Training native speakers of Japanese to distinguish English /ɹ/ and /l/: Order effect of the perception training and production training
J-STAGE Articles - Syllable Instruction: Recommendations for the Teaching of Speech and Pronunciation in English Education in Japan
The analysis showed that among the 769 katakana words, 400 words were guessed correctly by all native speakers, while 120 words were not correctly understood by anyone. Additionally, 119 words could be easily understood.
とある用事で読み直したら良く書けていて感心した。/J-STAGE Articles - J. R. Smith & S. A. Haslam(編)樋口匡貴・藤島喜嗣(監訳)『社会心理学再入門:ブレークスルーを生んだ12の研究』 (2017年,新曜社)