八木 淳子 桝屋 二郎 松浦 直己

橋本 広徳 鈴木 哲 石川 衛 苅田 哲也 松浦 晃宏
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.32, no.4, pp.483-486, 2017 (Released:2017-08-20)

板垣 修 松浦 達郎 服部 敦
公益社団法人 日本地震工学会
日本地震工学会論文集 (ISSN:18846246)
vol.16, no.5, pp.5_83-5_92, 2016 (Released:2016-04-25)

今井 浩三 中村 卓郎 井上 純一郎 高田 昌彦 山田 泰広 高橋 智 伊川 正人 﨑村 建司 荒木 喜美 八尾 良司 真下 知士 小林 和人 豊國 伸哉 鰐渕 英機 今井田 克己 二口 充 上野 正樹 宮崎 龍彦 神田 浩明 尾藤 晴彦 宮川 剛 高雄 啓三 池田 和隆 虫明 元 清宮 啓之 長田 裕之 旦 慎吾 井本 正哉 川田 学 田原 栄俊 吉田 稔 松浦 正明 牛嶋 大 吉田 進昭

①総括支援活動 : 前年度立ち上げたホームページ(HP)に改良を加えて公募の円滑化を進めた。モデル動物作製解析の講習や若手研究者の交流促進を推進する技術講習会を開催した。成果ワークショップを開催し本活動の支援成果をアピールした。②モデル動物作製支援活動 : 相同組換えやゲノム編集など支援課題に応じた最適な胚操作技術を用いて、様々な遺伝子改変マウスおよびラットを的確かつ迅速に作製し、学術性の高い個体レベルの研究推進に資する研究リソースとして提供した。件数は昨年度より大幅に増加した。③病理形態解析支援活動 : 昨年より多い35件の病理形態解析支援を7名の班員で実施した。研究の方向性を決定づける多くの成果が得られた。論文の図の作成にもかかわり、論文が受理されるまで支援を行った。その結果、より高いレベルの科学誌にも受理された。④生理機能解析支援活動 : 疾患モデルマウスの行動解析支援を実施するとともに、諸動物モデルでの規制薬物感受性解析、光遺伝学的in vivo細胞操作、意志決定に関与する脳深部機能解析、等の支援を展開した。⑤分子プロファイリング支援活動 : 依頼化合物の分子プロファイリング316件、阻害剤キット配付86枚、RNA干渉キット配付・siRNAデザイン合成83件、バーコードshRNAライブラリーによる化合物の標的経路探索15件、を実施し、より多くの研究者の利便性を図った。
森 治 佐伯 孝尚 白澤 洋次 加藤 秀樹 船瀬 龍 大野 剛 松本 純 中条 俊大 菊地 翔太 寺元 祐貴 矢野 創 中村 良介 松浦 周二 川口 淳一郎
日本航空宇宙学会誌 (ISSN:00214663)
vol.63, no.4, pp.117-122, 2015-04-05

ソーラー電力セイルはソーラーセイルにより燃料を節約できるだけでなく,太陽から遠く離れた場所でも,大面積の薄膜太陽電池を利用して探査機に十分な電力を確保できる.ソーラー電力セイルで得た電力を用いて,高性能なイオンエンジンを駆動すれば,ソーラーセイルと合わせたハイブリッドな推進が可能となる.JAXA ではこのコンセプトを踏まえ,ソーラー電力セイルによる外惑星領域探査計画を提案している.本計画では,日本独自の外惑星領域探査技術を確立し,日本が太陽系探査を先導すること,および,新しい科学分野であるスペース天文学等を切り拓くことを目指している.本稿では,本計画について紹介し,初期検討結果を示す.
根本 哲也 島本 聡 野方 文雄 松浦 弘幸 野田 信雄 中野 正博
バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会誌 (ISSN:13451537)
vol.7, no.1, pp.137-142, 2005-10-20

松浦 加奈子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.96, pp.219-239, 2015-05-29 (Released:2016-07-19)
1 2

本稿の目的は,授業秩序がどのように組織されるのかということを教師による児童間の発話管理という観点から明らかにすることである。本稿ではこれらの目的に対して,授業場面の教師-児童間の実際の活動を記録した映像データを用いて会話分析を行っていく。 本稿は授業秩序を維持するための教師の振る舞いに着目している点において,教師ストラテジー研究と問題関心を共有している。しかし教師ストラテジー研究では想定されてこなかった1対1と1対多のディメンジョンの並存状況を検討している。そして,会話分析を用いて,そこで生じている相互行為の特徴を再記述することで学級の成員が協調して振舞うようになる規則を理解可能な形で見出していく。 分析の中心となるのは,児童の発話に教師が応答することで,児童によって日常会話の順番交替の規則が志向され,授業における課題の組織化が困難になる場面である。その結果,授業進行が停滞し,授業の秩序が動揺していくことになる。それを克服するために,授業場面に適切な「形式」で応答できる者を次の話者として選択し,質問を開始することで,IRE 連鎖を3ターンで完了させ,授業秩序を組織していくのである。
松浦 律子
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2011, no.35, pp.29-39, 2011-09-30 (Released:2015-12-09)

Tensho earthquake is one of the most famous large inland earthquakes during the medieval times of Japan. It occurred on Jan. 18, 1586 in Chubu district. It was almost the equal size to Nobi earthquake in 1891, and we estimated its size is around M7.8-8.0. Many major active faults in Chubu district had been assigned as the source faults of this earthquake. However, the careful examination of the historical materials, and the precise analysis of the distribution of estimated reliable seismic intensities revealed that it is impossible to cause the damage of whole Tensho earthquake by a single earthquake of M8-class. The main shock occurred in the south-western part of Nobi basin. The source faults are narrowed down to some faults near Yoro and Suzuka mountains, and Ise Bay, or southern part of Yanagase, Sekigahara, and nearby faults, when we compare the intensity distribution with expected ones for several major fault groups in Chubu district. The famous destruction of Uchigashima Family in Kiun Castle and the crushing death of Mr. and Mrs. Ukon Maeda in Kifune Castle were caused by the different earthquake, which occurred on Jan 16, in some faults near Shokawa River, and its size was around M7.0 ±0.2. In order to reveal source faults of medieval destructive earthquakes, which usually have too few historical materials, we have to be careful to the credibility of information. Those written in later years may be modified through folklore transmission. Even in the primary historical sources such as a diary of an aristocrat or a letter by a missionary, hearsay information in remote area was left with true damages they really knew. Since there are much more destructive earthquakes than those known in the catalogue we have now, the trench results should not be restricted to select the candidate of earthquakes only from the current earthquake catalogue. For example, July 31, 1585, a very strong earthquake was felt in Mikawa, Ise, and Kyoto, and no destructive damage was known in Chukyo area. This must be the first candidate for the latest activity of Atera fault.
荒井 一樹 松浦 大輔 杉田 翔 大須 理英子 近藤 国嗣 大高 洋平
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
pp.11245, (Released:2017-07-19)

【目的】延髄外側梗塞患者において自覚的視性垂直位(以下,SVV)と静止立位バランス,歩行非対称性の関係を検討する。【方法】Body lateropulsion(BL)を呈する延髄外側梗塞患者9 名において,SVV 値と立位重心動揺計の総軌跡長,矩形面積,足圧中心左右偏位および加速度計より算出した歩行非対称性との関係をSpearman の相関係数を用いて検討した。【結果】SVV 値は平均7.4(SD:9.5)度であった。SVV 値と開眼足圧中心偏位とは相関しなかったが,閉眼足圧中心偏位と相関を認めた(r = 0.75, P < 0.05)。また,SVV 値の絶対値は歩行非対称性と有意な相関を認めた(r = –0.78, P < 0.05)。【結語】BL を呈する延髄外側梗塞患者において,SVV 偏位は閉眼の静止立位バランスと歩行非対称性と関連した。その因果関係については今後の検証が必要である。
笠原 優子 松浦 早紀 庄山 茂子
人間‐生活環境系シンポジウム報告集 人間−生活環境系学会 (ISSN:24348007)
pp.111-112, 2021 (Released:2022-12-03)

松浦 誠 Matsuura Makoto
三重大学生物資源学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University (ISSN:09150471)
vol.22, pp.89-135, 1999-03-15

In this review, the history and present situation of insect food in Japan are described focusing on wasp and hornet broods.1. Insect food was reported for the first time in the Edo era and main edible insects in those days were exemplified by the rice grasshoppers and wasp broods. Among these, roasted or baked rice grasshoppers were not only eaten in farming villages where rice was grown but also marketed in big cities as snacks for children. However, insects other than rice grasshopper were taken seemingly only in very special areas. In the Taisho era, Miyake (1919) surveyed edible insects all over Japan using a questionnaire method and thus reported 55 species of edibte insects including 48 identified species (rice grasshoppers, wasps and hornets, cicadas, silkworms, etc.) and 7 unknown ones. Main examples of insects eaten in Japan from the early period of the Showa era up to now include rice grasshoppers, wasps and hornets, silkworms and cicadas. In the days of food poverty during the World War II and immediately thereafter, rice grasshoppers were eaten commonly all over Japan and distributed as a valuable nutritional source both in big cities and farming villages. Until 1950s, boiled and seasoned rice grasshoppers (tsukudani) and dried rice grasshoppers were sold in grocery stores even in big cities such as Tokyo. Today, these products are served mainly in luxury food stores as snacks with drinks in restaurants at local specialties and hotels. However, the rice grasshoppers used in these products are partly imported from China, etc. In the days of food poverty during the World War II and immediately thereafter, silkworm pupae were eaten throughout Japan mainly by silkworm-raising farmers, workers in silk mills and some ordinary families as a fat-rich food, though there is little need for silkworm pupae for edible use today. 2, According to "Shozan Chomon Kishu" written by Shozan Miyoshi (1850) in the Edo era, Vespula. spp. was already eaten in Mino (Gifu Prefecture) and Kiso(Nagano Prefecture). Methods for collecting nets of this insect and cooking it were described in this book. In the Taisho era, various wasp and hornet larvae were eaten in various ways (fresh, boiled, blended with rice, etc.) in 20 prefectures from Hokkaido to Kagoshima. Today, larvae and pupae of insects belonging to the genus Vespa (V. mandarinia, V. simillima, etc.) contained in combs are sold in autumn in grocery stores in mountain villages of Miyazaki, Ishikawa, Aichi, Gifu, Nagano, etc. These wasp and hornet larvae are not only used in domestic dishes but fried or boiled and seasoned with mirin, sugar, soy sauce, etc., and served in restaurants, etc. Vespula flaviceps larva dishes are one of delicacies in the Chubu area including Nagano, Gifu and Aichi both in big cities and farming villages. The most popular one in these areas is rice cooked with wasp and hornet broods which are generally eaten during special events such as the autumn festivals. In addition, there are various dishes with the use of cooked, fried or pickled VI. flaviceps broods. 3. In Nagano and Gifu Prefecture, fresh wasp and hornet larvae and pupae in combs are marketed as a food even now. The average wasp and hornet broods received by Tono Fish / Vegetable Market (Nakatsugawa-shi, Gifu Prefecture) during 19 years (1978 - 1996) amounted to 4.2 t/year. The maximum demand (9.2 t) was established in 1986 while less than 1t of wasp and hornet broods could be obtained in some years. Fresh wasp and hornet broods arrive at the market from September to November attaining the peak usually in October. The highest price was ¥14,983/kg (1978) with the lowest being ¥3,046/kg(1983). 4. Most of wasp and hornet broods were sent to the markets in Gifu and Nagano Prefecture but those produced in other prefectures are supplied from Nishinasuno-cho and Otahara-shi (Tochigi Prefecture). In this area, the wasp and hornet nests were collected by about 500 specialists called “Toriko" involving 50 full-time workers. From September to November, they covered the mountains and field areas not only in their own prefecture Tochigi but in the Tohoku and Kanto areas to collect Vespula spp. nests. The collected nests were bought up by 2 brokers. 500kg/day of nets are purchased by each broker and the maximum annual yield amounts to 15 t. Through September to November in 1996, the price of these nests was ¥4,500/kg, though the price rangss from ¥7,000 to ¥10,000/kg in 1980s. A Toriko collector can usually collect from 7 to 8 kg/day of wasp nets, while a skilled one can collect 15 kg/day of nets. In an abundant year, a collector can sometimes get even 20 to 30 kg of nests in one day. These Toriho collectors, in this area, originate in the facts that wasp and hornet broods in this area had been used since 1920s in canned product plants established in Nagano Prefecture and that a number of skilled nest collectors came to this area from Nagano for cultivating Nasu Highland during the Taisho era. The characteristic Toriko collectors originating in these persons have been contributing to the provision of wasp nests up to now. 5. Seasoned and canned or bottled wasp products are widely sold today in Nagano and Gifu Prefecture. Canned wasp products are produced by removing Vespula spp. larvae or pupae from nests and boiling them with soy sauce, sugar, artificial seasonings, etc. After a manufacturer had started the business in 1910 in Nagano Prefecture, 7 to 9 t/year of canned products were produced in ten and several places in Nagano and Gifu Prefecture from 1910 to 1930. In 1970s, the annual output amounted to 17 to 20 t only in Nagano Prefecture. Today, these products, each can having 200 g of the contents, are sold at ¥2,500 to ¥3,000. In Otahara-shi (Tochigi Prefecture), an apiarist puts on the market seasoned and bottled VI. flaviceps broods produced in this area at an output of about 1 t/year at the largest. With the decrease in the wasp broods collected in Japan, Vespula spp. broods have been imported from Korea since 1989. Before shipment, these larvae and pupae are taken out from the nests, semi-processed (boiled or seasoned with salt) and then packed in 18 ℓ cans. These imported products in Nagano and Gifu Prefecture. Also, Vespula germanica larvae and pupae have been imported from New Zealand and employed as materials for processing recently. Canned drone honeybee pupae seasoned with soy sauce, sugar and artificial seasonings were marketed by apiarists in Nagano Prefecture in 1960s. At present, apiarists all over Japan participate in manufacturing these products. Recently, semi-processed (boiled with salt) drone honeybee pupae imported from Taiwan and China are also being used. 6. The nutritional value of wasp and hornet broods widely depending on the type, shape, growth conditions, the time of collecting nests, etc. Among all, queen larvae in autumn with the maximum development of the nests are marketed at the highest price, since they are large in size, contain much fat-bodies and have a rich taste, compared with those of the worker wasps.7. Wasp and hornet broods employed in these products are collected in the field. Since of the recent decrease in the nest resource and the elevated price, attempts have been frequently made to collect nests during the early stage followed by raising and put these enlarged nests on the market. In Nagano, Gifu, Aichi Prefecture, etc., it is the fashion now that the men collect nests in June to August immediately after the eclosion of worker wasps and artificially keep the colony in a nest box by feeding with a large amount of fish, chicken, sugar solutions, etc. However, it has never been succeeded so far to make an overwintered-queen wasp to found her nest during the spring.8. Now, the history of wasp and hornet food in China and Thailand is also described. In some areas in these countries, wasp and hornet broods are still much more expensive than beef or pork. Wasp and hornet larvae are eaten as luxury food in ordinary homes and restaurants.9. Fresh Vespula spp. larvae and pupae have been marketed as a food for singing pet birds since the Edo era.10. Lately, insect food including wasp and hornet food are characterized by the reduction in species of edible insects and succession of traditional food not throughout Japan but in restricted areas. Although the wasp and hornet food have been on a serious decline from the nationwide viewpoint, new wasp and hornet dishes for high grade restaurants, etc. which are different from the traditional local specialties have been developed in some areas including Nagano, Gifu, Aichi and Miyazaki Prefecture, thus increasing the need for the wasp and hornet food by those who have never tried to eat them. That is to say, the wasp and hornet food show tendencies toward extremes in their decline and development. In Japan, there is a great variety of wasp and hornet dishes which can never been seen in other countries. Accordingly, it is to be emphasized here that wasp and hornet food are highly characteristic of Japan, compared even with the areas in China, Thailand, etc. where wasp and hornet foods are highly popular.
松浦 智和
名寄市立大学保健福祉学部社会福祉学科 (ISSN:21869669)
no.11, pp.11-16, 2021-03-31

【要約】 育児を行う統合失調症患者について、祖父母の育児への関わりの現状について探索的に 検討した。孫育てを担う祖父母の現況や先行研究を概観したとき、統合失調症患者の妊娠・ 出産の困難は明白で、どれだけ母親にリカバリーや自己実現という視点を加味しても、本 人の疾病管理、祖父母等の家族の負担など、現実に後押しするに足る理論的背景を見出すことは難しい感があった。とはいえ、本研究のインタビュー調査によって祖父母から聞か れた言葉は統合失調症患者ゆえのものもあるが、一般的に、孫育てをする祖父母が遭遇す る困難や喜びと符合する部分も大い減とフォーマル、インフォーマルサポート体制の構築 などを考えることは、統合失調症の有無に関わらず、少子化のわが国にあって、子育て・ 育児の社会化やシームレスな支援の構築という近年の課題を具現化する契機とすべきと思 われた。
松浦 李恵 加藤 文俊 岡部 大介
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.4, pp.440-455, 2019-12-01 (Released:2020-03-01)

This paper analyzes the relationship between costume making as a hobby and interaction with the other family members and articfacts in a room represented in fieldwork study of a female informant aged 26 participating in “Costume Play” community. First we frame this work as an effort to think about their making at home using the concept of “interest-driven” activities and poaching. Then we share our methodology based on video observation and reflective interview. Our analysis of the scenes revealed that a hobby at home (especially, sawing) is a valuable venue for observing about subjective design process with some artifacts not only for sawing but also TV, DVD, laptop,smart phone and so on. In addition, continuing one’s hobby at home is to collocate one’s interest with the other family members’ multiple interests.
松浦 純
日本學士院紀要 (ISSN:03880036)
vol.76, no.1, pp.21-53, 2021 (Released:2021-11-20)

Sola Scriptura, one of the “principles” of Protestantism, was first asserted clearly by Martin Luther in his Assertio omnium articulorum M. Lutheri per Bullam Leonis X. nouissimam damnatorum (1520), the reassertion of all the 41 articles collected from his writings since 1517 and condemned by the papal bull Exsurge Domine. The bull demanded that he revoke them within a set term, and menaced with excommunication, arrest and penal transport to Rome, along with his followers and protectors, in case of refusal. It was a plain act of power evoking the fire and faggot of the Bohemian reformer Jan Hus only a century earlier. As Bulla contra errores Lutheri et sequacium, however, it was at the same time an act of theological authority; from the very outset of the controversy Luther's opponents focused likewise on the issue of obedience allegedly due to the papal authority. In this context the Reformer states at the beginning: he is not ready to be compelled by the authority of a “Father however holy” unless he is approved by Scripture. — The principle that the ultimate authority for theological questions is the Holy Scripture alone, was originally asserted against the actual threatening by the papal authority and power. (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)