黒田 明平 木下 歩美 椎 崇 社本 典子 三巻 祥浩
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.11, pp.619-629, 2017-11-10 (Released:2018-11-10)
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Pseudohyperaldosteronism and associated hypokalemia are serious adverse effects caused by glycyrrhizinic acid (GA) present in Kampo medicines containing Glycyrrhizae Radix (GR); GA is the major component of GR. To obtain knowledge about the effective and safe use of Kampo medicines, we analyzed the quantities of GA in Kampo medicines by HPLC. The quantities of GA in 13 Kampo decoctions containing GR (2-6 g/day) were found to be almost 2-3.5 fold higher than those of the corresponding Kampo extract products. Among the Kampo extract products containing GR (3 g/day), the GA quantity in Shoseiryuto was significantly lower compared with that in the others, and Pinelliae Tuber as well as Schisandrae Fructus were found to contribute to the decrease in GA quantity. The GA quantity in the Yokukansakachinpihange decoction was found to be lower than that in the Yokukansan decoction; this was caused by the presence of Pinelliae Tuber and Citri Unshiu Pericarpium. Analysis of inter-product variations in GA quantities among the Kampo extract products revealed a maximum 2.6-fold difference in the quantities in the Shoseiryuto extract products from different companies. Our analyses show that GA quantities in Kampo medicines are influenced by the presence of concomitant crude drug constituents. This results in differences in GA quantities between decoctions and extract products having the same Kampo formula, and also among the Kampo extract products from different companies. It is recommended that GA quantities in Kampo extract products should be presented to prevent the adverse effects caused by GA.
黒田 勲
安全工学 (ISSN:05704480)
vol.18, no.6, pp.383-385, 1979-12-15 (Released:2018-03-31)
黒田 悌且 今木 甚一郎 石橋 忠良 小林 明夫
公益社団法人 日本コンクリート工学会
コンクリート工学 (ISSN:03871061)
vol.20, no.2, pp.27-33, 1982

本稿は,沿線火災によって被害が生じた鉄道の鉄筋コンクリートラーメン高架橋の復旧工事について述べたものである。設計の考え方, 復旧に伴って行ったコンクリートの配合試験, 新旧コンクリート及び吹付けコンクリートの一体化試験結果について報告する。
黒田 浩司 岡井 文彦 高野 和朗
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. D, A publication of Industry Applications Society (ISSN:09136339)
vol.125, no.3, pp.286-292, 2005-03-01
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The 76GHz millimeter wave radar has been developed for automotive application such as ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control) and CWS (Collision Warning System). The radar is FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) monopulse type. The radar transmits 2 frequencies in time-duplex manner, and measures distance and relative speed of targets. The monopulse feature detects the azimuth angle of targets without a scanning mechanism. Conventionally a radar unit is aimed mechanically, although self-aiming capability, to detect and correct the aiming angle error automatically, has been required. The new algorithm, which estimates the aiming angle error and vehicle speed sensor error simultaneously, has been proposed and tested. The algorithm is based on the relationship of relative speed and azimuth angle of stationary objects, and the least squares method is used for calculation. The algorithm is applied to measured data of the millimeter wave radar, resulting in aiming angle estimation error of less than 0.6 degree.
有馬 純平 黒田 洋司
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第33回 (2019)
pp.4Rin119, 2019 (Released:2019-06-01)

本稿では、環境地図を必要としない2D-LiDARのデータと目標位置から連続動作指令を出力する自律移動ロボットのための学習ベースの動作計画を提案する。 都市環境での汎化性能が高い自律移動ロボットの安全で効率的なナビゲーションシステムにこの方法を使用することを目的とする。 我々はシミュレータ上のみで深層強化学習を用いて地図なし動作計画を訓練できることを示す。 提案手法の有効性を検証するために、学習したプランナを実世界の実機に直接適用して衝突回避とナビゲーションの性能を評価する。 その結果、事前環境地図を用いずに従来手法と同等のナビゲーション性能が得られることを示した。
黒田 達也
大阪府立工業高等専門学校研究紀要 (ISSN:0387365X)
vol.41, pp.13-24, 2007-07

黒田 泰介
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.548, pp.277-284, 2001-10-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
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In this thesis, the typology and methods for transformation of the ruins of the Roman amphitheatre in Lucca are analyzed according to following three points ; I ) the classification of the 26 component buildings in this amphitheatre block. II) the division of the component buildings into four housing types based on tipologia edilizia. III) the actual methods of re-utilization of the cuneo (basic unit of the plan of the Roman amphitheatre) for housing use and the relationship between the cuneo and the internal space composition of the component buildings.
小西 洋子 木越 隆三 黒田 智 室山 孝 吉田 航志 Konishi Yoko KIGOSHI Ryuzo Kuroda Satoshi MUROYAMA Takashi YOSHIDA Kazushi
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:24360627)
no.42, pp.227-243, 2021-09-30

小松称名寺所蔵『烏兎記』は、小松勝光寺十一代住職周好による、明和六年(一七六九)一年分の日記である。特に「小松寺庵騒動」に関する史料として知られている。また、周好が日々伝え聞いた話が書き留められており、小松町周辺のみならず、大聖寺・越前の出来事など、その内容は多岐にわたる。 本史料の従来の翻刻は誤脱もあるため、改めて全文を翻刻し、紹介する。翻刻により、多くの研究者の利用に資したい。本稿は六回目であり、今回をもって完結となる。
黒田 乃生
Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.5, pp.55-62, 2012 (Released:2012-07-24)

This research is aimed to clarify the tourism development and history of designation as a National Park of Mt. Aso from documents survey. In the Meiji-era, several foreign nationals climbed Mt. Aso, which is the beginning of leisure activity. They followed the route from Nango-dani, on the other hand most Japanese took the route from Aso dani. From the Taisho-era to the beginning of the Showa-era Tatsuki Matsumura and others played active roles in designation of National Park, which were succeeded in 1924. During the time, Tsuyoshi Tamura visited the sites for three times. His perception of Mt. Aso had changed from admiration of the expansive scale of the natural landscape to the diversity of the cultural landscape. Mt. Aso was different from other mountains,which were discovered as “natural landscapes” at the time on the aspect of that is an active volcano, has less of forest, has grass landscape and historic religious site. Because of these points, Aso have been promoted positive developments in tourism. Though some problems occurred at a same time. Today, the relative point of view to the diverse value is necessary.
伊野 義博 黒田 清子 ペマ ウォンチュク
新潟大学教育学部研究紀要 人文・社会科学編 = 新潟大学教育学部研究紀要 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18833837)
vol.11, no.1, pp.69-90, 2018-10

This paper is a report of field survey on Bhutanese folk music in 2017. We have reported the details of tsangmo, the playful singing dialogues from the research of Paro, Punakha, Trongsa (Ino 2012, Ino et al. 2014a, 2014b). In Melak village in Trashigang, we found and reported a khapsho similar to tsangmo (Ino et al. 2015a). From these surveys, tsangmo was originally playing when children grazed livestock, but turned out to have disappeared with the spread of school education. On the other hand, We also learned that tsangmo's practice is being done in new forms such as school events and radio programs. So we reported about tsangmo's practice at school and media. At the same time, we held an international symposium on the succession of folk music culture (Ino et al. 2016a, Ino et al. 2017). Based on these surveys, from September 21 to 27, 2017, we conducted field research in Thimphu and Dagana. The research method is an semi-structured interview. As a result, we were able to add some new facts. 1. We interviewed Tsheten Dorji, who was born in Tibet and became a king's musician on his history of music activities. In the past trade was actively done between Tibet and Bhutan. It was an opportunity to know each other's songs. Tibetan songs were brought to Bhutan, and now it became boedra, one of the genres of Bhutanese songs. boedra, which was brought to Bhutan by Tibetan traders and beggars, is said to have spread all over Bhutan in the Third King's era. In addition, Tsheten Dorji thinks that the song he made since he came to Bhutan should be called drukdra instead of boedra. This problem is extremely important when considering Bhutanese music. From his story we learned Tibet had a song lugar similar to tsangmo. The similarity is that the lyrics are six syllable four-line poetry, melody, improvising to make lyrics, dialogue play. Also, we have learned that there is a song called Go Mo playing riddles. This song is a bet, winning or losing, the winner taking items. From this survey, we expanded the possibility of research on the relationship between play, divination, gaming and singing.2. We interviewed about how to play tsangmo in the Tseza village in Dagana. At this time, the villagers sang tsangmo for the first time in 40 years. The villagers disputed long hours about how to play and interpret lyrics. We was able to grasp the situation where the tsangmo tradition is disappearing. As in other areas, it was divided into two groups, put items, singing while pointing to items with a cane, playing fortune telling about the item (owner) hit at the end of the song. In Tseza village, men and women who became 11 years old played in tsangmo and married when they were 14 and 15 years old. Because tsangmo is accurate fortune telling, the villagers are now married, there were families and children, they could not do the same as when they were children. We understood the strength of elements as tsangmo's fortune telling. In Tseza village, we learned about daga ra mey lazhu as Dagana's old song. This song is a sad song of a woman who was taken from the village of Dagana and left in the mountain. This song is currently in a situation where parts are only sung and not all are handed down. 3. We interviewed Sonam Choden who is only one singer of Dagana's old song sham sha doley. This song sang the Zhabs Drung's cane who came to Dagana. This song is singing the process until the cane grows into trees, which is a very long and difficult contents. Londa, an opportunity for sham sha doley to sing, is an archery tournament in the village, praying for village safety once a year. Sonam Choden also forgot about tsangmo until we interviewed. When she was a child tsangmo was a game where several people gambled items. However, she remembers that her grandparents and parents used fortune telling and competition in tsangmo. We grasp the situation that tsangmo disappeared through generations. In addition to boedra and tsangmo, old songs such as daga ra mey lazhu and sham sha doley, the treasure-like culture that has made the way of life and thinking of Bhutan people has disappeared.
黒田 俊太郎
三田國文 (ISSN:02879204)
no.44, pp.105-142, 2006-12

一 資料概要二 印税率
黒田 長久
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.2, no.14, pp.50-59, 1960-06-20 (Released:2008-11-10)
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M. pectoralis major of birds in general consists of M. pect. m. proprius and lateralis (Kuroda, '60) and in soaring birds such as some hawks and the Tubinares a distinct deep-seated layer, M. pect. m. profundus (white muscle in the Tubinares) (Kuroda, 1. c.), is differentiated. The M. p. m. lateralis, generally ignored, is an important part in flight in pulling backward the wing (humerus) struck down by M. p. m. proprius, thus giving the propelling effect to the wing. Comparison of this part of the pectoral muscles in various groups of birds is shown in Plate 1. The comparative weight of M. p. m. profundus (Fig. 3, H, I, L, N) in some species of the Tubinares is listed; it is best developed in the albatross in which the M. p. minor (M. supracoracoideus) is the smallest. The relative weight of entire pectoral muscles to the body weight and that of small pectoral muscle to large pectoral are listed by Orders of birds. As a rule smaller species of a group of birds generally have more developed small pectoral relative to large pectoral. The former muscle is least developed in some hawks and the Tubinares which are soarers and best developed in the wing-diving sea-birds, the Alcidae. Their relative development is heighly adaptive to the way of flight. In the herons, an anterior superficial layer of the M. p. m. proprius can be distinguished, and this was named, the M. pect. major antero-superficialis.
黒田 宏治 阿蘇 裕矢 クロダ コウジ アソ ユウヤ Kohji KURODA Yuya ASO
静岡文化芸術大学研究紀要 = Shizuoka University of Art and Culture bulletin
vol.15, pp.147-152, 2015-03-31

黒田 佳世
椙山国文学 (ISSN:03859614)
no.11, pp.60-79, 1987
石崎 太一 黒田 素央 久野 真奈見 北面 美穂 早渕 仁美
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 : Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.54, no.7, pp.343-346, 2007-07-15
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鰹節だしの継続摂取が単純作業負荷によって生じる精神疲労やストレス,および作業効率に対する影響について,健常な成人女性を対象として調査を行った.1週間の非摂取期間の後,被験者に鰹だしを1週間摂取させた.非摂取期間後および鰹節だし摂取期間後に評価を実施した.単純作業負荷として内田-クレペリンテスト(UKP)を行い,UKPの前後にProfile of Mood States(POMS)による気分·感情状態の調査,フリッカー値の測定ならびに唾液コルチゾールの測定を行った.非摂取期間後には,UKP負荷後のフリッカー値は負荷前に比べて有意に低値を示したが,鰹節だし摂取期間後には負荷前後で有意な変化は見られなかった.負荷前の唾液コルチゾール値は非摂取期間後に比べて鰹節だし摂取期間後に有意に低下した.さらに,鰹節だし摂取期間後のUKPの誤答率は,非摂取期間後の誤答率と比較して,有意に低値を示した.これらの結果から,鰹節だしの継続摂取により,単純作業負荷時に精神的疲労が少なくなる傾向,ストレス応答が低下する傾向ならびに計算作業効率の低下が抑制される可能性が示唆された.
黒田 吉孝
一般社団法人 日本特殊教育学会
特殊教育学研究 (ISSN:03873374)
vol.41, no.1, pp.15-24, 2003-05-30 (Released:2017-07-28)
