麓 和善 渡辺 勝彦 内藤 昌
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.363, pp.115-124, 1986-05-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

Although architectural quantity survey techniques are always essential in order to plan and rationalize architectural construction activities, there are few historical analysis on the scientific universality of such techniques in Japan. The "Gushikenki" (written in the Edo Period) appears to be known as the only architectural reference book dealing with these techniques. Nevertheless, this book seems to be based on previous Japanese mathematics books that were already concerned with the matter. In this study we intend to examine the architectural quantity survey techniques contained such books, as a first stage for a future and move advanced study on the "Gushikenki" and its mathematical background.
内藤 和明 菊地 直樹 池田 啓
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
保全生態学研究 (ISSN:13424327)
vol.16, no.2, pp.181-193, 2011-11-30 (Released:2017-08-01)

2005年の豊岡盆地におけるコウノトリCiconia boycianaの放鳥に続き、2008年には佐渡でトキNipponia nipponが放鳥されるなど、絶滅危惧動物の再導入事業が国内で近年相次いで実施されるようになってきた。飼育下で増殖させた個体の野外への再導入事例は今後も増加していくことが予想される。本稿では、豊岡盆地におけるコウノトリの再導入について、計画の立案、予備調査、再導入の実施までの経過を紹介し、生態学だけでなく社会科学的な関わりも内包している再導入の意義について考察した。再導入に先立っては、IUCNのガイドラインに準拠したコウノトリ野生復帰推進計画が策定された。事前の準備として、かつての生息地利用を明らかにするコウノトリ目撃地図の作製、飛来した野生個体の観察による採餌場所の季節変化の把握、採餌場所における餌生物量の調査などが行われた。豊岡盆地では、水田や河川の自然再生事業と環境修復の取り組みが開始された。予め設定した基準により選抜され、野生馴化訓練を経た個体が2005年から順次放鳥され、2007年からは野外での巣立ちが見られるようになった。コウノトリは多様なハビタットで多様な生物を捕食しているので、再導入の成否は生物群集を再生することにかかっている。このことは、地域の生物多様性の保全を通じて生態系サービスを維持するという地域社会に共通の課題にも貢献することになる。
奥田 知明 村上 道夫 内藤 航 篠原 直秀 藤井 健吉
一般社団法人 日本リスク学会
リスク学研究 (ISSN:24358428)
vol.30, no.4, pp.207-212, 2021-06-25 (Released:2021-06-23)

Since airborne transmission has been considered as a possible infection route for the novel coronavirus in addition to contact and droplet infection routes, ventilation is an important measure against airborne route. In this paper, we describe the history of setting regulatory standard values and the interpretation of CO2 concentration as a measure against infectious diseases. Although the standard value of 1,000 ppm is not intended originally for infection control, it is practically useful as a guide value for potential infection risk management.
福原 武 内藤 富夫 亀山 博子
日本平滑筋学会雑誌 (ISSN:03743527)
vol.9, no.1, pp.1-8, 1973-03-01 (Released:2010-07-21)
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1.カエルの喉門・食道開口附近の粘膜を機械的に刺激すると, 腹筋が急に強縮をおこし, 口中に食道と胃が裏返しになって出てくる.この際胃の運動高進は, 認められない.この口中への胃の脱出の機序は, つぎのようなものであろう.まず腹筋の強縮によって, 腹圧が突然に高まり, その結果として胃が押しあげられ, ついに食道内に嵌入するのである.このことから, カエルにおいては, 嘔吐は胃の収縮によってではなく, 全く腹筋の収縮によって起こるものと考えられる.2.0.05g/mlの濃度を有する吐酒石-Ringer液の0.5ml (トノサマガエル) あるいは5ml (ウシガエル) を胃内腔に注入すると, 食道と胃の脱出ばかりでなく, 胃の運動の高進が起こる.脳脊髄破壊カエルでは食道・胃の脱出は起こらないが, 胃の運動高進効果は認められる.したがってこの高進効果は薬物が直接胃壁に作用してひき起こされたものと考えられる.
池田 隼 熊谷 仁 畠山 廣之 井口 祐貴 島嵜 佑 内藤 久士 吉村 雅文 福 典之
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第68回(2017) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.132_1, 2017 (Released:2018-02-15)

【背景】αアクチニン3遺伝子(ACTN3)のR577Xやアンジオテンシン変換酵素遺伝子(ACE)のI/D多型は運動能力に関連する。サッカー選手において、瞬発的および持久的な能力はポジションごとに異なるが、遺伝子多型とポジションの関連は不明である。【目的】サッカー選手におけるACTN3 R577XおよびACE I/Dとポジションの関連について検討した。【方法】対象者は、日本のJリーグ、なでしこリーグおよび大学トップレベルチームに所属するフォワード(FW)、ミッドフィルダー(MF)およびディフェンダー(DF)とした(男子:159名、女子:75名)。唾液からDNAを抽出し、TaqMan法によりACTN3 R577X(rs1815739)およびACE I/D(rs4340)の遺伝子型を分析した。【結果】男子選手においてのみ、ACTN3多型の頻度はポジションごとに有意に異なり(P<0.05、カイ二乗検定)、FW>MF>DFの順にRR型が多く、XX型が少なかった。一方、ACE多型は、男女に関係なくポジションとの関連は認められなかった。【結論】男子サッカー選手において、ACTN3 R577X多型はポジション特性に関連する可能性が示された。
内藤 子生 高田 守正
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空學會誌 (ISSN:18835422)
vol.5, no.44, pp.1205-1224, 1938-12-05 (Released:2009-07-09)

The stress analysis of the wing is now in general calculated by the idea of so called "elastic axis". But the idea is based on the assumption that the metal covered wing is so rigid to torsion that any torque offers to the wing no torsional deflection, and that the torque offers no stress to flangess. Therefore it may be easily supposed that the former idea may fail in the case of large torque. The present paper discribes a rational and rigorous method of stress analysis for wings which was developed and successfully applied by the authors in desigh of an aeroplane. The principle of the present method is based on the well known fact that the total deflection of a beam is the sum of the bending deflection and the shear deflection, considering the whole structure as statically indeterminate. Applying the principle of minimum strain energy, the authors calculated both the energy of bending and the energy of shear as shown in the eqn. (13) of illustrative problem. So the paper notes to the idea of "Shear Lag", and treats it analytically. Fig.3 is the illustrative problem. Flanges are considered to take fiber stress only. Webs, skins and ribs are considered to take shear stress only, recieving no fiber stress in X direction. Shear stresses in webs and skins between ribs are considered constant, changing only at ribs. Balance of the forces are expressed in six components, eqns (1)→(6). The idea of Fig.4 leads to eqs (7)→(10). They may be reduced to the relation (11). Statics gives no farther relation, q is indeterminate and must be solved by the principle of mininum strain energy. Total strain energy may be expresseed by (13), equation for q by (14), required solution for q by (15), and the other unknown by (11) & (15). Thus the inter-action of ribs and skins to both spars are easily calculated, which should be compared with the theory of Paul Kuhn, treating the rib action in the wing of wooden spar (N.A.C.A. Tech. Rep. No 508, 1935). Chapter 5 and 6 are the formula which were practically applied by the authors in the design of a seaplane. In the appendix (the last chapter), phisical meaning of expression (15) are developed. When L=∞ or G=∞, exp. (15) is reduced to the idea of "elastic axis, " in which the first term is for bending and the recond term is for torsion. When tv=tL=0, exp. (5) is reduced to the formnla for fabric covered wing. Thus it is concluded that the idea of "elastic axis" can be correctly applied only for the region far away from wing root and not for the region near the wing root, where the present method is varlid and beneficient.
斎藤 文彦 岡部 義信 菅 偉哉 渡邉 徹 有永 照子 内藤 嘉記 内田 信治 久下 亨 豊永 純 神代 正道 木下 壽文 鶴田 修 佐田 通夫
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.105, no.10, pp.1509-1514, 2008 (Released:2008-10-08)

内藤 まりこ
物語研究 (ISSN:13481622)
vol.7, pp.1-13, 2007

In this paper by focusing on a topic, Shiga no yamagoe, the author considers the dynamics of medieval poetry. A striking feature of the poems composed on the set topic Shiga no yamagoe in the Roppyakuban utaawase (1193) is that all of them included the phrase "Flower". Previous researchers have argued that there was a strong connection between Shiga no yamagoe and the phrase "Flower" in medieval poetry, even though the reason for this connection remained uncertain. How then did flowers come to be associated with Shiga no yamagoe? The author begins with discussing what led Shiga no Yamagoe to be linked with the idea of flowers. First, the author examines how Fujiwara no Shunzei, the judge of the Roppyakuban utaawase, supported the notion of combining Shiga no yamagoe with spring flowers in poetry composition. Secondly, the author shows how some poems pair flowers with the idea of female pilgrims traveling to Shiga Temple. The author argues that there were narratives about women pilgrims going to Shiga Temple which supported the relationship between Shiga no yamagoe and women. And the author also shows that the actual pilgrimage to Shiga Temple was no longer practiced by Shunzei's time. The author suggests that the association of Shiga no yamagoe with the idea of flowers developed from narratives of female pilgrims set in the past. In addition, the author focuses on a famous place. or utamakura, Shiga no hanazono, which appeared in medieval times for the first time. The author argues that it was a fictional place, which created whereby the topic Shiga no yamagoe came to be associated with flowers.
内藤 徹 Tohru Naito
同志社商学 = Doshisha Shogaku (The Doshisha Business Review) (ISSN:03872858)
vol.73, no.2, pp.713-731, 2021-09-17

保田 静江 武藤 正 中岡 洋子 山下 朋子 岡村 好孝 柏木 哲夫 内藤 俊一
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.8, no.3, pp.222-228, 1982-08-20 (Released:2011-08-11)

Brompton mixture was used for reducing the pain in cancer patients at the terminal stage. The mixture was effective in treatment and caused no adverse reactions, such as cloudiness of consciousness, personality deviation, and psychological dependency and tolerance. Some patients were able to take the mixture orally until the day just before death. The effectiveness of the Brompton mixture was investigated on 34 patients. It was considered that the increase in dose to reduce a pain might be due to the increase of pain associated with exacerbation of cancer and/ or malabsorption of morphine rather than drug tolerance to morphine. Morphine concentration in plasma of a patient with pain well-controlled by the mixture was about 0.4μg/ml. Adverse reactions of the Brompton mixture were decreased in parallel with the use of prochlorperazine and other drugs.