新村 太郎 三好 雅也 角野 浩史 上田 恭裕 森 康 長谷中 利昭 荒川 洋二 長尾 敬介
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.2, pp.135-147, 2022-06-30 (Released:2022-07-28)

To clarify the age of the volcanic activity of Nekodake volcano, the authors conducted K-Ar dating on ten samples of volcanic materials, using the sensitivity method. Four samples yielded ages approximately 50 to 82 ka. These newly obtained K-Ar age data indicate that Nekodake volcano was active during the post-caldera stage of Aso volcano. Based on the obtained ages, petrological characteristics, and lithofacies, the volcanism of Nekodake can be summarized as follows. 1) Effusive eruption of basaltic andesite magma produced thick lava flows at about 82 ka, and also formed agglutinates over a wide area at about 66 ka. The main volcanic body was formed by these eruptions. 2) Andesitic magma intruded the central part of the volcano at about 64 ka (late stage or just after the formation of the main part) forming dykes in an ENE-SSW direction. 3) Basaltic andesite magma intruded the central part of the volcano at about 50 ka and formed dykes in a NW-SE direction.
山田 大輔 東堀 紀尚 福岡 裕樹 鈴木 聖一 川元 龍夫 森山 啓司
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 (ISSN:09167048)
vol.22, no.1, pp.12-19, 2012-04-15 (Released:2012-09-14)
1 1

Facial morphology improvements are obtained following two-jaw surgery in mandibular protrusion patients. Changing external nasal morphology does not always lead to good results in all patients. In this study, using 3-dimentional computed tomography (3D-CT), we examined the changes of external nasal morphology of patients who had undergone two-jaw surgery to correct mandibular protrusion. Seven adult patients (5 male; 2 female) who had been treated by two-jaw surgery associated with upward transposition of the posterior maxilla were enrolled in this study. 3D analysis software superimposed 3D-CTs of the pre-operative and post-operative stages (at least 6 months after surgery) on the hard tissue surfaces. We employed the 3D coordinate system constructed by Frankfort horizontal (FH) plane, the frontal plane incorporating the orbitals on both sides and the sagittal plane intersecting at the midpoint between the orbitals. After superimposition, soft tissue images of 3D-CT were reconstructed and changes in external nasal morphology were three-dimensionally analyzed. 3D geographical analysis, linear and angular measurements were performed for the most inferior points on the nasal alar (LBi, RBi) on bilateral sides, the most anterior point on the nose (Prn), the most anterior point on the columella of the nose (Cm), the most posterior superior point on the nasolabial curvature (Sn) and the most anterior point on the convexity of the upper lip (Vu). Correlation of hard tissue and soft tissue changes were statistically analyzed by Spearman's rank correlation analysis.LBi and RBi moved anterior according to the anterior movement of point A. Increase in distance of both LBi and RBi and angle of LBi-Prn-RBi were observed. We found significant increase in the area of external nasal aperture. Positive correlation was seen between the anterior movement of point A and the distance of LBi and RBi.These results imply that our superimposition of CT images using the 3D coordinate system are useful to compare soft tissue changes before and after surgery. Further investigation for more information about the factors that influence facial morphology changes is necessary since the changes may not be uniform due to the individual variety of soft tissue characterization, and the direction and amount of maxillary movement by Le Fort I osteotomy.
鈴木 宏彰 米谷 嘉朗 森 達哉
vol.2019, pp.111-118, 2019-10-14

現代のプログラミング言語は国際化が進み,プログラミング言語の構文要素としても ASCIIで定義される文字集合「以外」の文字を使える規格が増えている.それらの規格では変数名や関数名などの識別子としてユニコードで定義された様々な文字を使うことができる.プログラミング言語で使用できる非 ASCII 文字集合の中には,アルファベットと外見上の見分けのつかない文字が存在する.例えば ASCII 文字集合に含まれる ‘a’ に対する,キリル文字の ‘а’ はその一例である.このように外見が類似した文字をホモグリフと呼ぶ.プログラムの変数名を構成する ASCII 文字を対応するホモグリフに置換すれば,ソースコードの外見を変えずに異なる挙動を示すプログラムを生成することができる.本研究はこのような背景のもと,非 ASCII 文字を識別子として用いることができるプログラミング言語,エディタや開発環境におけるユニコードで構成される構文要素の表示状況,非 ASCII 文字を識別子として用いているプログラムの例を調査する.また非ASCII 文字のホモグリフを悪用した「ホモグリフ攻撃」の実現可能性を評価する.
岡田 篤正 植村 善博 東郷 正美 竹村 恵二 吉岡 敏和 堤 浩之 梅田 康弘 尾池 和夫 松井 和夫 杉森 辰次 杉山 直紀 園田 玉紀 梅田 孝行 松村 法行 山田 浩二 古澤 明
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2005, no.25, pp.93-108, 2005-06-30 (Released:2012-11-13)

The Kameoka basin is located to the west of the Kyoto basin. On the northeast side of the basin, two faults trending the northwest to southeast direction exist along the foot and the former edge of a mountain, respectively. They compose of the Kameoka fault zone with the length of about 13km (Okada&Togo ed.,2000).To elucidate such characteristics as distribution, subsurface structure and activity of those faults, we have carried out seismic reflections (P-waves) and deep drilling surveys across the faults. Volcanic ash and pollen analysis were also performed using core samples obtained by drillings. In this paper, we report the results of these surveys, especially about the characteristics of the concealed faults related to basin formation.By these surveys, three faults were detected along the three sections by the seismic reflection crossing the eastern half of the Kameoka basin, named as Fl, F2 and F3 faults from west to east. All faults incline to the northeast to form the reverse fault type uplifting to the northeast side.The Fl fault is concealed under the alluvial plain of the Katsura River and is an active fault having remarkable displacement of vertical direction to a few hundreds of meters. An accumulation of the displacement in the vertical direction is plainly recognized on the topographical and geological sections.The F2 fault appears in the wide deformation zone on the hanging. wall of Fl fault and is thought to be a subordinate fault of the F1 fault. From the distribution, the F2 fault is corresponded to be an active fault described by Okada&Togo ed. (2000) and identified at former edge of a mountain in the Kameoka basin. In this paper, we will call the Fl fault and the F2 fault as“ the Kameoka fault within the basin”. It is surely distributed about 4.6 km from the Umaji to the Hozu settlements in the southeast direction.Of the Kawarabayashi reflection profile, one reflection layer C has vertical displacement of 65m resulted from the activity of“ the Kameoka fault within the basin”. A pure seam from core samples of the layer is confirmed as so-called Oda Volcanic ash at 420-450ka. Therefore, the average slip rate of the vertical displacement is estimated at 0.15m per thousand of years or less, during the last about 430,000 years.We also found a fault scarplet (relative height 1.5-2.5m) on a low terrace. It seems to be formed by the F2 faulting since about 20,000 years ago. Hence the faulting of“ the Kameoka fault within the basin” since the late Pleistocene is certain, and also there is a possibility of the activity in the Holocene from the existence of the reverse-inclined terrace II at Umaji.Judged from distribution, the F3 fault is corresponding to "the Kameoka fault in the foot of a mountain" described by Okada&Togo ed. (2000). There is no evidence of the F3 faulting during the late Quaternary.
梶田 隆章 内山 隆 大橋 正健 川村 静児 黒田 和明 三代木 伸二 安東 正樹 宗宮 健太郎 森脇 喜紀 麻生 洋一 都丸 隆行 フラミニオ ラファエレ 鈴木 敏一

今西 由華 林 陽子 金森 康和 犬飼 隆
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SIS, スマートインフォメディアシステム (ISSN:09135685)
vol.106, no.261, pp.31-36, 2006-09-19

森岡 浩
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.59, no.7, pp.457-464, 2016-10-01 (Released:2016-10-01)

古田 和恵 山田 和子 森岡 郁晴
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.71, no.1, pp.69-75, 2016 (Released:2016-01-30)

Objectives: The purpose of this study is to clarify whether the explanation received from the guardian at the time of inoculation of a HPV vaccine is related to preventive behaviors against uterine cervical cancer among junior high school girls. The preventive behaviors were set as “wishing to receive the HPV vaccination” and “considering on sexual behaviors (dating, kissing, sexual relations).” Methods: An anonymous self-administered questionnaire survey was performed on 206 second-year junior high school girls who were candidates for the inoculation of the HPV vaccine in the previous year. We considered that a subject received an explanation on HPV vaccination if she received explanations on this topic, such as “an HPV vaccine prevents uterine cancer.” We considered that a subject received an explanation on pubertal events if she received explanations on this topic, such as “the importance of a life.” Including these two variables among the independent variables, multiple logistic regression analysis was performed. Results: The knowledge on uterine cancer was promoted when the subjects received explanations about the HPV vaccination. Many subjects received explanations on pubertal events by receiving explanations on HPV vaccination. The guardian’s explanation about HPV vaccination was one of the factors related to “wishing to receive the HPV vaccination” and “considering on sexual behaviors.” Conclusion: It is important for guardians to explain to their children about HPV vaccination without hesitation at the time of the vaccination.
相川 充 高本 真寛 杉森 伸吉 古屋 真
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.27, no.3, pp.139-150, 2012

The purpose of this study was to develop a scale to measure individual teamwork competency in a group. In Study 1, we constructed a preliminary version of the teamwork competency scale consisting of five subscales: communication, team orientation, back up, monitoring, and leadership. Undergraduate students (N=409) answered these preliminary subscales. Based on the results of item analysis, a final and reliable version of the five subscales was constructed. The validity of these subscales was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and multiple population analysis. In Study 2, members (N=58) of university student clubs answered these subscales. The self-evaluated scores of the members whose teamwork behavior was highly evaluated by the club leader were statistically higher than those with a lower evaluation. Study 3 addressed industrial workers (N= 76) in a company whose scores of these subscales had a moderately positive or negative correlation with other measures, including self-rated and peer-rated teamwork behavior. It was concluded that these five subscales measure different aspects of teamwork competency with a certain validity.
小森 義峯
憲法論叢 (ISSN:1343635X)
vol.9, pp.1-20, 2002

In the constituent Imperial Diet of 1946, Premier Yoshida explained that all war and all war potential including a war and war potential for self-defense were renounced on the Art. 9 of the draft of the Japanese Constitution. Japanese successive Cabinet has been adopting this interpretation on the Art. 9. Therefore, the present Cabinet also insists on the unconstitutionality of Execution of the right of collective self-defense. On the other hand, according to the interpretation of Kyoto school, as the Art. 9 renounces only a war as means of settling international disputes, by a general idea of international law, we can execute the right of collective self-defense. In this thesis, from a standpoint of Kyoto school, I advice change of the govermental interpretation on the Art. 9 of the Japanese Constitution.
笹森 新 山口 一弘 坂本 雄児
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 (ISSN:13426893)
vol.34, no.31, pp.5-8, 2010-07-23

森川 千鶴子 モリカワ チヅコ
看護学統合研究 (ISSN:13460692)
vol.6, no.1, pp.16-21, 2004-09
