小菅 正裕 池田 仁美 鎌塚 吉忠 佐藤 裕
測地学会誌 (ISSN:00380830)
vol.32, no.4, pp.290-302, 1987-03-25 (Released:2011-07-05)

A fault model of the 1983 Nihonkai-chubu (Japan Sea) earthquake (MJMA 7.7) was investigated on the basis of aftershock distributions, crustal deformation, and tsunami data. Since the earthquake took place under the sea off the coast of northwestern Tohoku District, there are a few land observation of crustal movement near the source area. We, therefore, have estimated the static fault parameters by comparing the wave form of observed tsunami with that of calculated from the static fault model. Trial fault parameters were derived from seismic data: focal mechanism solutions, seismic moment, and aftershock distributions with reference to the rupture process of the main shock. Our model was characterized by three fault planes trending NNE-SSW in the southern and the middle parts and NNW-SSE in the northern part, and by their low dipangle of 25°. The tsunami wave form was simulated numerically by a finite difference method. The fault model derived from seismic data reasonably explains the geodetic data and tsunamis. The calculated vertical deformation of land was consistent with the observed subsidence of 30-40 cm at Kyuroku island situated near the source area, and those of a few centimeters at Oga peninsula and Fukaura. The tsunami wave form observed at tide-gage stations along the coast of the Japan Sea was well simulated by our model as well as the model with higher dip angle. The data of strain step observed by extensometers installed in northern Japan support the low angle thrust event.
齋藤 雅通 池田 伸 土居 靖範 近藤 宏一 谷口 知弘 棚山 研

長野 泰彦 菊澤 律子 西尾 哲夫 武内 紹人 高橋 慶治 立川 武蔵 白井 聡子 池田 巧 武内 紹人 池田 巧 高橋 慶治 立川 武蔵 白井 聡子 本田 伊早夫 桐生 和幸 R. LaPolla M. Prins 戴 慶厦 G. Jacques 才譲 太 S. Karmay M. Turin 鈴木 博之 津曲 真一

チベット・ビルマ語族は、中国・青海省からパキスタン東北部にわたる広い地域に分布する。この語族の歴史はその大枠がようやく明らかになってきたものの、未解読文献言語や記述のない言語が多数残っている。本計画は(1)未記述言語の調査、(2)未解読古文献(シャンシュン語)の解読、(3)チベット語圏の言語基層動態解明、を目標として研究を行い、幾つかの知られていなかった言語を発見して記述、新シャンシュン語(14 世紀)語彙集集成、古シャンシュン語の文法的特徴の抽出、に成功しただけでなく、歴史言語学方法論に接触・基層という視点を導入することの意義に関して提言を行うことができた。
西阪 眞一 宇戸口 和子 溝上 哲也 徳井 教孝 荻本 逸郎 池田 正人 吉村 健清
産業医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:0387821X)
vol.18, no.2, pp.119-131, 1996-06-01

健康度自己評価が,死亡に関わる様々な要因の影響を除いてもなお,独自に将来の死亡に関係するか否かを明らかにするために本研究を行った。対象は福岡県Y市の30-79歳の地域住民4,046名である。調査開始時に健康度自己評価と生活習慣に関する健康調査を行い,7年間の追跡調査を実施した。全解析集団を用い,性,年齢,喫煙,治療状況,肥満度,日常生活動作能力を調整して,自己評価が「健康でない」集団の,「健康である」集団に対する死因別の相対危険度を比例ハザードモデルを用いて算出すると,全死因,がん,循環系疾患,他死因の相対危険度はそれぞれ2.95 (95%CI; 1.93-4.50),2.96 (1.53-5.73),2.32 (0.86-6.26), 4.09 (2.12-7.89)であった。集団選択による偏りを除くために,追跡開始時に疾患をもっている者また追跡開始後最初の3年間の死亡者を除いて解析しても,前述の相対危険度のほとんどが若干低くなるが,実質的に大きな差はみられなかった。さらに前述の有病者,早期死亡者を同時に除いた解析でも,全死因の相対危険度は1.89 (0.91-3.94)と,自己評価による健康度と死亡リスクの関連がうかがえた。このことから健康度自己評価それ自体が死亡リスクに独自に影響する健康指標となり得ることが示唆された。
池田 緑
大妻女子大学紀要. 社会情報系, 社会情報学研究 = Otsuma journal of social information studies
vol.13, pp.25-41, 2004

岡田 彌一郎 池田 兵司
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.49, no.5, pp.161-172, 1937-05-15

The present paper is concerned with statistical observations on the species of the Genus Tribolodon of Hokkaido, Japan and with some notes on their distribution. In regions adjacent to Hokkaido some species of the present genus have been known, but from Hokkaido only one species, Tribolodon hakuensis (GUNTHER), has been reported. During the summers of 1930 to 1936, the senior author visited Hokkaido and obtained the precious collections, which contain 424 specimens of the present genus, from the rivers and lakes of this region. According to our observations on these collections, we suggest that the present genus in Hokkaido may include the following four species. 1. Tribolodon hakuensis hakuensis (GUNTHER) This species represents Leuciscus hakuensis GUNTHER proper and has 66-80 scales in the lateral line and below 35-38 scales anterior to the dorsal fin. 2. Tribolodon hakuensis phalacrocorax (JORDAN and FOWLER) This species represents Leuciscus phalacrocorax JORDAN and FOWLER proper and has 60-70 scales in the lateral line and below 35-38 scales before the dorsal fin. On account of the characteristic difference in the number of scales in the lateral line, which is proposed by JORDAN and HUBBS, we are able to distinguish the present species from the above-mentioned T. hakuensis hakuensis, but the number of scales in these two species intergradates with each other. Considering the correlation between the number of scales in the lateral line and the scales anterior to the dorsal fin, the length of the body and the snout, it seems to be desirable to recognize the present species not as a distinct species but as a subspecies of Tribolodon hakuensis. 3. Tribolodon hakuensis ezoe subsp. nov. The present subspecies resembles the above-mentioned T. hakuensis hakuensis, but differs from it in having above 35-38 scales before the dorsal fin and 15-16 scales above the lateral line, also the length of the head and the snout greater. 4. Tribolodon jusanensis (JORDAN and HUBBS) This species represents Acahara jusanensis JORDAN and HUBBS and has 80-98 scales in the lateral line, 38-50 scales anterior to the dorsal fin and 16-20 scales above the lateral line. The head and snout are long. In Leuciscus taczanowskii STEINDACHMER, JORDAN and HUBBS (1925) recognized two species, A. jusanensis and L. taczanowskii proper, the latter was regarded as being identical to Leuciscus brandti(DYBOWSKY) by BERG (1909). But, according to FOWLER's description (1924). L. taczanowskii is distinguished from L. brandti by having fewer scales anterior to the dorsal fin and no black blotch at the base of the caudal fin. It seems to be rather clearly related to A. jusanensis. T. hakuensis hakuensis and T. hakuensis ezoe are widely distributed in Hokkaido but other species are regional as follows: T. phalacrocorax, Lake Panke, Lake Akan; T. jusanensis, Lake Tofutsu, Lake Mokoto, Lake Abashiri.
平藤 彰 酒井 麻里 小出 洋子 日山 邦枝 池田 幸 村山 純一郎
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.30, no.1, pp.16-19, 2011-04-01 (Released:2011-06-21)

After implementation of the new GCP, our hospital was staffed by clinical research coordinators (CRC) to smoothly conduct clinical trials of higher quality. At present, two pharmacists, two dental hygienists, and one nurse are working concurrently as CRCs in our hospital. An unique feature of CRC work at our hospital include 1) dental hygienists working as CRCs, and 2) CRCs of different specialities are coordinated on the same trial and contributing according to their specialties, participation of each clinical trial, one by one. Previously, in our hospital, clinical trials for medications had been allocated to nurse CRCs, while dental hygienist CRCs support for clinical trial of medical devices. However, a dental hygienist have participated as a CRC for the first time in a clinical trial for a medication in 2009, a pharmacist CRC cooperated the clinical trial with the dental hygienist CRC, and this trial was successfully completed. We anticipate that dental hygienist CRCs supporting clinical trials in dental practice will play an indispensable role in smoothly conducting clinical trials with high quality. In this report, we will present the current status of CRC work, which has been accomplished by cooperation with pharmacists and dental hygienists.
勝田 茂 七五三木 聡 池田 賢 天貝 均 大野 敦也
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.36, no.1, pp.39-51, 1991-06-01

To investigate the inflences of training intensity on bone development in growing rats, young (4-wk-old) Wistar strain were subjected treadmill running 1 h/day, 5 days/wk for 8 wk with a variety speed: 30 m/min (T30 group),40 m/min (T40 group),50 m/min (T50 group). The results be summarized as follows: 1) In the distal femoral epiphysis, longitudinal growth rate of T30 and T40 groups were significantly higher than C (sedentary age-matched controls) and T50 groups, respectively, and the calculated rate of cartilage cell production of T50 group was the lowest among all 4 groups. 2) No difference in bone mineral content (BMC) of femoral mid-shaft was found between any of the groups, but the BMC/body weight was significantly higher in all T groups than C group. Moreover, BMC/body weight increased with the speed of runnning except for T50 group which was suspected to result in converse bending of femur while running, compared with T30 and T40 groups, in connection with the different contraction styles of muscle groups attached on femur. On the basis of these findings, we concluded that physical training may underlie the various effects, such as acceleration, non-influence and/or inhibition, respoding to exercise intensity, on the bone development.
池田 和彦 額田 敏秀 池田 研二

林 浩平 池田 和司 Hayashi Kohei Ikeda Kazushi
データマイニングと統計数理研究会(第 11 回)

This survey focuses on tensor factorization methods based on stochastic models. They are natural extensions of the conventional methods to Bayesian statistics and are easier to introduce prior knowledge. Some of their applications are also given.
池田 勇太
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.118, no.6, pp.1144-1180, 2009-06-20

This article offers an hypothesis for analyzing the process by which the ideas held by civil affairs bureaucrat Kinoshita Sukeyuki (1825-1899) about local parliamentary government were formed during the early Meiji Period. In the reforms aimed at how to govern the new nation emerging during the Restoration era, Confucian ideas were employed in an attempt to make a transition to direct rule over the people via state power and authority. However, with the replacement of feudal domains (han 藩) with prefectures and the dismantling of the feudal ownership system, the old framework for civil governance collapsed, and an increase in personal freedom occurred within a mood of autonomy and liberty, to a degree beyond anyone's initial expectations. In light of such a new situation, there were those, including Confucian intellectuals, who called for the introduction of publicly elected local assemblies. It was Kinoshita Sukeyuki who offered a plan to reorganize the villages of Karatsu Domain after the transition to direct han civil governance, based on the edification of the common people and their employment in local affairs of governance. Kinoshita, who would later propose a village system incorporating a deliberative body, which he initially thought would exclude the lower classes from the electorate, was forced by widespread popular uprisings opposed to the Restoration government measures to propose that peasant representatives (hyakushodai 百姓代) be made assembly members and that the lower class villagers (komae 小前) be included, in order to eliminate the legitimacy of other rebel groups. He came to think that 1) prefectural and national assemblies should first be indirectly elected from city ward and village assemblies and 2) edification policy should be fitted to the level of social mores by raising public sentiment. In the background to this was the assumption of an unstable structure facilitating popular rebellion, due to the sudden disappearance of feudal ownership and the rapid expansion of individual freedom within the underdevelopment of a governance system to replace feudalism. For that reason it was necessary for early Meiji civil government to smooth relations between upper and lower classes, and Kinoshita thought the answer lay in publicly elected popular assemblies. In the face of such new conditions, Kinoshita himself went through a transition from a Confucian view of civil government paternally protecting the people to raising issues about how to empower a fully matured nation. This is the chaotic background on which issues about political participation by the people were formed during the early Meiji Period.
池田 四郎 関根 嘉香
大気環境学会誌 (ISSN:13414178)
vol.44, no.1, pp.16-23, 2009-01-10

大気質の管理には,これまで化学的よび物理的手法が用いられてきた。バイオアッセイは,生物応答を利用した環境汚染物質に対する有害性評価法であるが,大気質での適用例は少ない。筆者らは,海洋性発光バクテリアVibrio fischeriを利用した簡易毒性評価法の開発を目的に,発光バクテリアに対する大気中粒子状物質の影響について検討した。2007年12月から2008年4月にかけて東海大学湘南校舎4階ベランダにおいて,通気流量23.5L/minのローボリュームエアサンプラーを用い,7日間連続で大気中総浮遊粒子状物質(TSP)を石英繊維製フィルター上に捕集した。また2008年6月〜9月にかけて,通気流量22.0L/minのローボリュームエアサンプラーに接続したアンダーセンサンプラーを用いて大気浮遊粒子状物質を分級捕集した。試料を滅菌蒸留水で振とう抽出し,抽出液をポアサイズ0.45μmのフィルターでろ過した。その後,ろ液を24ウェルプレート内でバクテリアに作用させ,ルミノメーターにより生物発光強度を測定した。本研究では,日立化成工業株式会社機能性材料事業部ライフサイエンス部門による提供の下,Rapid On-site Toxicity Audit System (ROTAS^<TM>)のLeachableキットをバイオアッセイに利用した。その結果,バクテリアの生物発光量は大気中の粒子状物質に阻害されることがわかった。また,生物発光が大きく阻害される場合においては,通気量あたりの発光阻害度(%/m^3とTSP濃度(μg/m^3)の間に直線性が認められた。つまり,大気中浮遊粒子状物質には有害性がありTSP濃度に応答的であった。バクテリアに作用させた溶液は,黒色の微粒子によるコロイド溶液であった。そこで,この溶液を遠心ろ過し黒色微粒子を分離した。分離した粒子は透過型電子顕微鏡TEMを用いて観察し,さらにエネルギー分散型蛍光X線元素分析装置EDXによる成分分析をした結果,炭素を主成分としたススであることがわかった。このススが,バクテリアの発光を阻害した原因である可能性が示唆される。一方,TSP濃度が大きいにもかかわらず大気中浮遊粒子状物質が生物発光阻害を見せない場合もあった。年末年始の交通量が少ない時期や,花粉や黄砂が多く観測された春先が該当する。このことから,大気中浮遊粒子状物質には海洋性発光バクテリアの発光を活性化させる成分も含まれている可能性がある。また粒径2.1μmを下回る微小粒子が,バクテリアに対し高い発光阻害度を示した。このことから本法を利用し,PM2.5を対象としたバイオモニタリング技術開発の可能性が挙げられる。