高橋 誠
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.79, pp.15-29, 2015

論文Scholars of populist radical right parties commonly shared knowledge that the UK was immune to such parties until the UK Independence Party (UKIP) recently broke into UK politics, hitherto compounded of the Labour, Conservative, and Liberal Democratic Parties.Research on UKIP still trails its quick rise from 2009 onwards, as demonstrated by publication of serious and comprehensive literature, "Revolt on the Right", coming as late as this year (2015) even in the UK. Limitations of studies by Japanese scholars, therefore, should be considered natural.This paper aims to fill the void. After examining UKIP's characteristics and its supporters by drawing on the 2010 UKIP manifesto and survey data in Chapters 2 and 3, I explore reasons behind its emergence, from perspectives of both demand-side and supply-side factors, especially focusing on the convergence thesis in Chapter 4.An introductory consideration of UKIP's influence on Scottish nationalism and vice versa is also made in Chapter 5.
佐藤 克郎 川名 正博 山本 裕 佐藤 雄一郎 花澤 秀行 高橋 姿
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.53, no.6, pp.465-471, 2002

高橋 敦子 伊藤 喜誠 奥嶋 佐知子 吉田 企世子
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.30, no.3, pp.232-238, 1997-08-20

清原 良三 栗原 まり子 古宮 章裕 高橋 清 橘高 大造
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.46, no.6, pp.1492-1500, 2005-06-15

近年のi-modeをはじめとする携帯電話のネットワーク接続サービスの開始により,携帯電話上に搭載するソフトウェアの規模は急激に拡大している.そのため障害のない状態で携帯電話を市場に出すことが困難な状態になりつつある.そこで,ソフトウェア更新を短時間で実施するための方式を提案する.携帯電話のソフトウェアの更新時間は,無線網を転送するデータ量に依存する転送時間とフラッシュメモリを更新する書き換え時間とからなる.データ転送量を小さくするために,新版と旧版の差分データの転送量を小さくする必要がある.またフラッシュメモリの該当部分だけを書き換えればよい仕組みにする一方で,開発環境の複雑化を防止する必要がある.本論文ではソフトウェアの更新を前提とした携帯電話ソフトウェアの構造に関してメモリ上に空き領域を設けることとベクターテーブルを利用することを提案する.携帯電話のバージョン間の差分データを小さくするとともに,バージョン間でのフラッシュメモリの書き換えを小さくするにあたり,最適な分割方法を理論上で検証したうえで,実際の携帯電話のソフトウェアを利用して評価した.Due to increasing services installed in cellular phones (e. g. i-mode), it is difficult to release bug-free cellular phones. We have proposed a technology for updating cellular phones' software in a shorter period. The time required for software update consists of time for data transmission and time for rewriting data in Flash ROM. Data size should be small. In order to reduce the data size, differences between old version and new one should be as few as possible. It is required to update only the needed area as well as to keep the development environment simple. In this paper, we investigated module fragment method to minimize the updating time and evaluated our updating software in optimized method.
高橋 秀俊
vol.17, no.3, pp.9-13, 1985-12
藤田 秀二 上田 豊 東 久美子 榎本 浩之 亀田 貴雄 高橋 修平 古川 晶雄 松岡 健一
The Japanese Society of Snow and Ice
雪氷 (ISSN:03731006)
vol.64, no.4, pp.415-425, 2002-07-15 (Released:2009-08-07)

稲葉 通将 高橋 健一
vol.2015, pp.241-244, 2015-09-18

人間同士の対話において,聞き手の反応や相手への働きかけは,話し手が話を進めていくために必要な要素である.そこで本研究では,ユーザの発話に対し,聞き手として適切な応答を行うことで対話を活性化させる対話システムを設計する.対話システムの応答は多クラスSupport Vector Machine(SVM) を用いて応答クラスを決定することで行う.そのための学習データとして,Twitter におけるtweet・replyペアを用いる手法を提案する.本研究で提案する応答手法は,Twitter 上に公開している対話システムに実装されている.本論文ではこの対話システムの機能についても併せて述べる.
大林 功実 朝香 卓也 高橋 達郎 佐々木 純 品川 準輝
電子情報通信学会論文誌. B, 通信 (ISSN:13444697)
vol.90, no.8, pp.720-733, 2007-08-01

高橋 良二
The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases
日本傳染病學會雜誌 (ISSN:00214817)
vol.39, no.8, pp.298-303, 1965

It has been pointed out by Dr. Abe that the rate of isolation of sh. Sonnei from the dysentery patients had increased, as did the multi-drug resistant strains. The majority of sh. strains isolated from the inpatients was found to be drug-resistant.<BR>In this time, it was demonstrated that a new chemotherapeutic agent, Chlor-Acetoxylin-Qinidin. (CAQ), had strong antibacterial activity against sh. flexneri and vibrio parahamolyticus, but moderate activity to sh. sonnei.<BR>CAQ concentration in the blood following the oral administration of this medicine was sometimes. very low, wheras the concentration in the intestinal fluid was very high. This phenomenon is intergreted by malabsorption of CAQ from the intertine In such a case, the study showed that the medicine was found in the rectum within very short time following the administration of this medicine, due to frequent peristalsis of the intertioe. On the treatment of dysentery good clinical effects were obtained, woan the causative bacteria was sh. flexnari, but only fair clinical effects against sh. sonnei because of less sensitive bacteria to CAQ than the former. Furthermore it shout be emphasixzd that CAQ was very effective to the so-called drug-resistant straics without any side effects. Thorefore it might be conluded that CAQ is a valuable drug on cliniaal and prophylactic use prophylactic use for dysemery.
須藤 正治 高橋 晴雄 田邊 牧人 長谷部 誠司
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.91, no.1, pp.23-27, 1998-01-01

Although impairment of middle ear ventilation and subsequent middle ear negative pressure have been regarded as important pathogenetic factors in middle ear diseases, impairment of middle ear ventilation has not been proven to necessarily cause progressive negative middle ear pressure. Toynbee phenomenon is another possible cause of active production of negative middle ear pressure. Accordingly, we investigated the incidence and pathophysiology of Toynbee phenomenon in various middle ear diseases.<br>The incidence of positive Toynbee phenomenon was 75% (18124) in controls. Whereas, the incidence was 14% (8/59) in cases of otitis media with effusion (OME), 50% (13126) in cases of chronic otitis media (COM), 38% (5/13) in cases of adhesive otitis media (Adh), and 30% (3/10) in patients with cholesteatoma. However, the negative pressure induced by the Toynbee maneuver was significantly more profound in cases of Adh (- 116.0±58.6 mmH<sub>2</sub>O) than in normal ears (-8.05±53.9 mmH<sub>2</sub>O, p<0.005). Also the average induced negative pressures in the other diseased ears tended to be more profound than in normal ears; -23.6±37.1 mmH<sub>2</sub>O in OME, -23.1±55.1 mmH<sub>2</sub>O in COM, -45.0±18.0 mmH<sub>2</sub>O in cholesteatoma. Considering that middle ear diseases often accompany nasal diseases and are also often induced or aggravated by upper respiratory infections or nasal allergies (when the nose is congested), and that the eustachian tubes in diseased ears often cannot equalize negative middle ear pressure, Toynbee phenomenon may be related to the pathogenesis of these ear diseases.
白井 正明 渡辺 万葉 宇津川 喬子 林崎 涼 高橋 尚志 小尾 亮 加藤 裕真

静岡平野から駿河湾に注ぐ安倍川の源流域には,大規模崩壊地である大谷崩れが存在する.大谷崩れ周辺は過去幾度も大規模な崩壊を繰り返し,18世紀初頭の宝永東海地震の際の大崩壊では,崩壊土砂が土石流となって大谷川と安倍川上流の谷を埋めたとされる(例えば,土屋,2000).町田(1959)は,大谷崩れ起源の崩壊堆積物量の見積もり値を1.2×108 m3 と推定すると共に,崩壊堆積物に関連する地形を河成段丘発達史の視点から解釈している.安倍川本流において大きな落差をもつ赤水の滝については,安倍川が土石流堆積物を下刻しつつ形成した,崩壊による土砂で谷が埋まり尾根筋からの越流により滝が形成された,などの記述が見られるが,いずれも十分な根拠を示しているとは言い難い.赤水の滝周辺の「土石流」堆積物と基盤の古第三系頁岩の分布を調査すると,赤水の滝は実際には土石流堆積物上を流れ下っておらず,基盤岩上を流れ下っていること,土石流堆積物の分布は赤水の滝のすぐ上流から東側を通り,滝のすぐ下流で再び現在の安倍川に合流することは容易に見てとれる.さらに赤水の滝周辺の土石流堆積物露頭において,土石流堆積物の礫の配列から堆積物形成時の古流向を推定した.赤水の滝の下流側(南側)では,土石流堆積物は安倍川左岸の赤水の滝展望台周辺に比較的良く露出する.礫のインブリケーションから古流向は概ね西への流れであったと解釈される.また長軸は古流向にほぼ平行であり,転動とは別のプロセスにより礫が運搬されていたことを示す.岩相としては礫支持であり,一般的な土石流堆積物(基質支持)と比べて礫の濃度が高いが,基質には泥分も多く含まれており,土石流の一種として差し支えないと思われる.一方赤水の滝上流側では植生が繁茂し,巨礫の直下にかろうじて露出している中礫のインブリケーションから推定される古流向は概ね東への流れを示した.以上より,赤水の滝は大谷崩れの崩壊に端を発した土石流堆積物によって安倍川の谷が埋められた際に,水流が元々の尾根を越流し,蛇行した谷をショートカットして流れ落ちることにより形成され,現在も基盤の頁岩を下刻しつつある,と考えるのが妥当であると結論づけられる.
菅野 敬 阿部 祐子 奥田 一雄 高橋 正征
海洋深層水研究 (ISSN:13458477)
vol.9, no.1, pp.3-13, 2008-07-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

海洋深層水 (以下, 深層水) の清浄性の評価の一部として, 懸濁物質の量と質に着目し高知県海洋深層水研究所で取水している深度320mの深層水と深度5mの表層水について, 2005年7月から月1回の調査を16ヶ月実施した.本研究では孔径0.45μm HAミリポア濾紙に捕集された懸濁物質を主対象とした.同一時期の採取試料の懸濁物質量は常に深層水で表層水よりも少なく平均では表層水の14%以下で, 深層水と表層水ともに懸濁物質量の季節的な変動は確認できなかった.深層水の懸濁物質量の変動範囲は0.195~0.993mg/L (平均0.550mg/L) と1mg/L以下であった.濾紙に捕集した懸濁物質粒子の走査型電子顕微鏡観察により, 深層水の粒子は表層水に比べ小型であるが有機物集塊並びに有機物由来と思われる膜状物や完全なプランクトン藻類細胞は極めて少なかった.しかし深層水の懸濁物質から表層水の4%以下の微量のクロロフィルaが検出されプランクトン藻類のシードストック存在の可能性が示唆された.
伊藤 清 川島 実 荒井 義人 高橋 満博 村上 宏次 野部 達夫
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.81, no.723, pp.447-455, 2016

Energy conservation technology has been in high demand in relation to efforts to realize (net) zero-energy buildings (ZEBs). Ceiling radiant cooling panel systems represent a key energy-conservation technology which can yield high efficiency, since it uses moderately cold water (1618°C), offers integration with other energy-efficient strategies, such as indirect evaporative cooling or ground source heat pumps, and does not require energy to propel a fan to remove the cooling load. Furthermore, a radiant ceiling cooling panel system provides greater comfort to occupants because it does not produce a draught. Therefore, ceiling radiant cooling panel systems can offer both reductions in cooling energy consumption and a comfortable environment for occupants. However, there are several problems with applying a ceiling radiant cooling system in Japan. Firstly, there is limited data about the cooling performance of such systems because few have been constructed in Japan. For this reason, it is important to determine the cooling performance of radiant ceiling panels. Secondly, radiant ceiling panels have limited cooling performance, so it is necessary to consider a special system to remove the perimeter load. Thirdly, an outdoor air-conditioning system is needed to provide outdoor air to occupants. The objective of this paper is to present an outline of the proposed system, results of the thermal performance tests in an experimental facility, and the operational performance in a building to which the proposed system is applied. The proposed system consists of ceiling radiant cooling panels, perimeter chilled beams, and an outdoor-air supply system. The ceiling radiant cooling panels remove the interior cooling load. The perimeter chilled beams remove the perimeter cooling load. The outdoor-air supply system has a personal floor diffuser, a perimeter linear diffuser and a return-air inlet near the window top. The return-air inlet removes the hot air from the window to remove the perimeter load efficiently. An experimental facility for the proposed system was constructed, and thermal performance tests were performed. The results show a vertical temperature differential of less than 0.5°C, and the perimeter chilled beam can remove the peak summer cooling load appropriately. The cooling capacity of the ceiling radiant cooling panels and perimeter chilled beams are approximately 80 W/m2 and 120 W/m2 respectively under conditions whereby the difference in temperature between the water input and output is 9.0°C. Measurement of the system was performed in the actual building to which the system was applied. The results show that the ceiling radiant cooling panels and chilled beams can be controlled to remove varying cooling loads. The cooling capacity of the ceiling radiant cooling panels and chilled beams in the actual building proved almost equal to the experimental data. Thus, it is demonstrated that the proposed system can remove the cooling load as expected.
伊藤 清 川島 実 荒井 義人 高橋 満博 村上 宏次 野部 達夫
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.81, no.723, pp.447-455, 2016

&nbsp;Energy conservation technology has been in high demand in relation to efforts to realize (net) zero-energy buildings (ZEBs). Ceiling radiant cooling panel systems represent a key energy-conservation technology which can yield high efficiency, since it uses moderately cold water (16-18&deg;C), offers integration with other energy-efficient strategies, such as indirect evaporative cooling or ground source heat pumps, and does not require energy to propel a fan to remove the cooling load. Furthermore, a radiant ceiling cooling panel system provides greater comfort to occupants because it does not produce a draught. Therefore, ceiling radiant cooling panel systems can offer both reductions in cooling energy consumption and a comfortable environment for occupants.<br>&nbsp;However, there are several problems with applying a ceiling radiant cooling system in Japan. Firstly, there is limited data about the cooling performance of such systems because few have been constructed in Japan. For this reason, it is important to determine the cooling performance of radiant ceiling panels. Secondly, radiant ceiling panels have limited cooling performance, so it is necessary to consider a special system to remove the perimeter load. Thirdly, an outdoor air-conditioning system is needed to provide outdoor air to occupants. The objective of this paper is to present an outline of the proposed system, results of the thermal performance tests in an experimental facility, and the operational performance in a building to which the proposed system is applied.<br>&nbsp;The proposed system consists of ceiling radiant cooling panels, perimeter chilled beams, and an outdoor-air supply system. The ceiling radiant cooling panels remove the interior cooling load. The perimeter chilled beams remove the perimeter cooling load. The outdoor-air supply system has a personal floor diffuser, a perimeter linear diffuser and a return-air inlet near the window top. The return-air inlet removes the hot air from the window to remove the perimeter load efficiently.<br>&nbsp;An experimental facility for the proposed system was constructed, and thermal performance tests were performed. The results show a vertical temperature differential of less than 0.5&deg;C, and the perimeter chilled beam can remove the peak summer cooling load appropriately. The cooling capacity of the ceiling radiant cooling panels and perimeter chilled beams are approximately 80 W/m<sup>2</sup> and 120 W/m<sup>2</sup> respectively under conditions whereby the difference in temperature between the water input and output is 9.0&deg;C.<br>&nbsp;Measurement of the system was performed in the actual building to which the system was applied. The results show that the ceiling radiant cooling panels and chilled beams can be controlled to remove varying cooling loads. The cooling capacity of the ceiling radiant cooling panels and chilled beams in the actual building proved almost equal to the experimental data. Thus, it is demonstrated that the proposed system can remove the cooling load as expected.