横光 健吾 金井 嘉宏 松木 修平 平井 浩人 飯塚 智規 若狭 功未大 赤塚 智明 佐藤 健二 坂野 雄二
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.86.14321, (Released:2015-09-15)

This study explores the psychological effects that Japanese people experience when consuming their “Shikohin”, such as alcohol, tea, coffee, and tobacco. We conducted a cross-sectional study among 542 people, from 20-to 69-year-old, who regularly consumed any one of “Shikohin” in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba. The participants responded to an anonymous questionnaire concerning the consumption patterns of their “Shikohin” and the psychological effects that they experienced in taking in their “Shikohin”. Results obtained using the K-J methods showed three common psychological effects in each “Shikohin”. These effects included an increase in relaxation response, the promotion of social relationships, and an increase in positive mood. Our findings suggest that Japanese people may get some common effects through consumption of different “Shikohin”.
佐藤 淳
vol.2007, no.42(2007-CVIM-159), pp.33-42, 2007-05-14

細谷 昂 米地 文夫 平塚 明 佐野 嘉彦 小林 一穂 佐藤 利明 劉 文静 山田 佳奈 吉野 英岐 徳川 直人
総合政策 (ISSN:13446347)
vol.5, no.1, pp.1-73, 2004-01-16

芦田 美輪 藏岡 愛 西村 香織 芦塚 文美 牛島 信雄 本間 喜蔵 西本 勝太郎 岩田 貴子 竹中 基 佐藤 伸一
Western Division of Japanese Dermatological Association
西日本皮膚科 = The Nishinihon journal of dermatology (ISSN:03869784)
vol.72, no.1, pp.43-47, 2010-02-01

15歳(中学生),地元相撲クラブの男子。体幹,四肢の鱗屑を伴う紅斑と左側頭部のBlackdot ringwormにて2007年3月に当科を受診した。<I>Trichophyton tonsurans</I>(<I>T. tonsurans</I>)を分離し,塩酸テルビナフィンの3ヵ月間内服にて治癒した。高校の相撲部に入部後も再発を繰り返し,その都度治療により治癒した。再発のたびに頭髪のhair brush法にてコロニー数を確認した。部内における皮膚の症状を認める部員は,試合や遠征合宿の後に増加する傾向にあった。アンケートによる調査で,顧問教官の指導がなく,<I>T. tonsurans</I>感染症の認識に乏しいことが分かり,再発を繰り返す原因として無症候性キャリアーの存在が考えられた。小・中学生の相撲クラブとの交流もあり,さらなる感染の拡大を防止するためにも,継続的な集団検診,指導者への啓発,治療の徹底が重要と考えた。
常岡 由美子 藤野 佳代子 月成 愛華 山本 勝己 大坪 由佳 岡松 加恵 森永 健三 長島 義之 松永 興昌 城戸 寛史 高橋 裕 佐藤 博信 松浦 正朗
福岡歯科大学学会雑誌 (ISSN:03850064)
vol.32, no.2, pp.51-59, 2006-06-30

Treatment with mandibular bone-anchored implant bridges can solve long-term problems of prosthetic rehabilitations in totally or partially edentulous patients. However, a bone-anchored bridge creates a narrow and deep space between the base of the super-structure and alveolar ridge, and therefore, a patient's personal hygiene with a bone-anchored bridge is more difficult to perform than with an implant-supported overdenture. The aim of this study is to evaluate the oral hygiene status of patients with mandibular bone-anchored bridges, and to analyze their problems. From September 2000 to April 2004 in our hospital, 10 cases (5 males and 5 females; average age 48.9 years) with totally and partially edentulous mandibles were treated using implant-supported bone-anchored bridges with immediate or conventional loading. Oral hygiene instructions were given immediately after delivery of the superstructure, and follow-up examinations were provided for a period ranging from 9 months to 4 years and 5 months. The oral hygiene status of each patient was classified into one of 4 levels ("excellent", "good", "marginal" and "poor") at the follow-up observations. As a result, 1 patient (44 year-old female) was evaluated as "excellent", 2 (average age; 58.5 years) were "good", 5 (average age; 44.4 years) were "marginal" and 2 (average age; 53.0 years) were "poor". The ages of the patients with bone-anchored bridges were relatively young (26-70 years), and therefore, no observable tendency was recognized among different generations in the ability to perform oral hygiene. As a result, the patient's skill involved in cleaning and understanding the importance of oral hygiene was considered important for maintaining a healthy oral condition. We conclude that continuous professional oral hygiene care by dental hygienists is needed for patients with bone-anchored implant bridges.
佐藤 健治
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.103, no.11, pp.1925-1951, 2037-2035, 1994-11-20

In this paper, the author attempts to show the conditions by which ancestor worship supports permanent families through a study of funeral and memorial services held for the heads of the Fujiwara Regent families. Through an investigation of those who presided over these ceremonies, how they were carried out, and the way in which they were financed, the author follows the process of how the various memorial services were ritualized into established family customs. He attempts to clarify the origin and characteristic features of these customs as regent family events and their significance within ancient aristocratic society. Concerning funeral services, the Fujiwara Regents were originally given state funerals in accordance with provisions under the ritsuryo codes stipulating that the presiding officer be appointed by the government and that funereal gifts be sent from the public coffers. However, beginning with the funeral of regent Tadahira in the mid-tenth century, both practices were abandoned, thus removing the ceremony from state control in terms of both personnel and material support, turning the event into a family affair. With respect to the ceremony itself, before the funeral of Tadahira the main practice consisted of the reading of an imperial order before the casket. This practice was done away with beginning with Tadahira's funeral, and the whole ceremony was changed so that the state would have no involvement whatsoever. Here we can observe how during the latter half of the tenth Century the funeral services for the Fujiwara Regents were transformed from affairs of state to family-centered events. Turning to the memorial services. Called chuin (an initial period of mourning lasting seven weeks) and shuki (the first anniversary of the death), in Heian period aristocratic society the former was marked by a Buddhist ceremony (gohoji) designed as a public demonstration of remembrance, while the latter was marked by a ceremony (shonichi-butsuji) that was merely a family memorial service. In particular, the gohoji ceremony, which was directed from the family to aristocratic society as a whole, concentrated on signifying the succession of the new family head, and in the case of the Fujiwara family it was a ceremony equal in stature to an affair of state and signified its transformation into the "family of the Regent" within aristocratic society. The latter half of the tenth century, when this ceremony was first established, marked the formation of families whose continuing existence was based on the succession of family heads. In the memorial service called nenki (yearly anniversaries of a death), there are the elements of an event carried on through one generation and an event Hasting from generation to generation. It was usual for the death of a family head to be commemorated yearly throughout the lives of his sons or grandsons; but if the family decided that funds were available, this memorial service could be upgraded to a semi-permanent yearly family event. While the former custom was based on the vertical father-son clientship relationship, the latter was guaranteed through a horizontal relationship involving the participation of all family members in deciding to hold the event and using the family's wealth to finance it. In practice, the latter event became a relatively modest version of the former and became closely tied to a consciousness, of Fujiwara Regent family membership. The idea of the permanent family organization and the funeral and memorial services reinforcing it came into existence during the latter half of the tenth century with the above described Fujiwara Regent family practices, practices that stress the patriarchal relationship between fathers and sons and guarantees by all family members that the events would be continued for generations to come. As long a these relationships existed, these ceremonies would be carried out. It is in this way that the establishment of such a yearly calendar marked
関口 和正 今泉 和彦 藤井 宏治 千住 弘明 水野 なつ子 坂井 活子 笠井 賢太郎 佐藤 元 瀬田 季茂
日本鑑識科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:13428713)
vol.2, no.1, pp.33-40, 1997 (Released:2010-02-06)
11 11

Nucleotide sequences of 2 hypervariable regions (HV1, HV2) within the control region of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were analyzed from 55 unrelated Japanese. About 700 nucleotides were sequenced by using the nested PCR and the solid-phase direct sequencing methods. Comparison of these sequences with Anderson's reference sequence revealed 97 mutation types within 93 positions, and 11 positions of them were novel. Fifty five samples analyzed were classified into 52 different sequences, while 3 pairs have shown the same sequences. Comparison of the Japanese sequences to those reported from other populations indicated many differences in such a point that the substitutions at 16,223 and 73 in Japanese were more frequent than those in Caucasian, while the substitutions at 16,126 and 16,311 in Japanese were less frequent than those in Caucasian. Twenty one of 55 samples analyzed showed a T-to-C transition at the position 16,189 of the C-stretch region in the HV1 region. This replacement caused the blurred bands on the sequence image, which resulted in the ambiguity of exact number of cytosine in the C-stretch region of HV1. For this ambiguity, the number of cytosine in the C-stretch region should not be currently taken into account in forensic practices of individualization of evidence samples. Regardless of such problem, the polymorphisms of HV1 and HV2 regions are highly useful for individual identification.
小綿 寿志 佐藤 義和 干場 信司 影山 敏司 杉吉 一行
The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan
農業施設 (ISSN:03888517)
vol.30, no.1, pp.77-82, 1999

実規模アイスポンドシステムを用いてバレイショの長期貯蔵を行い, その際の冷房性能および氷の融解に関わる熱負荷を測定した。その結果, 最大冷房能力はほぼ設計通りの13.3kWであり, この時の冷房成績係数は約1.7であった。3月末から5月末までは貯蔵庫内はバレイショ貯蔵に好適な気温2℃, 相対湿度約93%に維持された。6月以降に電気冷房機を併用した場合, 加湿器を使用することなく庫内を高湿度に維持でき, バレイショの貯蔵のほかアスパラガス,キャベツの予冷でも良好な結果を得た。氷は8月末まで残存し, 8月中旬まで氷を利用した冷房が可能であった。アイスポンド各面の熱負荷の中で底面および法面に比べ氷の上面からの侵入熱量の割合が際立って大きかった。アイスポンドの氷の融解に関わる熱負荷の総和は,製氷完了時に推定した氷の全融解潜熱量とよく一致した。
佐藤 暢明 丸林 元
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SST, スペクトル拡散 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.102, no.144, pp.27-30, 2002-06-20

周波数ホッピングスペクトル拡散変調による加入者線伝送方式の可能性について検討を行った.前回行われた並列FH/M-ary Multilevel FSK方式(以後MMFSK方式と略称する)の検討^[1]では,線路減衰量が127dBという非常に高い数値となり,それを補償する高利得増幅器が必要であった.今回提案する多周波組合せMMFSK方式では,多周波の組合せでレベルを表すことにより周波数利用効率の大幅な向上が図られており,その結果容易に実現可能な利得で高速な通信が可能となった.本論文では本方式を加入者線に使用した場合に達成できる伝送速度と線路長,送信電力の関係についての検討結果が示されている.
佐藤 重幸
vol.57, no.11, pp.1154-1156, 2016-10-15
小池 朋孝 上田 康久 横山 美佐子 辺土名 隆 芝原 美由紀 川端 良治 岩松 秀樹 佐藤 優子 遠原 真一 安達 まりえ 広瀬 真純
vol.2002, pp.369-369, 2003

はじめに<BR>呼吸理学療法(CPT)において、特に肺理学療法と呼ばれる用手的排痰手技は、痰の喀出、1回換気量の増大など、その場での効果の報告は良く見受けることができる。しかし、急性期における介入がどの程度の効果をもたらすかという報告は、特に小児急性期には見当たらない。当院では、小児呼吸器疾患重症例にCPTの適応、不適応を検討し、必要な場合にCPTを展開している。今回、小児急性期呼吸疾患により重度呼吸不全を呈した症例に対し、第1病日から医師、看護師、理学療法士から構成される小児CPTチームに参入し、CPTの適応、不適応を検討し、必要な場合にCPTを展開した症例を数例経験した。小児集中治療室(PICU)入室日数、入院日数、再悪化、再入院、人工呼吸器管理中の肺機能の肺コンプライアンスの指標として人工呼吸器の最高吸気圧(PIP)、酸素化の指標としてPaO<SUB>2</SUB>/Fi O<SUB>2</SUB>(P/F比)の推移を数値化し、一定の傾向が見られたので考察を交え報告する。<BR>症例1:1歳男児 クループ 肺炎 二次合併症として気胸を呈する<BR>症例2:6歳女児 ARDS<BR>症例3 4歳女児 ARDS<BR> 気管支喘息以上の3症例に対し可能な限り、早期から参入し、医師、看護師との相互の情報交換によりCPTの施行・非施行を判断し、必要な場合には適宜CPTを行うこととした。抜管後も、吸入時の呼吸介助、用手的排痰法を行い、一般病棟入院中家族指導、退院後外来フォローを行った。<BR>結果<BR>PICU入室日数、入院日数に関しては、病態の相違もあり一定の傾向は見られなかった。再度悪化し、一般病棟から、PICU管理となった症例や、人工呼吸器PIPを上げなければならない症例は認めなかった。P/Fについては悪化の傾向は見られなかった。退院後数ヶ月以内の再入院患者はいない。また、脳血管障害などの二次的合併症を生じた症例はいなかった。<BR>考察<BR>小児呼吸器疾患急性期の呼吸管理において、理学療法士が早期から介入することによる悪影響は示唆されなかった。また、医師、看護師との連帯を密にし、病態理解に勤め、適切な手技を選択することにより、肺二次合併症の予防、治療、肺のコンディションの維持につながると思われた。病態の理解により、CPTが急性期呼吸管理に有用であると示唆され、状態の換気力学的な解釈などの観点から理学療法士の介入に意義があると思われる。
洞口 正之 千田 浩一 山田 章吾 千田 浩一 山田 章吾 中村 正明 佐藤 匡也 加藤 守 稲葉 洋平 田浦 将明

石川 義人 樋口 雄介 青村 知幸 八木 正篤 遠藤 光宏 笹原 健児 佐藤 雄治 大屋 高徳 工藤 啓吾
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.44, no.4, pp.415-417, 1998-04-20 (Released:2011-07-25)
5 5

We studied the cause, status, and treatment of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dislocation in patients with psychic and cerebral diseases. These diseases were present in 11 (26.2 %) of 42 patients with TMJ dislocation. Psychic disease included 2 cases of mental retardation and 3 of schizophrenia. Cerebral diseases included 1 case of cerebral infarction, 3 of cerebral hemorrhage, 1 of epilepsy, and 1 of Parkinson disease. There were many old patients among those with cerebral diseases. Convulsions characteristically led to TMJ dislocation. There was prolonged dislocation of the TMJ. A reliable treatment was required in patients with these diseases. Therefore, augmentation of the articular tubercle was indicated. It was suggested that incoordination of the masticatory muscles induced TMJ dislocation. Furthermore, extrapyramidal disorders may have been caused by antipsychotic drugs, Parkinson disease, and cerebrovascular disease; convulsions due to epilepsy may lso have been involved.
当真 要 佐藤 翔平 泉 弥希 Fernandez Fabian G. Stewart J. Ryan 波多野 隆介 西脇 亜也 山田 敏彦
北農 (ISSN:00183490)
vol.79, no.2, pp.162-169, 2012-04

北海道苫小牧市のススキ地で地上部乾物生への制限因子を調査した。2008-2010年に窒素, リン, カリ施与の有無でのべ13処理区を設け, 草丈, 葉数, 乾物重と窒素, リン, カリ含量を測定した。乾物重は気温と降水量の高かった2010年に増加し, また処理区間でも差が見られた。乾物重への施肥効果はリン&gt;カリ&gt;窒素であり, 窒素とリンまたはカリの併用効果が大きかった。堆肥施与で増収効果があり, 畜産廃棄物等の有効利用が期待できる。
和田 耕治 森山 美緒 奈良井 理恵 田原 裕之 鹿熊 律子 佐藤 敏彦 相澤 好治
産業衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:13410725)
vol.49, no.3, pp.103-109, 2007-05

慢性疾患は労働者の仕事の生産性に影響を与える.本調査は関東地方にある事業場の労働者を対象にして慢性疾患による仕事の生産性への影響の評価として,慢性疾患の有訴率,慢性疾患の影響として労働障害指数,欠勤による損失労働時間を測定することを目的とした.関東地方にある4つの製造業の事業場における労働者544名を対象に2006年4月から6月の定期健康診断の際にStanford Presenteeism Scaleの日本語版を配布した. 433名(回答率79.6%)から有効な回答を得た.48.9 %の労働者が,なんらかの慢性疾患が仕事の生産性に影響を与えたと回答した.最も仕事の生産性に影響を与えていた慢性疾患のうち,有訴率が高かったのは,「アレルギー」(13.3%),「腰痛・首の不調」(9.7%)であった.労働障害指数が高かった慢性疾患は,「うつ病・不安又は情緒不安定」と「偏頭痛・慢性頭痛」であった.最も影響を与えていた慢性疾患で欠勤により損失した労働時間の総計は,対象労働者の総労働時間の1.4%であった.欠勤による損失労働時間の高かった疾患は「アレルギー」,「腰痛・首の不調」,「うつ病・不安又は情緒不安定」であった.こうした結果をもとに,生産性に影響を与える疾患に対しての対策を講じることが可能となる.
佐藤 達夫
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.39, no.4, pp.191-196, 2002-04-18

For the improvement of medical education in Japan a project team (Research and development project on educational programs in medicine, Chair: Tatsuo Sato) was organized in term years 1998-2000. They prepared a model core curriculum and made it open to the public in March 2001. The traditional jam-packed curriculum was compressed into about two-thirds and was completely reorganized into a totally new comprehensive design. Most medical schools have respected this model core curriculum as a guideline for the future development of their own medical curriculum. For example, regarding rehabilitation medicine the following are adopted as the fundamentals: 1) to describe the concept and indication of rehabilitation, 2) to understand the structure of the rehabilitation team and to describe the physician's role, 3) *to describe the role of rehabilitation in cooperation with welfare and care, 4) to describe impairments in terms of functional impairment, performance decline and social disadvantage, 5) to evaluate the activities of daily living (ADL), 6) to describe briefly physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy, and 7) to describe briefly the major walk-supporting equipment, wheel chair, artificial limbs and apparatus.