佐々木 史郎 Shiro Sasaki
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.16, no.2, pp.261-309, 1991-12-28

The purpose of this paper is to examine two concepts, which wereput forward by M. G. Levin and N. N. Cheboksarov in 1950s, in the caseof the peoples of the Lower Amur and Sakhalin. One is the concept of"economic-cultural types" and the other is that of "historicalethnographicregions". These concepts were born in Soviet ethnology inthe studies of economic and cultural diversity among the peoples of thesame level of socio-economic development.Definition of the concepts by Levin and Cheboksarov is asfollows: the economic-cultural type is to be understood as historicallyformed complexes characteristic of a given economy and culture, typicalfor the peoples living under certain natural geographic conditions, ata certain level of socio-economic development; the historicalethnographicregions are the territories where a definite cultural entitywas formed as a result of continued relations among the people inhabitingthem, of their influences on one another, and of a similarity intheir historical destiny [LEVIN 1972: 3, 5].Levin and Cheboksarov grouped the peoples of northern Siberia intofive by the concept of economic-cultural types: 1. hunter-fishermenin taiga (Siberian forest), 2. sea mammal hunters in the arctic shore andBering sea, 3. fishermen on large rivers, 4. hunter-reindeer-breeders intaiga, and 5. reindeer nomads in tundra. According to them, an examinationof the major economic-cultural types of northern Siberia andthe [Soviet] far East reveals that: 1) the same economic-cultural type maydevelop among different peoples, in different, even remote, regions butonly under conditions of the same level of development of productiveforces and of a similar geographic environment; 2) different types in aparticular territory have definite historical continuity [succession]—under certain historical conditions one type develops intoanother, for instance some hunter-fishermen of the forest zone changedtheir economic-cultual type to "hunter-reindeer-breeders" by introducingrenideer-breeding; 3) the cultural traits characteristic of each type formin the first place through the orientation of the economy to certaingeographic conditions [LEVIN 1972: 5].They also grouped the same peoples by the concept of historicalethnographicregions: 1. Yamaro-Taimyr region, 2. Western Siberianregion, 3. Sayan-Altayan region, 4. Eastern Siberian region, 5. Kamchatka-Chukchi region, 6. Amur-Sakhalin region.Although these two concepts make it possible to classify the peoplesof Siberia and the Soviet Far East by cultural similarity and diversity,one can find some defects which must be corrected by examination ofconcrete cases.For instance, as it stands, the concept of the economic-cultural typescannot explain the case of the peoples of Lower Amur and Sakhalin whohave complex economic systems. Such a defect was caused by the factthat Levin and Cheboksarov did not systematically examine the productiveactivities of the peoples of Siberia and the Soviet Far East.They mentioned only five activities: fishing, forest hunting, sea mammalhunting, forest rendeer breeding, and tundra rendeer breeding; but itis obvious that there are four other activities, i. e. tundra reindeer hunting,nomadism in steppe and forest-steppe zone, cultivating withdomesticated animals, and plant collecting. Each activity has not onlyeconomic meaning but has its own cultural phenomena and activities.In this paper I have made a typology of these productive activities andtheir respective cultures and called it "fundamental types of productiveactivity and culture". There are nine types in Siberia and the Soviet FarEast, because each of the above mentioned activities has its own culturalset and can be considered a distinct type.Economic systems of the peoples of Siberia and the Soviet Far Eastconsist of combinations of these nine types, which are determined byecological and cultural conditions. The economic -cultural type, whichclearly show the relation between the economic system and culture, canbe defined as a combination of some of the fundamental types of productiveactivity and culture.From such a point of view, the "economic-cultural types" of thepeoples of Lower Amur and Sakhalin can be grouped as follows: a) combinationof fishing, forest hunting, cultivationg with domesticatedanimals, and plant collecting (Nanais of Amur, Sungari and Ussuri); b)combination of fishing, forest hunting, sea mammal hunting, and plantcollecting (Ul'chi, Nivkhi, Orochi, Ainu, and Negidals), c) combinationof fishing, forest hunting, sea mammal hunting, forest rendeer breeding,and plant collecting (Uilta and Evenki), d) forest hunting, fishing, plantcolledting (Udehes, a part of Nanais and Negidals, and Uilta and Evenkiwithout rendeer).An examination of these corrected "economic-cultural types"reveals that: 1) each type is fundamentally determined by the ecologicalsystem of the region; 2) it is often determined also by cultural andhistorical conditions, e. g., cultural interactions, development of productiveforce and technology, etc.; 3) the same economic-cultural type rarelyappears in regions geographically distant from each other (in contrast to"fundamental types of the productive activity and culture" which arecommon to regions distant from each other); 4) it is possible for a regionto change or step up from one type to another. Such a case is typicallycaused by the adoption of new productive activities or the technologicaldevelopment of present activities.In the case of the peoples of Lower Amur and Sakhalin somecultural elements concerning their productive activities or economicsystems, e. g. foods, fishing and hunting tools, utensils, and so on, arecommon to this area. This is because the people has formed a trade areasince the 17th century in this region and they trade or exchange their productsto provide each other with indespensable things of their daily life.Such a fact could be one of the factors which made this area one of thehistorical-ethnographic regions.As to the concept of the historical-ethnographic regions, there is acriticism that each region has been identified by the author's impression[大林 1990a: 51]. In fact, Levin and Cheboksarov did not show anytheoretical basis to distinguish the above mentioned six regions of theSiberian peoples. They proposed this concept in order to classify thepeople by the cultural elements and historical factors which are commonamong the people of the region but which have nothing to do withecological and economic systems. However, Levin and Cheboksarov didnot indicate such elements and factors in their works at all.In the case of the peoples of Lower Amur and Sakhalin it is true thatthere are many cultural elements and characteristics which are commonand unique to this region, and that therefore this area can be treated as agenuine historical-ethnographic region. However these elements andcharacteristics must be concretely shown.Cluster analysis is an effective way of classifying the cultures of theSiberian peoples, because it can quantitatively show the similarity anddiversity of cultures. Such analysis reveals distributions of the same orsimilar elements and one can clearly find the border of the region.Though it is difficult to show all the common elements and their distributionsin this brief paper, we can guess that there are three types of commonelements in Lower Amur and Sakhalin; 1) elements of fundamentalcultural stratum, 2) common elements of various ethnic origins (e. g.Tungus, Nivkhi, or Ainu origin), and 3) elements of Chinese, Manchu,Korean, or Japanese origin.It is also necessary to review the political and economic history ofthe given areas. The border of the historical-ethnographic region isoften decided by political borders or economic areas.In the case of Lower Amur and Sakhalin, the rule of the Qing dynasty(17th century—middle of 19th century) was decisive in creating a typicalhistorical-ethnographic region. The Nerchinsk treaty (1689) obstructedthe invasion of the Russians to this region, and the dynasty prohibitedthe immigration of other peoples of the empire to northeastern Manchuriain order to monopolize the fur trade in this area. It was only afew administrators and merchants who could visit there and have contactand trade with the people of this region.Such a policy encouraged the trade activity of the people of LowerAmur and Sakhalin to fourish. They traded not only with each otherbut also with the Chinese, Manchu, and Japanese traders at the entrancesof this region. The native traders exchanged ,products of eacharea and provided the people with various things from China, Manchuria,and Japan. Their activity mixed many different cultures, anddistributed them all over the region. It is inevitable that the politicalborder coincided with that of the historical-ethnographic region in thecase of Lower Amur and Sskhalin.In conclusion, we point out as follows: 1) by adopting the conceptof fundamental types of productive activity and culture, it becomes possibleto make a typology of economic systems and cultures of the peopleswith complex economic systems, and it becomes easier to examine theecological and historical factors which determined the characteristics ofeach type; 2) the historical and ethnic background of the historicalethnographicregion can be clearly shown in the case of Lower Amur andSakhalin. Cluster analysis and reexamination of regional history help usto identify an area which has common history and cultural elements, notinfluenced by ecological factors.
佐々木 宏幸 山田 理紗 佐々木 駿
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.778, pp.2629-2639, 2020 (Released:2020-12-30)

This study focuses on the Rikaisen, a unique alley typology in Iida City, Nagano Prefecture, based on the perspective that the generation of pedestrian activities by utilizing Rikaisens in downtown Iida is an effective measure for the future creation of a unique downtown full of attractions. The revitalization of downtown Iida is an urgent issue for the city, as a new station for the linear motor train will be opened in the outskirts of Iida in 2027. The purpose of this study is to define possibilities and challenges in utilizing Rikaisens and their surrounding buildings for generating pedestrian activities along Rikaisens, and to explore utilization measures and possible implementation processes. The research on Rikaisens is conducted through review of previous studies and literature, questionnaires to residents focusing on utilizing Rikaisens, interviews with people in charge in public and private sectors, and field surveys of the space along 24 Rikaisens in the downtown. Through these researches, the study reveals the following: Regarding the legal situation, a Rikaisen is not regarded as a road defined in the Building Standards Law, which causes multiple planning restrictions for the utilization of Rikaisens and adjacent properties; Regarding residents’ attitudes toward utilization of Rikaisens, in general, many residents are positive, but some neighbors on Rikaisens have concerns and oppositions due to the original purpose of Rikaisen as a disaster prevention passage and the development process with the provision of private properties; Regarding activities relating to Rikaisens, although the city has begun to take a positive stance on utilization, private organizations are confronting stagnation of utilizations due to economic deterioration as well as legal, social and institutional restrictions; Regarding spatial situations, the space along Rikaisens are diverse with various characteristics and does not hinder daytime walking, but on the other hand, Rikaisens are separated from adjacent lots by building walls and fences and with limited residual space except for parking lots, in addition to having a poor nighttime environment. The study defines possibilities and challenges in utilizing Rikaisens and their surrounding buildings based on these findings. Regarding the possibilities, the study defines 1) positive recognition and evaluation of Rikaisens as well as expectations for downtown revitalization by residents, 2) growing city officials’ momentum of utilizing Rikaisens, 3) day-time environment on Rikaisens suitable for utilization, and 4) presence of vacant buildings and underutilized properties as opportunity sites on Rikaisens. On the other hand, regarding the challenges, the study defines 1) neighbors’ concerns about deterioration of living environment by utilizing Rikaisens, 2) legal interpretation of Rikaisens and form of adjacent lots that restrict the utilization of Rikaisens, 3) limit of utilization of Rikaisens only by private organizations, and 4) lack of spatial integration of Rikaisens and their surrounding properties and shortage of destinations on Rikaisens. Finally, the study concludes possible measures and implementation processes for utilizing Rikaisens as follows: 1) examining possible measures of generating pedestrian activities according to the situation of each Rikaisen 2) revising the legal interpretation of Rikaisen, 3) implementing phased development processes from temporary to permanent utilization and building consensus with residents, and 4) promoting improvements, utilization and operation methods through the collaboration between the public and private sectors.
佐々木 一郎 鈴木 正 石井 文由
Japan Oil Chemists' Society
油化学 (ISSN:18842003)
vol.41, no.10, pp.1055-1060, 1992-10-20 (Released:2009-10-16)
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The degree of lytic action due to interactions between nonionic surfactants and liposomes was determined in terms of affinity for lipid membranes. The solubilization potential of some surfactants toward liposome membranes was estimated based on physicochemical measurements such as fluorometry to detect the release of fluorescent markers (calcein) from liposomes, turbidimetry in suspensions and surface tensiometry. The lytic action of the alkyl poly (oxyethylene) ether (POE) toward lipid membranes was greatest when the alkyl and ethylene oxide chain lengths were 12 and 8, respectively. The lytic action of nonionic surfactants with various hydrophobic portions (hydrogenated caster oil POE ethers, cholesteryl POE ethers, nonylphenyl POE ethers and POE stearate) was found to depend on structure. Maximum activity in each homologous series was 1.2 I.O.B. (Inorganic Organic Balance).The critical micelle concentrations (cmc) of dodecyl POE (5) and POE (10) ether in the absence and presence of liposomes were determined using a surface tension meter. Addition of liposomes caused cmc of the surfactants to increase. Dodecyl POE (5) ether causes marker release at lower concentration than cmc without change in turbidity. Dodecyl POE (5) ether concentration increase further, marker release from liposomes greatly increase minor change in turbidity. For dodecyl POE (10) ether, marker release started from cmc with decrease in turbidity. The lytic action of nonionic surfactants on liposomes would thus appear related to their capacity formixed micelle formation with phospholipids.
佐々木 弘子 酒井 登美子 青柳 康夫 菅原 竜幸
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.40, no.2, pp.107-112, 1993-02-15 (Released:2010-01-20)
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干し椎茸の水もどしおよび加熱加工におけるγ-GT活性,香り物質であるレンチオニン量の変化について検討を加えた. (1) 干し椎茸の水もどし後のγ-GT活性の変化は,温度が高温であるほど,減少が著しく,加熱過程中においては,加熱5分後にほぼ完全に失活していた. (2) 干し椎茸のレンチオニン量は,水もどし直後では浸漬温度が高いもの程多く,低温のもの程少なかった.また10分加熱後のレンチオニンの増加の割合は水もどし温度が高いもの程小さく,低温のもの程大きかった.20分加熱時ではレンチオニンは急激に減少したが,5℃で水もどしをしたものには比較的残存していた.40分加熱時ではレンチオニンはほとんど残存していなかった.
一瀬 麻紀 岡田 保誠 稲川 博司 小島 直樹 山口 和将 佐々木 庸郎 有野 聡 杉田 学
一般社団法人 日本集中治療医学会
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.27, no.2, pp.99-103, 2020-03-01 (Released:2020-03-01)

酸化マグネシウム(MgO)は下剤として頻用されており,多くの症例で安全に使用されているが,稀に高マグネシウム(Mg)血症を生じることがある。症例は60歳,男性。統合失調症で抗精神病薬とMgO 2 g/dayを内服していたが,来院13日前から排便がなかった。来院当日,排便後に昏睡・低血圧となり当院へ搬送された。各種検査では血清Mg値20.2 mg/dLであり高Mg血症による意識障害,循環不全と診断した。カルシウム製剤の持続投与と血液透析を行い血清Mg濃度は低下し,症状は改善した。抗精神病薬投与中は,抗コリン作用の腸管蠕動低下に伴うMg製剤の腸管内停滞によりMgの吸収率が高まり,高Mg血症をきたすことがある。抗精神病薬を服用中の患者では,たとえ常用量のMg製剤の内服でも,注意深い臨床症状の経過観察および血清Mg濃度のモニタリングが必要であると考えられた。
佐々木 洋 大庭 敏之 岩崎 光伸
一般社団法人 色材協会
色材協会誌 (ISSN:0010180X)
vol.89, no.8, pp.258-263, 2016-08-20 (Released:2016-11-20)

佐々木 寛文 内野 基 坂東 俊宏 松岡 宏樹 池内 浩基 冨田 尚裕
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.71, no.11, pp.2902-2906, 2010 (Released:2011-05-25)

村田 和彦 吉田 忠義 鈴木 忠 河合 恭広 金沢 紀雄 高瀬 真一 佐々木 豊志 塩原 雄二郎 乾 迪雄 土屋 純
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.30, no.5, pp.317-322, 1980-12-20 (Released:2009-11-11)

電気的交互脈は比較的まれな心電図異常であり, その正確な頻度は不明であるが, 心電図検査10,000回におよそ5回程度みられるものであるといわれている.本所見は通例心異常のあるものに認められ, その出現はしばしば心膜液貯留の診断の手がかりとなるが, きわめてまれながら, 他に心異常のない症例に電気的交互脈の出現をみたとの記載もある.以下, われわれが最近約15年間に経験した6症例を報告する.
渡邊 智子 安井 健 田中 敬一 布施 望 鈴木 亜夕帆 佐々木 敏 山下 市二 安本 教傳
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.21, no.4, pp.314-320, 2011-03-30 (Released:2011-04-27)
3 4

The principal 705 Japanese foods were selected from the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan — 2010 — (Standard Tables) because these foods are known to contain available carbohydrates including starch, glucose, fructose, sucrose maltose and/or lactose. Individual available carbohydrate contents were calculated and tabulated based both on the estimated saccharide (carbohydrate minus dietary fiber) content of each selected food in the Standard Tables and the starch and sugar content of the food included in The McCance and Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods, USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference and other sources. Because the compiled tabulated form, the Japanese Starch and Sugars Presumptive Composition Tables (JSSPCT), is harmonized with the Standard Tables, one can utilize the data in the JSSPCT as a reference for research and other purposes until and after the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology or other national organization publishes the official tables for available carbohydrate composition of foods in Japan.
古川 力丈 奥村 恭男 渡辺 一郎 園田 和正 佐々木 直子 磯 一貴 高橋 啓子 大久保 公恵 中井 俊子 國本 聡 平山 篤志
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.47, no.SUPPL.2, pp.S2_93-S2_100, 2015 (Released:2016-12-16)

症例1 : 74歳男性. 繰り返す上室頻拍のため, 心臓電気生理学的検査 (EPS) を行い, slow-intermediate型の房室結節回帰性頻拍 (AVNRT) が誘発された. 解剖学的遅伝導路 (SP) 部位に対して焼灼を行ったが, その後もAVNRTが誘発されるため, 冠状静脈洞 (CS) 内およびSPの左房側より通電したところ誘発不能となった. 症例2 : 77歳女性. 動悸のため来院. 動悸時の心電図ではRR間隔が交互に変化する上室頻拍を認めた. EPS上, 室房伝導はなく, 洞調律1拍に対してAH間隔の異なる心室応答が2拍出現したことにより, 房室二重伝導路によるdouble ventricular response (DVR) と診断した. 右房側より解剖学的SP部位を焼灼したが無効であり, CS内, 左房側より通電しDVRは消失した. 後日再発したため, 再度EPSを行った. 解剖学的SP, CS内, 左房側より通電したが, DVRの消失には至らなかった. 通電により, 一時的にWenckebach型房室ブロックとなったため, それ以上の通電を行わず終了した. 通電は不十分であったが, 現在は頻拍の再発なく経過している.
佐々木 周作 河村 悠太 渡邉 文隆 岡田 彩
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.14, no.Special_issue, pp.S9-S12, 2021 (Released:2022-03-18)

堀切 悟史 佐々木 誠
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.23, no.4, pp.477-480, 2008 (Released:2008-10-09)
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平井 啓 佐々木 周作 大竹 文雄
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.10, no.Special_issue, pp.S20-S25, 2017 (Released:2018-04-12)

水野 篤 平井 啓 佐々木 周作 大竹 文雄
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.12, no.Special_issue, pp.S32-S40, 2019 (Released:2020-03-17)

日本における乳がん検診受診率は欧米諸国の受診率(60–80%)と比較し低い水準にあり,受診率向上に向けた取り組みが重要と考えられる.本研究では,行動経済学的観点から利得フレーム・損失フレームに基づく受診推奨メッセージが与える影響に関して検討する.乳がん検診の主対象である40・50歳代の女性のうち,自治体検診・主婦検診の乳がん検診の対象者と想定できる者1,047名に対し,インターネット上で検診受診意図に利得フレームと損失フレームが与える影響をランダム化比較試験にて評価した.利得フレームと損失フレームでの実行意図,受診意図を認めた対象者は,それぞれ234 (45.0%) vs 250 (47.4%), 450 (86.5%) vs 477 (90.5%) であり,実行意図は有意ではなかったが,受診意図に対しては有意に損失フレームが影響を与えた.乳がんの検診受診においては危険回避度のみではなく,同定確率および治癒率を含めたモデルでより説明が可能であることを実験的環境で示し,本データでも再現性を確認した.
佐々木 優 中場 寛行 玉川 浩司 吉川 浩之 谷口 英治 大口 善郎 有馬 良一
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.51, no.7, pp.471-478, 2018-07-01 (Released:2018-07-25)

症例は50歳の女性で,右頸部に膨隆を自覚し,一過性の頸部閉塞感や通過障害も認めていた.前医を受診し,頸部超音波検査にて甲状腺腫瘤を疑われ当科紹介となった.CTでは甲状腺右葉背側に内部に微細な空気を伴う囊胞性腫瘤を認め,食道粘膜との連続性が疑われた.食道造影検査にて頸部食道右側に突出した憩室を認めたことからKillian-Jamieson憩室(以下,K-J憩室と略記)と診断し,有症状であったため憩室切除術を施行した.術中経鼻胃管より送気すると憩室はより大きく膨隆し,容易に把握することが可能となった.憩室はKillian-Jamieson spaceから発生していることが確認でき,基部にて憩室を切除した.消化管憩室の中でもまれではあるが,嚥下障害などの症状を伴う甲状腺腫瘍を疑われた際には,K-J憩室の存在も念頭に置く必要がある.