田中 宏和
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.68, no.4, pp.276-285, 2021

<p><b>はじめに</b> 2019年末に中華人民共和国湖北省武漢市で初報告された新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)はわずか数か月で世界的に拡大し,欧州でも多くの感染者を出した。本稿はオランダにおける2020年7月末までの感染拡大とその対応についてまとめ,新興感染症による公衆衛生の海外での体験を一例として共有することを目的とした。</p><p><b>疫学</b> 2020年2月27日に初めての新型コロナウイルス感染症患者が確認されてから感染が急拡大し,第一波は新規感染者・死亡者ともに4月10日ごろにピーク(日別新規感染者1,395人,日本の人口換算で約10,000人)を迎えた。その後,感染拡大は収束したが5月31日時点で感染者46,422人,入院患者11,735人,死亡者5,956人が累計で報告された。死亡のほとんどが60歳以上で発生し,男性は80-84歳で,女性は85-89歳でそれぞれピークとなっていた。地理的な広がりとしてはアムステルダム・ロッテルダムといった都市圏での感染者は相対的に少なく,南部の北ブラバント州・リンブルフ州で多かった。</p><p><b>オランダ政府の対応</b> オランダ政府の対策の特徴は,最初の感染者の確認からわずか2週間で全国的な都市封鎖に追い込まれたこと,比較的緩やかな都市封鎖措置と行動制限を実施したこと,社会・経済活動の再開までに約3か月を要したことが挙げられる。2020年3月12日から段階的に全国的な対策を施行し,3月下旬にルッテ首相がインテリジェント・ロックダウン(Intelligent Lockdown)と呼ぶオランダ式の新型コロナウイルス感染防止対策が形成された。5月中旬以降,子どもに対する規制が緩和されたが対策措置の多くは6月中旬まで続き,段階的な緩和をもって社会・経済活動が再開,7月1日にほぼすべての規制が解除された。それ以降,在宅勤務の推奨,1.5メートルの社会的距離を取ることや公共交通機関でのマスク着用義務化など新しい日常への模索が続いている。</p><p><b>おわりに</b> オランダにおける感染拡大防止策は多様性と寛容に裏打ちされたオランダの国民性を体現したものだったが,感染者数および死亡者数は日本より深刻な状況であった。健康危機管理に関する他国の政策の評価には公衆衛生や医療資源の評価とともに,その背景にある社会の特徴を考慮することが重要である。</p>
渡邊 裕子 赤星 千絵 関戸 晴子 田中 幸生 田中 和子 下条 直樹
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.53, no.2, pp.98-104, 2012

全卵・卵白・卵黄を用いた菓子・肉団子・パスタ・プリンモデル食品を作製し,調理による卵タンパク質の検出値の変化を,抽出液にトリス塩酸緩衝液を用いたELISAキットにより測定した.菓子,肉団子では揚調理が最も低下し,肉団子はレトルト処理によりオボアルブミン(OVA)は検出限界以下(<1 μg/g)となり,オボムコイド(OVM)も最も低下した.ゆえに,調理温度とともに均一な加熱処理が加わる調理方法が卵タンパク質の検出に影響した.また,卵黄使用の肉団子レトルト処理とパスタでは,いずれの卵タンパク質も6 μg/g以下となり,さらに患者血清中のIgE抗体によるウエスタンブロット法では,OVA,OVMは検出されなかった.一方,抽出液に可溶化剤を用いたELISAキットでは,前述のキットに比べ定量値が上がり,加熱処理したタンパク質が検出された.
合田 美子 山田 政寛 石毛 弓 山本 佐江 田中 洋一

井上 貴央 田中 健一 船津 公人
公益社団法人 日本化学会・情報化学部会
ケモインフォマティクス討論会予稿集 第43回ケモインフォマティクス討論会
pp.1A12, 2020 (Released:2020-11-29)

創薬や材料開発では, 所望の性質を持つ新規有機分子の効率的な探索手法が求められている. 定量的構造物性相関モデルとしてグラフニューラルネットワーク (GNN) と呼ばれる深層モデルを用いることで, 既存の特徴抽出手法を用いるよりも良い予測性能で, 候補構造のバーチャルスクリーニングができる. しかし, 先行研究では学習に多量の化学構造データを利用しており, 興味のある構造・物性データが多量に集まりにくい分子設計の現場では, 十分な予測性能が得られない可能性がある. 本研究では, Message Passing Neural Network (MPNN) と呼ばれるGNNモデルの中で特徴ベクトルに摂動を加えることでグラフデータの拡張を行うPerturbating MPNN (PMPNN) を設計した. QM9データセットでMPNNとの比較を行い, 提案手法の有効性を検証し, 予測に対する摂動の効果を考察した. また, データ拡張により約半数のデータセットでも元と同等の予測性能が得られ, 少量のグラフデータでもうまく特徴抽出できると示唆された.
田中 耕三
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.47, no.3-4, pp.142-149, 2000-03-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

The contents of this paper consist of the seven subjects indicated below. With the exception of (6), this paper provides a summary of views pertaining to various aspects of geography education from the standpoint of education in the classroom.(1) Detrimental effects were indicated with respect to the contents of textbooks being regulated by school curriculum guidelines, and all textbooks tending to be excessively uniform. This may be considered to be analogous to the current issue of relaxation of regulations.(2) Starting around 1965, the number of regional geographical teaching materials within the contents of elementary school social studies has diminished, and a trend of a lack of spatial understanding was pointed out from a comparison with the enhancement of period history in history teaching materials. It was stated that this dissociation of both fields should be corrected from the standpoint of healthy social studies development.(3) Differences in the manner in which education administration and geographical societies are reflected in geography education were compared between the US and Japan through a comparison of those factors. In other words, in Japan, the intentions of geographical societies are not reflected in education administration, and it was pointed out that classroom education presently is overly dependent on the Ministry of Education resulting in uniform and passive education.(4) Personal opinions were stated regarding the importance of the handling of place names that constitute essential basic knowledge in geography education.(5) A present situation that has wandered off course while looking back over the progress of the past fifty years since the end of World War II is depicted with respect to the two forms of training, an endless topic in the field of education.(6) The paper of Prof. Osamu Nishikawa is discussed, and an introduction is provided to the practicality of geography in both present and future society.(7) With respect to differences between the sexes in learning geography, the question was raised based on personal experiences of the author that, in addition to differences in physiological phenomena of the cerebrum between males and females, significant differences between interests and concerns among females may be one of the causes of an inaptitude for learning geography.
田中 聡一 三木 恒久 関 雅子 重松 一典 金山 公三
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.64, no.5, pp.369-374, 2015-05-15 (Released:2015-05-20)
6 6

To control the amount of solute in cell walls of solution impregnated wood using the conditioning process, the mechanisms of solute diffusion into the cell walls and of solvent evaporation from wood under the process were verified. The effect of relative humidity (RH) on temporal variability of swelling, shrinkage, and mass of wood impregnated with an aqueous solution of polyethylene glycol (PEG1540) was examined. The impregnated wood specimen swelled under the conditioning at the RH over 75%. The specimen was indicated to swell when the amount of the PEG polymers in the cell walls increase in this RH range. On the basis of this indication, the temporal variability of increasing rate of the polymers in the cell walls and of evaporating rate of water from the specimen under the conditioning was well explained by the mechanisms of the solute diffusion and the solvent evaporation, respectively. In the RH range, the increasing amount of the polymers in the cell walls increased with the evaporating amount of the water, which increased with the decrease in the RH. These results were supported by the mechanisms of the solute diffusion and the solvent evaporation, respectively. The diffusion mechanism also supported the effect of the history of the RH on the polymer amount in the cell walls throughout the conditioning and subsequent drying in a vacuum. It was concluded from these findings that the solute diffusion into cell walls is able to be controlled by the surrounding vapor pressure of solvent when the polymers (PEG1540) and water are employed as the solute and solvent, respectively.
柘植 盛男 宮林 達也 田中 誠之
公益社団法人 日本化学会
工業化学雑誌 (ISSN:00232734)
vol.74, no.9, pp.1896-1898, 1971-09-05 (Released:2011-09-02)

フェノール樹脂およびフェノール化合物-テトラヒドロフラン系について, ゲルパーミエーションクロマトグラフィー (GPC) の分離機構に関連する実験をおこなった。この系においては分子サイズによる分離効果よりも分子内水素結合による分離効果がより大きく働いていると考えられる結果が得られた。すなわち分子内水素結合を形成する分子サイズが大きいハイオルトフェノールノボラック多量体の溶出容量は同じ分子最で分子内水素結合を形成しない且つ分子サイズの小さいランダムノボラック樹脂の溶出容量より大きいことが認められた。この原因としては分子内水素結合により拘束されたフェノール性水酸基とテトラヒドロフランとの相互作用が, ラソダムフェノールノボラック樹脂のそれよりも小さくなり極限粘度 [η] が低下し, その結果 Benoit のパラメーター [η]・M (Mは分子量) が小さくなり溶出容量が大きくなったものと考えられる。同様にレゾール樹脂中のメチロールフェノール異性体についても, メチロール基とフェノール性水酸基との間に分子内水素結合を形成する異性体の溶出容量は分子内水素結合を形成しない異性体のそれよりも, より大きいことが認められた。またこの現象は一般のフェノール化合物についても, またメチルエチルケトンを溶媒として用いた場合にも認められた。
福井 正信 長田 泰博 黒佐 和義 田中 英文
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.10, no.3, pp.169-172, 1959

1) 1958年11月より1959年1月にかけ関東甲信越駿1都10県の国立病院薬局68カ所を対象として薬局常備薬剤のダニ, 昆虫その他の異物の調査を行つた.2)対象薬剤に澱粉, 乳糖, 含糖ペプシン, ジアスターゼ, パンクレアチン, V.B_1, 乳酸菌製剤, タンナルビン, 乾燥酵母の9種でありこれを各々元封々切直後, 封切後貯蔵, 封切後装置瓶保管の3種ずつ検査を行つた.3)1, 071検体中ダニ検出例44(4.1%), 昆虫検出例51(4.8%)となり薬品別には乾燥酵母がダニ検出率19.6%, 昆虫検出率17.8%と最も高かつた.3)保存条件別には装置瓶, 開封放置の間には差がみられなかつたが元封々切直後のものからも以上2者の50%程の検出例が記録された.4)経過日数によるダニ検出率の差はみられないが長期保存のものからは多数のダニが採集された.5)容器別には多くの形態のものより採集された.また検体採集時の温度, 温度と検出率の間に一定の傾向はみられなかつた.
田村 典久 田中 秀樹
一般社団法人 日本認知・行動療法学会
行動療法研究 (ISSN:09106529)
vol.40, no.2, pp.83-93, 2014-05-31 (Released:2019-04-06)

田中 雅一 Masakazu Tanaka
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.13, no.3, pp.445-516, 1989-01-27

The aim of this article is to understand a Hindu villagefestival in terms of cosmological meanings and politicalfunctions. In the "Introduction" anthropological works on Hinduvillage festivals are reviewed first, and then a Kali goddess villagefestival, held at a Hindu fishing village on the western coast ofSri Lanka, is described and its rituals are interpreted. Finallythree themes are considered in order to understand the villagefestival as a whole. These themes are, first, the construction ofspatial categories such as the sea, village and forest; second, thecosmological opposition between Kali and evil spirits; and, last,the political domination of the village net-owners.The recent development of anthropological studies ofHindu village festivals is characterized by a shift from a structuralfunctionalistapproach to symbolic analysis. In the formerapproach social functions of the festival are emphasized and"village solidarity" is considered to be realized through theparticipation of the villagers in the festival, whereas in the latterthe cosmological dimension of the village festival is investigatedand more attention is paid to symbols such as sound, color,images, and the like. It is said that the village festival providesa rare occasion on which a village is renewed through the intrusionof the sacred. However, both approaches tend to ignore themulti-dimensional character of the festival, especially its politicalfunctions, and explain it in terms of either group-solidarity orsymbolism. It is argued that with some modifications Turner'sconcepts of "structure" and "anti-structure" are useful to theunderstanding of the political functions.The Kali goddess festival is held at her temple for ten days inthe month of avani (September-October). This is the time whenthe goddess originally appeared in the village, which had beensuffering from an epidemic, and saved the villagers. As it wasKali herself who had caused the epidemic, when she was properlyworshipped and given due respect, the fatal disease was controlled.On the first day, a medium, who is possessed by Kali duringthe festival, makes three ritual pots, one karakam and two kumpampots.The karakam-pot is used for a village procession, while thekumpam-pots are placed in the sanctum sanctorum of the Kalitemple. On the third, fifth and seventh day of the festival themedium goes into a trance in the sanctum sanctorum, places thekarakam-pot on his head, and starts going around the village withhis followers. Along the way villagers throw water to cool themedium's body. In exchange they receive margosa leaves andhang them on the fence around their houses. Hanging margosaleaves on the fence indicates that a household member is sufferingfrom small-pox, whose pustule is, it is believed, visual evidence ofpossession by a small-pox goddess. Therefore, the karakam-potprocession is interpreted as the intrusion of an epidemic. Thefestival re-acts the original event in which Kali first appeared tothe villagers and saved them from the epidemic. Kali representedas the karakam-pot is a goddess of epidemic. Accordinglythe village is described as "a community of suffering" (Turner).On the tenth day a goat is sacrificed in front of the Kaligoddess temple. With this sacrifice Kali is propitiated and herviolent and feverish character is transformed into a calm andbenevolent one. Then the ritual pots made on the first day areall thrown into the sea.Finally, Kali's brass-image is heavily decorated and is takenout from the temple for a village procession. Unlike the karakamprocession,it shows no reference to an epidemic disease. Rather,it symbolizes a joyful and triumphant occasion after the epidemiccum-divine has disappeared. When the brass-image comes backto the temple, puja (worship) is performed and pracada (sacralizedofferings) are distributed to festival patrons. They are villagenet-owners and some wealthy men.From a structural-functionalist point of view the villagefestival enforces "village solidarity" by representing it as a communityof suffering at the beginning and as a community oftriumph over the epidemic at the end. During the festival thevillage is clearly demarcated by a series of processions.Symbolically, the village festival shows the transformation ofKali from a violent, epidemic-causing goddess into a benevolent,grace-conferring one. The villagers make every effort to cooldown the goddess and propitiate her. Accordingly the villageis renewed, as are the villagers.From a political point of view the festival legitimizes andconstructs the politico-economic domination of a wealthy sectorof the fishing village, especially the net-owners. The villagersare divided into two classes; net-owners and their employees.All the fishermen contribute to the village festival as villagepatrons, but it is only the net-owners (and wealthy persons) whoare allowed to make additional contributions and, in exchangefor these, they have exclusive rights in receiving prasada at the endof the festival. In a sense they only support the non-ecstatic(structural) phase characterized by the brass-image of Kali,and not the ecstatic (anti-structural) phase, which is to be deniedat the end of the festival. They take over the collective effortof the villagers to transform Kali, and seem to say that, withouttheir financial support, neither the village festival nor thetransformation of the goddess would ever be possible. Thus itis through their contributions that the village is saved from theepidemic.
田中 莉沙子 重國 聖羅 松田 清香 小林 千尋 森 晃 平田 孝道
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.55, no.4, pp.380, 2017

宇田川 真之 田中 淳
no.26, pp.21-22, 2010-06

Tsunami information was announced with the Chile earthquake on February 28, 2010. In some municipalities, those information was delivered to the cellular phone together by using "Area mail" service of NTT DoCoMo. The evacuation order was announced to public for the first time by using "Area mail". We executed the local hearing investigation and the resident questionnaire survey.
片野 裕貴 赤松 一澄 田村 将太 田中 貴宏
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.55, no.3, pp.851-857, 2020-10-25 (Released:2020-10-25)
1 1

田中 維 黒川 直哉 江草 遼平 楠 房子 山口 悦司 稲垣 成哲 野上 智行
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
日本科学教育学会年会論文集 41 (ISSN:21863628)
pp.467-468, 2017 (Released:2018-08-16)

動物園は,観察を通じて科学教育が行える場所である.動物を観察するためには,観察対象物に関わる知識が必要である.特に子どもが動物を観察できるようになるために,保護者は重要な役割を果たす.本研究は,観察活動中の保護者による言葉がけの実態を明らかにするために,親子の会話を分析する.そのために,動物園における子どもの観察活動を促進する会話フォーム(Patrick & Tunnicliffe, 2013)を,分析フレームワークとして応用した.
木村 勉 田中 真 遠山 文雄
東海大学紀要 工学部 (ISSN:05636787)
vol.44, no.2, pp.73-78, 2004

As human activities in space increase, the hazard of space debris impacts becomes an ever more serious concern. In particular, breakups of artificial objects increase space debris. Debris of more than 10 cm in diameter have been detected by ground-based radars and optical observations. The orbital data of these objects are cataloged by NASA. This paper describes the orbital analysis of space debris generated by breakups. We analyzed orbital data for the 4th stage engine of the Indian PSLV rocket, the Russian COSMOS 1813, and the Chinese CZ-4 rocket. As a result of this study, we developed a new determination method of the breakup time.