笠森 正人 大塚 猛 新保 實 宮野 靖
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.41, no.463, pp.465-469, 1992-04-15 (Released:2009-06-03)
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This paper is concerned with the time and temperature dependences of the static flexural behavior in CFRP laminates consisting of high temperature epoxy matrix and satin woven carbon fibers. Dynamic viscoelastic tests for neat resin and three-point bending tests for CFRP laminates were carried out under various loading rates and temperatures. The results obtained are summarized as follows;(1) The mechanical behavior of epoxy resin used was remarkably dependent upon time and temperature even in the vicinity of room temperature that is sufficiently lower than the glass transition temperature Tg.(2) The static flexural strength of CFRP laminates was also remarkably dependent upon time and temperature over a wide range of temperature even below Tg.(3) The time and temperature dependences of the static flexural strength of CFRP laminates was dominated by the mechanical behavior of matrix resin.
水田 啓介 伊藤 八次 西田 基 秋田 茂樹 加藤 雅也 小塩 勝博 海田 健宏 古田 充哉 宮田 英雄 柳田 正巳 柴田 康成 横山 壽一 松原 茂規 小泉 光 森 芳郎 大野 通敏 近藤 由香 藤宮 大 山田 匡彦 渡辺 英彦 加藤 洋治
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.90, no.12, pp.1399-1407, 1997-12-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

IPD® (supratast tosilate) was investigated for its prophylactic efficacy and therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of cedar pollinosis during the 1996 cedar pollen season. The subjects investigated were patients at the Gifu University School of Medicine and its affiliated hospitals, who had a history of cedar pollinosis. The patients were classified into two treatment groups: the prophylaxis group (70 patients), in whom IPD® administration began before the start of cedar pollen dispersion, and the treatment group (49 patients), who underwent IPD® treatment only after cedar pollen dispersion had begun and symptoms of pollinosis had manifested.Results were as follows: (1) The nasal symptoms (sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion) were milder in the prophylaxis group than in the treatment group throughout the cedar pollen season, with the difference being significant during the season's first 2 weeks. (2) In the prophylaxis group, IPD®'s inhibitory effect was rated as excellent in 18.6% of the patients, good in 45.7% and fair in 20.0%. In the treatment group, the improvement in the symptoms was rated as disappearance in 4.2%, excellent in 20.8% and good in 43.8%. (3) When symptom inhibition in the prophylaxis group was investigated as a function of the duration of IPD® administration prior to the start of pollen dispersion, the good + excellent inhibition rate was 57.7% in the subpopulation pretreated for <2 weeks (26 cases), 64.9% with 2 to <4 weeks' pretreatment (37 cases) and 85.7% with 4 to <6 weeks' pretreatment (7 cases). Thus, IPD®'s prophylactic inhibitory rate increased with the length of the pretreatment period. (4) In the prophylaxis groups, the CAP-RAST value was significantly reduced at the time of peak pollen level and at the end of the pollen season compared with the value before IPD® administration.
鳥羽 美奈子 恵木 正史 櫻井 隆雄 森 靖英
vol.2010-GN-76, no.4, pp.1-8, 2010-05-13

知的作業に従事するオフィスワーカーの生産性向上が大きな注目を集める昨今,生産性とオフィスワーカーが受けるストレスの関係もまた強い注目を集めている.ストレスが低いほど生産性が高いとは限らず,また業務を中断させずにストレスを評価する方法はなかった.そこで本報告では,オフィスワーカーの業務を中断することなく,生産効率とストレスの関係を定量化する方法を提案する.PC 操作ログから抽出した特徴量を 5 種類検討し,被験者 10 人延べ 300 時間の実業務を対象に実験を行った結果,キーストロークの特徴量を利用した指標と被験者のストレスを示す生理量に最大 0.90 の高い相関があることがわかった.これにより提案指標が妥当であり,生産性とストレスの関係評価を提示するオフィスワーカーのメンタルヘルスケアに有効なシステムの実装が可能となる見通しを得た.
森 哲 三津山 恭弘 平野 實 山岸 哲
公益財団法人 山階鳥類研究所
山階鳥類学雑誌 (ISSN:13485032)
vol.42, no.2, pp.161-163, 2011-03-20 (Released:2013-03-20)

Predation by a wild Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis on a colubrid snake, Amphiesma vibakari vibakari, was observed on 31 January 2010 in Tokyo. Total length of the snake was estimated as less than 20 cm. This is the first record of predation on a snake by the Common Kingfisher in Japan.
森谷 周一 Shuichi Moritani
橋本 啓史 澤 邦之 田端 敬三 森本 幸裕 西尾 伸也
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.69, no.5, pp.529-532, 2006 (Released:2007-11-13)
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Tree hollows are important nest and roost sites for various animals such as Ninox scutulata even in urban areas, but the number of such sites is very low. In this study, we recorded the characteristics of legacy trees with hollows in an urban area within Kyoto City (25 km2), Japan in 2002. We found 288 legacy trees with a trunk perimeter more than 300 cm and 94 trees with hollows. Legacy trees of Castanopsis sieboldii (an ever-green broad-leaf tree) and Aphananthe aspera (a deciduous broad-leaf tree) had a high rate of hollows. All six legacy trees of Cinnamomum camphora (an ever-green broad-leaf tree) with more than 1.5 m of DBH had hollows, but other trees of this species did not have hollows even when the trunk perimeter was more than 300 cm. We applied a logistic regression model to trunk perimeter and the probability of hollow-bearing in each species in an urban woods. We also predicted tree perimeter in relation to age from the annual relative growth rate in each species. A. aspera trees showed the highest incidence of tree hollows in relation to trunk perimeter, but these trees grow very slowly. Celtis sinensis trees grow rapidly, but they have a lower rate of tree hollows than A. aspera. Z. serrata trees grow at an intermediate speed and rarely have tree hollows. Cinnamomum camphora trees grow rapidly. Castanopsis sieboldii trees grow at an intermediate speed.
鈴木 幸子 福田 達男 荒金 眞佐子 吉澤 政夫 森本 陽治 安田 一郎 伊田 喜光
生薬學雜誌 : shoyakugaku zasshi : the Japanese journal of pharmacognosy
vol.60, no.1, pp.28-31, 2006

In order to realize the cultivation of Asiasarum sieboldii from the seed, the growth condition of the embryos and germination conditions of the seeds were studied. Although the embryos of the seeds soon after harvest were immature and undifferentiated, they grew to differentiate into cotyledons and radicles during storage in wet sand at room temperature, and germinated with rooting 120 days after harvest. The optimum temperatures for growth of the embryos and the germination of the seeds were shown to be 15-20℃, whereas more than 90% success rate was obtained in about 60 days on the germination test in petri dishes. On the other hand, the optimum temperature for seedling emergence is thought to be 8-10℃, since the germinated seeds planted in a sowing bed sprouted in the early spring after lower temperature in winter.
山本 和子 緒方 昭 中森 靖郎 浅野 長一郎 畠中 駿逸
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.28, no.4, pp.416-424, 1973-10-30 (Released:2009-02-17)

The purpose of this paper is to make clear a comprehensive relationship between two groups of measurements of blood pressure and physical constitution. The first group of measurements include pulse rate, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, and the second group of measurements include height, weight, chest circumference, circumference of the upper arm and sitting height.These figures are taken from the Nutrition Survey of Japanese, including 6617 males and 8909 females, investigated in May, 1961.Appling the canonical correlation analysis, we found the following results.1) Only two canonical correlations were statistically significant.2) The value of the first canonical correlation was 0.262 for males and 0.381 for females. The corresponding canonical variables were considered as a blood pressure factor and a physical type factor, respectively.3) It seemed that, as the physical type factor changed with age, the blood pressure factor also changed proportionately.4) The value of the second canonical correlation was rather small but significant, 0.094 for males and 0.108 for females. The corresponding canonical variables seemed to be a pulse-pressure factor and a second physical type factor related to weight (positive) and chest circumference (negative).5) In addition, it was also found that the pulse rate has little to do with the physical type.
小根森 元 川西 昌弘
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.53, no.1, pp.15-20, 2020 (Released:2020-01-28)

2018年12月の日本透析医学会統計調査委員会の報告によると, 新規透析導入患者数は2015年以降増加傾向となったと報告された. 導入患者の増加には, 人口高齢化の影響が大きい. そこで透析原疾患の経年的推移と高齢者 (80歳以上) の導入時原疾患の特徴を明らかにするため, 過去7年間の日本透析医学会の統計調査 (CD-ROM版) のデータを用い, 年齢3区分別に原疾患別導入患者数の検討を行った. その結果, 20歳から80歳未満の原疾患割合と罹病率 (透析導入率) は, 糖尿病性腎症, 慢性糸球体腎炎で減少, 腎硬化症, 不明は増加し, その他は横ばいであった. そして, 導入患者の増加は80歳以上の患者数の増加によるものであった. この患者数の増加は高齢者人口の増加が主因であり, 80歳以上の罹病率を増加させている原疾患も関与していると考えられた. 今後は, 高齢者への対策が, 罹病率 (透析導入率) を減らすためにさらに重要になると思われる.
森 毅
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1974, no.24, pp.163-193,en10, 1974

The peasant uprising, which occurred in Kaei Era (1848-53) in the tcrritory of the Nanbu Clan, was one of the largest of its kind.<BR>Losing the uprising, Meisuke Miura, one of the leading ideologues of that peasant uprising, had to run away from the Nanbu Clan to the Sendai Clan, from the forces of the Nanbu Clan warrior class.<BR>In the Sendai Clan, he thought over the peasant uprising and the gloomy life in the future, and entered into the "Shugendo" in the process of the wandering life.<BR>It is to be noted that Meisuke Miura had a close relationship with the Shugendo", because it was the distinctive features not only of Meisuke Miura, but also of the characteristics of the peasant uprising in general.<BR>This article tries to make an analysis of the relationship of Meisuke Miura with the "Shugendo", more specially, to trace the ideology of Meisuke Miura by his diary in the wandering time, and to look upon the psychological aspects of his memorandum in prison.
黒林 淑子 河野 恵美 森光 康次郎 久保田 紀久枝
The Japan Society of Home Economics
pp.156, 2005 (Released:2005-12-08)

目的 セロリはコンソメスープを調製する際、よく用いられる香味野菜のひとつである。セロリは目的とする風味により、葉・茎部が使い分けられることがある。本研究ではセロリの部位別の香気組成を調べ、それらがスープ風味に与える影響を検証し、調理における使い分けの意義付けを試みた。方法 セロリの葉・茎部はそれぞれ水系で加熱後、水相をエーテル抽出し、SAFE(Solvent Assisted Flavor Evaporation)蒸留装置を用い揮発性成分を捕集し、GC、GC/MS、GC/O測定に供し、成分の分析を行った。一方、動物性素材のみでチキンブロスを調製し、水蒸気蒸留法により得られたセロリの葉・茎部の煮熟香気を添加し、その風味について官能評価を行った。結果 セロリ香気を加えたチキンブロスは添加前に比べ、大きく風味が改善された。その際、葉と茎では風味改善効果の特性に若干違いが認められた。セロリ特徴香に関与する主要成分として3-butylphthalide (1)、Sedanenolide (2)、Sedanolide (3)などのフタライド類が同定されたが、葉中には茎に比べ、特にSedanolideが多く見出された。フタライド(1)および(2)を単独でブロスに加えた場合の効果を評価したところ、種類により風味に与える影響が異なっていた。このことから葉と茎におけるフタライド類の組成の違いが、出来上がったスープの風味の差に影響を及ぼすのではないかと考察された。