黒川 湧暉 熊原 康博
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.76, no.4, pp.183-196, 2022-05-28 (Released:2022-05-31)

本研究では,滋賀県南東部の草津川について,1874年に作成された「栗太郡各村絵図」の草津川に関する数値情報をもとに明治初期の天井川全体の河床高や堤防高を復元した。1970年代後半の測量の数値とそれを比較することで,明治初期以降の約100年間の天井川の変化を検討した。その結果,以下の点が明らかとなった。明治初期,美濃郷川の合流点(湖岸から 8.2 km地点)より下流では,平地と河床の高低差が著しい天井川であり,それより上流は天井川であったものの,両者の高低差は小さかった。明治期の上流の堤防工事に伴い,上流では土砂堆積による河床上昇が生じて,平地と河床の高低差が著しい天井川が生じた。一方,美濃郷川の合流点より下流では,4.5 km地点から 2 km地点で河床の低下がみられるほかは大きな変動はみられず,右岸より低かった左岸の堤防の嵩上げが行われた。河床の掘り下げの要因には,草津川を横切るトンネルがあったため難しかったことが考えられる。本研究により,1つの河川であっても天井川の発達(河床の上昇)の時期が場所により異なること,近代以降にも河床の上昇がみられることが明らかとなった。
野原 康弘 佐藤 栄治 三橋 伸夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.719, pp.153-161, 2016 (Released:2016-01-30)

The purpose of this study is to obtain the knowledge about the assessment methodology of present environmental condition for the elderly people in residential area. And the methodology will be able to judge the future situation whether the residential area would be habitable. We analyze the characteristics of the local, Nasushiobara city in Tochigi. And to use GIS and to calculate the physical environment clarified the situation of local areas quantitatively. As the results of the analysis, we made sure of distribution of the accessibility between the urban area and the agricultural and mountainous rural area. The most accessible facility is “bus-stop”, and the agricultural and mountain area have relatively low accessibility. The worst accessible facility is "medical institution". Distribution of accessibility with regard to police station and post office is low.
松原 康介
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.56, no.3, pp.1007-1014, 2021-10-25 (Released:2021-10-25)

塚原 康博
公益財団法人 情報通信学会
情報通信学会誌 (ISSN:02894513)
vol.38, no.3, pp.1-13, 2020 (Released:2021-02-02)

本研究では、インターネット通販の拡大を背景とする宅配クライシスの問題を取り上げ、それをもたらした要因、それを解決もしくは緩和するための方策を考察した。本研究では、さまざまな方策のうち、再配達の有料化に注目し、その実現可能性について、全国調査の結果を基に検討した。この調査の結果から、再配達を有料化すると、多くの回答者に行動変容が生じ、1 回目での受け取りが増えるので、再配達の削減が期待できる。また、有料化の導入に際しては、多くの回答者が再配達の配送料に対して支払う意思を示している。有料化における配送料の金額設定に関しては、回答者による支払い可能な金額の最頻値、中央値、平均値が参考になるが、配達される品物の金額が10000 円以内のケースにおいて数百円程度であると考えられる。有料化で得た収入は、宅配ボックスの設置数の増加や配送員の増員などに活用できる。全国調査の結果から再配達の有料化は実現可能であり、宅配クライシスを緩和する効果は得られると期待できる。
巽 博臣 升田 好樹 今泉 均 千原 伸也 澤田 理加 中野 皓太 山本 恭輔 菅原 康介 吉田 真一郎 後藤 京子 髙橋 科那子 山蔭 道明
特定非営利活動法人 日本急性血液浄化学会
日本急性血液浄化学会雑誌 (ISSN:21851085)
vol.4, no.1, pp.17-22, 2013-06-01 (Released:2022-09-16)

三瀬 和代 白馬 伸洋 暁 清文 田原 康玄 伊賀瀬 道也 小原 克彦 三木 哲郎
一般社団法人 日本聴覚医学会
vol.54, no.6, pp.671-677, 2011 (Released:2012-02-09)
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当院の老年内科が「抗加齢ドック」を実施しているのに呼応し, 当科でも2009年12月に「聴力ドック」を立ち上げ, 抗加齢ドックと連携して予防医学的観点から加齢性難聴の研究を始めた。聴力ドック開始から7か月間に, 抗加齢ドック受診者216名のうち96名 (44.4%) が聴力ドックを受診した。聴力ドックの受診は60歳代から増加する傾向にあり, その受診理由は「難聴の自覚」が最も多かった。抗加齢ドックで実施している脈波伝搬速度 (PWV) や頸動脈内膜中膜複合体肥厚度 (IMT) の結果と周波数ごとの聴力レベルとの関係を重回帰分析したところ, PWVでは8kHzの聴力レベルと, IMTは4kHzと8kHzの聴力レベルと有意な関連が認められた。この結果は, 高齢者の高音域聴力低下に動脈硬化が関与していることを示唆する。
夏木 茜 堀 雅之 松原 康策 太田 悠介 齋藤 良一 磯目 賢一 岩田 あや 池町 真実 竹川 啓史 山本 剛 大楠 美佐子 石和田 稔彦
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.96, no.6, pp.240-244, 2022-11-20 (Released:2022-11-21)

Moraxella catarrhalis is a common causative bacterium of otitis media and respiratory tract infection in children. Childhood-onset M. catarrhalis bacteremia is more common in children with underlying conditions, such as immunodeficiency, or those using a nasal device. In children without underlying conditions, the onset is usually at younger than 2 years of age.We encountered a case of M. catarrhalis bacteremia in a previously healthy 3-year-old boy. The patient was hospitalized with a 5-day history of fever. Physical examination on admission showed redness and swelling of the ear drums bilaterally. Blood culture and upper nasopharyngeal swab culture both grew M. catarrhalis, which led to the diagnosis of bacteremia and otitis media caused by this organism. The patient was treated with intravenous cefotaxime for 3 days and sulbactam/ampicillin for the subsequent 3 days, followed by oral clavulanate/amoxicillin for 8 days, with good response. Absence of abnormalities in immunological screening tests and absence of any significant past medical history suggested that the patient was not immunocompromised.
福原 康司 間嶋 崇 堀野 賢一郎
經營學論集 第89集 日本的経営の現在─日本的経営の何を残し,何を変えるか─ (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F15-1-F15-9, 2019 (Released:2019-09-26)

宮原 康弘 水野 孝志郎 石川 朝之 武田 邦彦
マテリアルライフ学会誌 (ISSN:13460633)
vol.21, no.1, pp.33-39, 2009-02-28 (Released:2021-05-08)

藤原 康博 石田 翔太 木村 浩彦
日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09149457)
vol.40, no.4, pp.149-168, 2020-11-15 (Released:2020-12-15)

Arterial spin labeling (ASL) is a method for evaluating perfusion that uses magnetically labeled arterial blood water as an endogenous tracer. Although research and technical development have been conducted for a long time, introduction of ASL into clinical practice has been delayed because of its low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In recent years, advances in the pulse sequence and hardware, such as high static magnetic fields and high-sensitivity phased array coils, have made it possible to obtain high-SNR ASL images in a clinically acceptable time. In this regard, a consensus paper proposed simple and standard usage, including recommended techniques and parameters, to obtain a consistent image quality. Major MR manufacturers offered ASL pulse sequences based on this study. Hence, ASL has been used in clinical practice, and the effectiveness in measuring perfusion using ASL has been reported for the diagnosis of various neurological disorders. This article will review the technique for perfusion measurement and quantification and the recent technical progress in ASL.
藤田 昌英 中野 陽典 太田 潤 熊西 康信 木本 安彦 大道 道大 薄金 眞雄 上田 進久 塚原 康生 藤原 彰 下妻 晃二郎 杉山 龍平 飯田 透志 梁 昌熙 稲葉 秀 奥山 也寸志 阪本 康夫 石井 泰介 田口 鐵男
The Japan Society of Coloproctology
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 (ISSN:00471801)
vol.39, no.2, pp.187-192, 1986

わが国で大腸癌が急増しつつある現在,信頼性が高く,かつ検診効率のよい集団検診法の確立が急がれる.われわれは昭和52年以来試みてきた3種の検診結果に基づき,.昭和57年4月から2年間,地域団体,職域団体,個人の3グループの計12,520名に対し,グアヤックスライド(シオノギ)にて制限食下に3日間便潜血を調べる方法と問診とを併用した大腸癌集団検診を実施した。要精検は3,434名(27.4%)であり,その内訳は,便潜血が1枚以上陽性であった者2,602名,3親等以内の家族に大腸癌のみられたハイリスク者524名,大腸癌を疑う症状を訴えた者308名であった。要精検者の64.4%(2,214名)が直腸指診,直腸鏡検査をうけた.注腸X線検査は1,397名,大腸ファイバースコピ一は187名に実施した.728名は消化管に何らかの異常所見がみられ,大腸癌は18名(0.14%),カルチノイドは1名,大腸ポリープは303名にみられた.大腸癌18名中17名は便潜血陽性で,残る1名はハイリスクでスクリーニングされた.腫瘍の局在ではS状結腸が10名と多かった,Dukes Cの進行癌は3名にすぎず,Dukes Bは4名であり,早期癌は10名をかぞえた.この集検法は無症状のかなりの大集団に実施でき,大腸癌をより早期に発見しうる信頼度の高い方法であると考えられた.
出雲 信夫 重山 昌人 田口 真穂 長嶋 大地 長野 将大 菊池 絵里 橋口 宏司 藤澤 順 村田 実希郎 礒部 隆史 梶原 康宏 五十鈴川 和人 埴岡 伸光 渡邉 泰雄 寺町 ひとみ
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.42, no.4, pp.246-254, 2016-04-10 (Released:2017-04-10)
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Massive bleeding induced by disintegration of breast cancer tumors for 4 yrs (88 yrs-old lady) was treated by applying Mohs' paste (75g/45mL of Zinc complex). This huge site healed quickly and the healing effects were sustained for 48 days. Based on this clinical evidence, the hemostatic mechanism of Mohs' paste was evaluated using the hind limb ischemia model in mice. Unilateral hind limb ischemia was induced in 6 week-old male C57BL/6JJmsSlc mice by resecting the right femoral and saphenous arteries. Mice were painted once a day with Mohs' paste containing 0, 37.5, 50 and 62.5g/45mL of zinc after the surgery. Hind limb blood perfusion was measured by using a laser Doppler perfusion imaging system (moorLDI2-Ⅱλ : S/N 5489). To identify capillaries, the thigh muscles were harvested on Day 1 to make a tissue section and immunostained for CD31. One day after painting of Mohs' paste, blood flow suppression to the ischemic leg was significantly enhanced in a dose dependent manner. Furthermore, anti-CD31 immunostaining revealed that Mohs' paste decreased capillary density in the ischemic muscle. The results of both the clinical and animal studies suggest that Mohs' paste suppressed angiogenesis due to the acute effects of aggregated protein and the sustained effects of decreases of CD31.
松原 康介
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.790, pp.2799-2810, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-12-01)

During the French colonial period (1830–1962), Algeria saw the introduction of modern architecture and urban planning, particularly in Algiers. In the late colonial period, however, the most pressing issue was the coexistence of the ‘Colons’, who had lived in the country for several generations, and the original habitants ‘Muslims’. The late colonial period pertains to when Jacques Chevalier, who was elected mayor on the promise of ‘coexistence’, was in charge of the city of Algiers from May 1953 to May 1958 and promoted the type of urban planning he had assured. The French architect Fernand Pouillon was invited for ‘coexistence’ urban planning and realised the ‘three districts’ of Diar es-Saâda (1953), Diar el-Mahçoul (1954), and Climat de France (1959). One of the concepts of the three districts was ‘Moorish architecture’ (hispano-maurisque )—a fusion of Roman and Islamic elements —which developed in the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb region. Indeed, Pouillon tried to reflect on the unique spatial characteristics of the region as a living space for Algerians, including Muslims. However, such attempts have often been criticised for their limitations. The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of the three districts of Algiers, as officially advocated by Pouillon, by critically examining the location of each district, spatial composition, urban architectural elements such as ornament, the idea of symbiosis, and the process from planning to realisation. This study is a historical research. Primary sources include the minutes of the city council meetings of the time, texts, photographs, and drawings published in the city's public relations magazines and articles in architecture magazines. Additionally, several magazine articles by the Japanese Banshoya Gyoji, who was in Algiers at the time, will be used as the primary source for this paper. First, I will summarise the existing studies on Moorish architecture, especially the book, ‘Moorish Architecture in Andalusia’ and construct and present an analytical concept for the evaluation of the three districts (Chapter 2). As for the process from planning to realisation, I will use the minutes of the city council meetings published in the Bulletin Municipal de la ville d'Algers, articles on urban planning in the Bulletin and its successor, Alger Revue, as well as architecture-related sources such as Chantier and other architectural magazines (Chapter 3). This is then supplemented by Pouillon's autobiography, ‘Mémoire d’un architecte’, which is rich in content and contains his subjective but more concrete spatial ideas and value judgments (Chapter 4). As for the planning analysis, based on the above-mentioned primary data, the plan of each district is modified to create a base map, and then the photographs of each part are compared and analysed item by item (Chapter 5). In conclusion, it is clear that Pouillon advocated ‘Moorish Architecture’ in the three districts of Algiers. The planning theory was conceived based on this thought, and it was reflected to a certain extent in the realised space. The view from the slopes affronted by the Mediterranean Sea was liberating. The stone was massing, the spatial organisation of the square, the colonnade, and the market were organised on a small scale, the water and the planting were well equipped, and the human scale space and the diversity of the district were assured.
三瀬 和代 白馬 伸洋 田原 康玄 暁 清文
Audiology Japan (ISSN:03038106)
vol.56, no.4, pp.269-275, 2013-08-30

要旨: 当科では, 老年内科による抗加齢ドックと連携した聴力ドックを実施している。2009年12月から2012年5月までの間に聴力ドックを受診した212名のうち, 耳疾患の既往がなく気骨導差が小さく, かつ鼓膜所見に異常のない205名の良聴耳205耳を検討対象とし, 加齢変化における聴力の性差および, 聴力の性差に関与する因子について検討した。聴力の性差について有意差検定を行ったところ, 4000Hz, 8000Hzの聴力は男性が女性に比べ有意に低下していた。難聴のリスク因子である糖代謝 (HbA1c) も加え, 各周波数の聴力レベルと頸動脈内膜中膜複合体肥厚度 (IMT) およびHbA1cとの関係について, 交絡要因である年齢も含めて性別で重回帰分析を行った。その結果, 男女ともHbA1cはいずれの周波数の聴力レベルとも有意な関連を認めなかったが, IMTは男性で4000Hz, 8000Hzの聴力レベルと有意な関連を認めた。加えて, IMTも男性が女性に比べ有意に高値を示した。IMTは動脈硬化の指標とされているので, 男性の高音域聴力悪化の要因の一つとして動脈硬化の関与が示唆された。
野原 康弘
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.44, no.1, pp.115-168, 2018-07

Nagasaki city, with a population today of 420,000, used to be a poor village until OhmuraSumitada, a feudal lord, authorized its opening as a port and the initiation of commerce withPortuguese merchants in 1571. Not only trading merchants but also many Christians moved intothis village and colonized it. More than 15 churches were built in the small area one after another,and the village resounded far and wide with church bells, reminiscent of Rome itself. So Nagasakicame to be called "Little Rome." As a matter of fact, the village was donated to the Society ofJesus. The village seemed to grow and flourish, but its prosperous years failed to last, contraryto expectations.In 1614, the ban on Christianity was issued, which led to attacks on Catholicism, including thedestruction of churches and the persecution of Christians. Churches were replaced by temples.Christians were supposed to disappear completely.So Buddhist ceremonies came to be held in Nagasaki. One such ceremony was the BonFestival, which used to be held in the middle of the seventh month in the lunar calendar. Thesolar calendar introduced by the Meiji Government caused a upheaval of events and seasons. Themiddle of the seventh month ( July) in the solar calendar is in the midst of the rainy season, nota suitable season for the Bon Festival. During the Bon Festival, Nagasaki people usually visit theirancestors' grave with their family, clean and decorate the grave, and offer food to their ancestors.It is common for many families to hold a banquet at the graveyard to entertain their visitors,which in former times often resulted in the spread of plague. After a heated discussion, aconclusion was reached : the Bon Festival would be moved to mid-August (the eighth month).During the Bon Festival, people welcome the spirits of the deceased to visit their homes, tostay with their families until the last day of Bon, when the spirits have to return to Jodo, theBuddhist Pure Land. So the family make a ship (called Shorobune) for the spirit, carry it to theseashore, and launch it to sail to the West. This custom is called Shoronagashi. At first, the shipswere quite humble affairs, but over time people wanted to make them fancier as they werebelieved to carry the spirits to Jodo. Many families who lose a family member start making sucha ship.Shoronagashi is, in other words, a spirit boat procession unique to Nagasaki. On the last day ofthe Bon Festival, a large number of ships of various sizes are carried by family members and theirfriends to the seaside area to be sailed to so-called Jodo. The streets leading to the shore throngwith ships and people. Firecrackers explode here and there, and earsplitting noises can be heardall around. People carrying the ships shout with passion. So the procession of the ships isnoisy but joyous. Behavior generally disallowed in daily life and acts beyond the bounds ofcommon sense are traditionally permitted only during Shoronagashi.On arriving at the spot to release the ship, however, deep sorrow falls on the revelers all of asudden. Everybody is filled with a sense of loss and deprivation, recalling the feeling of a ratherdifferent event. Indeed, it seems akin to a funeral, or rather, a second funeral. To be more precise,this event ought to be considered the formal funeral.When the family member passed away, his or her funeral was performed.It was naturally a private funeral. Everything may well have been done all too quickly. Or thefamily might have had no time to think about reflecting their deceased member's intentions. Theysimply followed the instructions of the funeral director. But if this Shoronagashi is regarded as theformal funeral, all the people of Nagasaki, regardless of faith, can join the Bon ceremony to shiptheir ancestors to their respective destinations, whether Jodo, Paradise or elsewhere.Even Christians, if they wish to, can join this event, which originated from Buddhism, withoutqualms, attesting to the fact that Christianity came first to Nagasaki, and Buddhism second.Nagasaki has grown larger through these faiths as a remarkable city.