山本 太郎 関 良明 高橋 克巳
vol.2013-GN-88, no.11, pp.1-8, 2013-05-09

我々は,情報工学と社会科学の学際的アプローチにより,インターネットを利用する際の 「安心」 に関する研究を行っている.その一環として,不安を制御することによる安心の獲得を実現するための現実的なソリューションを検討するにあたり,23 種類の実在ネットワークサービスの各利用者を対象として,各サービスにおける不安に関する Web アンケート調査を 2011 年に実施した.本論文では,そのうち画像共有サイト 2 種について,それぞれ不安を感じるサービス利用者 89 名および 100 名が,どのような不安を,どのような理由で感じ,どのような解決策を望んでいるのか等について,調査結果を提示するとともに,得られた知見と考察について言及する.
大久保 正 阿部 忠昭 栗林 良正 佐藤 護 贄田 茂雄 高橋 昌規 金沢 知博 田沢 勝雄
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.8, no.1, pp.73-78, 1976-01-31 (Released:2013-05-24)

高橋 護 岩野 耕治 酒井 康彦 伊藤 靖仁
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.850, pp.17-00004-17-00004, 2017 (Released:2017-06-25)

Simultaneous measurement of the velocity-gradient and fluctuating static pressure was carried out in a turbulent planar jet. We use a constant-temperature hot-wire anemometry and a miniature pressure probe for velocity measurement and fluctuating static pressure measurement, respectively. Two types of the combined probe are introduced for simultaneous measurement of the velocity-gradient and fluctuating static pressure. One consists of an X-type hot-wire probe and a pressure probe and the other consists of two I-type hot-wire probes arranged in vertical direction and a pressure probe. For improvement of the measurement accuracy, the responsivity of the pressure probe, the time-lag due to the spatial distance between the hot-wire probe and the pressure probe, and the attenuation of the velocity-gradient measurement due to the finite difference method, are corrected. In this paper, we compare the various statistics of the turbulent planar jet acquired using the combined probes and those acquired using hot-wire probe or pressure probe alone. Through the results, it is confirmed that the simultaneous measurements were well-performed in the turbulent planar jet expect for the outside of the velocity half-width. Further, it is revealed that the Pressure Rate-of-Strain Correlation, which appears in the Reynolds stress transport equation, is almost dominated by (p´/ρ)(∂u´2/∂x1) and (p´/ρ)(∂u´1/∂x2) barely contributes to the Reynolds stress transport in the cases of Re ≥ 10,000.
高寺 政行 大谷 毅 森川 英明 乾 滋 南澤 孝太 佐藤 哲也 鋤柄 佐千子 大塚 美智子 金 キョンオク 宮武 恵子 松村 嘉之 鈴木 明 韓 載香 柳田 佳子 古川 貴雄 石川 智治 西松 豊典 矢野 海児 松本 陽一 徃住 彰文 濱田 州博 上條 正義 金井 博幸 坂口 明男 森川 陽 池田 和子 鈴木 美和子 北折 貴子 鄭 永娥 藤本 隆宏 正田 康博 山村 貴敬 高橋 正人 中嶋 正之 太田 健一 堀場 洋輔

高橋 公也 池田 研介 九州工業大学情報工学部 立命館大学理工学部
物性研究 (ISSN:05252997)
vol.64, no.1, pp.26-88, 1995-04-20

高橋 亮介
龍谷大学大学院文学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13433695)
vol.32, pp.109-126, 2010-11-27
吉原 亨 蔦木圭悟 高橋 弘太
vol.2008, no.123(2008-SLP-074), pp.233-238, 2008-12-02

できるだけ聞き落としを生じることなく,時間的な効率を上げて音声再生を行うためには,個々の音声に対して最適な再生速度を決定するための指標が必要となる.本稿では,この問題に関して得られた 2 つの成果について発表する.第一の成果は, 2 つの異なる狭帯域エネルギの時間変化に着目した話速推定法を提案し,正規化した誤差で 16% の推定精度で話速推定が行えることを示したことである.第二の成果は,通常発話の音声と高速発話の音声を,それぞれ極めて速い話速に話速変換した結果を観察し,高速発話を話速変換した音声が,より調波構造の乱れが少ないことを示したことである.本稿は,我々で製作している話速バリエーション型音声データベース (SRM-DB) を用いて行った.我々は本研究を SRV-DB の有効な利用法の一例として発表する.
田所 学 高橋 美穂子 松下 久美子
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.12, no.2, pp.229-238, 2017 (Released:2017-06-29)

高橋 由雅 佐々木 慎一
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.45, no.11, pp.1087-1097, 1987-11-01 (Released:2010-01-22)

It is well known that chemical structure diagram or three-dimensional structure of a compound molecule involves much information related to biological activity, reactivity, or various physicochemical properties on itself. It is a very important thing in a wide range of chemical research to compare the chemical compounds on the basis of such structural information. Especially, in the area of structure-activity studies, to investigate structural feature such as functional groups or substructural fragments, common to a group of chemical compounds exhibiting a particular biological activity often provides us with very useful and objective information which may be resulted in hypothetical pharmacophore.In this article, a couple of approaches for the automated recognition of common structural patterns among drug molecules will be described. One is related to the maximal common substructure search which can be used to find some topological pharmacophore, and the other one is for the common geometrical pattern search in which three-dimensional geometry of molecules are taken account. The latter approach may be used to identify a certain topographical or three-dimensional pharmacophore. The basic algorithms and related software systems will be summarized with some illustrative examples.
高橋 正弘 村上 賢二 金子 精一
The Japan Society of Veterinary Epidemiology
獣医情報科学雑誌 (ISSN:09128913)
vol.1991, no.27, pp.27-33, 1991

神奈川県食品衛生課編「食中毒発生一覧表」に記載されている食中毒事件の発生日, 発生件数および患者数ならびに判別分析で求められた食中毒発生予測式から算出される予測値を供試し, 食中毒発生日の特異性を検討した。検討した期間は1979年から1988年の10年間で, 各年6月から10月の5ケ月間である。<BR>1) 食中毒発生の特異日は, 発生件数の平均値および変動係数によれば9月4日, 9月8日, 9月7日, 9月13日および8月26日であった。<BR>2) また, 患者数では9月4日, 9月13日, 8月5日, 8月25日および7月29日であった。<BR>3) 以上の結果から, 食中毒発生件数・患者数の特異日は9月上旬に集積性が認められた。<BR>4) 発生件数・患者数の曜日別発生頻度は, 統計的検定の結果, 日曜日, 金曜日, 火曜日に高く, 水曜日に有意に低いことがわかった。<BR>5) 予測値においては, 曜日間に有意差は認められなかった。<BR>6) 食中毒発生ありと予測された期間は, 予測値の日別平均値によれば, 7月14日から7月17日, 7月23日から9月17日の期間であって, そのうち, 特に予測値の高い期間は8月20日から23日の4日間であった。<BR>このように, 環境要因に基づく予測と実際の発生頻度にずれが生じているのは, 食習慣等の社会的要因や調理従事者等の人為的影響が食中毒発生に深く関与しているものと考えられる。そこで, 環境要因の他に発生件数・患者数の日別・曜日別平均値さらには日別平均予測値をダミー変数とし採用すれば, 食中毒発生予測式の精度の向上が可能と考えられる。また, 行政施策の用途によっては, 月ごとに食中毒発生予測式を構築する必要性も考えられる。
高橋 宏幸
西洋古典論集 (ISSN:02897113)
vol.16, pp.9-38, 1999-08-31

この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。This paper attempts to treat the nature of Livy's historiography by observing his use of an exemplum in Ap. Claudius' speech in Bk. 5. In his speech(5. 3. 1-6. 17) intended to advocate that the siege of Veii be continued in winter, a tactic never adopted before, Appius refers to the Trojan war to the effect of contrast ; the Romans are reluctant to besiege Rome's archenemy within her sight while all of Greece crossed lands and seas to sack Troy for one women's sake. This exemplum turns out to be ironical in the course of the narrative, for there are similarities between the Veientan war and the Fall of Troy ; fought for ten years(405-396 BC) ; conditions of Fall prophesied(15.1-12 ; 16.8-11 ; 19.1 ; 21.8-9) ; tactics for breakthrough(19.10-11, 21.10-13) ; urbs opulentissima and troubles about dealing out the booty(20.1-10, 21.14-15, 22.1-2, 8) ; Camillus praying like Achilles when forced into exile because of praeda Veientana(5. 32. 8-9).Since for a Roman in 403 BC to use a mythological example is unimaginable and Appius never predicts the analogy between the two wars, the exemplum should be appreciated in literary or narrative terms : its function seems to highlight the analogy for the readers. If so, however, it is remarkable that there is one missing point in the Veientan war : woman as cause of war. This aspect could have been most appealing to Livy's readers, seeing that (1) Helen as causa belli is almost a literary cliche(Hor. Ep. 1. 2. 9 ; Prop. 2. 3. 35-36 ; Ov. Am. 2. 12. 17-18, A. A. 3.253-54 ; cf. Verg. A. 6.93, 11.479f.), evoking the image of Cleopatra, that (2) una mulier, the phrase used there, is highly impressive, as appearing in Enn. Trag. v. 47 apud Cic. Div. 1.114(=Cassandra's prophesy about Helen), Cir. Clu. 15(quot. Quintil. Inst. Or. 4. 2. 105)(=Sassia), Cael. 47, 51(=Clodia), and Prop. 4. 6. 65(=Cleopatra), and that (3) 'all troubles began with a woman'(1. 46. 7) is a recurrent motif in Bks. 1-4 : Lavinia(1. 2. 1-6), the Sabine women(1. 9. 1-13.5), Tullia ? Lucretia(1.46ff.), Veturia(2. 40. 5-9), Verginia(3.44ff.), and the maid of Ardea(4. 9. 1-11)(also cf. Fabia minor(6. 34. 5-11)).Livy assigns Appius the role of orator speaking for the interests of the senate, his first speech suggesting that the senators break the power of the plebeian tribunes through the veto of their colleagues(4. 48. 4-10), his second (which includes the exemplum) also countering the tribunes' move as Livy introduces him as an equal opponent to them with reference to the first speech (5. 2. 13-14, 7. 1), and his third claiming that the money captured at Veii go to the treasury when Camillus referred the matter of booty to the senate.Appius' intention, however, is for the good of the whole nation and not to suppress the plebs as he himself says in his fourth speech(6. 40. 5). His third speech loses to P. Licinius', but this loss turns out to be crucial to the fortune of Camillus, that is, of Rome. Licinius looks like a good arbitrator, the first military tribune elected from the plebs, bringing an end to the serious trouble caused by the tribunes(5. 12. 7-9, 12-13), and elected again without his seeking office as the senate had no objection(5. 18. 1). His opinion that whoever wants a share in the spoils get to the camp at Veii, however, intended to conciliate the plebs with the gift, made the senate plebeian(5. 20. 10). Due to those first seeds of greed sown by this conciliation Camillus incurs people's hatred(5. 22. 1-2, 23. 8-12), and finally he, the only human aid against the Gauls, goes into exile (5. 32. 7-9). Another cause of people's hate against Camillus is linked to Appius' first speech ; Camillus openly rebuked the plebs and the senate for doing away with the veto of the tribunes(5. 29. 6). It looks as if the action and hardship of Camillus were to prove that the words of Appius had been pointing in the right direction.His second speech is parallel with Camillus' at the end of Bk. 5 in form and content, and here I would call attention to the incidents after each speech, the news of the disaster at Veii and the voice of a centurion accepted as an omen, which not just decided the matter but inspired the Romans to do more than restore the loss caused by the fire. The news from Veii and its consequences are, however, depicted as sudden and unexpected happenings with the voluntary actions on the part of the knights and the plebs followed by the senate (5. 7. 1, 4, 6), whereas to the centurion's voice, opportune emissa, the senate took the immediate action of se accipere omen, to which the plebs gives a simultaneous approval(5. 55. 1-2).It would be helpful here to compare two other divine voices appearing in Bk. 5 : Iuno Regina and Aius Locutius. It is a mere rumor that a voice of the goddess was heard to say she would be pleased when moved from Veii to Rome, but, at the same time it is the tradition accepted among the Romans (accepimus) that she was transferred as easily as if she just followed(5. 22. 5-6). The negligence of the voice which warned against the Gauls(5. 32. 6-7) was costly to the Romans ; after regaining Rome they make atonement and dedicate a temple to the new god(5. 50. 5, 51. 7, 52. 11). These episodes seem to stress an active recognition of celestial voices as critically important to the welfare of Rome.Now the passage from Ennius quoted of una mulier may be also helpful ; Cassandra's prophesy about Helen was never believed. In this respect it is, I think, suggestive that the rejection by the senate of Appiu's opinion in his third speech marked the first step to Rome's downfall ; his voice also sounds like what they should listen to. We may find a similar function in the exemplum. 'A woman as cause of war', though one missing point in the analogy between the two wars, should have been strikingly appealing to Livy's readers, then it could be a signal for them to listen to as a warning against a woman like Cleopatra. This is surely out of the immediate context, but it accords with the nature of the omen, κληδων, with a meaning which depends on the person who is to receive it, no matter what sense the speaker intended.
前田 道明 水口 康雄 高橋 宏 室橋 豊穂 大田原 幸人 谷山 勢之輔 柚木 角正 西園 実 宮崎 武人 土屋 高夫 MATSUMOTO Mitsuyuki 高井 鐐二 塩沢 活
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.38, no.12, pp.524-529, 1963

Bacteriological examination was made on all cases, to whom radiography was indicated according to the results of miniature X-ray findings and tuberculin reaction in the tuberculosis mass surveys carried out in Okierabu-island (1961) and Setouchi-town (1962).<BR>The majority of the specimens examined was laryngeal swab and a few cases was examined by sputum. These specimens were kept in an icebox and each specimen was cultured on three slants of 1% Ogawa's egg media after pretreatment with 4% NaOH on the same day. Then, the slants were kept in an incubator at 37°C and observed for 8weeks.<BR>All of the acid-fast bacilli were investigated on their biological characteristics. Drug resistance was tested by the indirect test method on the strains which were identified as human type tubercle bacilli.
高橋 一生 瀧 宏文 山内 正憲 金井 浩
一般社団法人 日本生体医工学会
vol.54, no.26, pp.S86-S86, 2016

<p>Since ultrasonography has insufficient performance in depicting the vertebral surface, most examiners perform epidural anesthesia using landmarks on the back without ultrasonography. The final purpose of this study is to improve the performance by ultrasonography in depicting thoracic vertebral surface.RPM method is one of the bi-static imaging methods, it estimates the reflection point on a target surface by intersections of plural ellipses, where the focal points of an ellipse are the position of a transmit element and that of a receive element.We investigated the performance of the RPM method in an experimental study using a phantom with a concave surface of a 2 cm curvature radius. The depicted region of concave surface acquired using the conventional method and the RPM method was approximately 14.8% and 17.7% of the whole concave surface, respectively. This result indicates that the RPM method has high performance in depicting sloping target boundary.</p>
高橋 義宣 河原崎 正貴 星野 躍介 本多 裕陽 江成 宏之
社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.55, no.9, pp.428-431, 2008-09-15 (Released:2008-10-31)
1 4

高橋 劭 鈴木 賢士 Wang Caiwei Guo Changming
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II (ISSN:00261165)
vol.73, no.6, pp.1191-1211, 1995-12-25

「黒河流域における地空相互作用における日中共同研究」HEIFE プロジェクトの一環として中国・平凉での半乾燥地域に発達する夏の雲の降水機構の研究を行った。ビデオゾンデによる降水粒子の映像、レーダ、ゾンデ上昇速度、地上電場の測定から雲内での降水粒子の成長過程について解析を行った。この地域においては降水機構の全く異なる2つの降水雲システムが観測された。1つは電気的に活発な霰形成が主な雄大積乱雲で他は梅雨前線に伴う雪片形成で雨を降らす層状雲である。Hobbsの主張する "Generation Cell" の降水への役割については、本地域に現れた梅雨前線帯の層状雲では当てはまらないようである。
田仲 持郎 入江 正郎 高橋 英和 中村 正明
