川村 光郎
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.2, pp.409-439, 1987-03-31 (Released:2018-03-30)

Islamic or Middle Eastern studies in Japan started in the latter half of the 1930's, and developed rapidly along with the expansion of Japan's militarism to Asian countries. In other words, it was a pressing national necessity to gather more knowledge of Islam and information about what was happening in Islamic regions of Asia. Unfortunately, Islamic studies of pre-war Japan seem to gain but a little attention from scholars of both Middle East and Japanese history. Some explain the reason for this by close contacts of the Islamic studies of those days with militarism, and others say that there left only a few original works to evaluate. It may be true, indeed, in several points, but I cannot agree to such assertion as "Islamic or Middle Eastern studies before and during the Pacific War were no more than a part of studies serving the purpose of Japan's expansion to the Continent or of pacification maneuvering toward the Muslims in China and Southeast Asia". In this article, I tried to sketch the scene of Islamic studies in the 1930's by tracing the course of several research institutes. In February of 1932, the ISURAMU BUNKA KENKYUSHO (Institute of Islamic Culture) was formed as the first group of Islamic studies by IIDA Tadasumi, NAITO Tomo-hide, OKUBO Koji and KOBAYASHI Hajime. They published a journal "ISURAMU BUNKA (Islamic Culture)" in November but it ceased with the No.1 issue only. This institute may be briefly characterized as a pure academic group. The "Muslim Question" had to be urgently solved for the Japanese militarists and capitalists who were watching for a chance to advance to the North-western part of China then to the South after the founding of Manchoukuo in 1932. Under this circumstance, the ISURAMU BUNKA KENKYUSHO shortly split up into two groups: One was the ISURAMU GAKKAI (Islamic Academy) established in 1935 by OKUBO Koji, KOBAYASHI Hajime, MATSUDA Hisao, et al, and the other was the ISURAMU BUNKA KYOKAI (Association of Islamic Culture) founded in 1937, the directors' board of which was composed of ENDO Ryusaku, Home Ministry, SOSA Tanetsugu, Navy Ministry, KASAMA Akio, Foreign Ministry, and NAITO Tomohide. This Association published a journal entitled "ISURAMU-KAIKYO BUNKA (Islam-Islamic Culture)" from No.1 to No.6 (October 1937 to January 1939) until it was affiliated in February 1939 by the DAI-NIHON KAIKYO KYOKAI (Great Japan Association of Islam) established in September 1938 with General HAYASHI Senjuro, ex-Prime Minister, as president. In March 1938, OKUBO Koji who obtained the financial support from the Prince TOKUGAWA Iemasa established the KAIKYOKEN KENKYUSHO (Institute of Islamic World) together with KOBAYASHI Hajime and MATSUDA Hisao. It came soon under the financial control of the ZENRIN KYOKAI (Association of Good Neighborhood). In May of this year, the Research Department of Foreign Ministry began to publish a quarterly magazine "KAIKYO JIJO (Islamic Affairs)" to give accurate information on Islamic affairs which lasted until December 1941, and a mosque was constructed in Tokyo by large donations from the ZAIBATSU. It was a demonstration to the Muslim people in the world to show the national understanding of Islam. In August, the TOA KEIZAI CHOSAKYOKU (East Asian Economic Research Bureau of the South Manchurian Railway) headed by OKAWA Shumei launched its monthly magazine "SHIN AJIA (New Asia)" by which they showed the subject of their researches was not limited to East Asia. In September, TOA KENKYUSHO (Institute of East Asia) was established as a research organ of the Cabinet Planning Board "to make all-round researches of culture and nature of East Asia in order to contribute to the overseas expansion of the Imperial Japan". In this way, Islamic and Middle Eastern studies in Japan flourished in the latter half of the 1930's in response(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
加藤 夢三
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.61, no.303, pp.199-214, 2022 (Released:2023-11-17)

1930 年代、それまで専門知の探究に力を注いでいた職業科学者たちが、同時代論壇への参入を通じて社会参画の意思を志すようになった。この動きは、高尚な人格と洞察能力を持つ総合的知識人としての科学者像を確立する一方で、結果的に科学振興を目論む統治権力に迎合する側面を持つものでもあった。戸坂潤の批評活動は、こうした科学者と統治権力の協働関係に向けられたものとして理解できる。科学者による公共意識の高まりが、批判精神を欠いたままに帝国日本への国策貢献と接続してしまう事態に対して、戸坂は警鐘を鳴らしていた。このような共犯関係を回避するためには、公共的な有用性とは異なる個別具体的な視点を持つことが重要であり、ゆえに巷間の科学者に「文学」に携わることを積極的に奨励していた。戸坂は「文学」の解釈・吟味を通じて認識論的な思索を深める企てを「文藝学」と呼び、そこに時局の政治力学とは異なる知的対話の契機を探ろうとしていた。

2 0 0 0 OA 亜鉛と糖尿病

田蒔 基行 藤谷 与士夫
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.1, pp.15-23, 2014 (Released:2014-01-29)
1 2

Pancreatic β cells contain the highest amount of zinc among cells within the human body, and hence, the relationship between zinc and diabetes has been of great interest. To date, many studies of zinc and diabetes have been reported, including studies demonstrating that diabetic patients and mice have a decreased amount of zinc in the pancreas. Zinc may counteract the deleterious effects of oxidative stress, which contributes to reduced insulin resistance, and may also protect pancreatic β cells from glucolipotoxicity. Recently, we have shown that SLC30A8/zinc transporter 8, which is a transporter expressed on the surface of insulin granules, plays a key role in zinc transport into insulin granules and in the regulation of hepatic insulin clearance. Here, we review the role of zinc in whole-body maintenance and the latest information on the relationship between zinc and diabetes.

2 0 0 0 OA 国際中継

冨田 正義 安東 平一郎
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン (ISSN:18849644)
vol.20, no.7, pp.462-466, 1966-07-01 (Released:2011-03-14)
西村 和子
The Japanese Society for Medical Mycology
真菌と真菌症 (ISSN:05830516)
vol.23, no.2, pp.122-131, 1982-08-20 (Released:2009-12-18)
1 1

病原性黒色酵母 Exophiala jeanselmei, E. gougerotii, E. dermatitidis および E. spinifera の分生子形成法を走査電顕を用いて検索し, Phialophora richardsiae. P. parasitica および P. repens のそれと比較検討した. Exophiala の前3菌種の分生子形成法はほぼ同じで, 分生子形成細胞先端に生じた1ないし数個の小突起より分生子が連続的求基的に産生されていた. 小突起は少しずつ伸びながら分生子を産生し, その壁には分生子が離れる度にレースの縁飾り状の環紋が形成されていた. 菌糸側壁においても同様の機序で分生子が産生され, 環紋が形成されていた. E. spinifera の分生子形成も同様であつたが, 小突起は分生子形成細胞あるいは菌糸側壁に1個ずつ生じ,長く多数の環紋が認められるのが特徴であつた. これら Exophiala の分生子形成法は Phialophora のそれとは明らかに異なつていた. E. jeanselmei, E. gougerotii は共に37℃における発育が抑制され, 生物学的性状においても差は認められなかつた. E. dermatitidis は37℃にて良好に発育し, KNO3資化能が劣つている点で前2菌種と異なつていた. Exophiala 4菌種はウレアーゼ陽性, GC含量は50~60%であつた. 分生子形成法に関する所見および生物学的性状, GC含量の結果から, Exophiala と担子菌酵母との関連性が示唆された.
藤澤 宏幸
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会宮城県理学療法士会
理学療法の歩み (ISSN:09172688)
vol.21, no.1, pp.14-22, 2010 (Released:2010-02-23)

上田 和夫
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.44, no.2, pp.102-107, 1988-02-01 (Released:2017-06-02)

山内 太郎
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.83, no.6, pp.174-183, 2017-11-30 (Released:2017-12-25)
3 2

Childhood obesity and physical fitness are increasing and decreasing among children in developed countries, respectively; this has become an international social problem. Recently, this tendency has appeared in the Asian region, particularly among urban-dwelling children in locations experiencing rapid economic development. After the Second World War, Japan experienced the earliest economic development in Asia; this led to intergenerational changes in body size and physical fitness among Japanese children. Japanese children’s current physical status may thus predict that of children in other Asian countries.We reviewed Japanese children’s physical fitness and anthropometric data using nationally repre sentative surveys and comparing generations (e.g., grandparents vs. parents vs. children) to exam ine secular trends. As expected, currently, children are taller and heavier than parent-aged individu als were at the same age and the prevalence of obesity increased compared with 30 years ago.Nonetheless, during the past decade, body weight and obesity have decreased. Current children are less physically fit than their parents’ generation was at the same age. Additionally, school nurses and PE teachers are increasingly reporting lifestyle-related diseases, injuries of the head and face, frac tures, and decreasing muscle strength among school children.Finally, we present a small-scale study of lifestyle and behavior patterns among hunter-gatherer children living in African tropical forests and discuss ways to prevent child obesity and improve chil dren’s physical fitness and health.
光辻 克馬 山影 進
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2009, no.155, pp.155_18-40, 2009-03-20 (Released:2011-07-10)

Multi-agent simulation (MAS), or agent-based simulation, is very powerful in representing and analyzing system's emergent properties based on interactions among agents. The emergence of social order or norms based on interactions among nations has been one of the central subjects of International Relations (IR). Mutual compatibility being taken into account, MAS could have been applied to IR more extensively. In reality, technical difficulties and excessive abstraction have been most formidable obstacles for the application of MAS. Aiming at a wider use of MAS in IR, we developed a user-friendly simulator, and have built various types of models, from the crisis decision-making to the balance of power, with lesser abstraction and more substantial attributes that represent characteristics of international society.In this paper, we focus on the spread of an international norm in the manner of cascade on the tipping point, which constructivists of IR such as Finnemore and Sikkink (1998) tried to understand. To date, discussions on this subject have been very suggestive, but far from conclusive. In order to give a theoretical account for norm emergence and cascade, we construct the Norm Emergence Model (NEM). NEM is the combination of the threshold model originally developed by Granovetter (1978) with the persuasion mechanism suggested by Risse (2000) and other constructivists, so that NEM can generate cascades of norm emergence based on dynamic multi-agent interactions that affect the threshold of individual agents.The case we analyze by NEM is the spread of anti-colonialism that affected the membership of intemational society in the mid 20th century, probably the most fundamental norm-change in international society as Philpott (2001) and others argue. One of the most illustrative events must be the United Nations Declaration of Granting Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in 1960. Within less than a generation, the norm of trusteeship was completely replaced by the norm of unconditional independence.NEM represents virtual international society that sharply split over whether to accept the colonial rules as trusteeship or reject them unconditionally, with the initial condition (agents as UN members, their thresholds and their positions) that more or less reflects the reality at the end of the 1940s at the United Nations. The simulation begins with the year 1950, and finishes in 1969, during which each agent decides which position it should take, and persuades other members aiming at gaining more support of its position. New agents join in the same manner as the reality.The result of MAS depends on the setting of parameters, and we show results based on four scenarios. Scenario 1 makes persuasion impossible, which means only the entry of new members affects norm emergence. The cascade did not take place. Although ex-colonial countries increase in number, their positions were not as radical as socialist countries. Scenario 2 allows persuasion. Norm change did not happen either. For, socialist countries are persuaded, and change their position so as to accept trusteeship. Scenario 3 allows persuasion, but only anti-colonial norm is influential; trusteeship lost legitimacy. Now, the cascade happens in the mid 1950s with much more sudden pace than the reality. In addition to the setting of Scenario 3, Scenario 4 limits the range of successful persuasion so that agents are affected only when the distance of thresholds is close enough. The cascade takes place in the late 1950s that looks like the reality. Thus, the specific type of interactions and the entry of new members turn out to generate a norm cascade, sometimes after the confrontation for a few years, which seems to reproduce what happened in the arena of the United Nations.NEM is a very simple model, but can reproduce a cascade of international norm from trusteeship to unconditional independence to a successful degree. ...
神山 治郎 齋藤 繁
一般社団法人 日本集中治療医学会
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.20, no.2, pp.227-234, 2013-04-01 (Released:2013-05-14)

桝井 満里奈 田村 裕子 舩津屋 拓人 藤井 義郎 高橋 正純
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.118, no.8, pp.768-774, 2021-08-10 (Released:2021-08-10)

症例は90歳女性.胃幽門前庭部癌に対して幽門側胃切除,D2郭清,R1が施行され,pT4a(SE)N2M1(P,CY1),pStage IVと診断された.術後1年半目に腹膜播種が再燃し,四次化学療法としてNivolumab療法が開始された.癌病態悪化前の血清可溶性IL-2受容体(sIL-2R)/リンパ球(Ly)数比は比較的安定していたが,腫瘍増大とともに血清CA19-9値に並行して上昇した.
小林 隆
社会言語科学 (ISSN:13443909)
vol.7, no.1, pp.105-107, 2004-09-30 (Released:2017-04-30)

石田 洋史
社団法人 におい・かおり環境協会
におい・かおり環境学会誌 (ISSN:13482904)
vol.47, no.6, pp.411-420, 2016-11-25 (Released:2020-09-01)

林 琳 清水 重敦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.780, pp.595-605, 2021 (Released:2021-02-28)

Todai-ji Great South Gate(東大寺南大門), built in the early Kamakura period, has been studied as a representative example of Daibutsu-yo(大仏様) architecture. There are many studies about it from the aspects of the style and technique of Daibutsu-yo, the relationship with Chinese Song Dynasty architecture, the construction organization of Todai-ji Temple, the achievements of Chogen(重源) and Todai-ji Great South Gate itself. Studies from the viewpoint of Daibutsu-yo technic are mostly focusing on the detail. On the other hand, Daibutsu-yo should have introduced mainly for the reconstruction of the Great Buddha Hall of Todai Ji Temple(東大寺大仏殿) as a huge building, the whole structure and its assembly process should be considered in an important meaning. Among many precedent studies, 「東大寺南大門の構成部材—軸部の肘木と貫」by Ike Kozo(池浩三) focused on the assembly process of Todai-ji Great South Gate, it based on the Report book of repair construction (『東大寺南大門史及 昭和修理要録』). In this paper, they paid attention to the joint of shaft horizontal inserted to the column of Todai-ji Great South Gate, examined constituent components of it, made a model of it and estimated its assembly process. The result showed that the construction of Todai-ji Great South Gate was very reasonable and dynamic. In their study, Todai-ji Great South Gate was considered as perfect mirror symmetry, but an observation of crosspiece holes and wedges in this research proved that there are many irregular positions. Therefore, it was necessary to examine the type and arrangement of main components of Todai-ji Great South Gate, and to reconsider the construct sequence of column, crosspiece and inserted bracket arms (Sashihijiki) This paper was based on an observation of crosspiece holes and wedges in field survey, re-inspected the joints and shape of main components of Todai-ji Great South Gate’s main framework recorded by the Report book of repair construction, revised their position and then aimed to restore the assembly process. The examination is carried out by the following method. 1. Examined the peculiar description method in Report book of repair construction. 2. Based on the observation in field survey, made the actual condition of crosspiece holes and wedges clear, analyzed the shape of joint, the shape of crosspiece inserted to the crosspiece holes vertically and horizontally and their assembly order. 3. Re-inspected the types and dimensions of components recorded by the Report book of repair construction, revised their position. 4. Based on the above restored the assembly process of its main framework. The result showed that even Daibutsu-yo has some common characters with Chinese Chuandou (穿斗式), it was obvious that it has its unique assembly process, which brought up a new perspective for discussing the origin of Daibutsu-yo.
北島 智也
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.58, no.1, pp.24-28, 2022 (Released:2022-01-01)
