内田 順文
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.39, no.5, pp.391-405, 1987-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
16 5

In this paper the term place image is used in its broadest sense to mean all kinds of mental imagery related to a certain place. The recognition of a place is to relate place images with that place. The author defines the idea which arises from this recognition a place. The concept of place implies' both existing space (place) and the image for this place. Therefore every life has this concept of place.In human society, a place name existing as a sign indicates a particular place. We can recognize in this a symbolic relation between place name as significant and place as signifie. As the symbolic relation once accepted as a social norm is passed on in the social group, in mature and complicated societies, most places alreaday have place names and the society's members must learn the symbolic relations.To recognize a place indicated by a place name is to have an image for that place. Therefore a place name not only represents a place as a part of space but causes recognition of place by connecting it with a personal place image. Now places and place names are given a variety of meanings and values by the personal place image, so we can understand the relation between man and place, and explain human behaviour by decoding these meanings. We could deal with this as a problem of interpretation of places.Although each member of the social group has a personal place image for a given place and place name, there is a commonly held part in each place image. As a result of decoding the relation between place, place name and place image, we can communicate a common place image to each other by use of that place name. Such social place images intensify regulation by repeated use in the society. The author calls this process symbolization of place images. We use this social place image in communicating on a social level.In Japan, place images symbolized on a national level are seen frequently and are most important. Some examples of places influenced by such symbolization are as follows:1. Artists often make better use of existing place images in their works for communication with their audience. On the other hand, it sometimes happens that the personal place images of artists get symbolized socially through expression in their works.2. The images of places having a figurative relation to each other can be placed in a certain system and are apt to be symbolized because of the connection of images intensitied by the association.3. Place image often produces economic values, for example a rise in land prices or an increase in the number of tourists, by connecting with ideas having social values.4. Once the symbolization of a place name and place image is formed, the relation is not easily broken. Therefore when there is a gap between actural conditions and the symbolized place image, it no longer represents the true content.
上山 浩也 八尾 隆史 岩野 知世 内田 涼太 宇都宮 尚典 阿部 大樹 沖 翔太朗 鈴木 信之 池田 厚 谷田貝 昴 赤澤 陽一 竹田 努 松本 紘平 上田 久美子 北條 麻理子 永原 章仁
pp.1310-1322, 2021-09-25

要旨●胃底腺粘膜に発生する胃腫瘍の中で,H. pylori未感染胃に発生する胃腫瘍の臨床病理学的・内視鏡学的特徴について概説した.今回,H. pylori未感染胃底腺粘膜に発生する胃腫瘍の中で,特に胃底腺型腺癌,胃底腺粘膜型腺癌,胃型分化型腺癌,胃型腺腫を抽出し解析した.細胞分化では,胃底腺型腺癌は胃底腺のみ,胃底腺粘膜型腺癌は腺窩上皮+胃底腺(+幽門腺),胃型分化型腺癌・胃型腺腫は腺窩上皮+幽門腺(+胃底腺)への分化を示し,通常型の胃癌に比較して異型度や悪性度は低く,内視鏡治療を選択された症例が多かった.内視鏡診断は,各タイプの特徴を理解したうえで,NBI併用拡大内視鏡診断と内視鏡所見から表層の腫瘍成分の有無,表層と上皮下の成分の関係性を推測することが,H. pylori未感染胃底腺粘膜に発生する胃腫瘍の内視鏡診断と各鑑別につながると考えられた.
内田 健一
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
no.59, pp.119-135, 2009-10-17

L'adorazione dell'eroe e uno dei motivi fondamentali della letteratura dannunziana: per D'Annunzio, infatti, l'eroe e la figura ideale dell'uomo il cui valore trascende il tempo. Tuttavia, il poeta, ben consapevole dell'anacronismo insito nel tentativo di risuscitare l'eroe dell'antichita nel tempo moderno, fa di questo contrasto fra il mondo <<vero>> e il mondo <<falso>> il nucleo tematico delle sue opere. Dal punto di vista terminologico, e opportuno premettere che attraverso i termini <<vero>> e <<falso>> intendiamo designare rispettivamente il mondo antico in cui l'eroe vive degnamente e il mondo moderno in cui si trova invece a vivere da emarginato. Piu che l'amore (1906) descrive crudamente il conflitto che viene a crearsi tra l'eroe di stampo antico e la societa moderna. Il protagonista, l'esploratore africano Corrado Brando, non viene apprezzato nel mondo <<falso>> della borghesia nonostante la gloria dell'impresa compiuta. Insoddisfatto, cerca di trovare il denaro necessario a recarsi nuovamente nel suo mondo <<vero>>, cioe in Africa, ma non ci riesce, e l'epilogo lo vede uccidere it baro che lo ha sconfitto al gioco. Questo atto, che viene certamente giudicato colpevole nella societa borghese, rappresenta invece per Corrado il simbolo della lotta eroica per trasformare il mondo <<falso>> in quello <<vero>>. Riteniamo che la speranza nutrita da Corrado nel mondo <<vero>> si rispecchi nelle <<nuove Erinni>>, piu volte da lui invocate nella parte finale della tragedia. Queste non sarebbero l'emblema della societa borghese che opprime Corrado, come alcuni studiosi sostengono, ma le dee che proteggono il mondo <<vero>> e riconoscono in Corrado un eroe. Allo scopo di individuare il significato delle <<nuove Erinni>>, in questo studio si esaminano le precedenti opere dannunziane in cui si trovano riferimenti ad esse. Nelle due novelle veriste, Gli idolatri (1884) e L'eroe (1885), le Erinni non sono nominate esplicitamente, ma la comunita primitiva che D'Annunzio descrive e molto simile al mondo <<vero>> ed e degna di essere governata dalle Erinni. In questa prospettiva, i membri di quella comunita i quali agiscono istintivamente costituirebbero il prototipo dei vari eroi dannunziani. Nel discorso elettorale Agli elettori di Ortona (1897), D'Annunzio parla dapprima dell'origine della sua adorazione dell'eroe, ricordando la propria infanzia. Lancia poi invettive contro il governo italiano che avrebbe distrutto la Bellezza dell'Italia sia materialmente che spiritualmente e subito dopo, come per esaltare il contrasto tra il mondo <<vero>> e quello <<falso>>, comincia a raccontare le vicende dei militari che hanno combattuto eroicamente a Macalle in Etiopia. Invoca infine l'Erinni perche punisca il mondo <<falso>> che ha ingiustamente violato il mondo <<vero>>. Nella Laus vitae (1903) D'Annunzio espone la visione del mondo che ha maturato nel corso di anni di intenso lavoro. Tra i numerosi episodi presentati, spicca per la sua importanza quello della Cappella Sistina, definita come <<dominio di violenza/e di dolore immortale,/sublimita del Male>>: espressione del mondo <<vero>> in cui si puo vivere eroicamente. Altrettanta importanza puo essere attribuita all'episodio della Via Aurelia, net quale l'io protagonista incontra persone che continuano a vivere come gli antichi. Fuori della citta <<falsa>>, l'io ama <<l'animale umano/[...] che divora, s'accoppia,/urla, combatte, uccide,/inconsapevole e vero>> e se ne rallegra, perche si sente vicino al mondo <<vero>>. Infine, nella <<selva d'arbori eguali>> vede l'Erinni e medita sulla legge della natura, sul destino della nazione e sul sacrificio dell'eroe. Ritornando al nostro esame di Piu che l'amore, le <<nuove Erinni>> chiamate da Corrado nel finale del dramma possono essere interpretate come simboli della polizia o della magistratura, cui spetta il ruolo di punirlo. Certo e che nella societa borghese il grave delitto commesso da Corrado e assolutamente imperdonabile, quindi anche il poeta esita a perdonarlo apertamente, attraverso l'uso dell'espressione ambigua <<nuove Erinni>>. Tuttavia, come si e detto, nella letteratura dannunziana le Erinni non simboleggiano il mondo <<falso>> della borghesia, ma amministrano il mondo <<vero>>. Nel proemio a Piu che l'amore, infatti, D'Annunzio afferma con chiarezza che il compito delle <<nuove Erinni>> e quello di giudicare Corrado secondo la legge del mondo <<vero>>. Riteniamo percio che sia preferibile pensare che l'invocazione alle <<nuove Erinni>> non sorga dal timore della condanna, quanto piuttosto dalla speranza del proprio riconoscimento come eroe.
横山 靖彦 山本 佳生 佐藤 崇 中島 裕一 橘 球 内田 正昭
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.76, no.10, pp.2466-2470, 2015 (Released:2016-04-29)
3 3

症例は39歳,男性.下腹部痛,嘔気を主訴に当院を受診.初診時,右下腹部に限局して圧痛を認めたが,明らかな腹膜刺激症状や筋性防御は認めなかった.腹部単純CTで虫垂の腫大を認め,急性虫垂炎と診断した.微小石灰化を認めたが,腹水や膿瘍の所見は認めず,保存的に加療した.入院後1日目は腹部所見,血液生化学検査所見ともに改善を認めたが,2日目に40℃の高熱,ショック状態となり,虫垂穿孔による腹膜炎と敗血症性ショックを疑い緊急手術を施行した.術中所見では虫垂の穿孔,腹水は認めなかった.術後,昇圧剤や抗生剤などの集学的治療で全身状態は改善し,術後14日目に退院となった.病理組織診断は壊疽性虫垂炎で虫垂に明らかな穿孔は認めなかった.血液培養からはPeptostreptococcus prevotiiが検出された.敗血症とDICを合併した非穿孔性急性虫垂炎の報告は稀であり,若干の文献的考察を含め報告する.
内田 樹 Tatsuru UCHIDA
女性学評論 = Women's studies forum
vol.10, pp.3-26, 1996-03

Selon Harold Schechter, les legendes urbaines se composent de deux facteurs: l'archetype imaginaire commun a tous et l'inquietude propre du temps. La ou un archetype ahistorique se trouve relie avec une inquietude historiquement conditionnee, se produit une legende urbaine "dramatique". A partir de cette hypothese, nous analysons, dans la presente etude, trois films qui forment la saga "Alien":"Alien"de Ridley Scott(1979), "Aliens"de James Cameron(1986),"Alien 3"de David Fincher(1992). Ce qui nous interesse n'est pas l'archetype qui reste inchange a travers ces films, mais la transformation grotesque du statut de l'heroine. Ripley, heroine de la saga, presente, au debut,le reve feministe: astronaute experte, independante, courageuse, et seule survivante de la bataille sanglante avec un "Alien". Mais, dans 13 ans, elle doit mourir completement depouillee: sans famille, sans camarades, sans armes,sans futur, sans gloire, et enceinte d'un "Alien". D'ou vient cette chute? Nous en cherchons l'explication dans la tendance misogyne chez les hommes americains face au feminisme menac__.ant des annees 80.
内田 惠美子 筏 義人
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.58, no.4, pp.197-202, 2007 (Released:2008-12-19)

It is important to assess the safety of clothes that are used in contact with human skin. In this study the level of primary skin irritation against various surfactants applied to clothes was evaluated using a cultured skin model. The irritation of anionic surfactants depended on the number of carbons in the alkyl substituent. When the number of carbons was in the range from 9 to 12, the surfactants showed positive in the irritation at concentrations higher than 0.5 wt%. However, the anionic surfactants with carbon numbers lower than 9 or higher than 12 showed negative even at concentrations as large as 1 wt%. The cell viability of nonionic surfactants containing poly(ethylene oxide) chains was dependent on the number of chains. The surfactants containing few chains or many carbons showed negative in the irritation assay, while those containing a certain number of chains and the carbon numbers around 10 showed highly positive at concentrations higher than 0.1 wt%. The irritation of quaternary ammonium salts, which are cationic surfactants, showed positive even at low concentrations, regardless of the number of carbons in the alkyl group.
内田 宏美
生命倫理 (ISSN:13434063)
vol.7, no.1, pp.89-94, 1997

阿久津 聡 内田 由紀子 中田 光紀 永田 智久 宮本 百合 Lee Jinju 山本 翔平

内田 奎佑
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.17, no.2, pp.208-211, 1965-06-20 (Released:2013-02-19)

Fibrin Film is a thin membranous strip of fibrin recently produced for public for clinical use as an ointment for dressing wounds. Clinical studies on the effectiveness of this material are reported in this paper with the following conclusions.1) This film was embetted in the tissue adjacent to the tibia of four patients and was found that this film can be safely packed into areas surrounding human bony tissue.2) In dressing open wounds this film was found effective with wounds which are clean and whose grade of infection is extremely low but not effective with wounds associated with pus or exudate.3) The clinical use of this film can best be indicated for clean fresh wounds without any sign of infection or inflammation such as fresh clean skin laceration or sterile finger tip wound in which the nail is extracted.
都築 建三 深澤 啓二郎 竹林 宏記 岡 秀樹 三輪 高喜 黒野 祐一 丹生 健一 松根 彰志 内田 淳 小林 正佳 太田 康 志賀 英明 小早川 達 阪上 雅史
Japan Rhinologic Society
日本鼻科学会会誌 (ISSN:09109153)
vol.48, no.1, pp.1-7, 2009 (Released:2009-12-18)
12 14

We evaluated a 20-item self-administered odor questionnaire for assessing olfactory function, proposed in 2003 by the Japan Rhinologic Society committee on olfaction tests. The 20-items selected based on results of olfactory studies in Japan were steamed rice, miso, seaweed, soy sauce, baked bread, butter, curry, garlic, orange, strawberry, green tea, coffee, chocolate, household gas, garbage, timber, stercus (shit), sweat, flower, and perfume. Subjects were 302 people —179 men and 123 women (average age: 35.7 years)— having no history of nasal or paranasal disease and tested between December 2004 and December 2007. Subjects were asked to score items as follows: “always smelled” (2 points); “sometimes smelled” (1 point); “never smelled” (0 points); or “unknown or no recent experience” (no score). Scores were calculated and represented using a percentage. Response was 99.3% (300/302), with two subjects excluded for reporting more than 10 “unexplainable” items. The mean score was 95.2% (n=300). Of the 302, 281 (93.0%) agreed on the number and 252 (83.4%) on the content of items. Scores correlated statistically significantly with those of a visual analogue scale (rs=0.501, p<0.0001, n=300). We concluded that the self-administered odor questionnaire is useful in assessing olfactory function in normal subjects. The next step will be to administer the questionnaire to diseased or otherwise compromised subjects to determine whether it is useful for clinically diagnosing such olfactory dysfunction.
千葉 隆司 貞升 健志 長島 真美 熊谷 遼太 河上 麻美代 浅倉 弘幸 内田 悠太 加來 英美子 糟谷 文 北村 有里恵 小杉 知宏 鈴木 愛 永野 美由紀 長谷川 道弥 林 真輝 林 志直 原田 幸子 藤原 卓士 森 功次 矢尾板 優 山崎 貴子 有吉 司 安中 めぐみ 内谷 友美 神門 幸大 小林 甲斐 長谷川 乃映瑠 水戸部 森歌 三宅 啓文 横山 敬子 吉田 勲 浅山 睦子 井田 美樹 上原 さとみ 小野 明日香 河村 真保 小西 典子 小林 真紀子 齊木 大 下島 優香子 鈴木 淳 西野 由香里 村上 昴 森田 加奈 吉丸 祥平 木本 佳那 新藤 哲也 堀田 彩乃 小林 千種 大塚 健治 吉川 聡一 笹本 剛生 稲葉 涼太 小峯 宏之 佐伯 祐樹 坂本 美穂 塩田 寛子 鈴木 淳子 鈴木 俊也 高久 靖弘 寺岡 大輔 中村 絢 成瀬 敦子 西山 麗 吉田 正雄 茂木 友里 飯田 春香 伊賀 千紘 大久保 智子 木下 輝昭 小杉 有希 斎藤 育江 高橋 久美子 立石 恭也 田中 優 田部井 由紀子 角田 徳子 三関 詞久 渡邊 喜美代 生嶋 清美 雑賀 絢 鈴木 仁 田中 豊人 長澤 明道 中村 麻里 平松 恭子 北條 幹 守安 貴子 石川 貴敏 石川 智子 江田 稔 岡田 麻友 草深 明子 篠原 由起子 新開 敬行 宗村 佳子 中坪 直樹 浜島 知子 野口 俊久 新井 英人 後藤 克己 吉原 俊文 廣瀬 豊 吉村 和久
東京都健康安全研究センター研究年報 (ISSN:13489046)
no.71, pp.39-46, 2020
内田 博
日本鳥学会誌 (ISSN:0913400X)
vol.60, no.1, pp.78-87, 2011 (Released:2011-05-28)
2 5

内田 智之 髙木 祐希 水野 晃宏 岡村 駿 斎藤 宏紀 井手 史朗 大原 慎 井上 盛浩 萩原 政夫
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.61, no.8, pp.857-864, 2020 (Released:2020-09-08)

当院で院内感染として新型コロナウイルス感染症を発症した血液疾患40例と他疾患57例を後方視的に解析した。生存例については60日までを解析期間とした。血液疾患21例(52.5%),他疾患20例(35.1%)の死亡が確認された。血液疾患症例においては高頻度にファビピラビルが使用(21例(52.5%)vs 15例(26.3%),P<0.05)されていたにもかかわらず,生存期間中央値は29日で,全生存率が不良な傾向であった(P=0.078)。血液疾患症例では酸素投与が開始後,急激に呼吸状態が悪化し死に至るもしくは人工呼吸器管理を要する状態に至るまでの日数が有意に短い結果が示された(中央値5日(範囲1~17日),10日(1~24日),P<0.05)。入院中の血液疾患症例が新型コロナウイルス感染症を発症すると極めて短期間に重症化し致死的となる可能性が示唆された。
船坂 徳子 吉岡 基 植田 啓一 柳澤 牧央 宮原 弘和 内田 詮三
The Mammal Society of Japan
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.50, no.1, pp.1-11, 2010-06-30

ミナミバンドウイルカ(ミナミハンドウイルカ)<i>Tursiops aduncus</i>の成熟オス4個体を対象として,日長が大きく異なる冬至,春分,夏至に3時間間隔で24時間の連続採血を行い,血液学的検査7項目(冬至,春分,夏至)および血液生化学的検査17項目(冬至,夏至)の日内変動を調べた.ヘマトクリット(HT),尿素窒素(BUN),尿酸(UA),中性脂肪(TG),ヘモグロビン濃度(HGB),赤血球数(RBC),白血球数(WBC),総コレステロール(T-CHO),アルカリフォスファターゼ(ALP),カリウム(K)に日内リズムが認められ,このうちHT,BUN,UA,TGのリズムは特に明瞭であり(<i>P</i><0.01),HTは18時に低値を示し,BUN,UA,TGはいずれも夕方から夜間にかけて高値を示した.これらの日内リズムの頂点平均時刻は,いずれの季節においても日長とは無関係にほぼ同時刻であったことから,そのリズムは内因性の概日時計に制御されている可能性が示唆された.他の項目の日内変動は,不規則なパルス状(好酸球分画,Eos;アルブミン,Alb;グルタミン酸オキサロ酢酸トランスアミナーゼ,GOT;グルタミン酸ピルビン酸トランスアミナーゼ,GPT;総ビリルビン,T-Bil:クレアチンフォスフォキナーゼ,CPK;ナトリウム,Na;クロール,Cl),経時的上昇あるいは下降(クレアチニン,Cre;血糖,Glu),ほぼ不変(好中球分画,Neut;リンパ球分画,Lym;総タンパク,TP;乳酸脱水素酵素,LDH)に区別できた.<br>
内田 次信
西洋古典論集 (ISSN:02897113)
vol.11, pp.62-80, 1994-03-30

この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。In the first half of the Odyssey, both the hero's longing for his wife and her attachment to her absent husband are emphasized. This could suggest to the audience that the poet would reproduce the original naive world of the homecomer, but in the second part the hero manifests mistrust of women in general, and would not confide his true self or intention of revenge to his wife. It is only after he successfully fights off the suitors that Penelope acknowledges him as her husband. She was excluded from the fighting but, in the underworld the ghost of a suitor tells of Penelope's assistance to her husband with the plot. Thereupon, Agamemnon praises Odysseus for having Penelope as his wife, which again reminds us of the romantic world of the folk tale. It would have been easier and his victory more certain, if Odysseus had really gotten Penelope's aid, as may have occurred in the original tale. But to Odysseus, who represents the modern man, such a world was alien. The discrepancy between the two worlds creates irony.