吉田 金一
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.89, no.11, pp.1677-1711,1773-, 1980

Although it is well-known that Russian ambassador Spathary who had been sent to China in 1676 left a detailed official report, it is not very well-known that the Manchu Memorials on his mission to China was preserved in Petersburg University. In the present article I have reconsidered Spathary's mission to China by using this important Manchu Memorials. The reason why Spathary was sent to Peking in 1676 was because in 1670 the Emperor of China had sent to the Tsar an imperial letter. In this letter China demanded a fugitive, Gantimur, should be sent back, while the answer carried with Spathary stated that the Chinese Imperial letter written in Manchu was not able to be read and Spathary insisted that the Tsar knew nothing about Gantimur. But according to the Manchu Memorials it comes out that Chinese anthorities didn't place trust in what Spathary had said. Nevertheless Chinese authorities took care to hush up this matter. On June 5 China received a letter of the Tsar and gifts from Spathary in the palace and on June 8 received the twelve articles of petition from Spathary. The full text of this twelve articles of petition is recorded only in the Manchu Memorials, while missing in the Spathary's official report. In the sixth item of the petition Spathary desired the exchange of Russian captives and fugitives who have been stayed in China for Chinese in Russia. Therefore, on July 6 Chinese authorities made a proposition to Spathary to exchange Russian captives for Gantimur, in regard to which Spathary answered that the Tsar wouldn't allow. Relating to other items nothing was discussed. On July 30 the Chinese emperor commanded, "On the twelve articles of petition each item should be replied verbally and a letter and presents should be sent to the Tsar." This decision is also recorded in the Manchu Memorials, and omitted in Shih-lu (実録). As a matter of fact, on August 13 Spathary refused to fall on his knee to receive gift for the Tsar, so the imperial decree of July 30 was amended. On August 29 Ko-lao (閣老) conveyed the following new orders to Spathary and his suites. "Gifts should be sent to the Tsar, but a written letter should not be sent to him because Nikolai (Spathary) is discourteous and obstinate. And unless Russia carries out the three demands such as repatriation of Gantimur, Russian should be refused to enter into China." But, as Spathary firmly demanded an imperial letter written on equal terms, on the next August 30 Ko-lao explained to him that China would not able to give any other imperial letter except one written with Russia considered as a tributary state. Therefore Spathary gave up receiving the Imperial letter and left Peking on September I without hearing replies to the above twelve articles of petition. After all Russia couldn't open diplomatic relations with China. China paid its regard to Spathary and dealt leniently with him as much as possible. I suppose this would be due to that Russia had been a great country and China had been troubled with the Rebellion of the Three Feudatories (三藩の乱) at home. Nevertheless China was not able to get rid of its own tributary system.
緒方 康介 籔内 秀樹 反中 亜弓 吉田 花恵
犯罪心理学研究 (ISSN:00177547)
vol.59, no.2, pp.31-42, 2022

<p>The purpose of this study was to examine mental representations with respect to child abuse and neglect. In particular, we focused on whether child maltreatment is more strongly associated with being a crime or a welfare issue. Study I included 220 university students and 44 correctional experts. They were made to rate the extent to which five practical psychologies were related to five child clinical issues. Multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) showed that (1) child maltreatment posited between Psychology for Human Services (PHS) and Forensic and Criminal Psychology (FCP) in university students, and (2) child abuse and neglect was close to PHS in correctional experts. Study II consisted of 46 university students who were measured twice, before and after a lecture regarding child abuse and neglect. Individual analysis of the MDS results revealed that knowledge about child maltreatment could make PHS closer to but remain the closest between FCP and child abuse and neglect. Study III included 197 university students who were required to select the better procedure (social welfare or forensic) for maltreated children. We found that they reported significantly more of the former than the latter and concluded that university students have a mental representation of child abuse and neglect being a crime, not a welfare issue.</p>
横手 顕 合馬 慎二 高橋 和範 原 文彦 吉田 邦広 坪井 義夫
臨床神経学 (ISSN:0009918X)
vol.60, no.6, pp.420-424, 2020 (Released:2020-06-06)
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症例は64歳,女性.40歳頃より軽度のコミュニケーション障害が出現したが日常生活に支障はなかった.59歳から健忘,幻覚,妄想といった認知機能障害が出現し,約5年の経過で錐体路,錐体外路症候が出現し,歩行困難となった.脳MRIにて大脳の萎縮,脳梁の菲薄化,両側前頭葉優位に大脳白質病変を認めた.コロニー刺激因子1受容体(colony stimulating factor 1 receptor; CSF1R )のexon 18内にp.R777Qの変異を認めた.明らかな家族歴はなく,神経軸索スフェロイド形成を伴う遺伝性びまん性白質脳症と診断した.本症例のように軽度の精神症状を呈して長期期間経過した臨床経過は希少であり報告する.
岡野 多門 吉田 壽勝
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.41, no.4, pp.359-364, 1983-04-01 (Released:2009-11-13)
7 7

Three types of Rh (I) hydridotrialkylphosphine compounds, trans-RhH(N2) L2(L=P(t-Bu)3, PPh(t-Bu)2, PCy3, P(i-Pr)3), Rh2H2(μ-N2)L4(L=PCy3, P(i-Pr)3), and RhHLn(n=3, L=P (i-Pr)3, PEt3 ; n=4, L=PEt3), were prepared by reducing RhCl3·3 H2O with Na/Hg in THF. They were proved to be extremely strong nucleophiles and serve as efficient catalysts for hydrogenation of nitriles, ketones, and alkynes, and H-D exchange reaction of H2 and H-C(sp2, sp3)bond with D20 through activation of H2 and water, respectively. They also catalyze the hydrogenation of carbonyl and nitro compounds with H2O-CO and the hydroformylation of olefins with formaldehyde.
西山 千尋 櫻谷 正明 吉廣 尚大 松本 丈雄 筒井 徹 髙場 章宏 河村 夏生 吉田 研一
一般社団法人 日本集中治療医学会
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.29, no.2, pp.132-136, 2022-03-01 (Released:2022-03-01)

60歳代の男性で2型糖尿病に対してメトホルミン内服加療中の患者が,急性腎障害および乳酸アシドーシスのため救急搬送され,重炭酸ナトリウム(Na)投与,透析加療を含めた集中治療を行ったが,加療中に浸透圧性脱髄症候群(osmotic demyelination syndrome, ODS)を合併した症例を経験した。ODSは慢性的な低Na血症がなくても,急激な浸透圧変化があれば発症しうる。本症例では重度の代謝性アシドーシスに対して重炭酸Naを複数回投与したが,その後に血清Na値の上昇を認めており,ODS発症に影響した可能性があった。代謝性アシドーシスに対する重炭酸Na投与に関しては,有効性や投与方法を含めてまだエビデンスは不十分である。投与の際には,有害事象の1つである高Na血症について十分なモニタリングを行い,慎重に投与適応を判断する必要がある。
後藤 丹十郎 高谷 憲之 吉岡 直子 吉田 裕一 景山 詳弘 小西 国義
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.70, no.6, pp.760-766, 2001-11-15
5 5

根域制限によって生じるキクの生育抑制が, 養水分ストレスの軽減によってどの程度まで解消できるかを明らかにするため, 連続給液式の水耕法と1日の給液頻度を異にした点滴灌水式の培地耕を用いて根域制限と養水分ストレスに対する品種'ピンキー'の反応を調査した.連続給液水耕では, 茎長, 節数は定植25日後においても根域容量(10&acd;1000ml)による差が生じなかったが, 葉面積, 地上部・地下部乾物重は根域容量が小さいほど抑制された.最も抑制程度が大きかった葉面積には定植10日後から影響が認められ, 定植25日後には根域容量10mlで根域容量1000mlの約70%となった.S/R比は根域容量の減少に伴って大きくなったが, その差は比較的小さかった.点滴給液した培地耕において, 根域容量30mlで給液頻度が少ない場合には, 定植14日後から茎長に差が認められたが, 8回では28日後においてもほとんど差が認められなかった.根域容量が小さいほど定植35日後の地上部の生育は劣ったが, 根域容量30および100mlでは給液頻度が8回以上の場合, 1および3回と比較して抑制程度はかなり小さくなった.地下部乾物重は給液頻度に関わらず根域容量が大きくなるほど重くなった.S/R比は給液頻度1回および3回では根域容量による影響がみられずほぼ一定であったが, 8回および13回では根域容量が小さくなるほど大きくなった.以上のように, 養水分を十分に与えることによってキクの生育抑制を軽減することができたことから, 根域制限による植物体の生育抑制の最大の要因は, 養水分ストレス, 特に水ストレスであると推察された.100ml以下の根域容量で栽培されるキクのセル苗や鉢育苗においては, 養水分供給頻度を高めることによって, 養水分ストレスが回避され, 生長が促進されると考えられる.
吉田 敬 梅田 秀之 高橋 亘 石徹白 晃治
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
vol.71, pp.315, 2016

<p>我々から数100pc離れた近傍で超新星爆発が起こる時,爆発前から親星での核燃焼によって生成されるニュートリノを現行及び将来のニュートリノ検出器で検出することが期待できる.そして,ニュートリノイベントの時間進化から爆発直前の星の燃焼過程を推定できる可能性がある.本講演ではKamLAND, JUNO, Hyper-Kによる前兆ニュートリノ観測から得られる爆発直前の星の燃焼過程の情報について議論する.</p>
武 智広 積木 久明 篠田 一孝 吉田 敏治
日本応用動物昆虫学会誌 (ISSN:00214914)
vol.38, no.3, pp.177-182, 1994

発育段階の異なるアズキゾウムシを用いて過冷却点,体重,炭水化物含量,低温下での生存に及ぼす低温順化の影響について調べた。<br>1) 低温順化により幼虫,蛹の低温での生存期間が延長した。幼虫の高齢のものほど顕著であった。<br>2) 幼虫,蛹,成虫の過冷却点はいずれも-20&deg;Cより低かったことから,アズキゾウムシは一時的にかなりの低温に耐えられると考えられる。<br>3) 幼虫,蛹で低温順化開始後グルコース,トレハロースといった糖の蓄積がみられたが,過冷却点はほぼ一定であった。また,低温順化後,0&deg;Cに置かれた幼虫で糖やグリコーゲン含量の減少がみられた。<br>4) 低温順化後,最も長く0&deg;Cで生存したのは15日齢幼虫,次いで7日齢幼虫であった。それら幼虫の生存日数は最長で35日と20日であった。<br>5) 以上の結果から,グリコーゲンや糖の蓄積が多かった老齢幼虫が越冬に適していると考えられる。
五十嵐 喜治 吉田 哲哉 鈴木 恵津子
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.40, no.2, pp.138-143, 1993-02-15 (Released:2009-04-21)
29 40

長者ナス(小ナス)から単離したナスニン,および他の2~3のアントシアニン色素が,リノール酸-リポキシダーゼによるβ-カロチンの退色,およびリノール酸の自動酸化に及ぼす影響について,それぞれ,カロチン退色法,ロダン鉄法を用いて検討した.pH 7においてカロチン退色法で測定した抗酸化効果はナスニンで最も強く,次いで,マルビン,ルブロブラッシンの順であった.pH 2.8においてロダン鉄法で測定した抗酸化効果も同じ傾向を示した.また,抗酸化効果はアグリコンのディルフィニジン,マルビジンおよびシアニジンにも認められたが,後2者の活性はそれらの配糖体と大差がなかった.ナスニンはディルフィニジンに比べて高い活性を示した.この結果はリノール酸の自動酸化系におけるナスニンの強い活性にそのp-クマール酸部分が関わっている可能性を示した.
吉田 裕季
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2005, no.34, pp.157-167, 2005

The Military convention of Belgrade was concluded between the Allies and Hungary when the First World War came to an end. This convention established the boundary line on the southeast part of Hungary. But this boundary line was violated by the Rumanian Army which crossed it from Transylvania on 15<SUP>th</SUP> December, 1918. Later, this line was modified in favor of Rumania.<BR>About that time the Ukrainian invasion started under the initiative of the French Army. The French Army was obviously defeated owing to a shortage of forces.<BR>Some historians argued that the Ukrainian invasion had an influence on the amendment of the boundary line. They explained that the French policies took a measure in favor of Rumania, because they wished the supplement of the shortages of forces by the Rumanian Army, accepting the territorial demands of Rumania as compensation.<BR>The purpose of this article is to explain in view of the Ukrainian invasion why the amendment of the line was realized in favor of Rumania.<BR>The first chapter makes clear the significances of the Military convention of Belgrade for Hungary, France and Rumania. This convention should accept the Hungarian territorial demands and contribute to extend the French influence on Central Europe through the occupation of Hungary. But for Rumania it would hinder her territorial claims.<BR>The second chapter makes evident through the process of the Ukrainian invasion the factors related with the amendment of the boundary line. It is quite obvious that the French Army was not enough to invade Ukraine, therefore the military authorities suggested to make a profit from the Rumanian Army. The French Army without the indigenous inhabitant's cooperation was overpowered by the Bolshevik Army. For this reason an anti-Bolshevik policy was increasingly regarded as necessary. Besides the Rumanian government had indicated her intentions to render some military services in Russia.<BR>The third chapter concerns influence of the Ukrainian invasion on the amendment of the boundary line through the discussions on the revision in the Peace Conference. There was an atmosphere in the chamber that one should defend the benefits of the Allies. Therefore on the one hand, the demands of Rumania were approved, on the other, the claims of a hostile country, Hungary, were rejected. However it remarked that France proposed to recognize Rumania as an Ally, and submitted the draft for the amendment of the line. Besides the fact that Rumania let her army march across the boundary line to make fait accompli might have served to accord her territorial demands. The French Army, however, did not occupy Hungary, for it considered that this circumstance would permit the Rumanian Army to advance.<BR>Therefore, the French policies must be emphasized as a factor of the amendment of the boundary line in favor of Rumania. In this case, however, a great importance should be attached to not only the shortages of forces, but also to the anti-Bolshevik policy and it should be also taken into consideration that an anti-Bolshevik attitude of Rumania proved to be favorable for France. With reference to the amendment of the boundary line, this policy has not been argued enough until today.
孟 曉順 吉田 直人 万 キン 米澤 朋子
知能と情報 (ISSN:13477986)
vol.33, no.4, pp.742-756, 2021

吉田 博
Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science
日本栄養・食糧学会誌 (ISSN:02873516)
vol.75, no.1, pp.3-10, 2022 (Released:2022-02-23)

動脈硬化性心血管疾患の予防には, 脂質異常症をはじめとする多様な危険因子の包括的管理が重要である。代表的な危険因子である脂質異常症の治療は, 薬物療法に先んじて食事療法が基本であり, そのなかで機能性食品等の役割も期待される。また, LDLコレステロール (LDL-C), HDLコレステロール (HDL-C), トリグリセライド (TG) などの血清脂質の量的評価のなかで, LDL-Cの高値は主要な動脈硬化リスク因子として位置付けられているが, 高TG血症やHDL-Cの低値はリスク因子として未解決の課題がある。我々は動脈硬化危険因子に対するより優れた包括的な管理の確立を目指し, ビタミンEやカロテノイドなどの抗酸化物質により脂質代謝関連バイオマーカーの改善, 血清脂質の量的精密分析および質的評価の開発などをはじめ, 一貫して代謝栄養学的な研究を展開してきた。これらの成果が人々の健康寿命の延伸に役立つことを期待する。
伊藤 孝紀 豊福 拓歩 鈴木 篤也 吉田 夏稀 西田 智裕
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.790, pp.2632-2642, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-12-01)

In recent years, further improvement in intellectual productivity has been demanded due to the progress of the knowledge society. Along with this, the way of working places has been reviewed, such as increasing the degree of freedom of working hours and places, improving productivity, and improving the working environment to facilitate communication. Meanwhile, it is said that activation of communication is indispensable for knowledge creation in the field of cognitive science, and it is important to focus on gestures and utterances in order to understand the characteristics of knowledge creation. In addition, the idea of “Activity Based Working (ABW)” has emerged as a work style that allows workers to choose the environment according to the diversified work content, increasing the opportunity to take various postures in various spaces. Base on above, the objective of this study is to clarify effects of postures focus on gestures and utterances. This study is comprised of Task selection experiment, Speaking tendency grasping experiment, utterances and gestures, text mining of utterance content. The results are as follows. Table 5 show results of Task selection experiment. Theme A. B. C. G was selected in this survey. Fig. 5 and Table 13 show results of Speaking tendency grasping experiment. Points of motivation was highest in standing. Points of ideas was highest in low sitting. Table 15 and Fig. 6 show results of utterances and gestures. This survey clarified that posture has little effect on speaking time and number of utterances, number of turn-taking, gesture time, and gesture occurrence frequency. Table 17 and Fig. 8 show results of text mining of utterance content. Number of networks was least in standing and most in low sitting.
平竹 進 中西 洋一 山田 博之 吉田 浩二
電気製鋼 (ISSN:00118389)
vol.55, no.1, pp.74-81, 1984

An industrial scale new melting process, named Plasma Progressive Casting Furnace (PPC-F) was designed and constructed by Daido Steel Co., in Daido's Hoshizaki Plant. This process is suitable for making a titanium primary ingot (VAR electrode) directly from grain sponge and/or various shapes of scraps without requirement for compaction and electrode fabrication. The furnace has six plasma torches circling around the water cooled crucible. Plasma arcs are controlled by magnetic field which also makes molten pool rotate. Materials are fed and melted continuously and solidified ingot is withdrawn progressively.<br>This process has a distinctive advantage of efficient utilization of small sized scraps which is difficult to remelt in usual VAR process and a high reduction of the melting cost is accordingly expected.
八木 寛之 吉田 全宏
Japan Association for Urban Sociology
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2017, no.35, pp.121-137, 2017-09-05 (Released:2018-09-05)

In this study, we examine the expansion in the post-2000 period of shopping street activation within the Miyuki-dori shopping street (Ikuno Korea Town) in Ikuno Ward of Osaka City. We also examined the relationship between shopping street and multicultural coexistence entailed in town planning.     A first key finding of the study was that commencing from the 2000s, shopping street association has played a major role in revitalizing Ikuno Korea Town. Many shopkeepers have roots in Korea establishing in Japan. Several shopping districts with shops owned by individuals belonging to diverse ethnic groups have sprouted up in Ikuno Korea Town and all over the city. Under these circumstances, a local network has been established that extends beyond the vicinity of the shopping street. This study found that immigration and generational changes had led to the establishment of shopping street in Ikuno Korea Town.     A second key finding of the study was that the development of increasingly commercial attitudes among shoppers can be linked to town development that has entailed the promotion of multicultural coexistence. In other words, town planning specifically fosters commercial activities, which constitute the basis and rationale of activities like street shopping. This is because fostering multicultural coexistence in the town is necessary to reduce conflicts shop owners within shopping street association and avoid political tensions. These town planning measures have resulted in Ikuno Korea Town becoming a model example of multicultural coexistence. However, as the study demonstrates town planning has in fact been a necessity in Ikuno Korea Town.
吉田 正昭 藤井 和子 栗田 淳子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.37, no.2, pp.74-85, 1966-06-10 (Released:2010-07-16)
1 1

Purpose. “On” is a very difficult concept to translate into foreign languages. Japanese English dictionaries assign kindness, favor, love, obligation, or indebtedness to this word, but they are not broad enough to cover all the forms of “on”. Before the termination of Pacific war, loyalty towards emperor and filial piety supported the every structure of Japanese community, and authoritarian attitude among the Japanese. But since the new Constitution become effective, these concepts have changed drastically, and the contents of “on” also is expected to change, because it has very close connection with them. With these considerations, two surveys were planned.(I) Method. Free associations and semantic differential ratings concerning “on”, were obtained from 215 adults (male and female, their ages ranging 17-50) in Tokyo. Results. Clearly “on” has two aspects, the one is based on old-fashioned, feudalistic, one-way devotion, etc., and the other is based on universality of human nature. Older people recognize the former aspect, but regard it as more “beautiful” because of the latter aspect, and highly esteem it as a moral standard, In contrast with this, younger people show fairly negative attitude towards the former aspect.(II) Method. Costant sum method. 100 points were assigned to 22 attributes of “on” for 19 human relations listed below. Enquetes were presented to three groups of Ss, (i) younger male, (ii) younger female, and (iii) older people. Number of Ss in each group was about 50, all living in Tokyo. Attributes were (1) true love, (2) gratitude, (3) tradition, (4) “taimen” or appearances, (5) human obligation, (6) “girl”, (7) fictitious love, (8) voluntariness, (9) social coercion, (10) friendship, (11) comradeship, (12) expectation of future guarantee, (13) benefit of others, (14) dependence on authority, (15) conscience, (16) indebtedness, (17) reverence, (18) pursuit of own benefit, (19) mutual dependence, (20) social courtesy, (21) contract, and (22) feudally. Human relations used were (1) parent-child, (2) main family-branch family, (3) parent and child in law, (4) ancestordescendant, (5) boss-henchman, (6) landlordtenant, (7) emperor-subjects, (8) masterservants, (9) guild master-apprentice, (10) trader-consumer, (11) employer-employee, (12) senior-subordinate, (13) capitalist-laborer, (14) parent company-subsidary company, (15) neighbourhood, (16) individual-society, (17) friendship, (18) teacher-pupil, and (19) godhuman beings.Results. Data for only younger males are shown in Table 2. They are the most radical of the three groups, older people being the most conservative, and younger female lying between the two Items which were accepted positively were based on true love, gratitude, friendship, obligation, conscience, voluntariness, mutual dependence, and items which were accepted negatively were based on authority, feudality, tradition, “girl”, etc. These results are in marked contrast with the pre-war concept of “on”.
吉田 昌平 野口 竜也 香川 敬生
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) (ISSN:21854653)
vol.72, no.4, pp.I_404-I_412, 2016 (Released:2016-05-20)
