@reftikeni Additionally, there are two Coptic grammar books in Japanese (the older one was published in 1942!) and one in Korean.
I heard there are also some in Scandinavian languages... but I'm not sure. https://t.co/hjczERv0Ka
『牧夫の物語』(Tales of the Herdsman)は小山雅人先生による「古代エジプトの文芸作品目録」(『オリエント』28(1), pp. 145–157, 1985.)では『牧夫と女神』(p.148)として載っています。https://t.co/2JfcEv8kq4 https://t.co/KIXBFHJcgy
The first acoustical letter from the AST Advance Publication System is now available. Can a character be guessed from the Smash Bros. Ultimate controller sound?
In “Edo jiman meisan zue,” the characters are personified specialties of Edo, such as Edo River Carp, a kitsune (fox) doll, mochibana (rice cake flower) and the first bonito of the season. You can find 50 kinds of Edo specialties in this book.
https://t.co/PLfF60pnJW https://t.co/UTSeek3icE
Pioneering work for #JapaneseStudies.This book is one of the earliest works as a full-scale translation and reproduction of Japanese literature in Europe. Translated by Austrian oriental scholar August Pfizmaier; published in 1847, Vienna. #ndldigital https://t.co/8X82sI0UKn https://t.co/RgCjp8u1Z6
This picture scroll from the early Edo period depicts events of the year and seasonal games in Kyoto. In the picture for January, children are playing vigorously, hitting a ball with a broom and a toy called a buriburi. #ndldigital https://t.co/A11wugut1n https://t.co/BsA9sasVyv
Do you make #snowmen when it snows? Even in the Edo period, people sometimes made snowmen when it snowed, but it looks somewhat different...! #ndldigital https://t.co/lzGeG9tDLP https://t.co/UfaFzGdgYP
(承前)ウクライナのツイート分析論文はこちらです。内容については日本語でプレスリリースしています。>>>J-STAGE Articles - Real-Time Prediction of Medical Demand and Mental Health Status in Ukraine under Russian Invasion Using Tweet Analysis https://t.co/i1yFo9GkMm
Have you ever heard of a dance called Bugaku? It is a dance accompanied by music that was introduced to Japan from China and Korea during the Nara and Heian period. Take a look at the colorful costumes of Bugaku! #ndldigital
https://t.co/8Nxaouer6z https://t.co/rocSih55tn
Nyohitsu 女筆 in the wild! A letter written by Hosokawa Gracia in late 16th century.
This highly cursivized writing style is particularly difficult to read because of its scattered layout. It's all over the place!
But there is a logic behind it.
https://t.co/EQ7dlKIcfc https://t.co/8U75vIFCfJ
CiNii 図書 - Daughters of the Anglican clergy : religion, gender and identity in Victorian England https://t.co/kzCuceZ5Ri #CiNii
【言語研究・掲載論文】An Eye-tracking Investigation of Pre-head and Head-driven Processing for Scrambled Japanese Sentences (Katsuo Tamaoka and Michael P. Mansbridge) 155号 https://t.co/XWEdNlY85A
【言語研究・掲載論文】An Eye-tracking Investigation of Pre-head and Head-driven Processing for Scrambled Japanese Sentences (Katsuo Tamaoka and Michael P. Mansbridge) 155号 https://t.co/XWEdNlY85A
#Aquarium at #ndldigital, with a picture scroll by KURIMOTO Tanshu. He was a physician of the mid to late Edo period as well as a naturalist, who left many accurate and beautiful sketches of plants and animals. https://t.co/lEb2FG949A https://t.co/NToAvoZje4