岸本 忠之
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
科学教育研究 (ISSN:03864553)
vol.23, no.2, pp.121-129, 1999-06-10 (Released:2017-06-30)

The purpose of this paper is to establish the learning phases for the choice of operation regarding word problems involving multiplication of decimal fractions. A research test and standards were developed to identify the learning phases. Three hundred and forty-four primary-school students ranging from fourth to sixth grade were tested. As results, four learning phases were identified the choice of operation in word problems involving multiplication of decimal fractions. In phase, I students can solve the word problems only with multiplication of integers, but can't solve the word problems with multiplication of decimal fractions. In phase II, students can not choose the operation in the word problems with multiplication of decimal fractions but calculate that operation. In phase III, students can choose and calculate the operation in the word problems with multiplication of decimal fractions. In phasd IV, students can choose and calculate the operation in the word problems through multiplication of decimal fractions based on the meaning of multiplication of decimal fractions.
岸本 直美 藤 桂
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.91.18029, (Released:2020-03-10)

This study focused on casual conversation as a component of companionship at nursery schools with the aim of assessing its influence on nursery teachers’ stress reactions. We conducted a questionnaire survey among 312 nursery teachers. Factor analysis of the content of casual conversation identified the following four factors: light small talk, state and development of children, complaining about interpersonal relationships, and thoughts and beliefs about childcare. Similarly, factor analysis of the effect of casual conversation identified the following four factors: pleasure derived from sharing and empathy, smooth communication and awareness, reconfirming one’s specialty as a nursery teacher, and exhaustion from providing sympathy unwillingly. Covariance structure analysis indicated that light small talk reduced nursery teachers’ stress reactions. In addition, casual conversation about the state and development of children as well as thoughts and beliefs about childcare promoted pleasure derived from sharing and empathy, thereby reducing stress reactions. Meanwhile, complaining about interpersonal relationships at the nursery school increased stress reactions. The findings suggest that the effect of casual conversation depend on the content.
岸本 三香子 海野 知紀 田中 敬子
武庫川女子大学紀要. 自然科学編 (ISSN:09163123)
vol.54, pp.45-50, 2006

健常な女子学生38名(年齢19.8±0.9歳)を対象に, 難消化性デキストリンを含有したデザート飲料による排便状況に及ぼす影響を検討した.飲料摂取試験:は全6週間で, 非摂取(I期:1週間), 飲料摂取(II期:2週間), 非摂取(III期:1週間), 飲料摂取(IV期:2週間)とし, 難消化性デキストリンを5g配合した飲料を摂取させるシングルブラインド・クロスオーバー試験を実施した.対照飲料は試験飲料に配合した難消化性デキストリンを含まない飲料を用いた.試験期間中, 排便状況に関するアンケートを毎日, また排便意識に関するアンケートを1週間ごとに記入させた.その結果, 便秘傾向者(非摂取期間の1週間の排便日数が1週間に3日以下)において試験飲料の摂取により非摂取期間と比較して排便日数, 排便回数, 排便量いずれにおいても有意に増加し, 排便日数は対照飲料摂取期間と比較して有意な増加が認められた.排便意識調査からも飲料摂取により便秘の改善は明らかであった.
岸本 章宏
情報処理 (ISSN:04478053)
vol.48, no.11, pp.1257-1263, 2007-11-15

よく知られたボードゲーム「チェッカー」は,両プレイヤが最善を尽くせば引き分けになることが,アルバータ大学(カナダ)のJonathan Schae er教授を中心とする研究チームによって,計算機を用いて証明された.本稿では,チェッカーの解明に利用した技術と筆者がプロジェクトの一員として参加した経緯,およびチェッカー解明までの道程について述べる.
岸本 裕一
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.25, no.1, pp.11-23, 1999-09-30

In this study, it is analyzed that in Japan 1990's, marketing and popular music have had mutual close relations through Tie-up songs. The term of "Tie-up-song" is defined a popular song which has some tie-up relations or contracts for commercial purposes as a theme song to movies, TV dramas, TV shows, etc., and/or as an adverting song for particular brands, firms, campaigns, etc.. For example, Celine Dion's "The Hearts Will Go On" for "Titanic", Whitney Houston's "I Always Love You" for "The Body Guard". In 1990s, in Japan, most of hit popular songs have held tie-up relations so as to increase their opportunities to public appearance. Some says that without tie-up, there is no hit. In this context, hit making mechanism in Japanese pop scene is analyzed from the aspects of business marketing. Finally, it is emphasized that a discipline of music marketing should be established in order to develop popular music business.
佐塚 泰之 山下 恵代 岸本 修一 福島 昭二 竹内 由和 園部 尚
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.122, no.11, pp.995-999, 2002-11-01 (Released:2003-02-18)
6 8

We have confirmed that theanine, a major amino acid in green tea, enhances the antitumor activity of doxorubicin (DOX) without an increase in DOX-induced side effects. We believe that the action of theanine is due to decreases in glutamate uptake via inhibition of the glutamate transporter, intracellular glutathione (GSH) synthesis, GS-DOX conjugate level, and subsequent extracellular transport of GS-DOX by the MRP5/GS-X pump. To increase the clinical usefulness of theanine, we examined its effects on the antitumor activity of cisplatin and irinotecan (CPT-11), which a known to be transported by the efflux system related to MRP. Cisplatin decreased tumor volume in M5076 tumor-bearing mice. Furthermore, the combination of theanine with cisplatin increased the decrease in tumor volume as compared with the cisplatin-alone group. Tumor volume in the CPT-11-alone group did not show a decrease, but the combination of theanine with CPT-11 significantly reduced tumor volume. The concentration of cisplatin in the tumor was significantly increased by combination with theanine, and thus we assume that it correlated with the enhancement on the antitumor activity of theanine. On the other hand, changes in drug concentrations with theanine were not observed in normal tissues, but rather it is indicated that theanine tends to reduce their concentrations. Therefore theanine enhances the antitumor activity not only of DOX but also of cisplatin or CPT-11.
岸本 實
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.54, no.7, pp.353-363, 1981-07-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

Professor G. T. Trewartha delivered the presidential address on “A Case for Population Geography” before the Association of American Geographers on the occation of its 49th annual meeting held in Cleveland, Ohio, March 20 _??_ April 2, 1953. He, then, suggested that in geography the central theme is human life and fundamentally geography is to be anthropocentric, and emphasized the necessity of the research of population geography. After the Second World War, the research works on population geography have increased so much in comparison to the Pre-War days, and it owes to a greater degree of spatial mobility than ever before, in almost all countries containing the developing and developed countries due to the results of stability of political conditions. The mobility has taken many forms; some have been in response to the general evolution of national societies and economies, others have acted as stimuli for fundamental social, economic, and political changes in the nations. In Japan, too, spatial mobility after the War has been equally intense as European countries. About eight millions or seven percents of the national population changed their residences in every year and such spatial mobility has changed the regional conditions in the country. Spatial mobility in Japan after the War has taken three types as follows: (1) rural-to-urban migration, especially in the first stage, (2) residential mobility in and around the great cities as the results of population concentration, (3) inter-urban migration mainly since the oil shock in 1973. As to the regional factors of the rural-urban migration, it has been, hitherto, insisted on that the economic motivation, that is, the lower level of income in the farm areas is the most important regional factor for the rural-to-urban migration. But it is not necessarily the most important. There are many other social factors which push out people to urban areas from rural farm, especially the breakdown of human relations in rural areas. As to the residential mobility and inter-urban migration, we are also forced to explain the factors from human values, want, needs, and choice of the inhabitants, in addition to the economic motivation.
岸本 忠之
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
日本科学教育学会年会論文集 45 (ISSN:21863628)
pp.33-36, 2021 (Released:2021-12-20)

辻 智大 岸本 博志 藤田 浩司 中村 千怜 長田 朋大 木村 一成 古澤 明 大西 耕造 西坂 直樹 池田 倫治 太田 岳洋 福岡 仁至
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.68, no.3, pp.129-160, 2023-09-30 (Released:2023-11-02)

Kuju volcano, located within Beppu-Shimabara graben central Kyushu, Southwest Japan, has been active in the recent 200,000 years. The 54 ka Handa eruption, as large as VEI 5 or 6 and the largest one of the volcano, released large-scale pyroclastic flow deposits (Handa pfd; Kj-Hd) and a wide-spread tephra (Kj-D ash and Kj-P1 pumice fall deposits) that has been reported at more than 500 km from the source. The stratigraphic relationships among the deposits from the Handa eruption are important for volcanology and disaster prevention, and have been studied in various studies, but there is no consensus on the stratigraphy. In this study, we examined the stratigraphic relationships and the eruption history based on the stratigraphic and petrographic studies around Kuju volcano, as well as on Shikoku and Honshu Islands. As the results, the stratigraphic relationships were revealed as follows. 1) The pumice fall deposit, that has been named Kj-Yu, was previously included in Kj-D ash layers, but is revealed to be a much older ejecta than Kj-D ash, along with the tephras newly named Kj-Tb1 and 2. 2) The clay-rich layer just below Kj-D was previously considered to be soil, but it contains a large number of volcanic ash particles so that it is defined as Kj-Y ash layer. 3) Three light brown fine ash layers, newly named Kj-D-U2, 4 and 6, sandwich between the blue grey sandy ash layers i.e. Kj-D-U1, 3, 5 and 7, are revealed to be the co-ignimbrite ash derived from Kj-Hd 1, 2 and 3 pfd, respectively. It suggests that the Kj-Hd1, 2 and 3 pfd are interbedded with Kj-D-U ash layers. 4) Kj-P1 overlies on Kj-D-U7 ash layer that mantled the reworked deposit of Kj-Hd3. 5) Kj-P1 is divided into lower and upper units based on the grain-size analysis, petrography, the chemical composition of glass shards and the isopach maps. Kj-S pfd was formed in the same time as the upper unit. Based on the results, the eruption history is assumed as follows. Pre-Handa eruption: the activity was low and the small-scale explosive eruptions that had released the pumice and volcanic fragments in loam (Kj-Y), followed by a relatively large explosive eruption that had formed Kj-AL. Early phase: the eruption started with phreatic eruption, sub-plinian eruption that deposited the lower unit of Kj-D ash. Subsequently, the eruption changed to vulcanian eruptions that ejected Kj-D-U. This eruption continued for a long period time. During the time, three large-scale pyroclastic flow eruptions happened and has formed Kj-Hd1, 2 and 3. Their co-ignimbrite ashes generated from the Kj-Hd pfds were deposited as Kj-D-U2, 4 and 6. Lahar were generated after Kj-Hd2 and 3 deposition. This phase was terminated by the deposition of Kj-D-U7 ash. Late phase: the plinian plumes occurred twice and deposited lower and upper lalyers of Kj-P1. The second one is the largest plinian eruption in the whole volcano history, with a large umbrella plume producing a wide-spread tephra at more than 500 km from the source and an intraplinian pyroclastic flow (Kj-S).
金森 雅夫 金盛 琢也 内藤 智義 岸本 康平
一般社団法人 日本老年看護学会
老年看護学 (ISSN:13469665)
vol.26, no.1, pp.9-16, 2021 (Released:2022-08-04)

高齢者の免疫の低下がCOVID-19感染の重症化に拍車をかけている.COVID-19の重症化のリスクを明らかにするためにスコーピングレビューを行った.重症化のメカニズム―サイトカインストームについてまとめ,COVID-19と高齢者のフレイル,認知症との関係について考察した.結果:重症化のリスクは,呼吸器疾患,高血圧,糖尿病などの基礎疾患,80歳以上の加齢,臨床所見としてNEWS;national early warning score,CRP,フェリチン,GPT,eGFR,せん妄,フレイルであった.フレイルは,多因子を調整しても生存率に影響する重要な因子であった.一方せん妄は,重症化の因子として肯定する論文と生存率に影響する因子としては否定する論文の2つがあり結論はでなかった.しかしせん妄は認知症の重症化の予兆のひとつと考えられ早急な対応を考える必要がある.高齢者施設の対応として,酸素飽和度の測定と必要に応じた酸素供給,呼吸器管理の徹底,ソーシャルディスタンスでのうつなどの対策,身体活動不活発対策が引き続き重要である.
岸本 直之 古田 世子 藤原 直樹 井上 栄壮 馬場 大哉 武井 直子
公益社団法人 日本水環境学会
水環境学会誌 (ISSN:09168958)
vol.46, no.3, pp.69-75, 2023 (Released:2023-05-10)

マシジミ (Corbicula leana) と推定される琵琶湖産淡水シジミのろ水速度および呼吸速度の水温, 溶存酸素 (DO) 濃度依存性を実験や文献調査を通して明らかにし, その生育可能条件を評価した。殻長14.9 ± 1.2 mmの成貝を用いた実験の結果, ろ水速度は水温およびDO濃度に依存した。水温影響は高温阻害を有する指数型影響関数で表現でき, 至適水温は20.8 ℃であった。ろ水速度が低下し始める限界DO濃度は2.6~4.0 mg L-1の範囲にあった。琵琶湖南湖湖底直上における平均餌濃度を3 mg-C L-1と仮定した場合, DO濃度 ≥ 4 mg L-1の条件で成長可能な温度域は12.1~26.6 ℃と評価された。湖沼温暖化により水温が1 ℃上昇すると年間成長量は0.005~0.01 g-C y-1 個体-1低下すると推定され, 湖沼温暖化が琵琶湖におけるシジミの生育に負の影響を与えることが明らかとなった。
岸本 雅裕
社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
関西造船協会論文集 (ISSN:13467727)
vol.2002, no.238, pp.238_191-238_196, 2002 (Released:2004-02-27)

O’Hanlon et al. gave a full rage data on motion sickness for single frequency sinusoidal vertical motions. When it is used for ship motion, there are some problems because ship motion distributes in wide frequency range. In this paper, motion sickness in two frequency vertical motions and ship motions distributed in wide frequency rage are studied. And it is shown that vertical acceleration components in higher frequency range may have bigger effects on motion sickness than estimated from O’Hanlon’s data
川上 貴代 平松 智子 田淵 真愉美 我如古 菜月 山本 沙也加 秋山 花衣 岸本(重信) 妙子
特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.80, no.1, pp.32-39, 2022-02-01 (Released:2022-03-12)

【目的】本研究は病院給食におけるハラール対応の現状を調査し,イスラーム教など宗教や食の信念をもつ患者の受け入れ体制の整備や対応の基礎資料とすることを目的とした。【方法】中国地方A県内の病院161施設に所属する管理栄養士を対象に,2019年12月,病院での個別対応食に関するアンケートを郵送し自己記入式アンケート調査で実施した。122施設(回収率75.8%)から回答を得てすべて解析に用いた。解析はχ2 検定,またはFisherの直接法で行った。【結果】宗教への個別対応の実施率は30.3%で病床数が多い病院ほど実施している傾向があった。ハラール対応経験のある割合は,調査対象全体の14.8%であり,既存献立の禁忌食品を除去・代替えして提供する病院が多かった。無効回答を除く120例のうちでハラールについて知っている,または聞いたことがあると回答した者は87.5%であり,ハラールを知っていると答えた者は全く知らないと答えた者と比較して,留意すべき食品として「豚肉」「アルコール飲料」「アルコール類」を選択する者が有意に高く,「醤油」については選択する者が高い傾向であった。【結論】今回,対象とした病院管理栄養士のハラールの認知度は高い一方で,給食における対応経験のある病院は少なかった。ハラール対応の具体的方法に関して,施設間での情報共有や学習の機会を持つことが重要と考えられた。
高橋 義雄 難波 祐三郎 岸本 晃司 光嶋 勲
岡山醫學會雜誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.113, no.3, pp.279-284, 2001-12-31

GENDER IDENTITY DISORDER (GID) is a unique human condition that is classified behaviorally and treated medically with hormones and surgery in the severe form. This condition has been and still somewhat remains controversial by religious belief, social institutions and health care delivery systems. We described the surgical management of transsexuals, so called SEX REASSGINMENT SURGERY (SRS) and showed the team for gender treatment, GENDER CLINIC. A gender treatment team composing staff members from the Psychiatric, Plastic Surgery, Urology, Obstetric/Gynecological Surgery, and the Social Service, was established at the Hospital of Okayama University Medical schools in 1999. Female-to-Male procedures include mastectomy, phalloplasty, Phalloplasty are completion and an appurtenance, something pleasing to others. Male-to-Female program includes the genital surgery. The genital change surgery consists of the penile inversion, orchiectomy, vaginoplasty. Other prodedures include reduction thyroid chondroplasty, hair transplant, voice change, laryngeal surgery, epilation with the laser. SRS is the only effective treatment available today in the management of GID. The aesthetic and functional results achievable from various procedures are generally satisfactory and are acceptable to the patients. On the other hand, we should remember that the numerous steps of information for SRS will be required.
岸本 直文
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.185, pp.369-403, 2014-02

1990年代の三角縁神獣鏡研究の飛躍により,箸墓古墳の年代が3世紀中頃に特定され,〈魏志倭人伝〉に見られる倭国と,倭王権とが直結し,連続的発展として理解できるようになった。卑弥呼が倭国王であった3世紀前半には,瀬戸内で結ばれる地域で前方後円形の墳墓の共有と画文帯神獣鏡の分配が始まっており,これが〈魏志倭人伝〉の倭国とみなしうるからである。3世紀初頭と推定される倭国王の共立による倭王権の樹立こそが,弥生時代の地域圏を越える倭国の出発点であり時代の転換点である。古墳時代を「倭における国家形成の時代」として定義し,3世紀前半を早期として古墳時代に編入する。今日の課題は,倭国の主導勢力となる弥生後期のヤマト国の実態,倭国乱を経てヤマト国が倭国の盟主となる理由の解明にある。一方で,弥生後期の畿内における鉄器の寡少さと大型墳墓の未発達から,倭王権は畿内ヤマト国の延長にはなく,東部瀬戸内勢力により樹立されたとの見方もあり,倭国の形成主体に関する見解の隔たりが大きい。こうした弥生時代から古墳時代への転換についても,¹⁴C年代データは新たな枠組みを提示しつつある。箸墓古墳が3世紀中頃であることは¹⁴C年代により追認されるが,それ以前の庄内式の年代が2世紀にさかのぼることが重要である。これにより,纒向遺跡の形成は倭国形成以前にさかのぼり,ヤマト国の自律的な本拠建設とみなしうる。本稿では,上記のように古墳時代を定義するとともに,そこに至る弥生時代後期のヤマト国の形成過程,纒向遺跡の新たな理解,楯築墓と纒向石塚古墳の比較を含む前方後円墳の成立問題など,新たな年代観をもとづき,現時点における倭国成立に至る一定の見取り図を描く。The development of the study on sankakubuchi shinjukyo (triangular-rimmed mirrors decorated with gods and animals) in the 1990s dated the Hashihaka burial mound to around the middle of the third century. This research results revealed a direct connection between the Wa State described in Gishiwajinden (Account of the Wa in History of the Wei Dynasty written by Chinese) and the Wa Sovereignty and enabled to understand them as consecutive development. This is because it can be considered that the proliferation of keyhole-shaped burial mounds and gamontai shinjukyo (mirrors with an image band decorated with gods and animals) throughout the area around the Seto Inland Sea, which can be regarded as the movements of the Wa State described in Gishiwajinden, started when Himiko was queen of the Wa State in the first half of the third century. Therefore, the establishment of the Wa Sovereignty with several coexisting Wa kings can be dated to the beginning of the third century. This starting point of the Wa State, which exceeded the regional boundaries of the Yayoi period, marked a turning point of the age. Defined as "the period of nation building in Wa," the Kofun period can include the first half of the third century as its early stage.Remaining challenges are to get a clear picture of the Yamato State in the Late Yayoi period, as a leading force in the Wa State, and understand why the Yamato State became the leader of the Wa State after the domestic warfare. On the other hand, since there were exceedingly few iron implements and large-scale burial mounds, some researchers consider that the Wa Sovereignty did not follow as an extension of the Yamato State in the Kinai region but was established by an emerging force in the eastern Setouchi region. There are significant differences of opinion on who established the Wa State.With regard to the shift from the Yayoi period to the Kofun period, the carbon-14 dating method is suggesting a new framework. The method can reconfirm the date of the Hashihaka burial mound as around the middle of the third century. More importantly, the Shonai pottery is dated earlier to the second century. This means that the formation of the Makimuku site is also dated earlier to before the birth of the Wa State. Therefore, the site can be regarded as the independent establishment of the base of the Yamato State.Defining the Kofun period as described above, the present article is aimed at giving the latest picture of how the Wa State was established, based on the new view of dating. To this end, the article covers the establishment process of the Yamato State from the Late Yayoi period to the Kofun period and new perspectives on the Makimuku site, as well as examines the development of keyhole-shaped burial mounds including a comparison between the Tatetsuki mound tomb and Makimuku Ishizuka burial mound.