for jobs. Employers do not have enough information about work performances of workers. So they use education as an indirect proxy measure of workers' abilities.<BR>In the internal markets, the more skills are enterprise-specific and training needs long time, the more employers use education as a Screening Device and become indifferent to vocational skills acquired by school education and skills are acquired by OJT. Thus in the internal labor market school education is used as a Screening Device and the transmission function of vocational skills by school systems is weakened. Moreover, some economists declare that school education develops personalities which are correspondent to hierarchical work relations in enterprises.<BR>Japanese labor markets characterized by a life-time employment system seems to be well explained by the Internal Labor Market Theory. In the internal labor markets the utilities of vocational knowledge and skills acquired by school education are denied. Some empirical research evidences support this conclusion.