若森 みどり
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.50, no.3, pp.41-52, 2013-10-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

In The Great Transformation, of which first-edition was published in the same year as Hayek's The Road to Serfdom (1944), Polanyi's opposition to neoliberal credo comes from his interpretation of the history of industrial society in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, when there occurred great crises and upheaval of market society; the Great Recession, unemployment problems in labor market, instabilities of financial market, crisis of democracy, economic nationalism, fascism, and great wars. This paper deals with controversial points between Polanyi's arguments and neoliberal projects from the view point of 21th century. Neoliberal credo is a term connected with an intellectual movement and new belief or ideology originating in the late 1930s that should be distinguished from the original laissez-faire liberalism. The former was born from the reflections of the dead lock of the latter. Unlike the latter, the former requires a strong state authority that has the capacity to resist "spontaneous" social protection movements in the product, labor, and financial markets. And therefore it can become openly anti-democratic in its defense and implementation of the will of the market. In other words, neoliberal credo orientates various projects of "planning for competitive market system" for creating an environment in which private interests can flourish. Neoliberal credo came to be associated mainly with the ideas of Walter Lippman, and such Austrian economists as Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek. It grew in oppositions not only to socialism but to the spirits of New Deal and political thinking or public opinions of Welfare States, and spread to the Unites States in the early postwar years. Hereafter 1950s it founds fertile ground initially at the University of Chicago, with Milton Freedman and his associates. The obvious consequences of neoliberal policies since 1970s are the increasing market instabilities reminiscent of the 1930s, as well as a growing loss of democratic control. According to Polanyi, completely unfettered markets lacking social control were destructive for the livelihood of common people and eventually generated social reactions that sought to intervene in market system more securely in the societal space. Polanyi'thesis is that neoliberal projects would be eventually never-ending and failed incomplete with social destructions. Also Polanyi paid strong attention to the survival of neoliberal credo in its deadlock. Without a deep understanding and analysis of neoliberal projects, as Polanyi did in his time, we cannot get over the wall.
上原 俊介 中川 知宏 国佐 勇輔 岩淵 絵里 田村 達 森 丈弓
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.28, no.3, pp.158-168, 2013-03-31 (Released:2017-03-03)

Anger at the violation of a moral standard has been called moral outrage. However, recent research found that only when the victim of a moral violation was oneself (or a member of one's group) did it evoke strong anger. This suggests that the violation of a moral standard itself does not elicit anger, and such anger may be evidence of personal anger evoked by harm to oneself (or a member of one's group). In our study, we assume that moral outrage may be evoked when the likelihood of restoring fairness (e.g., compensation) is expected. We conducted three experiments in which Japanese university students read a newspaper report (fictitious) depicting an abduction case. For half of the participants, the abducted victim was Japanese; for the other half, Slovenian. After reading the news story, they were asked to report the intensity of the feelings of anger and whether the abduction was morally wrong. We found that the report evoked considerable anger only when the abducted victim was Japanese, regardless of whether restoring fairness was actually expected. This indicated that the reported anger provided evidence only of personal anger, not of moral outrage; thus, the likelihood of restoring fairness is not a determinant of moral outrage. These findings imply that personal anger, rather than moral outrage, is more prevalent in social life.
久保 達彦 蓮沼 英樹 森松 嘉孝 藤野 善久 原 邦夫 石竹 達也
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.64, no.8, pp.403-411, 2017 (Released:2017-09-30)

目的 環境負荷の少ないクリーンなエネルギーとして,風力発電の導入が先進国を中心に世界各国で進んでいる。一方で,風力発電施設からの低周波音・騒音に関して近隣住民の健康被害の訴えが報告されており,わが国においても風車騒音に係る基準やガイドライン策定の検討が行われている。そこで本研究では,今後,健康影響を考慮にいれた低周波音・騒音基準の設定を行う上で参考となる知見を明らかにすることを目的に,風力発電風車の近隣住民を対象にした疫学研究について文献レビューを実施した。方法 風力発電風車からの騒音に伴う健康影響に関する疫学研究論文を,PubMEDを用いて収集した。また最新の情報を収集するために関連国際学会Inter-Noise 2013, Wind Turbine Noise 2015の抄録からも追補的に情報を得た。抽出された疫学研究論文を研究デザイン,研究対象者,曝露評価,アウトカム,交絡要因および研究結果に関する情報別に整理しエビデンステーブルを作成した。結果 近隣住民を対象とした疫学研究として11件が抽出された(うち2件は国際学会抄録)。アウトカムとして,騒音の知覚(Perception),アノイアンス(Annoyance:騒音によるうるささ),ストレス,睡眠との関連が報告されていた。風車騒音とアノイアンス,主観的評価に基づく健康指標の間には統計的に有意な関連が繰り返し報告されていた。影響の大きさは,A特性音圧レベル1 dB増加あたりオッズ比1.1程度と2つの研究が報告していた。その他のアウトカムでは影響の大きさに関して研究間比較ができなかった。交絡因子として,風力発電への姿勢,景観に対する姿勢,風力発電からの経済的恩恵,風車の可視性,音への感受性,健康への懸念との影響が報告されていた。結論 風力騒音とアノイアンスについては,主観的評価に基づく健康指標の間には統計的に有意な関連が繰り返し報告されていた。ただし,アノイアンスが風力発電施設建設に対する心理的影響なのか,騒音曝露による心理的影響なのかについて,現状のエビデンスにおいてはその区別が明確にはつけられない状況であった。
桐澤 知子 森家 祥行 松本 聖武 森岡 慶一
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.59, no.9, pp.598-602, 2013-09-20 (Released:2014-12-13)

We report a case of allergic contact stomatitis extensively affecting the oral mucosa that was caused by eating grated Japanese radish for several months. A 39-year-old woman was referred to our hospital because of an eating disorder due to stomatitis. She received supplementary liquid treatment after hospitalization. The symptoms improved, and she was discharged. However, she was readmitted because stomatitis recurred extensively after eating grated Japanese radish. Contact stomatitis or oral allergy syndrome was suspected. We therefore performed blood tests, patch testing, and provocative tests. The results of a skin patch test was positive, and stomatitis developed after several hours on provocative testing. We advised her to completely avoid eating grated Japanese radish. She was discharged after stomatitis had improved. Subsequently, stomatitis has not recurred because she has avoided eating grated Japanese radish.
西川 隆太郎 森本 雄貴 濱口 哲也 浦田 久志 寺邊 政宏 三木 誓雄
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.77, no.4, pp.883-886, 2016 (Released:2016-10-31)

森 太郎 定池 祐季 桑原 浩平 草苅 敏夫 南 慎一 竹内 慎一
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.22, no.52, pp.1021-1026, 2016 (Released:2016-10-20)
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Generally, local residents are warned to evacuate to evacuation facilities such as schools, gymnasiums, and community centers, when a disaster occurred or is predicted to occur. However, there are not many investigations about thermal environment of those facilities under severe cold weather. In this report, we report the results of questionnaire for the thermal environment of housings under large-scale power failures in winter. Moreover, we investigated the thermal environment of evacuation facilities during disaster drills in severe weather. The results indicate that the thermal environments of gymnasiums are very severe, especially if it does not have enough thermal insulation.
西森 拓
The Surface Science Society of Japan
表面科学 (ISSN:03885321)
vol.16, no.4, pp.267-272, 1995-04-10 (Released:2009-11-11)

風紋と砂丘をコンピュータの中で作ってみた。非常に単純なルールに基づいたシミュレーションではあるが, 現実の系の特徴をよくとらえている。本稿では, 風による砂表面での基本的なダイナミクスを解説するとともに, シミュレーションを通じて, 砂地形のパターン形成のからくりを明らかにしていく。
篠田 梨恵 篠田 康孝 森 卓之 吉村 知哲
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.141, no.2, pp.281-288, 2021-02-01 (Released:2021-02-01)

Tolvaptan (TLV) carries the risk of serious side effects, and its introduction requires hospitalization. Therefore, it is important from the viewpoints of safety and medical economics to predict in advance, the patients for whom it will be effective and introduce it. The purpose of this study was to investigate the noninvasive and simple predictors for identifying TLV responders. We conducted a retrospective observational study of patients with heart failure who had TLV introduced at our hospital from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2018. By using the body weight and BNP reduction as the effect indices, predictors of body weight and BNP reduction were extracted by logistic analysis. The sensitivity and specificity at the cutoff value obtained by ROC analysis were also examined. Among 85 subjects, urine sodium concentration >63 mEq/L [odds ratio (OR): 6.11, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.36-27.4] was detected as a predictor of body weight reduction. The sensitivity at this cutoff value was 81%, and the specificity was 70%. Serum osmolarity>291 mOsm/L (OR: 3.76, 95% CI: 1.00-14.2), urine potassium concentration<21 mEq/L (OR: 4.45, 95% CI: 1.09-18.2), and urine sodium concentration>71 mEq/L (OR: 7.38, 95% CI: 2.05-26.6) were detected as predictors of BNP reduction. The sensitivities were 62%, 53%, and 73%, and the specificities were 58%, 68%, and 68%, respectively. Therefore, it was suggested that urine sodium concentration may be useful as a predictor of body weight and BNP decrease after TLV induction.
森嶋 俊行
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.84, no.4, pp.305-323, 2011-07-01 (Released:2015-09-28)
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藤田 大誠 青井 哲人 畔上 直樹 遠藤 潤 菅 浩二 森 悟朗 藤本 頼生 佐藤 一伯 岸川 雅範 今泉 宜子 福島 幸宏 齊藤 智朗 昆野 伸幸 柏木 亨介 北浦 康孝 河村 忠伸 吉原 大志 吉岡 拓

大住 倫弘 草場 正彦 中野 英樹 森岡 周
vol.27, no.3, pp.165-174, 2012-08-10 (Released:2013-02-19)

Habituation to pain has been addressed in many recent studies. It is clear that patients with chronic pain do not become habituated to the pain; however, little is known about habituation to the inner experience of pain. We investigated the brain mechanisms underlying habituation to the inner experience of pain by using event-related potentials (ERPs), which provide superior temporal resolution, and low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA), which enables identification of regions of nervous activity. Fifteen healthy subjects participated in this study. The subjects were shown 4 sets of photographic images, with each set shown 30 times. The images included 15 images of a hand subjected to pain (painful condition). The subjects were instructed to imagine themselves in that condition and to imagine the pain they may experience in such a situation (inner experience of pain). Electroencephalography was continuously performed via 128 scalp electrodes mounted on an electrode cap. ERPs were recorded during the inner experience of pain; we also recorded N110 responses for emotional components and P3 responses for cognitive evaluation. To investigate habituation to the inner experience of pain, the mean amplitudes of P3 and N110 recordings were calculated for the first 2 (early sets) and last 2 (late sets) sets of trials for each painful condition; next, early sets were compared with late sets. We also analyzed the change in nervous activity after habituation to the inner experience of pain by LORETA analysis. The amplitude of central P3 responses was significantly lower for the late image sets than the early image sets of the painful condition. However, the mean amplitude of N110 responses did not significantly change. LORETA analysis of P3 responses showed reduced activity in the left secondary somatosensory area and left posterior insular cortex, indicating that the sensory component of the inner experience of pain was lower in the late sets than in the early sets. During habituation to the inner experience of pain, the P3 response, which is related to cognitive evaluation of this experience, changed, and brain activity, which reveals the sensory component of the inner experience of pain, reduced. Our study suggests that habituation to the inner experience of pain occurs at the point of recognition of the sensory component of pain. We hypothesize that pain recognition necessary for habituation to the inner experience of pain.
嵯峨山 茂樹 川本 真一 下平 博 新田 恒雄 西本 卓也 中村 哲 伊藤 克亘 森島 繁生 四倉 達夫 甲斐 充彦 李晃伸 山下 洋一 小林 隆夫 徳田 恵一 広瀬 啓吉 峯松 信明 山田 篤 伝 康晴 宇津呂 武仁
情報処理学会研究報告音声言語情報処理(SLP) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2003, no.14, pp.57-64, 2003-02-07

筆者らが開発した擬人化音声対話エージェントのツールキット``Galatea''についてその概要を述べる。主要な機能は音声認識、音声合成、顔画像合成であり、これらの機能を統合して、対話制御の下で動作させるものである。研究のプラットフォームとして利用されることを想定してカスタマイズ可能性を重視した結果、顔画像が容易に交換可能で、音声合成が話者適応可能で、対話制御の記述変更が容易で、更にこれらの機能モジュール自体を別のモジュールに差し替えることが容易であり、かつ処理ハードウェアの個数に柔軟に対処できるなどの特徴を持つシステムとなった。この成果はソース公開し、一般に無償使用許諾する予定である。This paper describes the outline of "Galatea," a software toolkit of anthropomorphic spoken dialog agent developed by the authors. Major functions such as speech recognition, speech synthesis and face animation generation are integrated and controlled under a dialog control. To emphasize customizability as the dialog research platform, this system features easily replaceable face, speaker-adaptive speech synthesis, easily modification of dialog control script, exchangeable function modules, and multi-processor capability. This toolkit is to be released shortly to prospective users with an open-source and license-free policy.
古森厚孝 編
vol.[2], 1837